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Oracle® Files Administrator's Guide
Release 2 (9.0.4)

Part Number B10872-02
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G Globalization Support

This appendix provides information about Oracle Files globalization support. Topics include:

Globalization Support Overview

Oracle Files globalization support enables users to store and search documents of heterogeneous character sets and languages in a single Oracle Files instance. The globalization infrastructure ensures that the resource strings, error messages, sort order, date, time, numeric, and calendar conventions adapt automatically to any native language and locale.

The Repository

The repository is the implementation of the core of Oracle Files, on which the protocol servers and applications are built. Globalization support is provided in the repository so that the other dependent components can share and utilize this support. The major globalization goal for the repository is to ensure efficient storage of documents of heterogeneous character sets and languages, and to allow effective update, retrieval, and search on these documents.

How to Choose the Database Character Set for Oracle Files

In the repository, all metadata strings, such as the name of the document or the description, are stored in the VARCHAR2 data type of the Oracle9i database. Strings stored in this data type are encoded in the database character set specified when a database is created. The document itself, however, is unstructured data and stored in one of the large object data types of the Oracle9i database, particularly the BLOB data type. The BLOB data type stores content as-is, avoiding any character set conversion on document content. The LONG and CLOB data types store content in the database character set, which requires character set conversion. Conversions can compromise the data integrity and have the potential to convert incorrectly or lose characters.

The full-text search index built on the document content is encoded in the database character set. When a document's content is indexed, the BLOB data is converted from the content's character set to the database character set for creation of the index text tokens. If the content's character set is not a subset of the database character set, the conversion will yield garbage tokens. For example, a database character set of ISO-8859-1 (Western European languages) will not be able to index correctly a Shift-JIS (Japanese) document. To be able to search content effectively, the character set of the documents stored by the users should be considered when selecting the database character set.

If your Oracle Files instance will contain multilingual documents, UTF-8 is the recommended database character set. UTF-8 supports characters defined in the Unicode standard. The Unicode standard solves the problem of many different languages in the same application or database. Unicode is a single, global character set which contains all major living scripts and conforms to international standards. Unicode provides a unique code value for every character, regardless of the platform, program, or language. UTF-8 is the 8-bit encoding of Unicode. It is a variable-width encoding and a strict superset of ASCII. One Unicode character can be 1 byte, 2 bytes, 3 bytes, or 4 bytes in UTF-8 encoding. Characters from the European scripts are represented in either 1 or 2 bytes. Characters from most Asian scripts are represented in 3 bytes. Supplementary characters are represented in 4 bytes. By using a Unicode-based file system, document content and metadata of different languages can be shared by users with different language preferences in one system.

The Oracle9i database introduces the new character set, AL32UTF-8. In Release 1, AL32UTF-8 was the default character set for Unicode 3.0 deployment. In Release 2, AL32UTF-8 is compliant to the latest Unicode 3.1 standard, which contains the supplementary characters, particularly additional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean ideographs. AL32UTF-8 is the default character set of an Oracle9i database installation.


Oracle Files does not support an AL32UTF-8 database because Oracle Text does not support Chinese, Japanese, and Korean lexers on an AL32UTF-8 database. UTF-8 is the recommended database character set for an Unicode-based file system. If Oracle Files is installed in an AL32UTF-8 database, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean documents will not get indexed and, thus, will not be searchable.

The Oracle Files Configuration Assistant will fail in a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean locale against an AL32UTF-8 database. This is because Oracle Text behaves differently when the database session language is initialized to an Asian language as opposed to American. JDBC initializes the database session language according to the locale of the running application, which in this case is the configuration tool.

How to Make Sure Documents Are Properly Indexed in Oracle Files

To support documents in different character sets and languages in a single file system, the repository associates two globalization attributes per document. They are the character set and language attributes.

Character Set

The character set of a document is used in several situations. When the document content is rendered to a file, the character set of the document is used as the character encoding of the file. When the document is displayed in the browser, the character set of the document is set in the HTTP content-type header. Finally, when a full-text search is built on a text document, Oracle Text uses the character set of the document to convert the data into the database character set before building the index. When a character set is updated, the content is reindexed.

If no character set is specified upon insertion of a document, the repository determines a default character set as follows: the character set of the user's LibrarySession stored in the Localizer object is first used. This is obtained from the user's PrimaryUserProfile information at initialization of the user's LibrarySession.


The language of a document is used as a criterion to limit the search for documents of a particular language. It is also used to build a full-text search index on the document with Oracle Text. Oracle Text's multilexer feature uses the language to identify the specific lexer to parse the document for searchable words. The language-specific lexers need to be defined and associated with a language before the index is built. They are defined as follows:

Table G-1 Language-Specific Lexers

Language Lexer Lexer Option
Brazilian Portuguese BASIC_LEXER BASE LETTER










Simplified Chinese CHINES_VGRAM_LEXER N/A





The BASIC_LEXER is used for single-byte languages using white space as a word separator. Asian language lexers cannot use white space as word separators. Instead, they use a V-gram algorithm to parse the documents for searchable keys. Languages that have not been supported by Oracle Text are parsed as English. Oracle Files uses the multilexer feature of Oracle Text. It is a global lexer containing German, Danish, Swedish, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean sublexers.

If no language is specified upon insertion of a document, the repository determines a default language as follows.

  1. If the character set has been set, the language can most likely be obtained from a 'best-guess' algorithm based on the character set value. For example, a document with a character set of Shift-JIS will most likely be in Japanese.

  2. The default language is obtained from the Localizer of the user's LibrarySession. During initialization of the LibrarySession, the default language is obtained from the user's PrimaryUserProfile.

  3. The defaults for both language and character set is specified by the Subscriber Administrator when a new user is created.

Oracle Files identifies languages using Oracle NLS language abbreviations. See "Languages Supported In Oracle Files" for a list of Oracle Files-supported languages.

Service Configuration Properties

There are two service configuration properties that hold default character set and language values for Oracle Files Subscribers. The properties are:

  • IFS.SERVICE.DefaultCharacterSet

  • IFS.SERVICE.DefaultLanguage

These two properties are initialized with the Oracle Files Configuration Assistant tool and can be later modified through the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site. The Oracle Files default character set should be the same or a subset of the database character set. The character set should be specified in accordance with the IANA standard naming convention. The language should be specified in accordance with Oracle naming for languages. See "Character Sets Supported in Oracle Files" and "Languages Supported In Oracle Files" for a list of Oracle Files-supported character sets and languages.

Oracle Files Protocols

Oracle Files does not support multibyte user names for certain protocols. Access through WebDAV (Web Folders and Oracle FileSync), HTTP, and SMB is not available for user names that contain multibyte characters. FTP allows multibyte user names. In addition, some protocols require that user passwords be in ASCII.


The standard FTP protocol does not define the character set of the file names or directory names that are usually passed as arguments of FTP commands. The FTP server is responsible for interpreting the byte sequence of the FTP commands. To allow users to access documents of different character sets and languages, the Oracle Files FTP server provides the following QUOTE commands:

  • Ftp> quote setcharencoding: Allows users to specify the character set for the FTP session. This character set specifies the character encoding to be used in subsequent FTP commands and the character set of the documents to be uploaded. The FTP protocol server converts FTP commands from this character encoding to Java String and vice versa. When the FTP session is first created, the FTP server uses the default character set of the session. The IANA naming standards should be used to specify the character set.

  • Ftp> quote showcharencoding: Displays the current character set of the FTP session. The character set is displayed in the IANA naming standards.

  • Ftp> quote setlanguage: Allows users to specify the language for the FTP session. The language of a FTP session is then associated with the documents that are uploaded. Oracle Text uses the language information to determine the appropriate lexer to use to index the document. When the FTP session is first created, the FTP server uses the default language of the session. Oracle language names should be used.

  • Ftp> quote showlanguage: Displays the current language of the FTP session. The language is displayed with the Oracle naming standard.

When a quote command is issued to change the character set or language of the FTP session, the FTP server actually updates the settings in the Localizer object of the current LibrarySession. Subsequently, since quote commands cannot be issued until a FTP session is established, only user names in the character set or subset of the FTP server's default character set can be used to log in to the FTP server. Appendix F, "FTP Quote Command Reference" for more information about quote commands.

Users can specify the character sets and languages of their environments using standard command-line FTP clients.


The Server Message Block (SMB) protocol server implements the SMB protocol to allow mounting of Oracle Files as a disk drive in Microsoft Windows Explorer. Microsoft has included Unicode support for the SMB protocol since LanManager Version 0.12.

The SMB protocol does not allow users to pass the character set and language information to the server. The session defaults will be used for documents inserted into the repository via the SMB protocols.

Character Sets Supported in Oracle Files

The following table summarizes the character sets supported in Oracle Files.

Table G-2 Character Sets Supported in Oracle Files

Language IANA Preferred MIME Charset IANA Additional Aliases Java Encodings Oracle Charset
Arabic (ISO) iso-8859-6 ISO_8859-6:1987, iso-ir-127, ISO_8859-6, ECMA-114, ASMO-708, arabic, csISOLatinArabic ISO8859_6 AR8ISO8859P6
Arabic (Windows) windows-1256 none Cp1256 AR8MSWIN1256
Baltic (ISO) iso-8859-4 csISOLatin4, iso-ir-110, ISO_8859-4, ISO_8859-4:1988, l4, latin4 ISO8859_4 NEE8ISO8859P4
Baltic (Windows) windows-1257 none Cp1257 BLT8MSWIN1257
Central European (DOS) ibm852 cp852, 852, csPcp852 Cp852 EE8PC852
Central European (ISO) iso-8859-2 csISOLatin2, iso-ir-101, iso8859-2, iso_8859-2, iso_8859-2:1987, l2, latin2 ISO8859_2 EE8ISO8859P2
Central European (Windows) windows-1250 x-cp1250 Cp1250 EE8MSWIN1250
Chinese iso-2022-cn

It is not defined in IANA, but use in MIME documents.

csISO2022CN ISO2022CN ISO2022-CN
Chinese Simplified (GB2312) gb2312 chinese, csGB2312, csISO58GB231280, GB2312, GB_2312-80, iso-ir-58 EUC_CN ZHS16CGB231280
Chinese Simplified (Windows) GBK windows-936 GBK ZHS16GBK
Chinese Traditional big5 csbig5, x-x-big5 Big5 ZHT16BIG5
Chinese Traditional windows-950 none MS950 ZHT16MSWIN950
Chinese Traditional (EUC-TW) EUC-TW none EUC_TW ZHT32EUC
Cyrillic (DOS) ibm866 cp866, 866, csIBM866 Cp866 RU8PC866
Cyrillic (ISO) iso-8859-5 csISOLatinCyrillic, cyrillic, iso-ir-144, ISO_8859-5, ISO_8859-5:1988 ISO8859_5 CL8ISO8859P5
Cyrillic (KOI8-R) koi8-r csKOI8R, koi KOI8_R CL8KOI8R
Cyrillic Alphabet (Windows) windows-1251 x-cp1251 Cp1251 CL8MSWIN1251
Greek (ISO) iso-8859-7 csISOLatinGreek,  ECMA-118, ELOT_928, greek, greek8, iso-ir-126, ISO_8859-7, ISO_8859-7:1987, csISOLatinGreek ISO8859_7 EL8ISO8859P7
Greek (Windows) windows-1253 none Cp1253 EL8MSWIN1253
Hebrew (ISO) iso-8859-8 csISOLatinHebrew, hebrew, iso-ir-138, ISO_8859-8, visual, ISO-8859-8 Visual, ISO_8859-8:1988 ISO8859_8 IW8ISO8859P8
Hebrew (Windows) windows-1255 none Cp1255 IW8MSWIN1255
Japanese (JIS) iso-2022-jp csISO2022JP ISO2022JP ISO2022-JP
Japanese (EUC) euc-jp csEUCPkdFmtJapanese, Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese, x-euc, x-euc-jp EUC_JP JA16EUC
Japanese (Shift-JIS) shift_jis csShiftJIS, csWindows31J, ms_Kanji, shift-jis, x-ms-cp932, x-sjis MS932 JA16SJIS
Korean ks_c_5601-1987 csKSC56011987, korean, ks_c_5601, euc-kr, csEUCKR EUC_KR KO16KSC5601
Korean (ISO) iso-2022-kr csISO2022KR ISO2022KR ISO2022-KR
Korean (Windows) windows-949 none MS949 KO16MSWIN949
South European (ISO) iso-8859-3 ISO_8859-3, ISO_8859-3:1988, iso-ir-109, latin3, l3, csISOLatin3 ISO8859_3 SE8ISO8859P3
Thai TIS-620 windows-874 TIS620 TH8TISASCII
Turkish (Windows) windows-1254 none Cp1254 TR8MSWIN1254
Turkish (ISO) iso-8859-9 latin5, l5, csISOLatin5, ISO_8859-9, iso-ir-148, ISO_8859-9:1989 ISO8859_9 WE8ISO8859P9
Universal (UTF-8) utf-8 unicode-1-1-utf-8, unicode-2-0-utf-8, x-unicode-2-0-utf-8 UTF8 UTF8
Vietnamese (Windows) windows-1258 none Cp1258 VN8MSWIN1258
Western Alphabet iso-8859-1 cp819, ibm819, iso-ir-100, iso8859-1, iso_8859-1, iso_8859-1:1987, latin1, l1, csISOLatin1 ISO8859_1 WE8ISO8859P1
Western Alphabet (DOS) ibm850 cp850, 850, csIBM850 Cp850 WE38PC850
Western Alphabet (Windows) windows-1252 x-ansi Cp1252 WE8MSWIN1252

Languages Supported In Oracle Files

The following table summarizes the languages supported in Oracle Files.

Table G-3 Languages Supported in Oracle Files

Oracle Language Name Java Locale ISO Locale
Arabic ar ar
Bengali bn bn
Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR pt-br
Bulgarian bg bg
Canadian French fr_CA fr-CA
Catalan ca ca
Croatian hr hr
Czech cs cs
Danish da da
Dutch nl nl
Egyptian ar_EG ar-eg
American en en
English en_GB en-gb
Estonian et et
Finnish fi fi
French fr fr
German de de
Greek el el
Hebrew he he
Hungarian hu hu
Icelandic is is
Indonesian id in
Italian it it
Japanese ja ja
Korean ko ko
Latin American Spanish es es
Latvian lv lv
Lithuanian lt lv
Malay ms ms
Mexican Spanish es_MX es-mx
Norwegian no no
Polish pl pl
Portuguese pt pt
Romanian ro ro
Russian ru ru
Simplified Chinese zh_CN zh-cn
Slovak sk sk
Slovenian sl sl
Spanish es_ES es-es
Swedish sv sv
Thai th th
Traditional Chinese zh_TW zh-tw
Turkish tr tr
Ukrainian uk uk
Vietnamese vi vi