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Oracle® Files Administrator's Guide
Release 2 (9.0.4)

Part Number B10872-02
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C Server Configuration Properties

Each server has an IFS.SERVER.Class property that identifies the Java class that the node uses to instantiate the server or agent. You cannot change the name of the class; if you do, the protocol server or agent will not run.

The properties listed in these tables are all required for an agent or protocol server to run properly. When you install and configure an Oracle Files instance, the properties are configured using the default values shown in the tables in this section. You can change these in the base class and then create new servers or agents based on the changes, or you can change the values in the running server or agent. See Chapter 6, "Changing Configuration Settings" for additional information.

This appendix includes the following topics:

Access Control List Index Agent

The Access Control List Index Agent performs background maintenance operations on internal Oracle Files tables that are referred to collectively as the "ACL index." These tables make certain security functions (such as object discovery, ACL resolution, ACL proxies, and Workspace membership resolution) perform better.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates this agent is:

Table C-1 Access Control List Index Agent Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.SESSION.User User name for server session. Must be a user with Oracle Files administrator privileges. system
FS.SERVER.TIMER.InitialDelay The initial delay when the agent will first run; this allows the agents' first trigger to be staggered.

h = hours, m = minutes, s = seconds

IFS.SERVER.TIMER.ActivationPeriod Time interval between agent activation. Default setting of 24h activates the agent every 24 hours. Set time in h (hours), m (minutes), or s (seconds). 24h
IFS.SERVER.AGENT.ACCESSCONTROLLIST INDEXAGENT.MaxDeferredEntryCount Maximum number of entries to process in a single batch. The default value should rarely be modified. 10000
FS.SERVER.AGENT.ACCESSCONTROLLIST INDEXAGENT.PublishStatisticsPeriod Time interval at which agent statistics are published. Set time in h (hours), m (minutes), or s (seconds). 1m

AppleTalk Filing Protocol (AFP) Server

AppleTalk Filing Protocol (AFP) is the remote filing system protocol that enables Macintosh users to store, access, and share files over a network. AppleShare is the AFP file server that is implemented on Macintosh computers. The Oracle Files AFP server enables Macintosh users to access Oracle Files as if it were an AppleShare server.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates the AFP Server is:


Table C-2 AFP Server Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.SESSION.User User name for server session. Must be a user with Oracle Files administrator privileges. system
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.AFP. AcceptGuestConnections Allows or prevents unauthenticated guest connections. Set to true to allow unauthenticated users (guests) to connect. Set to false to require authentication (thus disabling guest access). true
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.AFP. DisableFolderIcons Disables or enables custom Macintosh folder icons. Set to true to disable folder icons. Set to false to enable custom folder icons. By default, custom folder icons are disabled to provide faster file browsing. true
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.AFP. DisablePkgInfo Whether or not to "vanish" the special Macintosh contents/PkgInfo file. Set to true to hide all PkgInfo files. Set to false to display PkgInfo files. By default, PkgInfo files are not displayed to provide faster file browsing. true
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.AFP. Encoding The encoding to use (Java or IANA code name) to convert Macintosh strings. MacRoman
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.AFP. LocalBindAddress The IP address that the server will use (bind to) when listening for incoming connections.

This value is set to the server IP address by default. It should not be modified except in unusual cases, for example, a multi-homed server.

IP address or DNS name
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.AFP. MaxOpenFiles Maximum number of open file forks for each connected session. Macintosh files consist of up to two forks. A connected session can open only up to this number of forks simultaneously. 1024
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.AFP. Port The AFP port; fixed and set to 548. If not specified, Oracle Files uses the local host address and port 548.

Content Garbage Collection Agent

File attributes and content are stored separately. For performance reasons, the content of a document is not deleted when the document is deleted. The Content Garbage Collection Agent deletes the unreferenced content. This agent runs at specific times of the day as specified in the server configuration file.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates this agent is:

Table C-3 Content Garbage Collection Agent Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.AGENT.CONTENTGARBAGE COLLECTIONAGENT.FilteredContent RemovalPeriod Amount of time filtered content is kept in the system before it is deleted. HTML-generated rendition of content is an example of filtered content. Unit of measure is seconds. 3600

Dangling Object AV Cleanup Agent

Similar to the Garbage Collection Agent, the Dangling Object AV Cleanup Agent removes orphaned object type references and identifies all invalid object references, such as references to objects that no longer exist, and sets these references to null for array type attributes and zero for scalar attributes. For example, this agent cleans up the owner attribute of a document pointing to directory object which was deleted and is now invalid.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates this agent is:

Table C-4 Dangling Object AV Cleanup Agent Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.AGENTS.DANGLING OBJECTAVCLEANUPAGENT. ExcludedAttributeList A list of attributes for which invalid references to Library Objects are not cleaned up.

Do not delete the default values, so the Garbage Collection Agent can handle deleted users correctly. Add additional attributes as needed.







Distributed Authoring and Versioning (DAV) Server Configuration

Through Web Folders (WebDAV) and Web Folders-enabled applications, you can edit Microsoft Office documents stored in Oracle Files in place with Windows Office 2000. A new document can be created in Oracle Files this way. Customers can then delete this document in a Web Folder. This servlet also serves documents over HTTP (browser).

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates this server is:


Table C-5 DAV Server Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. Browse.Enabled This value has no effect in Oracle Files. N/A
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. ContextServletPath This value has no effect in Oracle Files. N/A
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. GuestPool.Size.Max The maximum size of the anonymous session pool. This is allocated if the target size is not sufficient to service traffic volume, but will wait IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. GuestPool.Timeout.Target milliseconds before allocating. 10
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. GuestPool.Size.Min The minimum size of the anonymous session pool. This is allocated immediately upon startup. 1
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. GuestPool.Size.Target The target size of the anonymous session pool. This is allocated immediately if the target size is not sufficient to service traffic volume. 5
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. GuestPool.Timeout.Max The maximum time before the anonymous session pool times out. The DAV Server will wait this amount of time before returning "Server Busy" if the Max size has been reached. 1500
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. GuestPool.Timeout.Target The targeted time before the anonymous session pool times out. The DAV Server will wait this amount of time before allocating a new session if the Target size has been reached. 500
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. IfsServer.Auth.TokenCredential. Timeout When the DAV Server generates a token credential, how long should it be good for. Currently used by Oracle FileSync.

This property is measured in seconds. Set to zero to disable the token credential.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. Jsp.AllowedDirs This value has no effect in Oracle Files. N/A
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. Jsp.Enabled Whether JSP execution is enabled. Must always be false. Do not change. false
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. Jsp.Lookup.BundleName This value has no effect in Oracle Files. N/A
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. Jsp.Lookup.ParameterName This value has no effect in Oracle Files. N/A
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. LoginBeanName The name by which the IfsHttpLogin bean is bound to the HttpSession. Do not change. IfsHttpLogin
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. UserLoginPool.Max How many concurrent connections a given user can have. 3
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. Welcome The welcome files, in the order they will be searched. index.html
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.DAV. Webfolders.DefaultCharset This value has no effect in Oracle Files. N/A

Event Exchanger Agent

This agent periodically purges expired events from the event queue.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates this agent is:

Table C-6 Event Exchanger Agent Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.EventLifespan The time, in seconds, after which an event is assumed to have been delivered and become eligible for purging. 1800

Expiration Agent

All public objects have an attribute called ExpirationDate. Once this date passes, the Public Objects are automatically deleted. This is handled by the Expiration Agent, which periodically deletes expired objects. If the expiration date of a Public Object passes, the agent deletes the Public Object. This agent runs at specific times of the day as specified in the server configuration parameter, IFS.SERVER.TIMER. ACTIVATIONPERIOD.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates this agent is:

Table C-7 Expiration Agent Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.SESSION.User User name for server session. Must be a user with Oracle Files administrator privileges. system
IFS.SERVER.TIMER.InitialTimeOfDay First event.

Set time based on a 24 hour clock.

IFS.SERVER.TIMER.ActivationPeriod Defines the time interval between when the agent will be triggered.

h = hours, m = minutes, s = seconds.


File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server

The FTP server allows users to easily transfer files between one file system and the Oracle Files repository. FTP is particularly useful when performing bulk transfers, in regards to both ease and performance. In addition to the common FTP commands, the Oracle Files server also has built-in parsing and versioning support.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates the FTP server is:


Table C-8 FTP Server Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.FTP. Localhost Optionally, specify the host name if the host is multi-homed in the network. Default_Hostname
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.FTP. AnonymousAllowed If set to true, allows anonymous connections. true
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.FTP. DateFormat Specifies the default date format. MMM dd HH:mm
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.FTP. Timeout Amount of time between activity before the connection times out; default is 900 seconds or 15 minutes.

Unit of measure is milliseconds.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.FTP. Delimiter Specifies the Folder Path Delimiter. /
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.FTP. Port The port on which the server is running. 21 (Windows), 2100 (UNIX)
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.FTP. AcceptQueueSize The number of server requests back-logged before denying requests.

Do not change.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.FTP. AnonymousPoolSize Initial pool size for anonymous connections. 0
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.FTP. BannerText The string that will be displayed when the FTP client is started. Oracle Files FTP Server ready

Files Base Server Configuration

Oracle Files uses additional server configuration properties, specific to Oracle Files. These properties are inherited and locally defined.


If you configured Oracle Files to reuse a previously created schema, you must edit the following Files Base Server Configuration properties so that they point to the appropriate computer:



Or, you can override these properties in the server-specific configurations.

Table C-9 Files Base Server Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.FILES. FileSyncUrl URL for the Oracle FileSync installation executable. Set to a relative URL if the client is on Oracle Files, or to an absolute URL if the client is on a different server. AllPublic/Users/Users-S/system-data/downloads/FileSync.exe
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.FILES. PortalUrl URL for the Back to Portal global button. null
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.FILES. PrivacyStatement Location of privacy statement relative to the folder /AllPublic/Users/Users-s/system-data/. null
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.FILES. PublicBrowsingAllowed Whether users can browse public folders without logging in. Only applies to dedicated schema mode. true
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.FILES. WorkflowUrl URL for the workflow global button. Set during install
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.UIX. AdministratorEmail The email address of the person who administers the system and receives alerts and error reports. Set during install
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.UIX. ApplicationHost The host name of the site (where a user connects; e.g., Set during install
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.UIX. ApplicationPort The port number of the site (usually 7777). Set during install
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.UIX. ApplicationServletMount The mount point for the application servlet. /files/app
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.UIX. ApplicationUseHttps Whether the site uses SSL/HTTPS; e.g., false
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.UIX. ContentServletMount The mount point for the content/DAV servlet. /files/content
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.UIX. HttpAuthManagerClass The HTTP Authentication Manager to use. Do not change. oracle.ifs.files. servlet.FilesHttp AuthManager
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.UIX. MaximumUniqueSessionsPerUser The maximum number of distinct sessions a Web user can get. After the maximum number has been reached, the sessions are shared in a round-robin fashion. 3
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.UIX. OID.UserProvisioningEnabled If set to true, enables on-demand enrollment, a process in which Oracle Files performs the necessary tasks to automatically provision a new user. true
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.UIX. SSO.Enabled If set to true, enables Single Sign-On (SSO). true
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.UIX. SmtpHost The Host name of the SMTP server. Set during install
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.UIX. SmtpUser The SMTP user, if the SMTP server requires a user to be specified. Set during install
IFS.SERVER.APPLICATION.UIX. StaticResourcesMount The mount point for the static images used to render Web pages. /files/static

Files-Specific Server Configuration

Oracle Files uses several server configurations that do not have properties of their own; they only inherit from other configurations. The properties of the Files-specific configurations may override properties from the inherited configurations.

Table C-10 Files-Specific Server Configurations

Server Configuration Name Inherits From:
FilesAfpServerConfiguration FilesBaseServerConfiguration, AfpServerConfiguration
FilesArchiveFileToBFileAgent Configuration FilesBaseServerConfiguration
FilesDelayedArchiveFileToBFileAgent Configuration FilesBaseServerConfiguration
FilesFtpServerConfiguration FilesBaseServerConfiguration, FtpServerConfiguration
FilesHttpServerConfiguration FilesBaseServerConfiguration, DavServerConfiguration
FilesNfsServerConfiguration FilesBaseServerConfiguration, NfsServerConfiguration
FilesNtfsServerConfiguration FilesBaseServerConfiguration, NtfsServerConfiguration
FilesOidUserSynchronizationAgent Configuration FilesBaseServerConfiguration
FilesReviewProcessExpirationAgent Configuration FilesBaseServerConfiguration
FilesSmbServerConfiguration FilesBaseServerConfiguration, SmbServerConfiguration
FilesSubscriberExpirationAgent Configuration FilesBaseServerConfiguration
FilesSubscriberUsageAgent Configuration FilesBaseServerConfiguration
FilesSubscriberUsageStatsAgent Configuration FilesBaseServerConfiguration
FilesUserExpirationAgentConfiguration FilesBaseServerConfiguration
FilesWorkflowLockCleanupAgent Configuration FilesBaseServerConfiguration

The Oracle Files HTTP Server

Do not change the name of the FilesHttpServer. If you change the server name, you will not be able to access Oracle Files through the Web application interface.

If you must change the FilesHttpServer name, you must also change the name in the web.xml configuration file. To change the FilesHttpServer name:

  1. Rename the server using the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site.

  2. Edit web.xml, located in the following directory:


    Look for the following lines of code and replace the value for <param-value>:

  3. Save the file.

  4. Restart the OC4J instance.

Folder Index Analyzer Agent

Oracle Files uses an internal mechanism called the Folder Index to speed up folder-restricted queries. This index is modified every time the folder hierarchy gets changed, to reflect the up-to-date folder hierarchy. However, certain forms of file links may leave the Folder Index in a suboptimal state. The Folder Index Analyzer Agent runs periodically to detect and correct any such state, and return the Folder Index to an optimal state.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates this agent is:

You should never modify these values.

Table C-11 Folder Index Analyzer Agent Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.AGENTS.FOLDERINDEX ANALYZERAGENT.MaxParentsThreshold The threshold for max number of parents after which FIS is considered suboptimal.

This condition is ANDed with the MaxChildrenThreshold.

IFS.SERVER.AGENTS.FOLDERINDEX ANALYZERAGENT.MaxChildrenThreshold The threshold for max number of children after which FIS is considered suboptimal.

This condition is ANDed with the MaxParentsThreshold.


Garbage Collection Agent

The Garbage Collection Agent runs at specific times of the day as specified in the server configuration file. Currently, this agent fixes invalid Public Object owners, creators, deletors, and modifiers.

For example, a document is created and modified by "jsmith." The creator, owner, and last modifier attribute of document are set to jsmith's object ID. If "jsmith" is deleted, the attribute value becomes invalid. The agent replaces these invalid attribute values with the ID of the replacement owner, creator, or deletor specified in the server configuration file.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates this agent is:

Table C-12 Garbage Collection Agent Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.AGENT.GARBAGECOLLECTIONAGENT. ReplacementOwner User to be replaced as owner.

Modify as needed.

IFS.SERVER.AGENT.GARBAGECOLLECTIONAGENT. ReplacementDeletor User to be replaced as deletor.

Modify as needed.

IFS.SERVER.AGENT.GARBAGECOLLECTIONAGENT. ReplacementCreator User to be replaced as creator.

Modify as needed.

IFS.SERVER.AGENT.GARBAGECOLLECTIONAGENT. ReplacementModifier User to be replaced as modifier.

Modify as needed.


Inbound Queue Listener Agent

The Inbound Queue Listener Agent is a time-based agent that polls all of the inbound queues periodically so that Oracle Files can act upon the messages placed on inbound queues. The Inbound Queue Listener Agent can dequeue a message and delegate the work of processing to the message object itself.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates this agent is:

Table C-13 Inbound Queue Listener Agent Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.AGENT.INBOUNDQUEUELISTENERAGENT. Queues Holds a list of queues that the agent will listen on. IFS_IN

Lock Agent

The Lock Agent is a time-based agent that releases locks that are timed out. The agent needs to be running at all times for the lock auto-expiration function to work.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates this agent is:

NbServer [NetBIOS]

The NbServer is a name server for Windows NetBIOS names. It tells client computers that its name is registered to a particular IP address.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates this server is:


Table C-14 Nb Server Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.NB.Workgroup Name of the workgroup this server is in. WORKGROUP
IFS.SERVER.NB.ServerComment This holds the SMB server description that shows up in properties in Windows. Oracle Internet File Server
IFS.SERVER.NB.IpAddr If host is multi-homed, use this to choose the IP address if necessary IP Address returned by Socket.getInet Address()
IFS.SERVER.NB.Netmask NetMask for the name server. This is used to derive the broadcast address. No need to set this if the broadcast address is specified explicitly.
IFS.SERVER.NB.Broadcast Broadcast address. Use this if you know the broadcast address or want to override the address derived from the netmask. This is specified as a standard IP string (for example, Derived from the IP address and netmask
IFS.SERVER.NB.StatusInterval Number of packets between each status message to trace file. 100
IFS.SERVER.NB.HostAnnouncer Enables Host Announcement. true

Network File System (NFS) Protocol Server

The Network File System (NFS) protocol is used to provide file sharing between a client computer and a server computer across a network. The NFS protocol is a standard protocol which is widely used for file sharing on UNIX platforms. Although used primarily on UNIX platforms, the NFS protocol is designed to be operating system-independent and implementations of the NFS protocol exist for other platforms, such as Windows.

See "Using Oracle Files with NFS" for information about configuring the NFS server, including mapping UNIX UIDs to Oracle Files user accounts, setting up a trusted client list, and enabling NIS authentication.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates the NFS server is:


Table C-15 NFS Server Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. Localhost Specifies the IP address the server will listen on if the server computer is capable of listening on multiple IP addresses.

This is the same as the Localhost parameter on other protocol servers.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. PortmapUdpServers Specifies the number of UDP server threads to be started for the Portmap server.

The number of UDP server threads determines how many simultaneous UDP requests the Portmap server can handle.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. PortmapTcpEnabled Specifies whether or not the Portmap server will accept TCP connections in addition to UDP connections. true
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. MountUdpServers Specifies the number of UDP server threads to be started for the Mount server.

The number of UDP server threads determines how many simultaneous UDP requests the Mount server can handle.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. MountTcpEnabled Specifies whether or not the Mount server will accept TCP connections in addition to UDP connections. true
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. MountPort Specifies the port number which the Mount server will listen on. A value of zero will use any available port.

The Mount server will normally use any available port number and then register the port number being used with the Portmap server. A specific port number should be specified if the Mount server is a secondary server and does not register the port with the Portmap server.

4048 for UNIX; 0 for Windows platforms
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. UdpServers Specifies the number of UDP server threads to be started for the NFS server.

The number of UDP server threads determines how many simultaneous UDP requests the NFS server can handle.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. TcpEnabled Specifies whether or not the NFS server will accept TCP connections in addition to UDP connections. true
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. Port Specifies the port number which the NFS server will listen on.

The standard port number for the NFS server is port 2049. On UNIX systems, the standard UNIX NFS server will be running on the standard port, therefore the Oracle Files NFS server is configured to be a secondary NFS server running on a different port number.

4049 for UNIX; 2049 for Windows platforms
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. TrustedClientsEnabled Enable Trusted Client List feature. false
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. TrustedClientList List of trusted NFS clients. <"">
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. NISEnabled Used to indicate if NIS is used for user management. false
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. NISServiceProvider Provider of NIS service. This is an NIS server. <"">
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. CharacterEncoding Specifies the character encoding to be used to interpret string such as file names that the NFS server receives from the clients. The value is the name of a Java character encoding. For example: ASCII, ISO8859_1, or Cp437. A null value indicates that the default character encoding should be used. null
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. UserCacheMax Specifies the number of Oracle Files user sessions the NFS server will keep open.

This value should be set to the expected number of simultaneous active users.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. AllowAnonymousUser Allows users to login as anonymous/guest. true
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. ResetUserCache Used to control the resetting of the user cache. Used when privileges are changed. 0
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. IoBufferSize Specifies the I/O buffer size. The I/O buffer size determines the largest amount of data that can be read or written in a single request to the NFS server. 32768
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. IoBufferCacheTargetSize Specifies the number of I/O buffers that the NFS server will try to allocate.

This should be set to the expected number of simultaneous I/O operations.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. ContentCacheFlush Specifies the write flush time-out value in milliseconds. The default value of 2000 means that writes to an Oracle Files document will be committed to the database after 2 seconds.

Setting too low of a time-out value may cause additional database commits resulting is slower performance. Setting too high a time-out value will cause a delay before the data is committed and is available to other protocols.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. ContentCacheKeep Specifies the keep time-out value in milliseconds. The default value of 10000 means that once a document is opened, the NFS server will attempt to cache its contents for 10 seconds. 10000
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. ContentCacheMax Specifies the maximum number of documents the NFS server will keep in its content cache.

Increasing the content cache size improves performance but will use additional database connections.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. RpcRequestCacheBufferSize Specifies the size of the request cache buffer. The request cache maintains a history of recent requests and is used to return a reply when a duplicate request is received from a client. 65535
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. RpcRequestCacheMax Specifies the maximum number of requests to be kept in the request cache. The request cache maintains a history of recent requests and is used to return a reply when a duplicate request is received from a client. 64
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. RpcRequestCacheMaxReplyLen Specifies the maximum length of a reply to be kept in the request cache. The request cache maintains a history of recent requests and is used to return a reply when a duplicate request is received from a client. 16384
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. SafeWriteMode Specifies whether or not SafeWriteMode is enabled. If true, data written to NFS will be logged to the local disk in addition to being written to the database. false
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. SafeWriteLogs Specifies the directory where the recovery log files will be written if SafeWriteMode is enabled.

The path specified is relative to the Oracle Files home directory where Oracle Files was installed.

nfs/Recovery Logs
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NFS. SafeWriteActivationPeriod Specifies the activation period for the SafeWriteMode recovery thread in minutes. The default value of 20 indicates that the SafeWriteMode recovery thread will run every 20 minutes. 20

NT File System (NTFS) Protocol Server

For Windows platforms only.

The NT File System (NTFS) allows the Oracle Files repository to appear as a local hard drive on the server computer. When using NTFS, the Oracle Files repository will be mapped to a drive letter on the server computer and can be accessed using the file system as if it were a local hard drive.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates the NTFS server is:


Table C-16 NTFS Server Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NTFS. DriveLetter The drive letter used to map the Oracle Files drive.

An available and valid drive letter (A - Z).

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NTFS. LogLevel Specifies the type of information listed in the log file.

A number from 1 to 4. 1 is the minimum and 4 is the maximum information in the log file.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NTFS. LogStackTrace Specifies if the Java stack trace is listed in the log file.

true = list Java stack trace.

false = do not list Java stack trace.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NTFS. SessionCache Specifies the number of user sessions the NTFS server will keep open.

This value should be set to the expected number of simultaneously opened files.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.NTFS. ifsproxy Specifies the location of the ifsproxy.dll library.

The path specified is relative to the Oracle Files home directory where Oracle Files was installed.


Print Agent

The Print Agent makes printing through Oracle Files indistinguishable from printing to a normal Windows server.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates this agent is:

Quota Agent

The Quota Agent is triggered by an event to compute the consumed quota for users or Workspaces. This agent also periodically checks all users who are active, according to a specified timer period. The agent updates the user's consumed storage. When the consumed storage is over the allocated quota, the user will not be able to add any more documents to Oracle Files.

A user's quota is calculated upon the content already consumed. Therefore, a user will go over quota by adding the final file that pushes the consumed storage over the allocated storage. When setting users' allocated quota, remember that a user's last file will put him or her over quota before being denied.

Quotas will not be enforced if:

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates this agent is:

Service Warmup Agent

When a node is started, this agent automatically preloads the service's data cache. It expects the following entries in the Server Configuration file.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates this agent is:

Table C-17 Service Warmup Agent Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.AGENT.SERVICEWARMUP. WarmupSetAdmin If the preloading is done in administration mode. true
IFS.SERVER.AGENT.SERVICEWARMUP. WarmupUsers If set to true, preloads user collection. false
IFS.SERVER.AGENT.SERVICEWARMUP. WarmupAcls If set to true, preloads ACL collection. false
IFS.SERVER.AGENT.SERVICEWARMUP. WarmupFormats If set to true, preloads format collection. true
IFS.SERVER.AGENT.SERVICEWARMUP. WarmupMedias If set to true, preloads Media collection. true

Service Watchdog Agent

The Service Watchdog Agent cleans up after Oracle Files services that do not shut down cleanly.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates this agent is:

Table C-18 Service Watchdog Agent Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.AGENT.SERVICEWATCHDOGAGENT. ServiceTimeoutPeriod The number of seconds after which a service is considered inactive. When a service becomes inactive, it is eligible for cleanup by the Service Watchdog Agent. 120

Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol Server

The SMB server allows Windows clients to easily copy files between their local drives and the Oracle Files repository. It also allows users to browse and edit files and even execute programs directly from the Oracle Files repository. SMB is best suited for interactive browsing and modifying documents.

You should configure the NbServer for use with SMB; see "NbServer [NetBIOS]" for more information.

The IFS.SERVER.Class that instantiates this server is:


Table C-19 SMB Server Properties

Property Description and Usage Note Default
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.SMB. ServerComment Holds the SMB server description that shows up in the Windows Properties window. Oracle Internet File Server
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.SMB. PrimeServer Primes the server with a simple login. true
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.SMB. EnablePrinting If set to true, allows users to print through the SMB Server to configured printers. You cannot use Oracle Files printing services without this property enabled. true
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.SMB. EnableOplocks If this parameter is true, it lets client cache their reads and writes and results in improved performance.

If set to true, this may cause problems with consistency across all the protocols; however, true yields better performance.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.SMB. MaxOplocks Maximum number of Op Locks per mount point.

See Microsoft documentation for information about Op Locks.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.SMB. KeepStats If true, keeps statistics on various server operations. true
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.SMB. PrintStats If true, prints statistics on SMB commands into the log file after the user disconnects. Defaults to true if the log level for the node is medium or greater.
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.SMB. ShareMyHome Specifies if the virtual MyHome mount point is shared as a mount point.

true = include MyHome in the list of mount points

false = do not include MyHome in the list of mount points

IFS.SERVERPROTOCOL.SMB. Workgroup Windows workgroup.

This determines the workgroup where the SMB server will appear in the Network Neighborhood.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.SMB. Port Port for the SMB server to listen on.

All Windows clients require the SMB server to listen on the default port, 139. Only processes with root privileges can listen on low-numbered ports, so the SMB server must be run as root.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.SMB. AllowGuestIfNotUser Allows users who do not have valid accounts on this server to browse as a guest.

true = allows non-guest users as guest.

false = forces a valid username.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.SMB. MaxOpenFiles The maximum number of files a user can have open on a single mountpoint. 30
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.SMB. MaxAllOpenFiles The total number of open files the SMB server allows across all users.

The total is also limited by the number of connections configured for the SMB server and database.

IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.SMB. SessionTimeout The server will disconnect idle sessions after this timeout.

Unit of measure is in milliseconds.

43200000 (12 hours)
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.SMB. IpAddress The IP address that is advertised as the location for the SMB server.

This value is defaulted from the server IP address and should not be modified except in unusual cases, for example, multi-server.

server IP address
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.SMB. HostName Name of the SMB server. The computer name where the server is running.
IFS.SERVER.PROTOCOL.SMB. ForceLowerCase Forces lowercase filenames. false