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Oracle® Application Server Integration Release Notes
10g Release 2 (10.1.2) for Microsoft Windows (64-Bit) on Intel Itanium


Oracle® Application Server Integration

Release Notes

10g Release 2 (10.1.2) for Microsoft Windows (64-Bit) on Intel Itanium


February 2006

This release note document provides updated certification information about Oracle Application Server Integration B2B and Oracle Application Server Integration InterConnect.

It contains the following sections:

See Also:

  • Oracle Application Server Integration B2B Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) for Solaris Operating System (SPARC), Linux x86, hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit), AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), and Microsoft Windows (B25761-01)

  • Oracle Application Server Integration InterConnect Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) (B14070-02)

1 Components Not Available with This Release

Table 1 provides a list of components that are not available with this release.

Table 1 Components Not Available with This Release

Component Release

OracleAS Developer Kits

Oracle Design Time



For Oracle Application Server Integration B2B and Oracle Application Server Integration InterConnect release on Microsoft Windows (64-Bit) on Intel Itanium, Oracle Design Time and iStudio are not available. You need to use the Microsoft Windows (32-bit) Design Time and iStudio components with the 64-bit environment.

2 Documentation Errata

This section provides information about documentation errata in Oracle Application Server Integration InterConnect Installation Guide and Oracle Application Server Integration B2B Installation Guide.

It includes the following sections:

2.1 Documentation Errata for Oracle Application Server Integration InterConnect Installation Guide

The following sections from Oracle Application Server Integration InterConnect Installation Guide need to be modified for Oracle Application Server Integration InterConnect release for Microsoft Windows (64-Bit) on Intel Itanium:

  • Chapter 1 "Overview", involves updates to the following sections :

    • In the "OracleAS Integration InterConnect Overview" section, the information about the design time phase applies to Microsoft Windows (32-bit).

    • The information about iStudio in the section that begins as follows applies to the iStudio component available with Microsoft Windows (32-Bit):

      "iStudio The tool used at design time to define the integration."

    • In the "OracleAS Integration InterConnect Installation Types" section, Table 1-1 lists Development Kit as an installation type. This is not supported on Microsoft Windows (64-Bit) on Intel Itanium.

    • "Development Kit" section is not applicable for Microsoft Windows (64-Bit) on Intel Itanium.

    • In the "Software Requirements" section, for Microsoft Windows operating system, the versions should also include Microsoft Windows 2003 with service pack 1.

  • Chapter 2 "Installing OracleAS Integration Interconnect", involves modifications to the following sections:

    • "Development Kit Preinstallation Tasks" section does not apply to Microsoft Windows (64-Bit) on Intel Itanium.

    • "Installing OracleAS Integration Interconnect Development Kit" section does not apply to Microsoft Windows (64-Bit) on Intel Itanium.

    • In the "Installing OracleAS Integration InterConnect" section, Figure 2-3 does not apply to Microsoft Windows (64-Bit) on Intel Itanium because there are separate CD-ROMs for installing Oracle Application Server Integration B2B and Oracle Application Server Integration InterConnect.

    • In the "Installing OracleAS Integration InterConnect" section, Figure 2-4 illustrates the installation screen that appears for the Microsoft Windows (32-bit) installation. For Microsoft Windows (64-Bit) on Intel Itanium, this screen is different. There are only two installation types as follows:

      • OracleAS Integration InterConnect Hub (557MB)

      • OracleAS Integration InterConnect Adapters (489MB)

      The third installation type, OracleAS Integration InterConnect Development Kit is not available.

    • In the "Installing OracleAS Integration InterConnect" section, all the information about installing OracleAS Integration Interconnect Development Kit is not required.

    • References to Oracle Application Server Upgrade and Compatibility Guide are not required.

  • Appendix A "Upgrading Oracle Application Server Integration Interconnect"


    This is the first release of Oracle Application Server Integration InterConnect and Oracle Application Server Integration B2B on Microsoft Windows (64-Bit) on Intel Itanium), therefore, upgrades are not available.

2.2 Documentation Errata for Oracle Application Server Integration B2B Installation Guide

The following sections from Oracle Application Server Integration B2B Installation Guide need to be modified for Oracle Application Server Integration B2B release for Microsoft Windows (64-Bit) on Intel Itanium:

  • The title of Oracle Application Server Integration B2B Installation Guide does not mention Microsoft Windows (64-Bit) on Intel Itanium platform.

  • In Chapter 2, "Oracle Application Server Integration B2B Installation Requirements", references to Oracle Application Server Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) for Microsoft Windows should change to Oracle Application Server Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) for Microsoft Windows (64-Bit).

3 Documentation Accessibility

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Oracle Application Server Integration Release Notes, 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) for Microsoft Windows (64-Bit) on Intel Itanium


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