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Oracle® Application Server Installation Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2) for Microsoft Windows (64-Bit) on Intel Itanium
Part No. B15847-01
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E Configuration Assistants

This appendix lists the configuration assistants and the location of their log files.

E.1 Troubleshooting Configuration Assistants

This section contains the following topics:

E.1.1 General Tips

If a configuration assistant fails, then try the following steps to correct the problem:

  1. Review the installation log files listed in Section F.1, "Log Files".

  2. Review the log files for the failed configuration assistant. Configuration assistant log files are listed in Section E.2, "Description of Oracle Application Server Configuration Assistants". Try to fix the issue that caused the error.

  3. If the failed configuration assistant has any dependencies, then run the dependencies again. You must do this even if the dependency completed successfully.

  4. Select the configuration assistant in the installer to run the failed configuration assistant, and then click Retry.

    If the configuration assistant fails again after you click Retry, then remove the file and re-run the configuration assistant again.

    If the configuration assistant fails again after you click Retry, then remove the component entry from the file. For example, the following lines show the OracleAS Web Cache entry in the targets.xml file:

    <Target TYPE="oracle_webcache" NAME="instance2.domain.com_Web Cache" DISPLAY_NAME="Web Cache">
       <Property NAME="HTTPPort" VALUE="7777" />
       <Property NAME="logFileName" VALUE="webcache.log" />
       <Property NAME="authrealm" VALUE="Oracle Web Cache Administrator" />
       <Property NAME="AdminPort" VALUE="4000" />
       <Property NAME="HTTPProtocol" VALUE="http" />
       <Property NAME="logFileDir" VALUE="/sysman/log" />
       <Property NAME="HTTPMachine" VALUE="" />
       <Property NAME="HTTPQuery" VALUE="" />
       <Property NAME="controlFile" VALUE="/ORACLE_HOME/webcache/bin/webcachectl" />
       <Property NAME="MonitorPort" VALUE="4002" />
       <Property NAME="HTTPPath" VALUE="/" />
       <Property NAME="authpwd" VALUE="administrator" />
       <Property NAME="authuser" VALUE="administrator" />
          <MemberOf TYPE="oracle_ias" NAME="" ASSOCIATION="null" />
  5. If an optional configuration assistant fails and it does not have any dependencies, then run the remaining configuration assistants. Uncheck the cancelled optional configuration assistant, highlight and check the next listed configuration assistant, and click Retry.

  6. If configuration assistant failure occurs when running configuration assistant commands on the command line, then re-run the configuration assistant commands again.

    You can use the generated script file named located in the directory to execute the failed configuration assistant again. The script is generated after you exit the installer. During silent or non-interactive installation, the script is generated immediately after the configuration assistant fails.

  7. If you see a Fatal Error. Reinstall message, then find the cause of the problem by analyzing the log files. You cannot recover from a fatal error by correcting the problem and continuing the installation. You must remove the current installation and reinstall Oracle Application Server. The following tasks describe the recovery procedure:

    1. Deinstall the failed installation using the procedure described in Appendix D, "Deinstallation and Reinstallation".

    2. Correct the cause of the fatal error.

    3. Reinstall Oracle Application Server.

E.1.2 Configuration Assistant Result Codes

If a configuration assistant fails, then the installation screen displays the error message, and the configuration assistant writes its result code (Table E-1) to the following log file:

Table E-1 Result Codes for Configuration Assistants

Result Code Description
0 Configuration assistant succeeded
1 Configuration assistant failed
-1 Configuration assistant cancelled

E.2 Description of Oracle Application Server Configuration Assistants

Table E-2 lists the Oracle Application Server configuration assistants in alphabetical order. Different installations use different configuration assistants depending on the installation type and configuration options that you selected.

Table E-2 Oracle Application Server Configuration Assistants

Configuration Assistant Description Log File Locations
ADF Configuration Assistant Integrates Oracle Application Development Framework Runtime Libraries with Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control.

This configuration assistant requires the ORACLE_HOME\jlib\emConfigInstall.jar file.

ORACLE_HOME\oraInventory\logs\ installActionstimestamp.log
Application Server Control Configuration Assistant Starts the Oracle Management Agent and the Application Server Control to deploy applications through the Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control.
ORACLE_HOME\cfgtoollogs\ configtoolstimestamp.log
DCM Repository Backup Assistant Enables you to back up your DCM repository.
HTTP Server Configuration Assistant Configures Oracle HTTP Server, registers it with Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control, and adds an entry to the ORACLE_HOME\sysman\emd\targets.xml file.

ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\ httpd.log

ORACLE_HOME\cfgtoollogs\ configtoolstimestamp.log
Java Security Configuration Assistant Changes the default password, and sets or reassigns new passwords for JAAS security.
OC4J Configuration Assistant Integrates OC4J with Application Server Control. It performs the following steps:
  • Add entries to the targets.xml file.

  • Add entries to the file.

This configuration assistant requires the deploy.ini file.

ORACLE_HOME\cfgtoollogs\ configtoolstimestamp.log
OC4J Instance Configuration Assistant Configures OC4J instances for deployed Oracle Application Server applications.
ORACLE_HOME\cfgtoollogs\ configtoolstimestamp.log
OPMN Configuration Assistant Starts OPMN and OPMN-managed processes.
ORACLE_HOME\cfgtoollogs\ configtoolstimestamp.log


OPMN Configuration Assistant - start Oracle HTTP Server Starts Oracle HTTP Server through OPMN.
ORACLE_HOME\cfgtoollogs\ configtoolstimestamp.log

OracleAS Randomize Password Configuration Assistant Changes the default password of all schemas. None
Register DCM Plug-Ins With Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant Registers DCM plug-ins with Oracle Enterprise Manager.
ORACLE_HOME\cfgtoollogs\ configtoolstimestamp.log

Web Cache Configuration Assistant Configures OracleAS Web Cache and registers it with Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control.