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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Configuration for Oracle Collaboration Suite
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Part Number B40102-01
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8 Configuring Files

This chapter provides information about how to configure Grid Control 10g Release 2 (10.2) to monitor the Oracle Files component for Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2. It contains the following sections:

8.1 Preparing to Configure Grid Control to Manage Oracle Files

Before you configure Grid Control to manage Oracle Files, you must perform the tasks described in the following sections:

8.1.1 Modifying the Management Agent Classpath

Before you configure Grid Control to manage Oracle Files, you must run a script that is installed with the Management Agent. This script configures the Management Agent classpath so it can monitor the Oracle Files component.

To modify the Management Agent classpath:

  1. Stop the Management Agent if it has been started:

    AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl stop agent
  2. Run the following command:


    When prompted, choose 2. Oracle Files Release 1 or Release 2.

  3. Start the Management Agent:

    AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl start agent

8.1.2 Overview of the Oracle Files Target Types

After you install the Management Agent on the Oracle Files hosts, you can use Grid Control to create Oracle Files targets. After the targets are created, you can view the various metrics collected for each Oracle Files target.

When you manage Oracle Files with Grid Control, you create the following target types:

  • An Oracle Files target for each middle-tier instance of Oracle Files

  • A Web Application target for each Oracle Files target and its related targets, such as the host and Oracle Application Server Web Cache for the instance.

  • An Oracle Files group target for all the Oracle Files targets in your environment, as well as the related targets for each instance of Oracle Files.

8.1.3 Creating a TEST User and Sample Documents

When you monitor Oracle Files using Grid Control, you define a set of transactions that test the availability and performance of your Oracle Files targets. To make this process easier, do the following before you configure Grid Control to manage your Oracle Files components:

  1. Create an Oracle Files user called TEST.

  2. Create several sample document that the TEST user can access.

8.2 Creating the Internet File System Target for Oracle Files

To create the Oracle Files target:

  1. Using Grid Control, navigate to the Management Agent home page for the Management Agent that was installed on the Oracle Files host. Use these steps to navigate to the appropriate Agent home page:

    1. Click Setup at the top of any Grid Control page.

    2. Click Agents in the Overview of Setup page subtab.

    3. In the Agents table on the Agents page, click the link for the Management Agent for the Oracle Files host.

  2. In the Monitored Targets section of the page, select Internet File System from the Add box, then click Go.

    Grid Control displays the property page for the selected target type. Provide the required information, as described in Table 8-1.


    You can use the contents of the targets.xml file for the OCS middle tier (for example, OCS_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml) as a reference to supply some of the values. You can find these values in the section of the file that lists properties for the oracle_ifs target.
  3. Click OK to create the target.

    See Also:

    "Adding Targets to be Monitored and Administered by Enterprise Manager" in the Grid Control online help

Table 8-1 Internet File System Target Properties

Property Description


The name of the Oracle Files target.

You can copy this value from targets.xml file located in the following location in the Oracle Files middle-tier home directory:


Make sure to use the NAME value, not the DISPLAY NAME. For example:

Note for Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 users: The Oracle Files target name in the targets.xml file is not prefixed with the name of the application server instance. As a result, the target name may not be unique. To be sure the name of the target is unique across your entire Oracle Collaboration Suite environment, prefix the target name with the application server middle-tier instance name.


Provide the version number of the Oracle Files middle tier (for example,

Run Repos Metric?

Whether to run domain/repository metrics or not. Domain-level metrics include:

  • Documents By MIME Type

  • Document Statistics

  • Domain Response

  • Node Statistics

  • Sessions By Server (Domain)

  • Sessions By Server (Node)

  • Users

  • Users (With Limited Quota)

Type TRUE or FALSE (must be all uppercase). If there are multiple Oracle Files middle tiers configured for the same Oracle Collaboration Suite instance, you should set this property to TRUE for one and only one oracle_ifs target among all the Oracle Files middle tier targets.

Run Response Time Metric?

Whether to run the Application URL Response Time metric or not. Type TRUE or FALSE (must be all uppercase). You should set this property to TRUE only when the OC4J_iFS_files instance is configured for the local middle tier. If you set this property to TRUE, you must provide a valid value for Application URL.

For example:

Run Load Balancer Response Time Metric?

Whether to run the Load Balanced Application URL Response Time metric or not.

Type TRUE or FALSE (must be all uppercase).

You should set this property to TRUE only when there is a load balancer configured for the entire system. In addition, if there are multiple Oracle Files middle tiers configured for the same Oracle Collaboration Suite instance, you should set this property to TRUE for one and only one oracle_ifs target among all the Oracle Files middle tier targets. If you set this property to TRUE, you must provide a valid value for Load Balanced Application URL.

Ifs Root Home

This value should be in the following format:


You can copy this value from targets.xml. For example:


Ifs Home

This value should be in the following format:


Copy this value from targets.xml. For example:


Domain Name

Name of the Oracle Files domain.

You can copy this value from targets.xml.

Domain Type

Enter files.

Schema Password

Enter the Oracle Files schema password.

Application URL

The URL of the Oracle Files Web application on the middle tier. It is usually in the following format:


You must provide a value for this field even if the Run Response Time Metric? is set to FALSE. In this case, provide any value (for example, DUMMYURL).

Note for Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 users: Use the following URL format in this field:


Load Balanced Application URL

The load balanced URL of the Oracle Files Web application for this Oracle Files domain. It is usually in the following format:

http://<load-balancer-host>:<load-balancer-port>/ <load-balancer-mountpoint>

You must provide a value for this field even if the Run Load Balancer Response Time Metric? is set to FALSE. In this case, provide any value (for example, DUMMYURL).

DB Connect Descriptor

(Optional) The RAC-enabled database connect descriptor. Only needs to be supplied when the Oracle Collaboration Suite information storage is a RAC database.

System Administrator Username

(Optional) Leave this value blank.

System Administrator Password

(Optional) Leave this value blank.

Use Default Proxy Settings?

(Optional) Use this field to indicate whether or not Grid Control should use the default proxy server settings specifiedin the following configuration file:


By default, this value is set to true. If you set this value to false, you must provide values for Proxy Host and Proxy Port.

Proxy Host

(Optional) The proxy server host name. You only need to provide this value if Use Default Proxy Settings? is set to false.

Proxy Port

(Optional) The proxy server port. You only need to provide this value if Use Default Proxy Settings? is set to false.

8.3 Creating the Oracle Files Web Application Target

To monitor the performance and availability of your Oracle Files components, you create a Web Application target. Web Application targets can be monitored for availability and performance with Application Service Level Management transactions. You can also measure the response time of pages in your Web Applications using End-User Page Performance Monitoring.

To create a Web Application target for monitoring your Oracle Files components:

  1. Using Grid Control, navigate to the Management Agent home page for the Oracle Management Agent that was installed on the Oracle Files host. Use these steps to navigate to the appropriate Agent home page:

    1. Click Setup at the top of any Grid Control page.

    2. Click Agents in the Overview of Setup page subtab.

    3. In the Agents table on the Agents page, click the link for the Management Agent for the Oracle Files host.

  2. In the Monitored Targets section of the page, select Web Application from the Add box, then click Go.

    Grid Control displays the Create Web Application wizard, which guides you through the process of creating the Web Application.

    Click Help for information about other fields in the Web Application target wizard.

  3. When Grid Control prompts you for the Homepage URL, enter the following:


    Note for Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 1 Users:

    Use the following URL format in this field:
  4. When Grid Control prompts you to select the components of the Web Application target, be sure to include the following related targets:

    • One of the Internet File System targets you created using the instructions in Creating the Internet File System Target for Oracle Files

    • The host where the Oracle Files instance resides

    • The Oracle Application Server Web Cache target used to display the Oracle Files content on the middle tier.

      The Oracle Application Server Web Cache target is required in order to use enable End-User Performance Monitoring, which can help you monitor the response time of your Oracle Files pages.

  5. Click OK to create the target.

  6. Use the instructions in the online help to create some representative transactions to measure the availability and performance of the Web Application you just created.

    For example, create a transaction that logs in to the TEST account you created in Section 8.1.3. Extend the transaction, or create a new transaction that browses the sample documents owned by the TEST account.

    See Also:

    "Creating Transactions" in the Grid Control online help
  7. Enable End-User Page Performance Monitoring for the Web Application using the procedures for earlier versions of the Oracle Application Server described in "Configuring End-User Performance Monitoring Using Earlier Versions of Oracle Application Server Web Cache" in Oracle Enterprise Manager Advanced Configuration for Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10g Release 2 at:


    Before you enable End-User Page Performance Monitoring to monitor your Oracle Collaboration Suite Web Application target, you must apply patch number 3040716 to the Oracle Application Server middle-tier instance. You can download this patch from OracleMetaLink:

8.4 Creating the Oracle Files Group Target

After all the Oracle Files targets are configured, you can create the Oracle Files group target, which provides a single interface for monitoring multiple Oracle Files targets in your Oracle Collaboration Suite environment.

The Oracle Files group home page has three property pages: Home, Performance, and Member Targets. The Home page list the availability and alerts summary of all the member targets that comprise the Files Group. The Performance page displays charts for the selected summary metrics of all the member targets. And, finally, the Member Targets tab has a table that contains all the targets that belong to the group, their status, and their alerts.

To create the Oracle Files group target:

  1. Click the Targets tab in Grid Control.

  2. Click Groups.

  3. Select Group from the Add box, then click Go.

    Grid Control displays the Create Group wizard.

  4. Enter a name for the Oracle Files group in the Name field.

    For example, enter Oracle Files Group.

  5. Use the Type box and the Move button to add the following related targets to the group:

    • All the Oracle Files (Internet File System) targets you created using the instructions in Section 8.2

    • The host targets where the Internet File System targets reside

    • The application server targets, including the individual Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) targets required to run the Internet File System targets

    • The application server Infrastructure database and listener, including the Oracle Internet Directory and Single Sign-on targets

    • The Oracle database and listener where the Oracle Files data is stored

  6. Use the remaining pages in the wizard to select a set of summary metrics for the group and to review your changes before you create the group.

    Summary metrics appear on the Performance tab of the Oracle Files Group home page.

  7. Add this group to the Oracle Collaboration Suite group you created in Section 3.4.4.