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Oracle® Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Plug-in Metric Reference Manual for Non-Oracle Middleware Management
Release 12 (12.0)

Part Number E10115-06
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7 Microsoft BizTalk Server Metrics

The Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 management plug-in for Oracle Enterprise Manager provides performance monitoring of BizTalk Server using performance counters and application events.

This chapter provides descriptions for all Microsoft BizTalk Server metric categories, and tables list and describe associated metrics for each category. The tables also provide user actions if any of the metrics for a particular category support user actions.

BizTalk BAS Inbox Document Library Metrics

A document library in SharePoint Services that BAS uses for receiving messages and documents from a running business process (BizTalk Orchestration) is called an Inbox. This is conceptually analogous to the Inbox used in a typical e-mail system.

The metrics in this category provide performance-related information about the Inbox.

Table 7-1 BizTalk BAS Inbox Document Library Metrics

Metric Description

Total Fallbacks to Orphaned Messages

Total number of messages redirected from the partner index library, Inbox folder, to the Orphaned Messages document library because of an issue with the partner.

Total Inbox Failures

Total number of messages submitted by the Microsoft BizTalk Server that failed to persist into Windows SharePoint Services. The BizTalk Server resubmits these messages until they persist successfully or until the number of retries is exceeded.

Total Non Office Documents Created

Total number of messages successfully saved as is in the partner index library, Inbox folder, because of failure(s) to transform into InfoPath document(s).

Total Office Documents Created

Total number of InfoPath documents created in the partner document library, Inbox folder.

BizTalk BAS Outbox Document Library Metrics

A document library in SharePoint Services that BAS uses for sending messages and documents to a running business process (BizTalk Orchestration) is called an Outbox. This is conceptually analogous to the Outbox used in a typical e-mail system.

The metrics in this category provide information about the Outbox.

Table 7-2 BizTalk BAS Outbox Document Library Metrics

Metric Description

Total Documents Not Sent

Total number of documents that the BizTalk SharePoint Messaging Adapter service failed to process and send to the BizTalk Server.

Total Documents Sent

Total number of documents that the BizTalk SharePoint Messaging Adapter service has successfully processed and asynchronously sent to the BizTalk Server.

BizTalk BAS Sent Items Document Library Metrics

A document library in SharePoint Services that BAS uses for archiving messages and sent documents is referred to as Sent Items. The Sent Items folder serves as the storing mechanism for tracking the sent business documents for future reference and auditing needs.

The metrics in this category provide information about Sent Items.

Table 7-3 BizTalk BAS Sent Items Document Library Metrics

Metric Description

Total Documents Moved

Total number of documents successfully moved from the Outbox document library to the Sent Items folder of the partner document library.

Total Documents Moved with Rename

Total number of documents successfully moved from the Outbox document library to the partner document library, Sent Items folder, after they have been renamed because of a name collision.

Total Move Failures

Total number of messages submitted by the BizTalk Server that failed to be moved from the Outbox.

Total Move Fallbacks to Orphaned Messages

Total number of move operations that were redirected from the partner document library, Sent Items folder, to the Orphaned Messages document library because of an issue with the partner.

Total Non Office Documents Recreated

Total number of documents successfully recreated as is in the Sent Items folder because of failure(s) to transform them into InfoPath documents.

Total Office Documents Recreated

Total number of InfoPath documents recreated in the Sent Items folder of partner document libraries.

Total Recreated Fallbacks to Orphaned Messages

Total number of messages redirected to the Orphaned Messages document library because of an issue with the partner. The BizTalk Server resubmits these messages until they persist successfully or until the number of retries is exceeded.

Total Sent Items Failures

Total number of confirmation messages submitted by the BizTalk Server that failed to persist into Windows SharePoint Services.

BizTalk BAS TPM Management Web Service Metrics

Trading Partner Management (TPM) tools are used to create and update partner profiles to:

The metric in this category provides information about the Trading Partner Management Web Service.

Table 7-4 BizTalk BAS TPM Management Web Service Metrics

Metric Description

Get Parameter Calls

Number of GetParameter calls.

BizTalk BAS TPM Publishing Web Service Metrics

Trading Partner Management (TPM) tools are used to create and update partner profiles to:

The metrics in this category provide information about publishing Web Service.

Table 7-5 BizTalk BAS TPM Publishing Web Service Metrics

Metric Description

Get Parameters Value Calls

Number of GetParameterValue calls.

BizTalk Enterprise SSO Metrics

BizTalk's Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) is a standalone service that enables you to map a Windows user account to one or more alternative Windows or non-Windows accounts. These accounts are mapped per application to securely access applications that require credentials other then those originally provided by the end user.The metrics in this category provide information about Single Sign On.

Table 7-6 BizTalk Enterprise SSO Metrics

Metric Description

Credential Cache Size

Total number of credentials in cache. The credential cache size provides data about user login activity.

Get Configuration Info


Get Configuration Info Per Sec

Configuration infomation accessed per second.

Get Credentials


Get Credentials Per Sec

Credentials accessed per second.

Issue Ticket


Issue Ticket Per Sec

Tickets issued per second.

Redeem Ticket


Redeem Ticket Per Sec

Tickets redeemed per second.

Validate and Redeem Ticket


Validate and Redeem Ticket Per Sec

Tickets validated and redeemed per second.

BizTalk Error Events Metrics

The metric in this category provides information about ERROR events the application raises.

Table 7-7 BizTalk Error Events Metrics

Metric Description

Windows Event Severity

Severity of the ERROR event.

BizTalk Human Workflow Service Metrics

Human Workflow Services (HWS) is a component of BizTalk Server 2004 that enables the creation of both a priori and ad hoc workflow models. This provides support for both well known constraint-driven models of processing, as well as the ability to compose steps into a workflow on the fly.The metrics in this category provide information about HWS.

Table 7-8 BizTalk Human Workflow Service Metrics

Metric Description

Activity Flows Retrieved

Number of requests for retrieving activity flow information.

New Action Added

Number of requests for instantiating actions or activity blocks.

New Activity Flows

Number of requests for creating new activity flows.

Steps Retrieved

Number of requests for retrieving step information.

Tasks Retrieved

Number of requests for retrieving task information.

BizTalk Messaging Documents Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about Messaging Engines that process documents.

Table 7-9 BizTalk Messaging Documents Metrics

Metric Description

Documents Processed

Processed BizTalk Messaging Documents.

Documents Processed Per Sec

Processed BizTalk Messaging Documents per second.

Documents Received

Received BizTalk Messaging Documents.

Documents Received Per Sec

Received BizTalk Messaging Documents per second.

Documents Suspended

Suspended BizTalk Messaging Documents.

Documents Suspended Per Sec

Suspended BizTalk Messaging Documents per second.

Process ID

Process ID for BizTalk Messaging Documents.

BizTalk Response Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about BizTalk status.

Table 7-10 BizTalk Response Metrics

Metric Description


0 or 1 based on the status of the BTSSvc service as Running or Stopped.

BizTalk Tracking Data Decode Service Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about the Tracking Data Decode Service (TDDS), also known as the BAM Event Bus Service.

Table 7-11 BizTalk Tracking Data Decode Service Metrics

Metric Description

Batches Being Processed

Currently processing BizTalk TDDS batches.

Batches Committed

Committed BizTalk TDDS batches.

Events Being Processed

Currently processing BizTalk TDDS events.

Events Committed

Committed BizTalk TDDS events.

Records Being Processed

Currently processing BizTalk TDDS records.

Records Committed

Committed BizTalk TDDS records.

Total Batches

BizTalk TDDS total batches.

Total Events

BizTalk TDDS total events.

Total Failed Batches

BizTalk TDDS total failed batches.

Total Failed Events

BizTalk TDDS total failed events.

Total Records

BizTalk TDDS total records.

BizTalk Warning Events Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about WARNING events the application raises.

Table 7-12 BizTalk Warning Events Metrics

Metric Description


Description of the WARNING event.

Windows Event Severity

Severity of the event.

Orchestrations Metrics

BizTalk Orchestration services provide a development and execution environment that integrates loosely-coupled, long-running business processes, both within and between businesses. It allows business analysts and developers to visually model their business processes using a Visio-like design environment and then bind that visual representation to its physical implementation.The metrics in this category provide information about the Orchestration Service.

Table 7-13 Orchestrations Metrics

Metric Description

Allocated Private Memory (MB)

Megabytes of allocated private memory for the host instance.

Allocated Virtual Memory (MB)

Megabytes reserved for virtual memory for the host instance.

Dehydratable Orchestrations

Number of orchestrations instances that can be dehydrated that are currently hosted by the host instance.

Dehydrating Orchestrations

Number of orchestrations that are in the process of dehydrating.

Dehydration Cycle in Progress

Indicates whether there is a dehydration cycle currently in progress.

Dehydration Cycles

Number of completed dehydration cycles.

Dehydration Threshold

Number in milliseconds that determines how aggressively orchestrations are being dehydrated. If the orchestration engine predicts that an instance is dehydratable for an amount of time longer than this threshold, it dehydrates the instance.

Idle Orchestrations

Number of idle orchestration instances currently hosted by the host instance. This refers to orchestrations that are not making progress but are not dehydratable, such as when the orchestration is blocked waiting for a receive, listen, or delay in an atomic transaction.

Message Box Database Connection Failures

Number of attempted database connections that failed since the host instance started.

Orchestrations Completed Per Sec

Average number of orchestrations completed per second.

Orchestrations Created Per Sec

Average number of orchestration instances created per second.

Orchestrations Dehydrated Per Sec

Average number of orchestration instances dehydrated per second.

Orchestrations Discarded Per Sec

Average number of orchestration instances discarded per second from memory. An orchestration can be discarded if the engine fails to persist its state.

Orchestrations Rehydrated Per Sec

Number of orchestration instances rehydrated per second.

Orchestrations Resident in Memory

Number of orchestration instances currently hosted by the host interface.

Orchestrations Scheduled for Dehydration

Number of dehydratable orchestrations for which there is a dehydration request pending.

Orchestrations Suspended Per Sec

Average number of orchestrations suspended per second.

Pending Messages

Number of received messages for which receipt has not yet been acknowledged to the message box.

Pending Work Items

Number of code execution blocks scheduled for execution.

Persistence Points Per Sec

Average number of orchestration instances persisted per second.

Runnable Orchestrations

Number of orchestration instances ready to execute.

Running Orchestrations

Number of orchestration instances currently executing.

Physical Memory and Application Domain Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about loaded application domains and memory usage.

Table 7-14 Physical Memory and Application Domain Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Active Application Domains

Number of loaded orchestration application domains in the process. Much like the process, the application domain is designed as a security boundary that confines errors and faults to a specific domain. The application domain is designed as a virtual process that isolates applications.

Often, especially for security reasons, you cannot avoid using multiple application domains. However, doing so can limit performance at startup. You can reduce the impact of multiple application domains by loading assemblies as domain neutral, enforcing efficient cross-AppDomain communication, using NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute, and using serialization wisely.

Average Batch Factor

Number of persistence points reached since the host instance started, divided by the number of underlying transactions.

This metric is beneficial where the Orchestration engine merges multiple atomic transactions into a single transaction. Assuming that a "persistence point" is really a segment boundary, this metric provides some substantial facts about the effect of batching atomic transactions. The greater the number, the greater the effect of "transaction batching" (that is, the less underlying transactions are being created).

Percent Used Physical Memory

Percentage of total used physical memory on the computer.

The value of this metric should be about 75%. A consistently high value of 100% may indicate a problem.

Process Metrics

The metrics in this category provide process-related information.

Table 7-15 Process Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Page File Bytes

Current amount of virtual memory in bytes that this process has reserved for use in the paging file(s). Paging files store pages of memory used by the process that are not contained in other files.

Paging files are shared by all processes, and the lack of space in paging files can prevent other processes from allocating memory. If there is no paging file, this metric reflects the current amount of virtual memory that the process has reserved for use in physical memory.

Page File Bytes Peak

Maximum amount of virtual memory in bytes that this process has reserved for use in the paging file(s). Paging files store pages of memory used by the process that are not contained in other files.

Percent Processor Time

Elapsed time that all process threads used the processor to execute instructions. The average value of this metric should be approximately 70%.

An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer, a thread is the object that executes instructions, and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap conditions are included in this count.

Private Bytes

Current size in bytes of memory that this process has allocated that cannot be shared with other processes.

Thread Count

Number of threads currently active in this process. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer, and a thread is the object that executes instructions. Every running process has at least one thread.

Virtual Bytes

Current size in bytes of the virtual address space the process is using. Use of virtual address space does not necessarily imply corresponding use of either disk or main memory pages. Virtual space is finite, and the process can limit its ability to load libraries.

Working Set

Current size in bytes of the Working Set of this process. The Working Set is the set of memory pages touched recently by the threads in the process. If free memory in the computer is above a threshold, pages are left in the Working Set of a process even if they are not in use. When free memory falls below a threshold, pages are trimmed from Working Sets. If they are needed, they are soft-faulted back into the Working Set before leaving main memory.

This metric measures the number of memory pages that each process uses. If the system has sufficient memory, it can maintain enough space in the working set so that IIS 6.0 rarely must perform disk operations. One indicator of memory sufficiency is how much the size of the process working set fluctuates in response to general memory availability on the server. Significant fluctuation can indicate a lack of available memory.

Transaction Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about database transactions.

Table 7-16 Transaction Metrics

Metric Description

Database Transactions Per Sec

Average number of database transactions performed per second.

Transactional Scopes Aborted

Number of aborted long-running or atomic scopes since the host instance started.

Transactional Scopes Committed Per Sec

Average number of transactions committed per second.

Transactional Scopes Compensated Per Sec

Average number of long-running or atomic scopes per second that have successfully completed compensation scopes.