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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for HP OpenView Operations Connector
Release 12 (

Part Number E12861-12
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5 Troubleshooting the Connector

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Connector Framework requires a web service interface for exchanging event information with OVO. Since OVO does not come with a web services front end, an Oracle-provided web service front end must be installed before Oracle Enterprise Manager can exchange event information with OVO. Additionally, a back-end Agent must also be installed on the same system as the OVO server.

This chapter provides information to assist in troubleshooting integration issues with HP OVOU. The chapter focuses on troubleshooting issues in the web service front-end and the back-end Agent.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Preparing for Troubleshooting

In order to troubleshoot integration issues, you must adjust the Oracle Enterprise Manager logging options to capture additional information.

To enable debug logging information for

  1. Edit the file using a text editor. The file is located in the following directory ...


    ... where <ORACLE_HOME> is the Oracle install directory.

  2. Set the parameters as follows:

    log4j.appender.emlogAppender.Threshold = DEBUG log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, emlogAppender, emtrcAppender

  3. After setting the debug logging parameters, restart OMS by opening a command window, changing the working directory to <ORACLE_HOME>/oms10g/bin, and issuing the following commands:

    emctl stop oms emctl start oms

To enable debug logging information for, see "Controlling the Contents of the Oracle Management Service Trace File," in Oracle Enterprise Manager Administration 11g Release 1 (

Using the Correct URL for OVO Web Service Operations

Perform the following steps to identify and configure the connector to use the correct URL for OVO Web Service operations.

  1. Open a command terminal on the system where the OVO web service is installed.

  2. Change the working directory to the iwave-af-1.1.1/log directory in the OVO web service installation directory.

  3. Open the framework.log file in a text editor.

  4. Go to the bottom of the file and search backwards for the string “Setting the server's publish address to be”. Continue searching backwards until the URL that contains AcquisitionService is found. The URL listed there is the URL that should be specified for the getNewAlerts, getUpdatedAlerts, and acknowledgeAlerts operations.

  5. Go to the bottom of the file and search backwards for the string “Setting the server's publish address to be”. Continue searching backwards until the URL that contains EventService is found. The URL listed here is the URL that should be specified for the createEvent and updateEvent operations.

  6. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager console by entering a user name with a 'Super Administrator' role, entering the appropriate password, then clicking Login.

  7. Click the Setup link at the top right part of the window. The Overview of Setup page appears.

  8. Click the Management Connectors link on the left side of the window. The Management Connectors page appears, which shows the installed connectors.

  9. Click on the Configure icon associated with the HP OVOU Connector. This invokes edit mode, enabling you to configure the connector.

  10. Verify that the URL identified in step 4 is specified for the getNewAlerts, getUpdatedAlerts, and acknowledgeAlerts operations.

  11. Verify that the URL identified in step 5 is specified for the createEvent and updateEvent operations.

  12. If any of the operations are incorrect, change to the correct URL and click OK.

Diagnosing Problems with Message Generation and Updates

You might encounter issues involved in generating or updating messages in OVO from alerts that have originated in Oracle Enterprise Manager or vice versa. The following sections provide diagnostic information to resolve these problems.

Alerts from Oracle Enterprise Manager to OVOU

OVO can generate or update messages from alerts that have originated in Oracle Enterprise Manager. Perform the following diagnostic steps if OVO messages are not being generated or updated as expected.

  1. Verify that a notification rule is set up for the condition that triggered the alert. Perform the following steps to verify that it is setup correctly:

    1. Open an Oracle Enterprise Manager console window and log in.

    2. Click on the Setup link in the upper right corner of the Oracle Enterprise Manager console.

    3. Click on the Notification Methods link on the left side of the window.

    4. Locate the HP OVOU Connector in the table near the bottom of the window and click on it to list and note the notification rules that use this method.

    5. Click on the Preferences link in the upper right corner.

    6. Click on the Notification Rules link on the left side of the window. This displays a list of all defined notification methods.

    7. Examine the details for the rules listed in step d above and verify that at least one rule matches the conditions that triggered the alert.

    8. If you did not find at least one rule, you need to modify an existing notification rule or add a new one to invoke the OVO notification method.

  2. Determine the error that Oracle Enterprise Manager has reported.

    1. Navigate to the page that displays the alert information that should have triggered the new message in OVO.

      For example, if the Memory Utilization % metric was set up to invoke the HP OVOU Connector method, you would perform the following steps to access the page that displays alert information. This example assumes that the generated alert was critical.

      1.) Click on the Alerts tab.

      2.) Click on the Critical sub-tab.

      3.) Click on the Memory Utilization % alert.

    2. Click on the details and look for any error messages.

      After the alert is generated, it initially indicates that the method will be invoked, but no error messages appear. The Enterprise Manager Connector Framework makes several attempts to transfer the alert information to the OVO web service. After all attempts have failed, an error message is usually added to the details for the alert. If there are no errors after several minutes, it is likely that no error messages will be added to the log.

    3. If there is no error information in the alert details, you need to examine the log file for errors. Perform the following steps to locate errors in the log file:

      1.) Open the emoms.trc file in a text editor. The location of the file depends on the Enterprise Manager version.

      For, the file is located at:


      where <EM_INSTANCE_BASE> is the OMS Instance Base directory. By default, the OMS Instance Base directory is gc_inst, which is present under the parent directory of the Oracle Middleware Home.

      For, the file is located at:


      2.) Go to the bottom of the file and search backwards for this string:

      ERROR core.EMEventConnectorServiceImpl createEvent

      The error message is contained in the Exception information.

  3. Diagnose the problem based on the error message. See Section 5.4, "Resolving Alerts from Oracle Enterprise Manager" for information on troubleshooting common error messages.

Messages from OVO to Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle Enterprise Manager can generate or update alerts resulting from messages that have originated in OVO. Perform the following diagnostic steps if Oracle Enterprise Manager alerts are not being generated or updated as expected.

  1. Open the emoms.trc file in a text editor. The file is located here:


    where <EM_INSTANCE_BASE> is the OMS Instance Base directory. By default, the OMS Instance Base directory is gc_inst, which is present under the parent directory of the Oracle Middleware Home.

  2. Go to the bottom of the file perform a backwards search for getNewAlerts().

    Any instances you find are immediately followed by exception information that identifies the cause of the failure.

See Section 5.5, "Resolving Messages from OVO" for the error message you found in the log file. Each message entry explains the cause of the problem and the steps required to correct the problem.

Resolving Alerts from Oracle Enterprise Manager

This section provides cause and solution information on troubleshooting common alert messages. Find the error message in Table 5–1 that matches your alert message, then refer to the corresponding section(s) indicated under Possible Cause for instructions on diagnosing and correcting the problem.

Table 5-1 Enterprise Manager Alert Messages

Alert Message Possible Cause Applicable Versions

targetException=oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParseException: Start of root element expected

Invalid Web Service Credentials, SSL handshake failed: X509CertChainInvalidErr

SSL Not Configured in Enterprise Manager,

The wallet "/gc/OracleHomes/oms10g/sysman/connector//certdb.txt" does not exist

Missing certdb.txt File,

Error opening socket: Connection refused

OVO Web Service Down,

java.lang.Exception: Error occurred while calling Web Service:

Invalid XML Format,

Error occurred while calling Web Service: Connection refused (errno:239)

Unable to Connect to Oracle OVO Agent,

Error occurred while calling Web Service: soap:Servercom.iwave.operations.NonRecoverable OperationsException: Error creating or updating event: SMSAFWU.028.U keyword 'object' is missing

Request Missing Required Field,

Error opening socket: <hostname>

Unknown Host,

Error opening socket: No route to host

Invalid IP Address or Port Number,

SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Protocol; msg=Unsupported response content type &quot;text/html;

Invalid URL Path,

The server sent HTTP status code 403: Forbidden

Invalid Web Service Credentials [Security:090477]Certificate chain received from <hostname> - <IPAddress> was not trusted causing SSL handshake failure

SSL Not Configured in Enterprise Manager

HTTP transport error: Socket Closed

OVO Web Service Down, Invalid IP Address or Port Number Connection refused (errno:239)

Unable to Connect to Oracle OVO Agent

com.iwave.operations.NonRecoverableOperationsException: Error creating or updating event: SMSAFWU.028.U keyword 'object' is missing

Request Missing Required Field

HTTP transport error: <hostname>

Unknown Host

The server sent HTTP status code 404: Not Found

Invalid URL Path

Invalid Web Service Credentials


The user name or password for accessing the OVO web service is incorrect.


  1. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager console by entering a user name with a 'Super Administrator' role, entering the appropriate password, then clicking Login.

  2. Click the Setup link at the top right part of the window. The Overview of Setup page appears.

  3. Click the Management Connectors link on the left side of the window. The Management Connectors page appears, which shows the installed connectors.

  4. Click on the Configure icon associated with the OVOU Connector.

  5. Click the General tab.

  6. Correct the OVOU Web Service Username and OVOU Web Service Password fields and click OK.

SSL Not Configured in Enterprise Manager


The SSL handshake between the Oracle Enterprise Manager Connector Framework and the OVO web service failed. This failure occurs because Oracle Enterprise Manager is not configured correctly with the SSL certificate for the OVO web service. The SSL certificate the OVO web service uses must be imported into the certificate store. The certificate is either missing from the wallet or does not match the SSL certificate provided by the OVO web service.


Import the SSL certificate from the OVO web service into the wallet manager. See Section 2.3.3, "Adding Signed Certificates to Enterprise Manager" for details on setting up Oracle Enterprise Manager with the OVO SSL certificate.

Missing certdb.txt File


The OVO web service is configured to use SSL, but the certdb.txt file that contains the SSL information is missing.


Import the SSL certificate from the OVO web service into the wallet manager. See Section 2.3.3, "Adding Signed Certificates to Enterprise Manager" on page 2-8 for details on setting up Oracle Enterprise Manager with the OVO SSL certificate.

OVO Web Service Down


The OVO web service is down.


Perform the following steps to check the status of the web service and start it if necessary.

If the OVO web service is installed on a Unix system:

  1. Open a command terminal on the system where the OVO web service is installed.

  2. Change the working directory to the iwave-af-1.1.1/bin directory in the OVO web service installation directory.

  3. Enter the following command:

    ./ status

  4. If the command indicates that the service is not running, enter the following command:

    ./ start

If the OVO web service is installed on a Windows system:

  1. Open a command terminal on the system where the OVO web service is installed.

  2. Change the working directory to the iwave-af-1.1.1/log directory in the OVO web service installation directory.

  3. Open the framework.log file in a text editor.

  4. Go to the bottom of the file and search backwards for the string iWave Adapter Framework. If the last occurrence found is iWave Adapter Framework Started, this indicates that the web service is started.

  5. If the web service is not started, change the working directory to the iwave-af-1.1.1/bin directory and run the startAdapters.bat command file.

Invalid XML Format


The request sent to the OVO web service was rejected because the XML was formatted incorrectly. This problem should not occur unless the connector configuration XML files are manually updated.


Look at the error message in the faultstring node of the SOAP fault response and determine what is incorrect in the request document. Examine any changes made to the XML configuration files for mistakes that could have caused the problem. You can determine the correct XML format by accessing the WSDL using a web browser.

Perform the following steps to access the WSDL:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager console by entering a user name with a 'Super Administrator' role, entering the appropriate password, then clicking Login.

  2. Click the Setup link at the top right portion of the window. The Overview of Setup page appears.

  3. Click the Management Connectors link on the left side of the window. The Management Connectors page appears, which shows the installed connectors.

  4. Click on the Configure icon associated with the HP OVOU Connector.

  5. Click the General tab.

  6. Select and copy the URL specified for the getNewAlerts operation.

  7. Open an internet browser on the system where the Oracle Enterprise Manager server is installed.

  8. In the address window, enter the URL that was copied in step 6 above. Add ?wsdl to the end of the URL. The URL should appear similar to the following example:


    [Hostname] is the actual host name or IP address where the OVO web service is installed.

If you cannot determine why the format is incorrect, contact Oracle support.

Unable to Connect to Oracle OVO Agent


The OVO web service could not connect to the Oracle OVO Agent. Some of the causes could be:


Perform the following steps to verify that the Oracle OVO Agent is operational:

  1. Open a command prompt at the system where the OVO server is installed.

  2. Enter the following command to determine if the Agent process is running:

    ps –ef | grep sdserverbb | grep –v grep

    If no processes are listed, the Oracle OVO Agent is down.

  3. To start the Agent, first change the working directory to ...


    ... where <OVAG_INST> is the Oracle OVO Agent install directory

  4. Enter the following command to start the Agent:


Perform the following steps to verify that the configuration is correct:

  1. Open a command prompt window at the OVO server system and change the working directory to ...


    ... where <OVOA_INSTALL> is the directory where the Oracle OVO Agent is installed.

  2. Open the <OVOA_INSTALL>/ovo-agent/bin/sdserverbb.ini file in a text editor.

  3. Search for the line containing the string AGENTADDR=.

    This parameter defines the hostname/IP address and port number that the Oracle OVO Agent uses when listening for requests from the OVO web service. Make a note of these values.

  4. Open a command prompt window at the system where the OVO web service is installed, and change the working directory to ...


    ... where <OVOWS_INSTALL> is the directory where the OVO web service is installed

  5. Open the file in a text editor.

  6. Search for the hpovou.xmlagent parameter. The format of the parameter is:


  7. Verify that the hostname/IP address and the port number specified in this file match the information from step 3.

  8. If the information does not match, perform the following steps to change the parameter to use the correct hostname/IP address and port number, then restart the web service.

    1. At the command prompt window of the system where the OVO web service is installed, enter the following command ...

      ../bin/propertiesEditor.bat -p hpovou.xmlagent=<prot>://<OVOserver>:<newPort>

      ... where <prot> is the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS), <host> is the correct host name or IP address, and <port> is the correct port number.

      The propertiesEditor.bat script is specifically for the Windows platform. The equivalent script for UNIX platforms is

    2. Change the working directory to ../bin.

    3. Enter one of the following commands to restart the OVO web service, depending on whether the web service is installed on a Unix system or Windows system.

      — For UNIX, enter:

      ./ restart

      — For Windows:

      Press Ctrl-C in the window where the adapter was running, then run:


Request Missing Required Field


The Oracle OVO Agent could not process the request because key information was missing. This error should not occur if you are using the default configuration. It only occurs if the default mappings were modified and a required field was omitted.


You need to modify the XSL file to generate the XML node that maps to the missing OVO field. See Appendix A, "Default Mappings" for information on customizing the default mappings.

Unknown Host


The system does not recognize the host name specified in the URL.


You have the following options for addressing this issue.

Invalid IP Address or Port Number


The IP address or port number specified in the URL is invalid, or the network is down.


Verify that the hostname/IP address configured for the connector is correct:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager console by entering a user name with a 'Super Administrator' role, entering the appropriate password, then clicking Login.

  2. Click the Setup link at the top right part of the window. The Overview of Setup page appears.

  3. Click the Management Connectors link on the left side of the window. The Management Connectors page appears, which shows the installed connectors.

  4. Click on the Configure icon associated with the HP OVOU Connector. This invokes edit mode, enabling you to configure the connector.

  5. Verify that the hostname/IP address and port number specified in the URL for the createEvent and updateEvent operations are correct.

  6. If the hostname/IP address and port number are incorrect, provide the correct values and click OK.

If the URLs specify a host name, make sure that the host name resolves to the correct IP address. To determine the IP address of the host name, issue the ping <hostname> command, where <hostname> is the actual host name. This lists the IP address that was resolved for the host name. If this is incorrect, the system administrator needs to investigate why it is incorrect.

If the hostname/IP address appears to be correct, try to ping the system where the OVO web service is installed using the hostname/IP address. If the ping fails, the system administrator needs to investigate why there is no connectivity.

Invalid URL Path


The web service received the request and rejected it because there was a problem. This likely indicates that an invalid path was specified in the URL.


To determine the reason for the failure, examine the HTML document listed with the Exception information in the emoms.trc log file. In the HTML document, it provides error information that indicates the reason why it was rejected. The error information may be difficult to spot because the HTML tag delimiters are encoded.

If the error information specifies “HTTP Error: 404”, this indicates that the path in the URL is incorrect. Perform the following steps to test the URL the connector is using.

  1. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager console by entering a user name with a 'Super Administrator' role, entering the appropriate password, then clicking Login.

  2. Click the Setup link at the top right part of the window. The Overview of Setup page appears.

  3. Click the Management Connectors link on the left side of the window. The Management Connectors page appears, which shows the installed connectors.

  4. Click on the Configure icon associated with the HP OVOU Connector.

  5. Click the General tab.

  6. Select and copy the URL specified for the createEvent operation.

  7. Open an internet browser on the system where the Oracle Enterprise Manager server is installed.

  8. In the address window, enter the URL that was copied in step 6 above. Add ?wsdl to the end of the URL. The URL should appear similar to the following example:


    [Hostname] is the actual host name or IP address where the OVO web service is installed.

If the WSDL is loaded, this confirms that the URL is correct. If it fails to load, there is a problem with the URL. Perform the steps specified in Section 5.2, "Using the Correct URL for OVO Web Service Operations" to configure the connector to use the correct URL.

Resolving Messages from OVO

This section provides cause and solution information on troubleshooting common messages from OVO. Find the error message in Table 5–2 that matches your error message, then refer to the corresponding section(s) indicated under Possible Cause for instructions on diagnosing and correcting the problem.

Table 5-2 OVO Error Messages

Error Message Possible Cause Applicable Versions

targetException=oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParseException: Start of root element expected.

Invalid Web Service Credentials,

SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:IOException; SSL handshake failed: X509CertChainInvalidErr

SSL Not Configured in Enterprise Manager,

SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:IOException; msg=The wallet &quot;/gc/OracleHomes/oms10g/sysman/connector//certdb.txt&quot; does not exist

Missing certdb.txt File,

SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=Error opening socket: Connection refused;

OVO Web Service Down, Invalid Port Number,

SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=Error opening socket: <hostname>;

Unknown Host,

SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=Error opening socket: No route to host;

Invalid IP Address,

SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Protocol; msg=Unsupported response content type

Invalid URL Path,

The server sent HTTP status code 403: Forbidden

Unknown Host,

Certificate chain received from <hostname> - <IPAddress> was not trusted causing SSL handshake failure.

SSL Not Configured in Enterprise Manager

Tried all: 1 addresses, but could not connect over HTTPS to server: <IPAddress> port: <port>

OVO Web Service Down

HTTP transport error: Socket Closed

Invalid Port Number, Invalid IP Address

HTTP transport error: <hostname>

Unknown Host

The server sent HTTP status code 404: Not Found

Invalid URL Path

Invalid Web Service Credentials


The user name or password for accessing the OVO web service is incorrect.


  1. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager console by entering a user name with a 'Super Administrator' role, entering the appropriate password, then clicking Login.

  2. Click the Setup link at the top right part of the window. The Overview of Setup page appears.

  3. Click the Management Connectors link on the left side of the window. The Management Connectors page appears, which shows the installed connectors.

  4. Click on the Configure icon associated with the OVOU Connector.

  5. Click the General tab.

  6. Correct the OVOU Web Service Username and OVOU Web Service Password fields and click OK.

SSL Not Configured in Enterprise Manager


The SSL handshake between the Oracle Enterprise Manager Connector Framework and the OVO web service failed. This failure occurs when the SSL certificate in the certificate store does not match the SSL certificate that the OVO web service provides.


You need to import the SSL certificate from the OVO web service into the certificate store. See Section 2.3.3, "Adding Signed Certificates to Enterprise Manager" for details on setting up Oracle Enterprise Manager with the OVO SSL certificate.

Missing certdb.txt File


The OVO web service is configured to use SSL, but the certdb.txt file that contains the SSL information is missing.


You need to import the SSL certificate from the OVO web service into the wallet manager. See Section 2.3.3, "Adding Signed Certificates to Enterprise Manager" on page 2-8 for details on setting up Oracle Enterprise Manager with the OVO SSL certificate

OVO Web Service Down


The OVO web service is down.


Perform the following steps to check the status of the web service and start it if necessary.

If the OVO web service is installed on a Unix system:

  1. Open a command terminal on the system where the OVO web service is installed.

  2. Change the working directory to the iwave-af-1.1.1/bin directory in the OVO web service installation directory.

  3. Enter the following command:

    ./ status

  4. If the command indicates that the service is not running, enter the following command:

    ./ start

If the OVO web service is installed on a Windows system:

  1. Open a command terminal on the system where the OVO web service is installed.

  2. Change the working directory to the iwave-af-1.1.1/log directory in the OVO web service installation directory.

  3. Open the framework.log file in a text editor.

  4. Go to the bottom of the file and search backwards for the string iWave Adapter Framework. If the last occurrence found is iWave Adapter Framework Started, this indicates that the web service is started.

  5. If the web service is not started, change the working directory to the iwave-af-1.1.1/bin directory and run the startAdapters.bat command file.

Invalid Port Number


The port number in the URL is incorrect.


Perform the steps specified in Section 5.2, "Using the Correct URL for OVO Web Service Operations" to identify the correct URL, including the port number.

Unknown Host


The system does not recognize the host name specified in the URL.


You have the following options for addressing this issue.

Invalid IP Address


The IP address specified in the URL is invalid, or the network is down.


Verify that the hostname/IP address configured for the connector is correct:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager console by entering a user name with a 'Super Administrator' role, entering the appropriate password, then clicking Login.

  2. Click the Setup link at the top right part of the window. The Overview of Setup page appears.

  3. Click the Management Connectors link on the left side of the window. The Management Connectors page appears, which shows the installed connectors.

  4. Click on the Configure icon associated with the HP OVOU Connector. This invokes edit mode, enabling you to configure the connector.

  5. Verify that the hostname/IP address specified in the URL for the getNewAlerts, getUpdatedAlerts, and acknowledgeAlerts operations are correct.

  6. If the hostname/IP address are incorrect, provide the correct values and click OK.

If the URLs specify a host name, make sure that the host name resolves to the correct IP address. To determine the IP address of the host name, issue the ping <hostname> command, where <hostname> is the actual host name. This lists the IP address that was resolved for the host name. If this is incorrect, the system administrator needs to investigate why it is incorrect.

If the hostname/IP address appears to be correct, try to ping the system where the OVO web service is installed using the hostname/IP address. If the ping fails, the system administrator needs to investigate why there is no connectivity.

Invalid URL Path


The URL hostname/IP address and port numbers are correct, but there is an invalid path.


Perform the steps specified in Section 5.2, "Using the Correct URL for OVO Web Service Operations" to identify the correct URL, including the port number.