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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation and Configuration Guide
10g Release 5 (

Part Number E10953-15
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H Additional Parameters for Agent Deploy Application

The additional parameters that you specify during the agent installation using the Agent Deploy application depend on the software source location that you have selected.

Figure H-1 Additional Parameters Section of the Installation Details Page

The Additional Parameters section.

If you select the default source software location, you must specify additional parameters that are supported by the agentDownLoad script. See Table H-1 for a list of parameters supported by this script.

If you select an alternative location, you must specify additional parameters that are supported by Oracle Universal Installer (OUI). See Table H-2 for a list of parameters supported by OUI.

Also, if you cloning a Management Agent using the Agent Clone Wizard, you must specify additional parameters that are supported by OUI. See Table H-2 for a list parameters supported by OUI.


If the same parameters that you specify here are also specified independently (from the command-line option), the value of the parameters that you specify here take precedence over the other.

For example, if the installation base directory is specified independently, and -b option is specified here, the latter value (-b) is used in the installation.

Additional Parameters Supported by agentDownload Script

Table H-1 lists the possible parameters that you can specify if you select the default (Management Service) location. If you are decide to specify more than one parameter, then separate them with a white space.

Table H-1 Parameters Supported by agentDownload Script

Parameters Description


No value required. Do not start the agent after installation or upgrade.


Cluster node list. Used during installation only. Nodes should be specified in double-quotation marks, separated by commas. For example, -c "node1,node2,node3"


Installation base directory location. For example, -b /home/OracleHomes/agent/


No value required. Do not initiate automatic target discovery.


Inventory pointer location file. For example, -i/etc/oraInst.loc


Cluster name. For example, -n CLUSTER1


File location for static port for agent. For example, -p /home/config/staticports.ini

The template file for the -p option follows:

# staticports.ini Template File
# This file is a template for specifying port numbers at installation time.
# To specify a port number, uncomment the appropriate line (remove #) and
# replace "port_num" with the desired port number.
# You can then launch Oracle Universal Installer with special options to use this file.
# Please refer to Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10gR2 Installation Guide for instructions.
# Enterprise Manager
#Enterprise Manager Central Agent Port=port_num


Inventory location. Instead of using the -i parameter to point to a file that has the inventory location details, you can use -v parameter to directly pass the inventory location. Therefore, this is an alternative to -i.


Timezone environment variable value (-z <timezone>). For example, -z PST8PDT.


Use the -z option to specify the time zone, but the Agent Deploy application discovers a TZ environment variable already set on the remote host, this TZ value will take precedence over the -z value that you specify.

You can verify if the TZ environment variable has been set on the remote host by executing the following command:

ssh -l <user_name> -n <remote_node> 'echo $TZ'

The <user name> argument is the ID that you are using for the agent installation, and <remote host> is the host on which you want to install the agent.

If you are installing the agent from a nondefault software location, you must specify the timezone environment variable using the following command:

For example, s_timezone=PST8PDT

Additional Parameters Supported by Oracle Universal Installer

Table H-2 lists the possible parameters that you can specify if you select an alternative software source (nondefault) location. If you are decide to specify more than one parameter, then separate them with a white space.

Table H-2 Parameters Supported by Oracle Universal Installer

Parameter Description

-clusterware, <crs version>

Version of the installed Oracle Clusterware.

-crslocation <path>

For cluster installs, specifies the path to the CRS home location. Specifying this overrides CRS information obtained from the central inventory.

-invPtrLoc <full path of oraInst.loc>

Linux only. To point to a different inventory location. The orainst.loc file contains:

inventory_loc=<location of central inventory>
inst_group=<group of the user that is installing the agent>


Inventory location. Instead of using the -invPtrLoc parameter to point to a file that has the inventory location details, you can use INVENTORY_LOCATION parameter to directly pass the inventory location. Therefore, this is an alternative to -invPtrLoc.

-jreLoc <location>

Path where the Java Runtime Environment is installed. OUI cannot be run without this.

-logLevel <level>

Filter log messages that have a lesser priority level than <level>. Valid options are: severe, warning, info, config, fine, finer, finest, basic, general, detailed, trace. The use of basic, general, detailed, and trace is deprecated.

-paramFile <location of file>

Location of oraparam.ini file to be used by Oracle Universal Installer.

-responseFile <Path>

Response file and path to use.

-sourceLoc <location of products.xml>

Software source location.


Oracle home specified is on the cluster file system (shared). This is mandatory when '-local' is specified so that Oracle Universal Installer can register the home appropriately into the inventory.


Get debug information from OUI.


Execute system prerequisite checks and exits.


Allow silent mode installation into a non-empty directory.


Display the usage of all preceding options.


Ignore the results of the system prerequisite checks.


Perform the operation on the local node irrespective of the cluster nodes specified.


Log debug information for memory usage.


Log debug information for time usage.


Update the node list for this home in the OUI inventory.