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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation and Configuration Guide
10g Release 5 (

Part Number E10953-15
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15 Postinstallation Configuration Tasks

This chapter identifies postinstallation configuration tasks you must complete after installation. The following topics are covered in this chapter:

Running Configuration Scripts After the Installation Process (UNIX Only)

The following sections describe the configuration scripts to be run after the installation completes successfully.

For Silent Installations

If you have performed any of the following silent installations, you must run the script to complete the installation:

  • Enterprise Manager Using New Database

    If you have selected this installation option, you must execute the script from the database Oracle home (db10g). For example:

  • Enterprise Manager Using Existing Database

    If you have selected this installation option, execute the script from the OMS Oracle home (oms10g). For example:

  • Additional OMS

    If you have selected this installation option, execute the script from the OMS Oracle home (oms10g). For example:


Execute the script from the agent Oracle home if you have performed a silent installation of only the Management Agent.

This script finishes the postinstallation steps for the Management Agent, OMS, and Management Repository database. If you used interactive mode to install Enterprise Manager, you are prompted to run or (depending on the installation type selected) before completing your installation.

On the OMS machine, run the script as the root user from the $ORACLE_HOME directory.


For a cluster installation, you must run the script on each host of the cluster on which you installed a Management Agent.

For agentDownload Script-Based Installations

If you have performed a Management Agent installation using the agentDownload script, then run the script. Also, run the script if this is the first Oracle product on the host.

To do so:

  • Log in as a root user on the host. Alternatively, use the sudo command to change to a root user.

  • If this is the first Oracle product you just installed on the host, then run the script from the Central Inventory:


    For example, if you are using sudo to change to a root user, then you will run the following command:

    /usr/local/bin/sudo $ORACLE_HOME/oraInventory/

  • Run the script from the Oracle home directory of the Management Agent:


    For example, if you are using sudo to change to a root user, then you will run the following command:

    /usr/local/bin/sudo /scratch/OracleHomes/agent10g/

Checking Database Settings

You may want to check the following settings for your Management Repository database to make sure they are set correctly.

UNDO Tablespace and Temporary Tablespace

Oracle recommends you to set the UNDO tablespace and the temporary tablespace to AUTOEXTEND ON.

See Also:

Managing the UNDO Tablespace chapter of the Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information.

Archive Logging

Oracle recommends that the Management Repository database have archive logging turned on for any environment where continuity of data is important. Regular backups are also recommended.

Ensure the Database is Not in QUIESCE Mode

Oracle recommends that you do not put the Management Repository database in QUIESCE mode. Check your Resource Plan for INTERNAL_QUIESCE.

  1. Navigate to the Database Home page of your Management Repository.

  2. On the Administration property screen, under Resource Manager, click Resource Plans.

  3. Make sure INTERNAL_QUIESCE has not been selected.

In QUIESCE mode, only DBA transactions are processed; all other transactions are suspended. Putting the Management Repository database in the QUIESCE mode suspends Enterprise Manager transactions.

Accessing My Oracle Support (formerly Metalink) Web Site

You can search My Oracle Support (formerly Metalink) for Oracle software patches and patchsets, and download these patches or patch sets to an appropriate location in the OMS Oracle home of Enterprise Manager.

To locate the required patches or patch sets in My Oracle Support:

  1. Go to and navigate to the Patches and Updates screen.

  2. Here, you can either perform a simple search with limited parameters, or click Advanced Search to perform a more granular (detailed) search. On this screen, you can search for updates based on the patch type (patches or patch sets), product name, platform, patch number, and so on.

  3. Specify emgrid and click Search. The search results display all the patch or patch sets that match the parameters you have specified.

  4. Select the appropriate patch or patch set and download it to the OMS Oracle home location.

Accessing Management Packs

Oracle offers a number of management packs for Oracle Database and Oracle Application Server. For example, management packs available with the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 2 include: Database Change Management Pack, Database Configuration Pack, Database Diagnostics Pack, and Database Tuning Pack. Oracle Application Server supports the following packs: Application Server Configuration Pack and Application Server Diagnostics Pack.Each pack has several premium features bundled as part of that pack. The licensable targets (also called parent targets) that are granted access to the packs propagate that access to their dependent targets. For example, all packs that are granted to a database propagate to the host on which the database resides.

For example, if databases D1, D2, and D3 reside on host H1, and the user has access to the Database Tuning pack for database D1, then not only is the D1 database granted access to the Database Tuning pack, but the host H1 is granted access to this pack as well.

You can manage, that is grant and revoke, access to packs for various databases and application servers in your Enterprise Manager repository by using the Management Pack Access option available from the Setup screen. This Management Pack Access function is available only for super administrators.

Impact of Management Packs on Targets

Whether a target has access to a pack or not has a very significant impact on the user experience. The corresponding links related to the target, which need the pack, are enabled or disabled accordingly.To know what packs a screen needs, as well as the links in that screen, click Show Management Pack Information in the screen footer.When the access to a pack is removed from a target, all corresponding links that need this pack are disabled.

Identifying the Features that Can Be Accessed in Enterprise Manager

When one or more packs on a target monitored by Enterprise Manager are not licensed, access to premium functions for that target is disabled.For example, the Blackout button located on a Target home page (which you can use to move the target to the blackout state), is enabled only when either the Oracle Database Diagnostics Pack or the Oracle Application Server Diagnostics Pack is licensed for that target. To determine the packs used by the current screen and to know what packs need to be licensed for any link on that screen to be enabled, click Show Management Pack Information in the footer of the Enterprise Manager Home page. Enterprise Manager displays this information for all pages you navigate to during that session.

For more information on working with Management Packs, refer to the Enterprise Manager online Help.

Optional Configurations

You can perform the following configuration activities, if required:

Specifying the My Oracle Support (formerly Metalink) Credentials

Enterprise Manager uses My Oracle Support (formerly Metalink) credentials to search for and download My Oracle Support patches. If you did not specify your My Oracle Support credentials during installation, you can do the following:

  1. On the Enterprise Manager Grid Control Home page, click Setup.

  2. On the Setup screen, click Patching Setup. Grid Control displays the Patching Setup page.

  3. On the Patching Setup page, in the My Oracle Support and Proxy Connection tab, in the My Oracle Support section, specify your My Oracle Support user name and password in the fields provided.

  4. In the My Oracle Support section, for Patch Search URL, you already have a default URL, that is, Retain this default URL.

You can also access My Oracle Support directly by going to the following Web site:

From this screen, Oracle licensees can register for an account or log in with an existing account. Once logged in, you can search for and download patches.

Setting Up Proxy Configuration for the OMS

If you have a proxy server running on the host where OMS is installed, then you must set up the proxy server settings in Enterprise Manager Grid Control so that it can use those details to access My Oracle Support (formerly Metalink). Also, you can choose to use the same proxy server settings or have different settings for the OMS to communicate with its Agents.

To set up the proxy server settings for OMS to access My Oracle Support (formerly Metalink) and also for OMS to communicate with its Agents, do the following:

  1. In Grid Control, click Setup from the top-right corner of the home page.

  2. On the Overview of Setup page, from the vertical menu to the left, click Patching Setup.

  3. On the Patching Setup page, in the My Oracle Support and Proxy Connection tab, in the My Oracle Support Connection Setting section, select Manual Proxy Configuration and specify the prox server host, port, realm, user name, and password.

    Note: Only HTTP and HTTPS protocols are supported. Also note that NTLM proxy is not currently supported.

  4. If you want to use the same proxy settings for communicating with Agents, then go to Step (6). Otherwise, go to Step (5).

  5. In the Agent Connection Setting section, do one of the following:

    1. If you want to use the proxy settings given in My Oracle Support Connection Setting section, then retain the default section, that is, Use My Oracle Support connection settings.

    2. If you want t use proxy settings different from the ones specified in My Oracle Support Connection Setting section, then select Manual proxy configuration and specify the proxy server details.

      Note: Only HTTP and HTTPS protocols are supported. And NTLM proxy is not currently supported.

  6. Click Apply.

The proxy server settings you specify are registered in the Management Repository. However, in case of multiple OMS environment, after you set up the proxy server settings for one OMS, restart other OMSes to ensure that the proxy server settings registered for communication with Agents are propogated across all OMSes.

Configuring Database and ASM Targets for Monitoring

When you first view the Database Home page for an Oracle Database 10g target, the Database Home page may display no monitoring data and the status of the database may indicate that there is a metric collection error. This is because the DBSNMP password has not been configured, or has been locked due to unsuccessful login attempts.

Similarly, the first time you display the home page for an Automatic Storage Management (ASM) target, the status of the ASM instance may be unknown or unavailable, and the home page may indicate that the Management Agent is unavailable (down). Again, this is because you need to supply the ASM SYS password.


You may first need to unlock the DBSNMP user account before setting the monitoring credentials. If the account is not locked, skip Unlock the DBSNMP User Account in the next chapter and proceed to Set Monitoring Credentials for instructions.

To fix this problem for an Oracle Database target, do the following from the Grid Control console:

  1. Unlock the DBSNMP User Account (if necessary).

  2. Set Monitoring Credentials.

Exporting Environment Variable for Starting and Stopping Agent

Before you manually start or stop an agent, ensure that you export the ORACLE_HOSTNAME environment variable. For example, export ORACLE_HOSTNAME=<host_name>

Reconfiguring and Rediscovering Agent

The Agent Configuration Assistant (agentca) script is used to reconfigure the agent and rediscover the targets on the machine. This script is useful when you want to rediscover a newly added target on the machine or to convert a standalone agent to a Oracle RAC Agent.

You can make use of the following options in the agentca script.

Table 15-1 Agent Configuration Assistant Script Options

Option Description


Specify the cluster name (CLUSTER_NAME).


Specify a comma-separated cluster node list.


Do not start the agent after reconfiguration or target rediscovery.


Rediscover targets.


Reconfigure agents.


Specify the oraInst.loc (oracle inventory location). This is required when the Oracle home does not exist in the central inventory.


Get information on all the available options.


You must specify either the -f or -d option when executing this script. Using one of these two options is mandatory.


Do not use the agentca -f option to reconfigure any upgraded agent (standalone and RAC).

Rediscover and Reconfigure Targets on Standalone Agents

An agent automatically discovers all targets that are installed before the agent installation. Typically, rediscovering of targets is performed when you have installed new targets after an agent installation.

To rediscover new targets, execute agentca. The usage is as follows:

<Agent_Home>/bin/agentca -d [ -t -i oraInstloc ]

Reconfiguring a Standalone Agent to an Oracle RAC Agent

Reconfiguration of a standalone agent occurs when you want to configure this agent (with standalone configurations) as a Oracle RAC agent.

To reconfigure a standalone agent as a Oracle RAC agent, you must execute the agentca script with the following options:

<Agent_Home>/bin/agentca -f -c "node1,node2…." [-t -i oraInstloc -n CLUSTER_NAME ]


The -c option must comprise all the nodes (including the local machine) to update the inventory.

Reconfiguring an Existing RAC Agent

If you have added new nodes to an existing Oracle RAC, you can invoke the agentca script to automatically reconfigure the existing Oracle RAC agent. The agentca script updates the central inventory to add the new nodes information, and also discovers the new targets (if any).

When this script is executed, it takes a back-up of the EMSTATE directory on the local machine and creates a new EMSTATE directory.


You must run this script on only one node at a time.

To reconfigure an existing Oracle RAC agent, execute agentca as follows:

prompt> <Agent_Home>/bin/agentca -f  -c "node1,node2,node3....." [-t -i oraInst.loc -n CLUSTER_NAME] 


The -c option must comprise all the nodes (including the local machine) to update the inventory.

Rediscovering Targets on a Oracle RAC Agent

You can rediscover the new targets that have been installed on Oracle RAC nodes by running the agent configuration assistant with the following options.

prompt> <Agent_Home>/bin/agentca -d  -c "node1,node2,node3....." [-t -i oraInst.loc -n CLUSTER_NAME] 


The -c option must comprise all the nodes (including the local machine) to update the inventory.


You run this script on only one node at a time.

Installing 'Clone Support Files' After Patching

As part of the upgrade of a Grid Control installation from to there is a need to download and install 'Clone Support Files' from My Oracle Support (formerly Metalink) and install onto each OMS as part of a post-patch configuration task to enable clone support for many major releases of Oracle Tech stack components.

Restarting OMS Whenever Management Agent IP Adress Changes

Hosts with multiple network interfaces or virtual hosts bound to single or multiple network adapters are accessible by more than one IP address. However, OMS and Management Agent always select the primary host alias.

For OMS, ensure that you do not change the IP address, but if you do change it, then deinstall the OMS and install a fresh one all over again.

For Management Agent, you may change the IP address, but ensure that you restart the OMS so that the new IP address is used. If you do not restart the OMS, you will see errors when you use this Management Agent to add a new target to Grid Control.