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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Application Configuration Console Installation Guide
Release 5.3.2

Part Number E14652-02
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F Internationalization and Localization

This appendix describes how Application Configuration Console supports internationalization and what has to be done to localize the product for a given locale.

F.1 I18N Implementation in Application Configuration Console

Application Configuration Console provides internationalization support by externalizing message and UI elements in resource bundles so that the text content can be translated into the local language.

The resource bundles are contained in the following properties files:


A third properties file,, contains strings that link to context-sensitive help topics. These strings are not help content and are therefore not candidates for translation.

The Application Configuration Console Client now includes controls that allow you to select an encoded character set to interpret file and directory names on the target system. You also select the encoded character set to interpret the contents of configuration files that you load into Application Configuration Console as assets.

All Application Configuration Console Server and Client files (.log,.xml,.txt, and so forth) are in UTF-8 format so that they are interpretable in any locale. Likewise, all server-generated e-mails are in UTF-8 format. Thus, the mail server must be able to forward e-mail correctly; that is, any problems with displaying/interpreting e-mail sent from Application Configuration Console stem from the mail server. Note, however, that the Core Server and Client installer panels remain in English, as assistance can be provided for those who need it.

F.2 Localize the Database

The first step to localization is to create a new database in the appropriate encoded character set. For multibyte support, the only deviation from a standard default installation is to make the following selection on the Character Sets tab:

Use Unicode (AL32UTF8)

If you want to preserve your data, do a full export/import to properly convert all data to the new character set.

F.3 Text Translation

After you localize the database, have the files translated into the language of the locale. Minimally, you will want to translate the resource bundles. You may also want to translate the Application Configuration Console Online Help.

If the translated properties file is encoded in a non-Latin-1 character set, convert the file using the Java native2ascii utility prior to placing it in the installation directory. Be sure to remove the BOM (byte order mark) character before or after the conversion.

With the translated text properly in place in the application, you can configure the system to support the local language.

F.4 Localize Application Configuration Console

Application Configuration Console localization involvesa number of aspects as covered in this section.

F.4.1 Preparing the Client Machine for Localization

The machine hosting the Client must be configured appropriately to support the local language, as follows:

  • The requisite language packs and the fonts to support them must be installed on the host machine; otherwise, translated text will not display properly.

  • Control Panel > Regional and Language Options settings must be configured to support the language and customs of the locale.

  • For Web Reports, set the browser to display the appropriate language.


Problems of interpretation or display can be attributable either to font availability or encoding support. Open (transparent) squares denote a font issue; question marks (????) indicate an encoding issue.

F.4.2 Starting a Localized Client

To run a locale-specific version of the Client, you have to edit the startup.bat file.

  1. On the Client machine, navigate to the following directory:

  2. Open the startup.bat file in a text editor.

  3. Add an argument similar to the following to the start eclipse.exe command.

    -nl locale

    where locale is the ISO language code of the local language, fr_FR, for example.

  4. Save the file.

Upon startup, the Client checks for a matching file in the appropriate location. The Client retrieves from the original (English) version of any string that it does not find in the translated version.

F.4.3 Localizing for Configurations

Application Configuration Console manages configurations on target systems. A localized version of the product needs to encode configuration file contents and the directory structure in which the files exist. This section describes how to configure the Client accordingly.

F.4.3.1 Localizing the Target System Directory Structure

If a target system's file and directory names are in a different encoding from that of Application Configuration Console, the names will be corrupted. To circumvent the problem, set the encoding to match the target system when you create the host/endpoint in Application Configuration Console.

See the Application Configuration Console Online Help for instructions on how to set the encoding for the target host.

F.4.3.2 Localizing Configuration Contents

To load asset configurations in Application Configuration Console in the encoding of the locale, you have to set the encoding for each resource definition as part of the process of creating a file resource specification.

See the Application Configuration Console Online Help for instructions on how to set the encoding for resource definitions.

F.4.4 Localizing Custom Web Reports

You can integrate custom reports developed by Professional Services into Web Reports and make them accessible from the menu bar. The process is described in the Web Reports Online Help. For purposes of translation, you can edit the appropriate string values in, specifically: Report Menu

These names correspond to the report definitions and menu items you add to the Web Reports Registry (webreports_registry.xml) to integrate the custom reports.

Remember that if the translated property file is encoded in a non-Latin-1 character set, you must convert the file using the Java native2ascii utility; for example:

native2ascii -encoding utf-8

And then place the property file appropriately on the Client and the Core Server, as follows:


Note that the translated version has a suffix appropriate to the local language.

F.5 Localization Checklist

Use this checklist as a guideline to ensure proper localization setup.