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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Configuration Change Console Installation Guide
10g Version for Windows or UNIX

Part Number E15311-01
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16 Installing and Configuring Change Management Server Integration

This chapter explains how to install and configure integration with a Change Management Server and to be able to determine whether changes that occur are authorized. Additional information related to configuration after the integration is successful is available in the Configuration Change Console User's Guide.

Remedy ARS 6.3 Integration

The integration instructions for Remedy Action Request System (ARS) 6.3 here assume that the following components have already been installed on a server:

Customizing Remedy Installation

Part of the integration effort is to load a custom definition file for the Configuration Change Console. This definition file adds new tabs to the ChangeRequest form to capture change events that are related to the Change Request and also have additional workflow to send ticket updates, people updates and CTI updates to the Configuration Change Console Server.

It is recommended that you review the definition file prior to loading it into your Remedy instance.

The definition file is located in the file that is part of the software distribution available where the server and agent installers were located. After expanding this zip file, look for the directory Remedy/Base/ARS6.3/definition files. Inside this directory is the Remedy63-adapter-Generic.def file. This is the definition file that must be loaded for integration to occur.

Here are the steps to follow to load the definition file:

  1. Start the Remedy ARS Administrator client.

  2. Log into your Remedy instance. If you are using an evaluation version of Remedy, you can use the Demo account.

  3. In the Server Window, expand the Servers tab in the left pane, then click on the server name your Remedy ARS server is installed on.

  4. Go to the Tools Menu, select Import Definitions > From Definition File…

  5. Select the definition file Remedy63-adapter-Generic.def from the file as discussed above.

  6. Click on Forms to highlight it and click on the Add>>> button.

  7. Check the Replace Objects on the Destination Server checkbox and select Replace with New type under the Handle Conflicting Types input. Depending on how your Remedy ARS server is set up, you may not want to perform this step and instead may want to customize the definition file before importing. If you are simply integrating with a dedicated instance of the software for testing the Configuration Change Console, it is safe to perform these steps.

  8. Click on the Import button to start the import.

  9. Repeat steps 6 through 8 for Active Links.

  10. Repeat steps 6 through 8 for Filters.

  11. After the definition files are loaded, make a specific view of the Change Request form the default view for the user so that it is possible to see the new tabs. This step may not be required depending on how your Remedy server is configured and the user you will be using in the client. Click on the Forms link in the left pane to bring up the list of forms in the right pane.

  12. Select the form CHG:Change, right click and select Open.

  13. Select Form Menu, and then Manage Views.

  14. Under the Choose Default View drop down, select Administrator.

  15. Select the Administrator label row from the table and the Properties button.

  16. In the dialog window that displays, select the checkbox for Master View for Server Processing and click OK.

  17. Save the changes to the form.

  18. Exit the Administrator client.

Verify the Form Changes

You can verify the form changes were successful by logging into the Remedy ARS User client and opening the Change Request form and verifying that there are two new tabs added to the right, CCC-DetectChanges, and CCC-Assigned Category List.

Configuration Changes in Remedy

The following two sections discuss how to mark users to send to Configuration Change Console and how to create new CTI for unauthorized tickets.

Marking Users to Send to Configuration Change Console

Once the definitions have been loaded, at least one user in Remedy needs to be marked as being integrated with the Configuration Change Console. These users can be assigned tickets when unauthorized changes are found and new unauthorized tickets are created. You can choose multiple users in Remedy to be available for this, but only one actual user can be selected in the Configuration Change Console from this list.

Follow these steps:

  1. Start the Remedy User client and log in as an administrator user.

  2. Open the Person Information form and search for an existing person or create a new person.

  3. On the form input CCC-SendPersonInfo, select the Yes radio button.

  4. Save the person.

  5. Repeat for any other people to which you may want to send unauthorized tickets.

All people that have this entry selected will be sent to the Configuration Change Console and will be able to be selected when assigning newly created tickets for unauthorized changes.

Create New CTI for Unauthorized Tickets

When the Configuration Change Console finds unauthorized changes, it can create new tickets. To create a ticket, it also needs to have a CTI structure it can assign to those newly created tickets. The following three CTI combinations should be created in the Remedy User client:

  • Unauthorized > Unauthorized > Unauthorized

  • Unauthorized > Unauthorized > Emergency

  • Unauthorized > Unauthorized > Ticket Expiry

Follow these steps:

  1. Start the Remedy User client and log in as an administrator user.

  2. Open the Configure Categorization form to create a new CTI.

  3. On the form, select Change Request as the module.

  4. Enter Unauthorized as the Category.

  5. Enter Unauthorized as the Type.

  6. Enter Unauthorized as the Item.

  7. Set the status to Active.

  8. Save this categorization by clicking on the Add button.

  9. Repeat steps 3 through 8 for the other two CTI combinations.

Remedy ARS 7.0 Integration

The integration instructions for Remedy Action Request System (ARS) 7.0 here assume that the following components have already been installed on a server:

Customizing Remedy Installation

Part of the integration effort is to load a custom definition file for the Configuration Change Console. This definition file adds form templates to help in customizing your Remedy instance and also adds workflow to send ticket updates, people updates and CTI updates to the Configuration Change Console Server.

It is recommended that you review the definition file prior to loading it into your Remedy instance.

The definition file is located in the file that is part of the software distribution available where the server and agent installers were located. After expanding this zip file, look for the directory Remedy/Base/ARS7.0/definition files. Inside this directory is the Remedy70-adapter-Generic.def file. This is the definition file that must be loaded for integration to occur.

Here are the steps to follow to load the definition file:

  1. Start the Remedy ARS Administrator client.

  2. Log into your Remedy instance. If you are using an evaluation version of Remedy, you can use the Demo account

  3. In the Server Window, expand the Servers tab in the left pane, then click on the server name on which your Remedy ARS server is installed

  4. Go to the Tools Menu and select Import Definitions > From Definition File…

  5. Select the definition file Remedy70-adapter-Generic.def from the file as discussed above

  6. Click on Forms to highlight it and click on the Add button

  7. Check the Replace Objects on the Destination Server checkbox and select Replace with New type under the Handle Conflicting Types input. Depending on how your Remedy ARS server is set up, you may not want to perform this step and instead may want to customize the definition file before importing. If you are simply integrating with a dedicated instance of the software for testing the Configuration Change Console, it is safe to perform these steps.

  8. Click on the Import button to start the import.

  9. Complete the rest of the steps in all sections of this chapter.

Customization Tasks to Perform on CHG: Infrastructure Change Form

Follow these steps to customize tasks to perform on the CHG: Infrastructure Change form.

  1. Using the Remedy Administrator Client, open the Change Request form, CHG:Infrastructure Change

  2. At the same time, open the Change Request template form, CHG:Infra ChangeTmpl, for lookup purpose only. Do not make changes to this form and do not save this form. The following instructions will direct you to copy fields from the template to the real form.

  3. On the CHG:Infrastructure Change form, create two new 'pages' on the page field pagChange. You will create two new tabs:

    • The first tab will store the changes that have been detected for a ticket and should have a label of CCCEvents. The name of the page should be tabActiveR-Det-Chg. The page name is referenced by workflow and the product, so it must match exactly whereas the label can be customized.

    • The second tab stores possible CTIs that are affected for a given changes. This tab should have a label of CCCRelatedCTIs and a page name of tabActiveR-AsgnCatLst. The page name is referenced by workflow and the product, so it must match exactly whereas the label can be customized.

    Use the form CHG:Infra ChangeTmpl as the lookup for identifying the tab field properties for these tabs. Match all field properties on these two new tabs on CHG:Infrastructure Change to the corresponding properties on CHG:Infra ChangeTmpl. Make sure that the Database Field IDs are the same.

  4. Save the CHG:Infrastructure Change form.

  5. Now copy the fields on each of the tabs (one tab at a time) from CHG:Infra ChangeTmpl to CHG:Infrastructure Change form. Multiple fields can be copied at the same time by using 'Shift-Click'. Make sure that the Database Field IDs are the same. Only the following fields should be copied:

    • SubmittedByID

    • ModifiedByID

    • SupervisorID

    • CTI-ID

    • CCC-AssetID

    • CCC-IntgTagID

    • tblDetChg

    • tblChgCtiAssn

    • System Name

    • System Type

    • User List

    • Is Device Group Name

    • Stop Ticket Update

    • CCC Ticket Type

    • CCC-Consolidation Tag

  6. Copy the field Preventing a Problem from CHG:Infra ChangeTmpl to CHG:Infrastructure Change form.

  7. Resize, align and position all of the fields as necessary.

  8. Change length of “Summary” to 255 chars (It is 150 by default, but summary of ticket expiry tickets are longer than 150 characters)

  9. Save the CHG:Infrastructure Change form again.

Customization Tasks to Perform On CTM: People Form

Follow these steps to customize tasks to perform on the CTM: People form.

  1. Using the Remedy Administrator Client, open the People form, CTM:People.

  2. Open the People template form, CTM:PeopleTmpl, for lookup purpose only. Do not make changes to this form and do not save this form. The following instructions will direct you to copy fields from the template to the real form

  3. Copy the fields in the box, Custom Fields Used by Oracle from CTM:PeopleTmpl to CTM:People. Multiple fields can be copied at the same time by using 'Shift-Click'. The following fields only should get copied:

    • Box

    • extAR1

    • CCC-SendPersonalInfo

    • CCC-GroupIDs

    • CCC-PersonInGrp

  4. Save the form CTM:People

Customization Tasks to Perform on PCT:Product Catalog Form

Follow these steps to customize tasks to perform on PCT: Product Catalog form.

  1. Using the Remedy Administrator Client, open the Categorization (CTI) form, PCT:Product Catalog.

  2. Open the Categorization (CTI) template form, PCT:CatalogTmpl for lookup purpose only. Do not make changes to this form and do not save this form. The following instructions will direct you to copy fields from the template to the real form.

  3. Copy the fields in the box, Custom Fields Used by Oracle from PCT:CatalogTmpl to PCT:Product Catalog. Multiple fields can be copied at the same time by using 'Shift-Click'. Only the following fields should get copied:

    • BoxAR1

    • txtAR1

    • SubmittedByID

    • ModifiedByID

  4. Save the form PCT:Product Catalog

Import Workflow Definitions

Follow these steps to import workflow definitions:

  1. Start the Remedy ARS Administrator client and connect to your remedy instance

  2. Go to the Tools Menu, select Import Definitions > From Definition File…

  3. Select the definition file Remedy70-adapter-Generic.def again.

  4. Click on Filters to highlight it and click on the Add button

  5. Click on Active Links to highlight it and click on the Add button. Do not import the “Forms” again as it will replace the work you did in the last few sections.

  6. Check the Replace Objects on the Destination Server checkbox and select Replace with New type under the Handle Conflicting Types input. Depending on how your Remedy ARS server is set up, you may not want to perform this step and instead may want to customize the definition file before importing. If you are simply integrating with a dedicated instance of the software for testing the Configuration Change Console, it is safe to perform these steps.

  7. Click on the Import button to start the import.

Customize Configuration Change Console Administration Configuration

Follow these steps (do not include quotes when entering text) to customize the console:

  1. Using the Remedy User Client, log in to your Remedy7 server.

  2. From the Home page, click Application Administration Console

  3. Create a new company Oracle Enterprise Manager with type Operating Company

  4. Create new organization and location. These values can be set to whatever you would like to represent your organization.

  5. Enter the following support Groups hierarchy

    • Support Organization: “IT Compliance”

    • Support Group Name: “IT Monitor”

    • Support Group Role: “Report”

  6. Create people

    • Input required fields

    • Support Staff is "Yes"

    • Login id, such as "cccadmin". You can choose any name you want.

    • License Type: Fixed

    • Add Support Group relationship, such as "IT Compliance" to it

    • Add Support Group Functional Role, "Change> Infrastructure Change Manager" to it

  7. View cccadmin from People Form, and set the field CCC-SendPersonInfo to “Yes” and save it.

  8. Create Product Catalog for the following, setting the status to Enabled:

    • Unauthorized > Unauthorized > Unauthorized

    • Unauthorized > Unauthorized > Emergency

    • Unauthorized > Unauthorized > Ticket Expiry

  9. Create Assignment

    • Events: “Infrastructure Change Manager”

    • Assigned Group: “IT Compliance” (This was created in step 5 above)

    • Company: “Global”

  10. Find the “User” form from object list and search for the user cccadmin

  11. Add more groups to the Permission Group list:

    “Infrastructure Change Master”“Config Categorization Admin”“Config Group Mapping Admin”“Contact Organization Admin”“Contact Location Admin”“Administrator”“Asset Admin”“Contact People Admin”“Cost Manager”
  12. Add the company created above in step 3, Oracle Enterprise Manager into the Access Restriction list.

Verify the Form Changes

You can verify the form changes were at least partially successful by logging into the Remedy ARS User client and opening the Change Request form and verifying that there are two new tabs added to the right: CCCEvents and CCCRelatedCTIs.

Peregrine Service Center 6.1 Integration

The integration instructions for Peregrine Service Center 6.1 here assume that the Service Center product has already been installed on another server in your environment.

Customizing Service Center Installation

Part of the integration effort is to load a custom definitions file for the Configuration Change Console. This definition file adds custom fields needed by the agent to store Configuration Change Console detected events. It also includes additional workflow to send ticket updates, people updates and categorization updates to the Configuration Change Console Server.

It is recommended that you review the definition file prior to loading it into your Service Center instance. The definition file is located in the file that is part of the software distribution available where the server and agent installers were located.

After expanding this zip file, look for the directory Peregrine/Base/SC6.1/dictionary files. Inside this directory are the ServiceCenter61-adapter-Generic-Additions.unl and ServiceCenter61-adapter-Generic-Modifications.unl files. These are the definition files that must be loaded for integration to work. Here are the steps to follow to load the definition file.

Step 1: Load Configuration Change Console Dictionary File

Follow these steps to load the Configuration Change Console Dictionary file:

  1. Start the Peregrine Service Center 6.1 client and log in as a user that has permission to customize Peregrine such as the default falcon user.

  2. Backup the following components that will be modified by loading the custom dictionary file.

    • Format: cm3r.assess.default.g

    • Format: cm3r.plan.default.g

    • Format Control: cm3r.assess.default

    • Format Control: cm3r.plan.default

    • DBDICT: cm3r

  3. In the main navigation pane, scroll down to the Toolkit section and click the Database Manager icon.

  4. The Database Manager window will display. Click the down arrow icon in the upper right hand corner. Select Import/Load from the resulting drop-down menu.

  5. The ServiceCenter File Load/Import screen will display. Click the folder icon at the end of the File Name field.

  6. In the Open window, navigate to the folder containing the ServiceCenter61-adapter-Generic-Additions.unl file. Select the file and click Open.

  7. Select winnt from the file type drop-down menu.

  8. Click on the Load FG button in the upper left hand corner to start the import. The load status will display at the top of the window. Once finished the file name and path will display as "loaded".

  9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 to import the ServiceCenter61-adapter-Generic-Modifications.unl file.

Step 2: Enable External Web Services Access

In order to access Peregrine Service Center data through web services, the Configuration Change Console requires settings on certain external access records to be modified. Please follow these steps to ensure that the integration functions properly.

  1. In the Peregrine Service Center client, return to the main navigation menu by clicking the Back icon in the upper left hand corner.

  2. From the main navigation pane scroll down to the Utilities section and click the Tools icon.

  3. Scroll down to the section titled Web Services and click the External Access icon. The External Access Definition screen will open.

  4. You will be adding a number of services. For each definition 1 through 9 listed below:

    1. Enter the listed Name information in the Name field and press Enter.

    2. Verify that the Service Name and Object Name match those listed below.

    3. Click the Add icon, followed by the OK icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

      Definition 1Name: ActiveR Service Name: ActiveRWS Object Name: ActiveR

      Definition 2Name: ActiveRAssignedCategoryListDetails Service Name: ActiveRWS Object Name: ARCategoryDetails

      Definition 3Name: ActiveRDetectedDetail Service Name: ActiveRWS ObjectName: ActiveRDetectedDetail

      Definition 4Name: cm3tcategoryServiceName: ActiveRWSObjectName: cm3tcategory

      Definition 5Name: cm3tcategoryServiceName: ActiveRWSObjectName: cm3tcategory


      For this definition you will also need to click the DataPolicy tab, and enter false in the exclude column for the values in the list below:

      Field Name Excludecompany falsedescription falsename falsephases false

      Definition 6Name: cm3rsubcatServiceName: ActiveRWSObjectName: cm3rsubcat


      For this definition you will also need to click the DataPolicy tab, and enter false in the exclude column for the values in the list below:

      Field Name Excludecategory falsecompany falsedescription falsesubcategory falsesysmodcount falsesysmoduser false

      Definition 7Name: eventoutServiceName: ActiveRWSObjectName: eventout


      For this definition you will also need to click the DataPolicy tab, and enter false in the exclude column for the values in the list below:

      Field Name Excludeevfields falseevnumber falseevsepchar falseevstatus falseevsysseq falseevtype falseevuser false

      Definition 8Name: operatorServiceName: ActiveRWSObjectN: operator


      For this definition you will also need to click the DataPolicy tab. For the corresponding Field names, enter false in the Exclude column. All other rows within the column should have true entered.

      i. departmentii. Full.nameiii. nameiv. User.role


      For this definition you will also need to click the DataPolicy tab, and enter false in the exclude column for the values in the list below:

      Field Name Excludedepartment falsename falseuser.role false

      Definition 9Note: This definition should already exist in a customer's Peregrine system.Name: cm3rServiceName: ActiveRWSObjectName: Change


      For this definition you will also need to click the DataPolicy tab, and enter false in the exclude column for the values in the list below:

      Field Name falseheader,assign.dept falseheader,coordinator falseheader,planned.end falseheader,planned.start false
  5. For definitions 1,2,3,and 7, map the following allowed actions:

    • delete->delete

    • add->create

    • save->update

  6. Once finished, click the Back button twice to return to the main navigation window.

Step 3: Database Dictionary Modifications

Use the following steps to modify the Database Dictionary:

  1. In the Peregrine Service Center client, enter dbdict in the Command field, located below the file drop-down menu in the upper left-hand corner. Click the Execute Command icon. The Database Dictionary screen will display.

  2. In the File Name field enter cm3r. Click the Search button.

  3. In the Field table, highlight the Number entry and click the Edit icon in the upper left hand corner.

  4. In the resulting window click the Create Alias button.

  5. Change the value in the Name field from number.alias to vj.number.1. Click the OK icon in the upper left-hand corner.

  6. Repeat steps 3 - 5, this time entering vj.number.2 in the name field for step 5.

  7. Click the OK icon in the upper left-hand corner of the file screen. The configuration is now complete.

Step 4: Creating Macros

Use the following steps to create macros:

  1. In the Peregrine Service Center client, return to the main navigation menu by clicking the Back icon in the upper left hand corner.

  2. From the main navigation pane scroll down to the Utilities section and click the Tools icon.

  3. Scroll down to the section titled Tools and click the Macros icon. The Available Macros screen will display.

  4. You will need to create two macros. For each of the two definitions below:

    1. Click the Add button on the left side of the Available Macros screen.

    2. Fill in the values for Macro Name, Applies When, Macro Type, and Macro Condition with the appropriate values. Note that the macro condition will need to be customized depending on your installed Peregrine customizations.

    3. Click the Set Parameters button. The Editing Macro Parameters screen will display.

    4. Fill in the value for Application to Call, then add the appropriate parameter-value pairs in the table below.

    5. Click Save to close the Editing Macro Parameters screen.

    6. Click the green check button to save the macro.

      Definition 1Macro Name: ARcm3rout Closed Change RequestsApplies When: Change Requests are SavedMacro Type: Call A RAD RoutineMacro Condition: category in $"RFC - Advanced" and priority in $"1" and current.phase in $"4.implement"
      Set Parameters Section
      : Application to Call: script.execute
      Parameters Values





      Definition 2Macro Name: ARcm3rout Open Change RequestsApplies When: Change Requests are SavedMacro Type: Call A RAD RoutineMacro Condition: category in $"RFC - Advanced" and (priority in $"1" or current.phase in $"4.implement") and current.phase in $"5.accept"
      Set Parameters Section
      : Application to Call: script.execute
      Parameters Values





Step 4: Editing the Event.out Format Control

The Configuration Change Console agent needs to update the "status" field in the Event Output Queue. In order for this to be possible, settings must be changed for the event.out format control. Please follow these steps to complete these changes.

  1. In the Peregrine Service Center client, return to the main navigation menu by clicking on the Main Menu tab.

  2. From the main navigation pane scroll down to the Utilities section and click the Tools icon.

  3. Scroll down to the section titled Tools and click the Format Control icon. The Search Format Control Records screen will display.

  4. In the Name field type event.out and click the Search button.

  5. In the record for event.out, click the Privileges button.

  6. In the Function/Condition table, set the values for Add and Update to true.

  7. Click the OK button to save the record.

  8. Click the Back button to close the form.

Install Agent for Integration

After customizing your Change Management Server, you can now install an agent that will be used for integration. The agent is the same as any other agent, however not every OS is supported. For Remedy integration, for example, only the Windows agent can integrate with Remedy. If you are connecting to a Remedy server on another host, you can proxy the integration through a Windows host. For Peregrine, the operating system on which Peregrine is installed does not matter since the integration is web services based.

The agent may be installed on the same server that the Change Management software is on, or it can be installed remotely. You may also choose to pick one of your existing agents to be the agent that will provide integration.

The installation process is the same as with any other agent. There are no additional steps other than deciding which agent will act as the Change Management integration agent.

Integration Steps on the Configuration Change Console Server

To finish the integration, you configure the Configuration Change Console Server to connect to the Change Management Server. The detailed instructions for this are available in the Configuration Change Console User's Guide chapter titled, Integrating with A Change Management Server.