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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Management Connector for Ops Center Installation and Configuration Guide

Part Number E17066-01
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Introduction to the Management Connector For Ops Center

The Management Connector for Ops Center enables you to view event information in the Enterprise Manager console from the lowest hardware levels all the way up to your critical business services. With the connector, Ops Center notifications are displayed as Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control alerts. The retrieved alerts are stored in the Enterprise Manager repository and displayed through the Enterprise Manager console. Beginning with Enterprise Manager 10g Release 5, you can retrieve Ops Center notifications and display them in Enterprise Manager as alerts in real time through Web services. In this release the data flow is one way, from Ops Center to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control.Using a polling mechanism, the Ops Center Connector retrieves data through Web Services on HTTPS protocols. The polling interval is user-definable, but cannot be shorter than five (5) minutes. If an interval shorter than five minutes is defined, it defaults to five minutes.The default target_type defined in Enterprise Manager is oc_managed_host. The retrieved alerts are stored in the default target instance generic_oc_managed_host. You can install and configure additional target instances based on your requirements.

Obtaining the Software

Follow these steps to download the Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Connector For Ops Center software:

  1. Download the connector bundle.

  2. Unzip the file:

    $ unzip
      inflating: OpsCenterConnector_1.0.jar
      inflating: README.txt
      inflating: SUNWxvmoc-notification-ws.pkg
      inflating: sun-xvmoc-notification-ws-2.5.0-0001.noarch.rpm

Installing the Connector and Configuring the Enterprise Controller

You must perform the following steps to configure the Ops Center Enterprise Controller:

  1. Install and enable the Ops Center notification web service

  2. Create an Ops Center user for the Connector

  3. Create a Notification Profile for the Ops Center User

  4. Capture the Web Service certificate file


Enterprise Manager Grid Control patch 9153712 is required for routing Ops Center Alerts to Grid Control Hosts.

Install and Enable Ops Center Notification Web Service

To install and enable the Ops Center notification web service, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the appropriate native package for your Enterprise Controller operating system.

  2. While the Enterprise Controller is running, add the package:

    • Linux

      # rpm -i sun-xvmoc-notification-ws-2.5.0-0001.noarch.rpm

    • Solaris

      # pkgadd -d ./SUNWxvmoc-notification-ws.pkg SUNWxvmoc-notification-ws

Create an Ops Center User For the Connector

After the package is installed on the Enterprise Controller, create an Ops Center user and assign a user role, and then create a notification profile for the connector.


The Ops Center user for the connector must be a UNIX® user on the Enterprise Controller.

Roles enable the Enterprise Controller Admin user to control access and authorization to use the different functions of Ops Center. Roles can be granted for the Enterprise Controller, All Assets, or specific user-created groups. The All Assets role enables the user to perform any action and receive notifications on any asset or group.

  1. Log into Ops Center as an Enterprise Controller admin user.

  2. Click Administration in the Navigation panel, then click the Users tab.

  3. On the Users page, click the Add User icon.

  4. Enter a user name, then click Add User. The new user is created. New user information, such as the password, is pulled from the local authentication subsystem.

  5. Click Administration in the Navigation panel, then click the Roles tab.

  6. Select the user from the drop-down menu.

  7. (Optional) To receive connectivity and security alerts, grant the Admin role to the Enterprise Controller.

    1. In the center panel, highlight Enterprise Controller, then click the Edit Roles icon.

    2. Select the check box for the Admin role, then click Update Role Capabilities.

  8. In the center panel, highlight All Assets, then click the Edit Roles icon.

  9. Select the check box for the Admin role, then click Update Role Capabilities.

The following graphic shows a connector user with the Ops Center Admin role for the Enterprise Controller and All Assets.

Figure 1 Roles Management Example

Roles Management Example

See Roles and Authorizations in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center documentation for more information about Ops Center roles and authorization levels.

Create a Notification Profile For the Ops Center User

Notification Profiles determine how notifications are sent to the designated user, the assets for which the user will receive notification, and the severity level.

You can choose from the following notification levels:

  • None – No notifications are sent

  • Low and Higher – Low, medium, and high severity notifications are sent

  • Medium and Higher – Medium and high severity notifications are sent

  • High – High severity notifications are sent

Low and Medium notifications are displayed as Warning alerts, and High severity notifications are displayed as Critical alerts in Oracle Enterprise Manager. For the Ops Center Connector user to receive all alerts, create a Notification Profile that designates the Low and Higher notification level and subscribes to all notifications.

See Configuring a Notification Profile in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center documentation for more information.

  1. Log into Ops Center as the Ops Center Enterprise Controller admin user.

  2. Click Administration in the Navigation panel, then click the Enterprise Controller.

  3. Click the Users tab in the center panel and select the user that you created in Create an Ops Center User For the Connector

  4. Click the Configure Notification Profile icon.

  5. Select Subscribe to All Notifications.

    Figure 2 Subscribe to All Notifications

    Subscribe to All Notifications
  6. From the Application drop-down list, select the Low and higher option for messages to be received through the BUI.

  7. Click Update Notification Profile.

  8. Stop and restart the Enterprise Controller.

    # satadm stop -w
    # satadm start -w
  9. If you have one or more remote Proxy Controllers, stop and restart each Proxy Controller.

    # proxyadm stop -w
    # proxyadm start -w

Capture the Web Service Certificate File

An HTTPS protocol is required to establish a connection between Ops Center and Enterprise Manager. You can export the certificate through the command line, export and save the certificate to a file, or export the certificate from a browser. The method described below is to export the certificate from a browser. By using the browser, you are testing that the webservice is available and that the Ops Center user that you created earlier has access. This procedure describes how to export the Web Services certificate file. The contents of this file will be used in a later procedure to update the Oracle Enterprise Manager certificate file.

  1. Launch a browser and navigate to the following URL for your Ops Center instance, replacing <hostname> with the host name of the Enterprise Controller:


  2. Accept the Web Service certificate.

  3. To export the certificate, click View, click Details, and then click Export. Depending on your browser, this might be done from the security icon in the lower right corner of your browser or from the encryption settings in your browser's Advanced Preferences.

  4. Select X.509 (PEM) certificate and name the file certdb.txt.

  5. Open the certdb.txt file in a text editor, such as Notepad, and copy the contents. You will update this certdb.txt file after you register the connector and templates.

Example – Exporting the Certificate From the Command Line

Instead of exporting the certificate from a browser, you can use the keytool cert export tool to export the certificate from the command line. The following is an example of how to export the cacao_agent certificate to a file in a text format. In this example, the certificate file is /var/tmp/cacao_adm.cert.

The keystore password is stored in the /var/tmp/cacao_adm.cert file.

The keytool is located in the following directory:

  • Linux OS – /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_14/bin/keytool

  • Solaris OS – /usr/jdk/jdk1.6.0_14/bin/keytool

  1. As root, run the following command on the Enterprise Controller:

    • Linux OS

      The password for the following command is the contents of the /etc/opt/sun/cacao2/instances/default/security/password file.

      # keytool -export -rfc -keystore /opt/sun/cacao2/instances/default/security/jsse/keystore -file /var/tmp/cacao_adm.cert -alias cacao_agent

    • Solaris OS

      The password for the following command is the contents of the /etc/cacao/instances/default/security/password file.

      # keytool -export -rfc -keystore /etc/cacao/instances/default/security/jsse/keystore -file /var/tmp/cacao_adm.cert -alias cacao_agent

  2. Enter the keystore password.