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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Agent Release Notes for Windows
10g Release 2 (10.2)

Part Number B25968-02
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Oracle® Enterprise Manager

Agent Release Notes for Windows

10g Release 2 (10.2)


February 2006

These Release Notes identify differences between the delivered Oracle Enterprise Manager Management Agent Release product and its documented functionality.


To check for updates to this document and view other Oracle documentation, see the Documentation section on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site:

This document contains the following sections:

Installation Issues

This section addresses installation issues.

Exceptions While Starting CMSDK Domain Controller

When Management Agent and CMSDK's "ifsctl start" are installed on the same machine, you may encounter an exception when you run "ifsctl start" on that machine to start the CMSDK domain controller. This is because the Management Agent install prefixes its directories to the path of the system environment variable.To avoid this exception, manually remove $AGENT_ORACLE_HOME related entries from the system environment variable "PATH", and then run "ifsctl start".

(Bug 4883113)

Agent Config Assistant and Upgrade Assistant Failure

On Microsoft Windows, the Agent Config Assistant for a 10.2 installation and the Upgrade Assistant for a 10.1 to 10.2 upgrade fail if any directory or subdirectory in the installation path begins with the letter "u".

To avoid this problem, ensure that directories and subdirectories in your installation path begin with letters other than "u".

(Bug 4879597)

Issues While Discovering Targets

When Agent-only installation is performed on the RAC environment by selecting multiple nodes, only Host and cluster targets get discovered on all the nodes. For discovering other targets, you have to maually perform the discovery on all the nodes. To do so, use the following command:

<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/agentca.bat -f -c "node1,node2..."

For example:

<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/agentca.bat -f -c "staio05,staio06"

(Bug 4766358)

Issues While Reconfiguring Secured Agents

In the NT Real Application Clusters (RAC) Agent install scenario, after you reconfigure a secured Management Agent using the "<AGENT_HOME>/bin/agentca -f" script, check its status. Ideally, the Management Agent should have regained its secured status in spite of being reconfigured. However, if the Management Agent is not secured, manually secure it by running this script:

<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl secure agent <PASSWORD>

(Bug 4912661)

Agent Cloning Installation Failure

While cloning Management Agent, if the installation process hangs at the configuration phase, run the agent cloning installation process in "noconfig" mode, and then run the "agentca" script for "config and discovery".

First run the agent cloning installation process in "noconfig" mode from ORACLE_HOME:

<ORACLE_HOME>/oui/bin/setup.exe -clone -forceCLone ORACLE_HOME=<value of oracleHome> ORACLE_HOME_NAME=<oracle_home_name> -noconfig

After the installation, go to <ORACLE_HOME>/bin and run the "agentca" script:

<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/agentca -f

(Bug 4900980)

Issues While Discovering Database Targets

When database targets are discovered after a Management Agent is installed, their status in the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console appears as "Unavailable". This is because Grid Control is not updated with the password for "dbsnmp", and as a result, it is unable to monitor and manage database targets.

To resolve this issue, configure the database targets. In the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console, click the Database subtab (under Targets tab), select the database target you want to configure, and click Configure. On the Configure Database Instance: Properties page, provide the password.

(Bug 4954787)

Oracle Universal Installer May Not Get Invoked

On Microsoft Windows 2000, you may not be able to invoke Oracle Universal Installer to install the Management Agent if there are innumerous Java processes running on that machine.

To resolve this issue, run the following command:

setup -J-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.awt.nopixfmt=true

(Bug 4376855, 5020783)

Upgrade Issues

This section addresses the upgrade issues.

Incomplete NT RAC Agent Upgrade

In the NT RAC agent upgrade scenario, even after the Agent-only installer completes the upgrade and shows a success message, the Management Agent may not start on any of the nodes.

In order to complete all configurations and have the Management Agents start on any of the nodes, you have to execute the upgrade utility on every single node in the RAC. The executable is <new_home>/oui/bin/<host_name>.upgrade.bat, where <host_name> is the full-qualified host name.

For example:


(Bug 4901299)

portlist.ini File in Upgraded Agent Home May Not Contain Complete Information

After a Management Agent is upgraded, the port configurations are retained, and you should keep using the same ports for all the agent functions. The portlist.ini file may not contain the complete or correct port numbers.

(Bug 4889872)

Upgrading a Management Agent Will Not Move User-Defined Metrics to New Oracle Home

When the Management Agent is upgraded, a new Oracle Home directory is created for it. Any scripts referenced by OS-based User-Defined Metrics that are located in the Management Agent's Oracle Home directory will not be copied into the newly created Oracle Home directory.

To ensure that OS-based User-Defined Metrics continue to work, the original Oracle Home directory of the Management Agent must not be deleted unless all the User-Defined Metric scripts are copied into a new directory (preferably outside any existing Oracle Home) and the User-Defined Metrics definitions have been updated in the Enterprise Manager Console to reflect the new script locations.

(Bug 4768845)

Performance Issues

This section addresses performance issues.

High CPU Usage of NMUPM

If the process nmupm consumes too much CPU time, verify that the performance counters perfDisk,perfProc, and perfOS are not disabled. For example to check PerfOS service, go to the registry location:


Check if there is an entry 'DisablePerformanceCounters' with the value "1". If there is one, change the value of this entry to "0". Similarly check and set the entries for perfDisk and perfProc.

More information on how to set these entries can be found at:

(Bug 4894672)

Application Errors When Grid Agent Is Monitoring OCS Targets

On Microsoft Windows, when you run out of desktop heap, you may encounter errors such as: "The application failed to intialize properly (0xc00000142)".

Click OK to terminate the application. This sometimes makes the machine unusable.

To circumvent this issue, you need to increase the desktop heap size. To do this, open the registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems\Windows

Look at the entry SharedSection. It usually has three values separated by commas. To increase the desktop heap size for non-interactive desktops, the third value needs to be modified. Change its value to "3072", and reboot the machine for the changes to take effect.

More detailed information about this can be found at:;EN-US;184802

A related Microsoft KB article:;en-us;824422

(Bugs 4867529, 4768354, and 4765172)

Application Server Instance Issues

This section addresses application server status issues.

"Up Since" Field Is Displayed As "Unavailable"

Using Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10.1.0.x (,, if you visit the home page of an OC4J, Oracle HTTP Server, or OracleAS Web Cache target that is being monitored by a 10.2 Management Agent, the "Up Since" value in the General Section will always be "Unavailable".

(Bug 4882496)

Discovery Initiated by Grid Control May Result in IO Exception

When a discovery of application server targets is initiated from the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console, an IO exception error is displayed even though the operation is successful. Ignore this message if the application server targets are successfully added to Enterprise Manager Grid Control.

(Bug 4714617)

Issues Related to Deletion of Application Server Targets

When a Management Agent is installed on a host that already has application server targets installed on it, an auto discovery is initiated by the Management Agent after its installation and all the application server targets in that environment are listed in the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console.

When you try to remove any of those listed application server targets using the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console, the selected target gets deleted from the console as well as the central agent. However, the centralagent.lst file in IAS_HOME, which contains entries for central agents monitoring this IAS, does not get updated accordingly. As a result, when you perform a rediscovery of this IAS target from the central agent, this discovery does not happen appropriately.

To circumvent this issue, access the centralagent.lst file from IAS_HOME/sysman/emd, and manually delete the entry for the central agent of the IAS target you just removed from the console.

(Bug 4995039)

Third-Party Application Server Monitoring Issues

This section addresses third-party application server monitoring issues.

Issues While Stopping and Restarting IBM WebSphere Application Server Cell

When you use the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console to stop an IBM WebSphere Application Server Cell instance, the instance stops and remains in "Down" status for a short while but restarts automatically within few minutes and changes its status to "Up" without any manual intervention. As a result, you may also encounter errors when you try to manually restart this instance.

To workaround this issue, use the Administer link provided on the home page to access the IBM WebSphere Administration console, and perform all stop and restart operations from that console.

(Bug 5021239)

Backup and Recovery Issues

This section addresses backup and recovery issues.

Application Server Recovery Displays Error Though Backup Is Available on the Disk

On Microsoft Windows, while recovering applicaion server targets, you may see the message "Backup you selected does not exist". This message is valid when backup is not available in the backup directory. However, sometimes this message is displayed even when backup is available on Oracle Management Service.

To fix this issue, apply ARU patch 8108087 to the Management Service, and then recover the application server targets. To obtain the patch, access the Automated Release Updates (ARU) site at, click Patches, and search for patch request number 8108087.

(Bug 4639053)

Temp Files Cannot Be Removed After 9.2 DB Backup Is Completed

The output of the offline backup job on Microsoft Windows databases will have extra lines at the end with errors for removing temporary files and directories. These errors have no influence on the job status. They can be ignored.

(Bug 4716400)

Web Cache Management Issues

This section addresses web cache management issues.

Two "Administer" Links on Web Cache Home Page in Enterprise Manager Grid Control

Using Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10.1.0.x (,, if you visit the home page of a 10.1.2 OracleAS Web Cache, there will be two "Administer" links displayed in the Related Links section.

(Bug 4882466)

Data Guard Management Issues

This section addresses data guard management issues.

ORA-16826 When Adding Standby Redo Log Files To a Logical Standby Database

When using the Data Guard Verify Configuration function to add standby redo log files to a logical standby, an ORA-16826 warning may be encountered.

To clear the warning, select the logical standby database in the Data Guard overview page, then click Edit. On the General Properties page, click Reset to clear the warning.

(Bug 4652272)

Oracle Collaboration Suite Management Issues

This section addresses Oracle Collaboration Suite (OCS) management issues.

Internal Server Error While Configuring Oracle Collaboration Suite Services

You may encounter an internal server error when you define a generic aggregate service (or system target), and add the OCS sub-component service as one of its members. This is because an OCS sub-component service (e.g. Email User Access Service, Calendar User Access Service) cannot have multiple parent services associated with it.

To fix this issue, apply ARU patch 8107532 to the Management Service, and then configure the OCS services. To obtain the patch, access the Automated Release Updates (ARU) site at, click Patches, and search for patch request number 8107532.

(Bug 4890876)

Internal Server Error If Component Service Name Contains Multibyte Characters

You may encounter an internal server error when you add a new OCS sub-component service (e.g. Email User Access service, Calendar User Access service, etc) from the Configure Component service page. This may happen if the OCS component service name contains multibyte characters.

To fix this issue, apply ARU patch 8111452 to the Management Service, and then configure the OCS services. To obtain the patch, access the Automated Release Updates (ARU) site at, click Patches, and search for patch request number 8111452.

(Bug 4860550)

Error Displayed If the Number of Discovered Targets Exceeds 100

You may see error messages while adding OCS component services (e.g. Email Service, Calendar Service, etc). This may happen if the number of discovered agent monitored targets exceeds 100.

To fix this issue, apply ARU patch 8107532 to the Management Service, and then configure the OCS services. To obtain the patch, access the Automated Release Updates (ARU) site at, click Patches, and search for patch request number 8107532.

(Bug 4758081)

System/Services Test Properties Page Displays Incorrect Data

On Microsoft Windows, while configuring Real-Time Collaboration Service and Calendar Service, you may see incorrect data displayed on the System/Services Test Properties page. This is because the test properties are not discovered correctly for these services.

To fix this issue, apply ARU patch 8107532 to the Management Service, and then configure the OCS services. To obtain the patch, access the Automated Release Updates (ARU) site at, click Patches, and search for patch request number 8107532.

(Bug 4758013)

Patching Ultrasearch at the Instance Level Not Supported

You cannot patch Ultrasearch at the instance level from Enterprise Manager Grid Control. However, you can still use Enterprise Manager Grid Control to apply Ultrasearch patches at the Oracle Home or host level.

(Bug 4904980)

Documentation Issues

This section addresses documentation issues.

New Licensing Pack Information Unavailable

The help system does not have information about the new licensing packs and plug-ins.

(Bug 4686894)

Long Initial Load Time for Online Help System

After the Oracle Management Service is started or restarted, it may take a long time for the help browser to display the online help system the first time it is invoked. For all subsequent help use, topics display immediately.

To fix this performance problem, apply ARU patch 8083686 to the Management Service. This patch fixes the problem with help browser performance and provides the full set of online help files. To obtain the patch, access the Automated Release Updates (ARU) site at, click Patches, and search for patch request number 8083686.

(Bug 4865772)

Documentation Accessibility

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at

Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation

Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation

This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

TTY Access to Oracle Support Services

Oracle provides dedicated Text Telephone (TTY) access to Oracle Support Services within the United States of America 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For TTY support, call 800.446.2398.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Agent Release Notes for Windows, 10g Release 2 (10.2)


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