C ODBC Support on Palm

This document describes the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) support provided in Oracle Database Lite 10g for the Palm OS Platform. Topics include:

C.1 ODBC Support

For the Palm OS platform, Oracle Database Lite 10g supports a subset of the ODBC 3.0 application programming interface standard. Using the ODBC API, applications can access data stored in Oracle Database Lite from your Palm handheld device.

The Oracle Database Lite ODBC library supports the Dynamic SQL model, in which applications can construct SQL statements at runtime and execute them directly on the handheld device.

The supported ODBC API functions are listed in Table C-1.

Table C-1 ODBC API Functions

Function Description
SQLAllocConnect Allocates memory for a connection handle using the specified environment.
SQLAllocEnv Allocates memory for an environment handle.
SQLAllocHandle A generic function for allocating environment, connection, and statement handles.
SQLAllocStmt Allocates memory for a statement handle using the specified connection.
SQLFreeConnect Disconnects from the connected database using the specified handle, and frees the handle.
SQLFreeEnv Frees the specified handle. Uncommitted transactions associated with the handle are rolled back.
SQLFreeHandle A generic handle to free environment, connection, and statement handles.
SQLFreeStmt Frees the specified statement handle and its associated temporary memory.
SQLConnect Connects to a database and saves information about the connection in the provided connection handle.
SQLDisconnect Disconnects and closes a previously connected database.
SQLBindParameter Binds a data buffer to a parameter marker in a SQL statement.
SQLPrepare Compiles a SQL statement and stores the information in the provided statement handle.
SQLExecDirect Compiles and executes the specified SQL statement.
SQLExecute Executes the prepared SQL using SQLPrepare.
SQLFetch Reads in a row of data from the result set. After calling the function, the cursor is positioned to the next row to be read.
SQLBindCol Binds a buffer to a column in the result set.
SQLDescribeCol Retrieves information about a column of the result set.
SQLError Extracts details about the last error associated to the provided handles.
SQLGetData Reads in a single column from the current row into the specified buffer.
SQLNumResultCols Returns the number of columns in the result set.
SQLRowCount Returns the number of rows affected by a SQL SELECT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.
SQLTransact Requests a commit or rollback for all active operations on all statements associated with an environment.

C.1.1 SQLAllocConnect

Allocates memory for a connection handle using the specified environment, hEnv.


RETCODE SQLAllocConnect( hEnv, hDbc )


The arguments for SQLAllocConnect are listed in Table C-2:

Table C-2 SQLAllocConnect Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHENV hEnv Environment handle. If set to NULL, creates a new environment.
SQLHDBC* hDbc Pointer to a connection handle where the routine stores the address of the newly allocated memory.

Usage Note

This function is supported for backward compatibility with ODBC 2.0. New applications should be coded using the function SQLAllocHandle and the handle type SQL_HANDLE_DBC. Internally, SQLAllocConnect calls SQLAllocHandle.


SQLAllocConnect returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified environment handle.

C.1.2 SQLAllocEnv

SQLAllocEnv allocates memory for an environment handle.

To share a single transaction for different connections and statement handles, pass in the same environment handle to SQLAllocConnection, SQLAllocStmt, or SQLAllocHandle. This way, the new handles inherit, and share, the same environment handle. When these handles are freed, the actual connections and transaction are not freed. The resources are not released until the original environment handle is freed.


RETCODE SQLAllocEnv( hEnv )


The arguments for SQLAllocEnv are listed in Table C-3:

Table C-3 SQLAllocEnv Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHENV* hEnv Pointer to an environment handle.

Usage Note

This function is supported for backward compatibility with ODBC 2.0. New applications should be coded using the function SQLAllocHandle and the handle type SQL_HANDLE_ENV. Internally, SQLAllocEnv calls SQLAllocHandle.


SQLAllocEnv returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError and pass in NULL as the handle parameter.

C.1.3 SQLAllocHandle

SQLAllocHandle is a generic function for allocating environment, connection, and statement handles.

This function replaces the old allocation functions for each individual handle types (SQLAllocEnv, SQLAllocConnection, and SQLAllocStmt).

A transaction table (new OKAPI environment) is created for each new environment handle. To share a single transaction for different connections and statement handles, pass in the same environment handle to SQLAllocHandle as the inputHandle argument. This way, the new handles inherit and share the same environment handle. When these handles are freed, the actual connections and transaction are not freed. The resources are not released until the original environment handle is freed. You can also share a connection using the same method.


RETCODE SQLAllocHandle( handleType, inputHandle, outputHandle )


The arguments for SQLAllocHandle are listed in Table C-4:

Table C-4 SQLAllocHandle Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLSMALLINT handleType The type of handle to allocate. See the following "Usage Note" for more information.
SQLHANDLE inputHandle The handle to base on the new handle. This is either an environment or connection handle.

To create a new handle from scratch, pass in NULL.

SQLHANDLE* outputHandle Pointer to the storage for the newly create handle.

Usage Note

An application allocates different handles to use with different API functions. The handle provides a context for each function. The supported handle types are listed in Table C-5:

Table C-5 Handle Parameters

Handle Type Description
Environment SQL_TYPE_ENV Environment handles are used to create an environment. Each environment contains generic information that allows you to access the database. A new transaction is associated with a newly-created environment handle.
Connection SQL_TYPE_DBC A connection handle is used to open a connection to a specific Oracle Database Lite. Connections can be based on the same environment handle, hence sharing the same transaction across multiple database connections. However, a maximum of eight connections can share a single environment.
Statement SQL_TYPE_STMT The statement handle contains information about the compiled SQL statement and its result sets.


SQLAllocHandle returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the inputHandle argument.

C.1.4 SQLAllocStmt

SQLAllocStmt allocates memory for a statement handle using the specified connection, hDbc.


RETCODE SQLAllocStmt( hDbc, hStmt )


The arguments for SQLAllocStmt are listed in Table C-6:

Table C-6 SQLAllocStmt Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHDBC hDbc The connection handle to creating the new handle.
SQLHSTMT* hStmt Pointer to a statement handle.

Usage Note

This function is supported for backward compatibility with ODBC 2.0. New applications should be coded using the function SQLAllocHandle, and the handle type SQL_HANDLE_STMT. Internally, SQLAllocStmt calls SQLAllocHandle.


SQLAllocStmt returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified connection handle.

C.1.5 SQLFreeConnect

SQLFreeConnect disconnects from the connected database using the specified handle, and frees the handle.


RETCODE SQLFreeConnect(hDbc )


The arguments for SQLFreeConnect are listed in Table C-7:

Table C-7 SQLFreeConnect Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHDBC hDbc The connection handle to free.

Usage Note

This function is deprecated and is replaced by the new generic function SQLFreeHandle.


SQLFreeConnect returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified environment handle.

C.1.6 SQLFreeEnv

SQLFreeEnv frees the specified handle. Uncommitted transactions associated with the handle are rolled back.


RETCODE SQLFreeEnv( hEnv )


The arguments for SQLFreeEnv are listed in Table C-8:

Table C-8 SQLFreeEnv Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHENV hEnv Environment handle to free.


This function is deprecated and is replaced by the new generic function SQLFreeHandle.


SQLFreeEnv returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified environment handle.

C.1.7 SQLFreeHandle

SQLFreeHandle is a generic function to free environment, connection, and statement handles.

The argument handleType is not used, because the handle internally contains information about how it is last used and therefore how it should be freed.


RETCODE SQLFreeHandle( handleType, handle )


The arguments for SQLFreeHandle are listed in Table C-9:

Table C-9 SQLFreeHandle Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLSMALLINT handleType The type of handle to free.
SQLHANDLE handle The handle to free.


SQLFreeHandle returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified handle.

C.1.8 SQLFreeStmt

SQLFreeStmt frees the specified statement handle and its associated temporary memory.


RETCODE SQLFreeStmt( hStmt, Option  )


The arguments for SQLFreeStmt are listed in Table C-10:

Table C-10 SQLFreeStmt Arguments

Type Name Comments
SQLHSTMT hStmt Statement handle to free.
SQLUSMALLINT Option Use the value SQL-DROP to free handle. SQL-CLOSE is ignored.

Usage Note

This function is deprecated and is replaced by the new generic function SQLFreeHandle.


SQLFreeStmt returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified environment handle.

C.1.9 SQLConnect

SQLConnect connects to a database and saves information about the connection in the provided connection handle. The handle must be previously allocated using the SQLAllocateHandle function.


RETCODE SQLConnect( hConn, dbName, dbNameLen, userName, userNameLen, auth, authLen )


The arguments for SQLConnect are listed in Table C-11:

Table C-11 SQLConnect Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHDBC hConn Newly allocated connection handle. If passed a connection handle that is in use, the function closes the existing connection.
SQLCHAR* dbName Name of the database to connect to.
SQLSMALLINT dbNameLen Length of the database name.
SQLCHAR* userName This argument is not currently supported and is ignored.
SQLSMALLINT userNameLen This argument is not currently supported and is ignored.
SQLCHAR* auth Database encryption password.
SQLSMALLINT authLen Database encryption password length.


SQLConnect returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified connection handle.

C.1.10 SQLDisconnect

SQLDisconnect disconnects and closes a previously connected database.

If the environment used to make the connection is not committed before the connection is closed, committing afterwards fails.


RETCODE SQLDisconnect( hDbc )


The arguments for SQLDisconnect are listed in Table C-12:

Table C-12 SQLDisconnect Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHDBC hDbc Handle of connection to be disconnected.


SQLDisconnect returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified connection handle.

C.1.11 SQLBindParameter

SQLBindParameter binds a data buffer to a parameter marker in a SQL statement. Parameter markers are denoted by "?" in the SQL statement.


RETCODE SQLBindParameter( hStmt, paramNo, paramType, cType, sqlType, colDef, scale, value, valueMaxSize, valueSize )


The arguments for SQLBindParameter are listed in Table C-13:

Table C-13 SQLBlindParameter Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHSTMT hStmt Statement handle.
SQLUSMALLINT paramNo The number of the parameter marker to bind to. Starts from 1, counted from left to right.
SQLSMALLINT paramType The parameter type. Currently, only SQL_PARAM_INPUT is supported.
SQLSMALLINT cType The C datatype of the parameter.
SQLSMALLINT sqlType The SQL datatype of the parameter.
SQLUINTEGER colDef The precision of the parameter.
SQLSMALLINT scale The scale of the parameter.
SQLPOINTER value Pointer to the buffer where the parameter value is stored.
SQLINTEGER valueMaxSize The size of the parameter buffer.
SQLINTEGER* valueSize Actual size of the parameter value.


SQLBindParameter returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR.

C.1.12 SQLPrepare

SQLPrepare compiles a SQL statement and stores the information in the provided statement handle.


RETCODE SQLPrepare( hStmt, statement, statementLen )


The arguments for SQLPrepare are listed in Table C-14:

Table C-14 SQLPrepare Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHSTMT hStmt Statement handle.
SQLCHAR* statement SQL statement string.
SQLINTEGER statementLen Length of the SQL statement string.


SQLPrepare returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified statement handle.

C.1.13 SQLExecDirect

SQLExecDirect compiles and executes the specified SQL statement.


RETCODE SQLExecDirect( hStmt, statement, statementLen )


The arguments for SQLExecDirect are listed in Table C-15:

Table C-15 SQLExecDirect Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHSTMT hStmt Statement handle.
SQLCHAR* statement SQL statement string.
SQLINTEGER statementLen Length of the SQL statement string.


SQLExecDirect returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified statement handle.

C.1.14 SQLExecute

SQLExecute executes the prepared SQL using SQLPrepare.


RETCODE SQLExecute( hStmt )


The arguments for SQLExecute are listed in Table C-16:

Table C-16 SQLExecute Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHSTMT hStmt Statement handle


SQLExecute returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified statement handle.

C.1.15 SQLFetch

SQLFetch reads in a row of data from the result set. After calling the function, the cursor is positioned to the next row to be read.

Application can call SQLGetData to read in the columns of the read-in row.

If the application called SQLBindCol to bind columns, SQLFetch stores data from the row in the specified buffers.


RETCODE SQLFetch( hStmt )


The arguments for SQLFetch are listed in Table C-17:

Table C-17 SQLFetch Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHSTMT hStmt Statement handle


SQLFetch returns SQL_SUCCESS if a new row of data is read successfully.

If there are no more rows to be read, SQLFetch returns SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND.

If an error occurs, the function returns SQL_ERROR. To find out specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified statement handle.

C.1.16 SQLBindCol

SQLBindCol binds a buffer to a column in the result set. The buffer is updated when SQLFetch is called. New columns from the result set are then read in.

SQLBindCol can be called after or before the statement is prepared and executed, as long as it is called before SQLFetch is called.


RETCODE SQLBindCol( hStmt, columnNo, targetType, targetValue, targetSize, actualSize )


The arguments for SQLBindCol are listed in Table C-18:

Table C-18 SQLBindCol Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHSTMT hStmt Statement handle.
SQLUSMALLINT columnNo The number of the column of the result set to bind to.
SQLSMALLINT targetType The C datatype of the buffer.
SQLPOINTER targetValue Pointer to buffer to hold the column data.
SQLINTEGER targetSize Size of the buffer in bytes.
SQLINTEGER* actualSize Pointer buffer to hold the size of the data read. Can pass in NULL if you do not want the information.


SQLBindCol returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified statement handle.

C.1.17 SQLDescribeCol

SQLDescribeCol retrieves information about a column of the result set.


RETCODE SQLDescribeCol( hStmt, columnNo, columnName, columnNameMaxLen,
datatype, columnNameLen, columnSize, decimalDigits, nullable  )


The arguments for SQLDescribeCol are listed in Table C-19:

Table C-19 SQLDescribeCol Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHSTMT hStmt Statement handle.
SQLUSMALLINT columnNo The number of the column in the result.
SQLCHAR* columnName Pointer to string buffer to store the returned name of the column.
SQLSMALLINT columnNameMaxLen Size of the string buffer.
SQLSMALLINT *columnNameLen Returned size of the column name in bytes.
SQLSMALLINT* dataType Returned SQL datatype.
SQLUINTEGER* columnSize Returned size of the column.
SQLSMALLINT* decimalDigits Returned precision of the column.
SQLSMALLINT* nullable Set to 1 if column is nullable, or 0 if it is not.


SQLDescribeCol returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified statement handle.

C.1.18 SQLError

SQLError extracts details about the last error associated with the provided handles.


RETCODE SQLError( hEnv, hConn, hStmt, sqlState, nativeError, messageText, messageMaxSize, messageLength)


The arguments for SQLError are listed in Table C-20:

Table C-20 SQLError Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHENV hEnv Environment handle.
SQLHDBC hConn Database handle.
SQLHSTMT hStmt Statement handle.
SQLCHAR* sqlState Pointer to string buffer to store the returned SQLSTATE.
SQLINTEGER* nativeError Native error code.
SQLCHAR* messageText Error message text.
SQLSMALLINT messageMaxSize Size of buffer passed in.
SQLSMALLINT* messageLen Length of returned message text.


SQLError returns SQL_SUCCESS if it can retrieve information related to the last error. If there were no errors associated with the specified handle, the function returns SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND.

C.1.19 SQLGetData

SQLGetData reads in a single column from the current row into the specified buffer. The routine attempts to convert the data to the target buffer's type.


RETCODE SQLGetData( hStmt, columnNo, targetType, targetValue, targetSize, actualSize )


The arguments for SQLGetData are listed in Table C-21:

Table C-21 SQLGetData Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHSTMT hStmt Statement handle.
SQLUSMALLINT columnNo The number of the column.
SQLSMALLINT targetType The type of the buffer target Value.
SQLPOINTER targetValue Pointer to the buffer to store the result column data.
SQLINTEGER targetSize Size of the buffer.
SQLINTEGER* actualSize Actual number of bytes read into the specified buffer.


SQLGetData returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified statement handle.

C.1.20 SQLNumResultCols

SQLNumResultCols returns the number of columns in the result set.


RETCODE SQLNumResultCols( hStmt, columnCount )


The arguments for SQLNumResultCols are listed in Table C-22:

Table C-22 SQLNumResultCols Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHSTMT hStmt Statement handle.
SQLSMALLINT* columnCount Pointer to buffer to store the returned number of columns in the result set.


SQLNumResultCols returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified statement handle.

C.1.21 SQLRowCount

SQLRowCount returns the number of rows affected by a SQL SELECT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.


RETCODE SQLRowCount( hStmt, rowCount )


The arguments for SQLRowCount are listed in Table C-23:

Table C-23 SQLRowCount Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHSTMT hStmt Statement handle.
SQLINTEGER* rowCount Number of rows in the result set.


SQLRowCount returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified statement handle.

C.1.22 SQLTransact

SQLTransact requests a commit or rollback for all active operations on all statements associated with an environment.


RETCODE SQLTransact( hEnv, hDbc, completionType )


The arguments for SQLTransact are listed in Table C-24:

Table C-24 SQLTransact Arguments

Type Name Description
SQLHENV hEnv Environment handle.
SQLHDBC hDbc Connection handle. Not used.
SQLUSMALLINT completionType The transaction action, which could be either SQL_COMMIT or SQL_ROLLBACK.


SQLTransact returns SQL_SUCCESS if it is successful. Otherwise, it returns SQL_ERROR. To find out the specifics about an error, the application can call SQLError with the specified environment handle.