1 Messages

This chapter lists Oracle Database Lite error messages. Topics include:

1.1 POL 1900-1920 Utility Messages

POL-1901 Oracle Lite %s Version %s
POL-1902 Copyright (c) 1997, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
POL-1903 Database %s created (VolID = %d).
POL-1904 %s: File already exists.
POL-1905 Database %s removed.
POL-1906 The database was updated successfully.
POL-1907 Volume ID %s is invalid
POL-1908 Database size %s is invalid.
POL-1909 Extent size %s is invalid.
POL-1910 %s: Only default .odb extension is supported.
POL-1911 %s: Full pathname is too long.
POL-1912 %s is not an Oracle Lite database.
POL-1913 %s: invalid or encrypted Oracle Lite database.
POL-1914 No registry key for %s. Skipping registry update.
POL-1915 Registry updated to use %s.
POL-1916 %d row(s) processed with %d error(s).
POL-1917 !!! No errors found !!!
POL-1918 Database name not found for DSN %s.
POL-1919 DSN %s not found.
POL-1920 Table %s not found.

1.2 POL 2000–2099 Memory Messages

POL-2000 Can't allocate more memory
Cause: Either the program heap memory or the shared memory area is out of space.
Action: Restart the application.
POL-2001 The requested array size is too big
Cause: Program attempted to allocate a chunk of memory larger than 64K bytes under 16-bit windows.
Action: Work with smaller chunks of memory.
POL-2002 The pointer is outside the heap
Cause: An invalid pointer was detected by the database.
Action: Restart the application.
POL-2003 Memory area is the wrong type
Cause: A possible memory corruption was detected when freeing an object.
Action: If this error persists, restart the application.
POL-2004 Memory area was already free
Cause: Your program or the database attempted to free an array that was already free.
Action: No action required.
POL-2005 Memory pointer is in the middle of an area
Cause: An invalid pointer was detected by the database.
Action: Restart the application. If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-2006 Invalid dynamic array
Cause: An operation wrote beyond the end of a dynamic array.
Action: Check your program to be sure you are not writing more bytes than were allocated for the dynamic array. If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-2007 The array is smaller than the data buffer
Cause: Program attempted to save a data buffer into a dynamic array that is too small.
Action: Increase the size of the dynamic array. If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
WTG-2013: Invalid connection. Connection object is NULL.
Cause: The connection passed is NULL.
Action: Pass the valid connection object.

1.3 POL 2100–2199 Lock/Latch/Event Messages

POL-2100 Failed to acquire latch
Cause: Database needed a low-level lock but could not find one available.
Action: Retry the operation. If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-2101 Failed to release latch
Cause: A low-level lock did not release as expected.
Action: If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-2102 Failed to get latch
Cause: An operation on a low-level lock failed.
Action: If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-2103 Failed to close a latch handle
Cause: An operation on a low-level lock failed.
Action: If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-2105 Failed to create event object
Cause: An error occurred when creating an internal event.
Action: If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-2106 Failed to delete event object
Cause: An error occurred when deleting an internal event.
Action: If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-2107 Timeout for event object
Cause: An error occurred while a thread or session was waiting for an internal event.
Action: If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-2108 An event object was abnormally abandoned by another thread
Cause: An error occurred while waiting for an internal event.
Action: If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-2109 Event wait failed
Cause: An error occurred while waiting for an internal event.
Action: If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-2110 Failed to set event object
Cause: An error occurred when setting an event, possibly when waking a waiting thread.
Action: If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-2111 Too many wait events
Cause: The database or your program is attempting to use more than the operating system defined number of wait events. (64 on Windows NT)
Action: If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.

1.4 POL 2200–2299 Shared Memory Messages

POL-2200 Failed to create mapped file
Cause: The database could not create the shared memory cache area.
Action: The operating system could be out of virtual memory. Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-2201 Failed to unmap the file
Cause: The database could not release the shared memory area.
Action: Reboot the system, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-2202 Out of shared memory space
Cause: The database could not allocate a page of shared memory for the cache.
Action: Shut down all Oracle Lite sessions and restart.
POL-2203 Shared memory inconsistent
Cause: The database detected a possible corruption in the shared memory.
Action: Shut down all Oracle Lite sessions and restart, or call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.

1.5 POL 2300–2499 Datatype System Messages

POL-2300 Null buffer pointer was detected
Cause: The database detected an invalid internal pointer.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-2401 The number value is not in the valid range
Cause: A numeric value could not be converted or was too large for the datatype.
Action: Declare a larger datatype, or allocate a larger buffer.
POL-2402 Denominator is zero
Cause: SQL attempted to divide by zero.
Action: Check the SQL statement for syntax errors, and then reissue the statement.
POL-2403 Value too large for column
Cause: A result string was too large for the allocated buffer and characters were lost from the right side of the string.
Action: Check the SQL statement for errors, or allocate a larger buffer.
POL-2404 Invalid characters specified for cast conversion
Cause: The database detected an invalid attempt to convert characters in a string to a date or number.
Action: Check the string, and remove the invalid characters.
POL-2405 Error in SUBSTR SQL function
Cause: The database detected an error while executing the SUBSTR SQL function.
Action: Check the input string and the function parameters for errors, and modify as necessary before reissuing the SQL statement.
POL-2406 Error in the SQL TRIM function
Cause: The database detected an error while executing the SQL TRIM function.
Action: Check the input string and the function parameters, and modify as necessary before reissuing the SQL statement.
POL-2407 Precision, scale, or length exceeds 38 digits
Cause: A multiplication operation generated a result larger than 38 digits.
Action: Check the input string, and modify as necessary.
POL-2408 Out of memory
Cause: The database ran out of memory while executing a LIKE or TO_CHAR function.
Action: Simplify the input strings, if possible.
POL-2409 No indicator provided for the null value
Cause: A NULL value was detected by the database, but Oracle Lite cannot tell you about it because the application did not provide an indicator variable.
Action: Provide an indicator variable, and re-compile the application.
POL-2410 Reserved for SQL-92 message
Cause: Reserved for future use.
Action: No action required.
POL-2411 Invalid escape sequence
Cause: Invalid escape sequence detected by the database in the search string provided to the LIKE function.
Action: Check the search string for errors, or simplify the search string.
POL-2412 Invalid escape character
Cause: The escape character in the search string of the LIKE function must be a single (possibly multi-byte) character.
Action: Check the search string.
POL-2413 Interval field overflow
Cause: An INTERVAL computation exceeded the precision of the column or datatype.
Action: Modify the column size, or choose a larger datatype.
POL-2414 Can't get current time from the system
Cause: Oracle Lite could not read the system clock.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-2415 DATE, TIME, OR TIMESTAMP field overflow
Cause: Year exceeds 9999 or an error occurred while adding an interval to a date column.
Action: Check the input string for errors. If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-2416 Invalid DATE, TIME, OR TIMESTAMP format
Cause: Character string could not be converted to a valid DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP value.
Action: Check the input string, and modify it as necessary. The input string must match one of the formats for literal strings, or as specified by the format string in a TO_DATE function.
POL-2417 Invalid time zone value
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-2418 String not null-terminated
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-2419 Invalid data was specified for TRUNC function
Cause: The datatype of the column specified for the TRUNC function cannot be rounded.
Action: Check for syntax errors, and reissue the SQL statement.
POL-2420 Invalid data was specified for TO_CHAR function
Cause: The TO_CHAR function cannot operate on the specified datatype.
Action: See the online help for the TO_CHAR function, and then correct the SQL statement.
POL-2421 Invalid format was specified for a NUMBER
Cause: The format string for a TO_NUMBER conversion was invalid.
Action: Check the format string for errors, and then reissue the SQL statement.
POL-2422 Invalid value was specified for a NUMBER
Cause: The input string in a TO_NUMBER conversion was invalid.
Action: Check the input string for errors, and then reissue the SQL statement.
POL-2423 Invalid value for a DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP field
Cause: The date or time is not valid.
Action: Check the input value for errors.
POL-2424 Invalid datatype was specified for the LIKE function
Cause: The LIKE function can only operate on character data.
Action: Convert or cast the data to a character value, or check the SQL statement for errors.
POL-2425 Datatype can't be cast
Cause: Certain transformations between datatypes are prohibited, for example DATE to NUMBER.
Action: Check the SQL syntax and try again.
POL-2426 Concatenated string length would exceed 32000 bytes
Cause: The result of a string operation exceeds 32000 bytes.
Action: Check the SQL syntax, and try again.
POL-2427 Missing or illegal character following the escape character
Cause: The search pattern in a LIKE clause contains an illegal or missing character following the escape character.
Action: Check the search pattern, and try again.
POL-2428 The specified database parameter, NLS_SORT, is invalid
Cause: The specified database parameter, NLS_SORT, is invalid
Action: Use only valid NLS_SORT value.

1.6 POL 3000–3399 Object Kernel Messages

The Object Kernel is the lowest level of database storage, indexing, and scanning.

POL-3001 Null return pointer is not allowed
Cause: Calling program failed to supply a pointer for a return value.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3002 Null buffer pointer is not allowed
Cause: Calling program failed to supply a pointer for a required value.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3004 Null option pointer is not allowed
Cause: Calling program failed to supply a pointer to required options.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3005 Out of heap memory
Cause: Internal memory allocation error.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3006 Null handle is not allowed
Cause: Internal error. Calling program failed to supply a context pointer.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3007 Null name is not allowed
Cause: Internal error. Calling program failed to supply a pointer to a name buffer.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3008 Null object ID is not allowed
Cause: Internal error. Calling program failed to supply an object reference.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3009 An invalid volume ID was detected
Cause: Internal error. The database detected a negative volume ID when opening a database file.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3010 A device seek error was detected
Cause: The system reported an error while performing a disk seek operation.
Action: Check your hard drive, or reboot the operating system.
POL-3011 A device read error was detected
Cause: The system reported an error while performing a disk read operation.
Action: Check your hard drive, or reboot the operating system.
POL-3012 A device write error was detected
Cause: The system reported an error while performing a disk write operation.
Action: Check your hard drive, or reboot the operating system.
POL-3013 Bad database or invalid password
Cause: The database failed to open a database or log file, or the file header was corrupted. Possibly caused by using an incorrect password to decrypt the database.
Action: Give the correct password, check your hard drive, or reboot the operating system.
POL-3014 The device dismount failed
Cause: System reported an error while closing a disk file.
Action: Check your hard drive, or reboot the operating system.
POL-3015 The volume was not mounted
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-3016 The volume is still in use
Cause: A database file with the same volume ID is already mounted.
Action: Use the DBINFO utility to check the volume IDs of the database files.
POL-3017 Too many files were created
Cause: Program attempted to open too many internal group files.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3018 Too many volumes were mounted
Cause: Program attempted to open too many database files.
Action: The maximum number of open database files is system-dependent.
POL-3019 There is insufficient space on the disk
Cause: Either the hard drive is out of space or the extent size specified when the database was created is too small.
Action: Check the space available on the hard drive, or recreate the database file with more extents.
POL-3020 Invalid page number
Cause: Internal error. The database detected a corrupted object ID or attempted to reference an object that has been freed.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3021 Corrupted volume header
Cause: The database detected a corrupted file header.
Action: Check your hard drive for errors. If the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3022 The database name specified is too long
Cause: Database name cannot exceed 128 characters.
Action: Choose a shorter database name.
POL-3023 The database does not exist
Cause: The database could not open the specified database file.
Action: Check the database name and verify that the file exists. Oracle Lite looks for database files in the current working directory. If you are using ODBC, Oracle Lite looks for database files in the directory specified by the data source name specified at connect time.
POL-3100 There are no more free buffers
Cause: Internal error. The database is unable to find a free page buffer.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3101 A corrupted buffer table was detected
Cause: Internal error. The page buffer table may be corrupted.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
WTG-3108: Invalid Username and/or Password.
Cause: The username and password entered for the database that you wish to import are incorrect.
Action: Try importing again with the correct username and password.
POL-3200 Slot deleted
Cause: Internal error caused by referencing an object that has been deleted.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance. If using OKAPI directly, you need to okFix the object.
POL-3201 Invalid slot number
Cause: Internal error caused by referencing an object that has been deleted. Each object in the database, such as a row has a unique object identifier (OID) that identifies the location of the object in secondary storage. Each database file is divided into fixed size chunks called disk pages. An OID can become invalid when the:
  • disk page being referred by the OID does not exist in the database file.

  • physical read or write of the disk page fails due to an operating system related error.

  • address of the object (as indicated by the internal encoding in the OID) in the disk page is outside the page.

  • object is not found in the page.

Action: If using OKAPI directly, you need to okFix the object. Otherwise call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3203 Bad BLOB block address
Cause: Program attempted to read a portion of a BLOB that does not exist.
Action: Check the offset or length parameters in the call, and try again.
POL-3204 Invalid operator
Cause: The application or the database asked for an illegal comparison operation.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3205 Reclassification not supported
Cause: The application attempted to update an object belonging to a different class. This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-3206 Invalid hint for object storage
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3207 A corrupted data page was detected
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3220 Duplicate keys in unique/primary index
Cause: Program attempted to insert a row where a unique or primary key constraint would be violated.
Action: Modify the SQL statement or object attribute, and reissue it.
POL-3221 Null key in primary index
Cause: Primary key values cannot be null.
Action: Specify a primary key value.
POL-3222 Cannot find the key specified
Cause: The database could not find a record matching the search key.
Action: This is generally not a fatal error and should be handled by the application.
POL-3223 The index to be deleted was not found
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3224 Index key value is too long
Cause: The total length of all columns in a multi-column index key exceeds 1000 bytes.
Action: Specify a shorter set of columns.
POL-3228 A corrupted index page was detected
Cause: Internal error. The database found an invalid page in an index.
Action: Drop and recreate the index.
POL-3229 A corrupted index file was detected
Cause: Internal error. The database found a bad index.
Action: Drop and recreate the index.
POL-3251 There is no group file with the specified name
Cause: The database could not locate an internal group file with the specified name.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3252 There is no index for this attribute
Cause: The database or application attempted to perform an index search on an attribute or column with no index.
Action: Create the index.
POL-3253 Group file already exists
Cause: An internal group file with the same class name already exists.
Action: Choose another name for the file.
POL-3254 Invalid group file number
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3255 Invalid group file type
Cause: Internal error. Invalid index type.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3256 A corrupted file table was detected
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3257 Cannot sort large objects
Cause: The database cannot sort LONG, LONG VARCHAR, or LONG VARBINARY columns.
Action: If the values are unique in the first 1000 bytes, create an index.
POL-3260 An invalid operation was found in the transaction
Cause: The application or database may have: closed a database while transactions were still outstanding, freed a transaction still in progress, or reused a transaction handle when the transaction was still in progress.
Action: COMMIT or ROLLBACK any outstanding transactions.
POL-3261 There are too many transactions
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-3262 Transaction inactive
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-3263 A deadlock was detected
Cause: There are two threads of execution, and each one is waiting for the other to release a resource.
Action: Close some windows, or restart the application.
POL-3264 NOWAIT was specified but the current row is locked by another connection
Cause: One connection issued a SELECT FOR UPDATE NOWAIT, but the current row is locked by another connection.
Action: The error is reported to allow your application to proceed when a row is locked by another connection (rather than waiting until the other connection frees the lock). You may want to perform some other processing and then try to acquire the lock later.
POL-3265 Invalid transaction option
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3266 Invalid cache object state
Cause: Internal error, or the shared memory cache is corrupted.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3267 Read-only database or critical section update not allowed
Cause: Either you are attempting to update a read-only database, or you are calling a stored procedure using a SELECT statement without the FOR UPDATE clause.
Action: Verify that your ODB file is in read-only mode and change it if necessary.
POL-3301 A corrupted scan table was detected
Cause: The database detected that an invalid cursor is attempting to scan a class or index.
Action: Restart the application.
POL-3302 The scan type is incompatible with the operation
Cause: The database detected that an invalid cursor is attempting to scan a class or index.
Action: Restart the application.
POL-3303 Bad scan ID
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3304 Moved objects cannot be referenced directly
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3305 Object of a wrong class retrieved
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-3307 Database not encrypted
Cause: Attempting to decrypt an non-encrypted database.
Action: No action required.
POL-3308 Database mount failed due to collation conflict
Cause: The database failed to open a database file. This can occur when the mounting database is created using a different collation sequence than the one already mounted.
Action: Avoid mounting database files with different collation sequences at the same time.

1.7 POL 4000–4999 Object Kernel API Messages

The Object Kernel Application Program Interface (OKAPI) provides the interface to the Object Kernel.

POL-4000 Null object is not allowed
Cause: Calling program supplied a null object pointer.
Action: Specify an object pointer.
POL-4001 Null return pointer is not allowed
Cause: Calling program supplied a null return pointer.
Action: Specify a return pointer.
POL-4002 Null name is not allowed
Cause: Calling program supplied a null name pointer.
Action: Specify a name pointer.
POL-4003 Null environment handle is not allowed
Cause: Calling program supplied a null environment handle.
Action: Specify an environment handle.
POL-4004 Invalid environment handle
Cause: Calling program supplied an invalid environment handle.
Action: Specify a valid environment handle.
POL-4005 Null class object is not allowed
Cause: Calling program supplied a null class pointer.
Action: Specify a class pointer.
POL-4006 Null attribute object is not allowed
Cause: Calling program supplied a null attribute pointer.
Action: Specify an attribute pointer.
POL-4007 Invalid attribute position
Cause: The attribute position number supplied by the calling program exceeds the number of attributes in the class.
Action: Specify an attribute position number that is equal to, or smaller than, the number of attributes in the class.
POL-4008 Null buffer for attribute is not allowed
Cause: Calling program supplied a null buffer pointer which should point to attribute data.
Action: Specify a buffer pointer that points to attribute data.
POL-4009 Null pointer is not allowed
Cause: Calling program supplied a null pointer where a valid pointer is needed.
Action: Specify a valid pointer.
POL-4010 Null handle for database object is not allowed
Cause: Calling program supplied a null database handle.
Action: Specify a valid database handle.
POL-4011 Null handle for group object is not allowed
Cause: Calling program supplied a null group handle.
Action: Specify a valid handle for the group object.
POL-4100 Cannot create a database when a transaction is still active
Cause: Attempting to create a new database file while a transaction is active.
Action: COMMIT or ROLLBACK any open transactions.
POL-4101 Database not connected
Cause: Calling program attempted to reference a database file that is not connected.
Action: Open the database file that matches the volume ID in the object being fetched.
POL-4102 Invalid database reference
Cause: Calling program attempted to reference a database file that is not connected or that may be corrupted.
Action: Open the database file that matches the volume ID in the object being updated.
POL-4103 There are too many active environments
Cause: Calling program attempted to open too many database connections.
Action: Close some connections.
POL-4104 Cannot mount a database with a duplicate volume ID
Cause: Calling program attempted to open a database with the same volume ID as the one already open.
Action: Database volume IDs must be unique on the system. Use DBINFO program to verify the ID.
POL-4105 There are too many databases connected: 6 is the maximum
Cause: 6 databases or catalogs are already connected.
Action: Close some connections.
POL-4106 Internal error: active database connection will be disconnected
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-4107 Internal error: invalid transaction ID
Cause: The database detected an invalid transaction ID.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-4108 Deadlock detected
Cause: The database detected a resource deadlock between threads, sessions, or tasks.
Action: Restart the application.
POL-4200 Invalid action for transaction operation
Cause: The okTransact() function was called with an invalid argument.
Action: Check the function syntax, and then reissue the call.
POL-4201 Bad transaction isolation level
Cause: Program attempted to set the isolation level to an illegal value.
Action: Check the argument in the call, and then try again.
POL-4202 Can't update while select is active in read-committed mode
Cause: You called a stored procedure using the SELECT statement without the FOR UPDATE clause. This procedure then tried to issue the SELECT statement with the FOR UPDATE clause.
Action: Modify your outer SELECT statement to use the FOR UPDATE clause.
POL-4300 Group name already in use
Cause: Program attempted to register a group but found that the group name already exists.
Action: Choose another name for the new group.
POL-4301 Invalid group object
Cause: Internal error. The database detected a corrupted group object.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-4302 Can't delete meta object directly
Cause: Internal error. Don't attempt to delete meta objects.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-4303 Operation not applicable to temporary objects
Cause: Internal error. Calling program attempted to create a BLOB in the temporary object group.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-4304 Can't insert a NULL value into a NOT NULL column
Cause: The application is trying to insert a NULL value into an attribute or column, which would violate a NOT NULL constraint.
Action: Supply a value for the attribute or column.
POL-4305 Operation only valid for fixed objects
Cause: The okGetAttrVal() function was called without copying the return value to a buffer.
Action: Supply a buffer and set the flag or fix the object before reissuing the function call.
POL-4306 Invalid object cache
Cause: Internal error. Object cache may be corrupted.
Action: Restart the application, and call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-4307 Invalid lock mode specified
Cause: Invalid lock mode specified in calls to the okLoadGroup() or okFixObj() functions.
Action: Check the lock mode parameter for errors, and then reissue the function call.
POL-4308 Can't access more than 256 groups at the same time
Cause: There was an attempt to register another group, which would exceed the number of groups allowed in a database.
Action: Use fewer groups.
POL-4309 Object is not fixed
Cause: There was an attempt to update an object that is not fixed.
Action: Call the okFixObj() function before updating the object.
POL-4310 Attribute buffer is too small
Cause: The buffer specified in the okGetAttrVal() function call is too small for the data to be returned.
Action: Specify a larger buffer for the return value.
POL-4311 NULL default value would violate NOT NULL constraint
Cause: Calling program attempted to add an attribute to a class (or a column to a table) without defining a non-NULL default value where a NOT NULL constraint is also present.
Action: Specify a non-NULL default value.
POL-4312 Foreign key integrity constraint (%s.%s) violation
Cause: Your insert, delete, or update statement has resulted in the violation of a foreign key constraint.
Action: Check the values used in the statement and correct them.
POL-4313 Only one primary key allowed per table
Cause: Your ALTER TABLE statement attempting to drop a named constraint where none exists.
Action: Check that the constraint exists, or check the ALTER TABLE statement for syntax errors.
POL-4314 No such constraint (%s.%s)
Cause: Your ALTER TABLE statement attempted to drop a named constraint where none exists.
Action: Check that the constraint exists, or check the ALTER TABLE statement for syntax errors.
POL-4315 Cannot drop NOT NULL constraint
Cause: Your ALTER TABLE statement attempted to drop a NOT NULL constraint.
Action: Recreate the table without the NOT NULL constraint.
POL-4316 Index does not exist
Cause: You are attempting to drop an index that does not exist.
Action: Check the index name, and then reissue the SQL statement.
POL-4317 Check constraint is violated
Cause: Check constraint defined in the table/class is violated.
Action: Correct the new data value being inserted or updated.
POL-4318 Unsupported operation used in check constraint
Cause: You are using an unsupported expression or an SQL function such as ROUND() in a check constraint.
Action: Simplify the check constraint definition or define triggers to implement some check constraints.
POL-4319 Constraint %s.%s already exists
Cause: You are using a duplicate constraint (primary key or check) name.
Action: Correct the check constraint definition and provide unique names for constraints.
POL-4400 Class is already defined
Cause: A class with the same name already exists.
Action: Choose another name for the new class.
POL-4401 Referenced class is not yet defined
Cause: There was an attempt to define a relationship with a class that has not been declared.
Action: Declare the referenced class, and then define the relationship.
POL-4402 The referenced class was deleted
Cause: There was an attempt to reference a class that was already deleted.
Action: Check the class name.
POL-4403 Invalid attribute or method name
Cause: Could not find an attribute or method with the specified name for the class.
Action: Check the name, and try again.
POL-4404 Duplicate attribute name
Cause: An attribute or column with that name already exists.
Action: Choose another name.
POL-4500 Can only be OK_BTREE
Cause: Invalid index type in a call to okCreateIndex().
Action: Check the index type parameter.
POL-4501 Invalid iterate direction
Cause: Invalid direction parameter in a call to okIterate().
Action: Check the parameter, modify as necessary, and reissue the call to okIterate().
POL-4502 Input iterator is invalid
Cause: Iterator number is invalid or its state is corrupted.
Action: Check the iterator number.
POL-4503 Input cursor is invalid
Cause: Cursor is invalid, or its state is corrupted.
Action: Check the cursor number.
POL-4504 Invalid operator in search condition
Cause: Calling program supplied an invalid search operator in okCreateIterator().
Action: Check the search conditions, and reissue the function call.
POL-4505 Invalid connective in search condition
Cause: Calling program supplied an invalid search connective in okCreateIterator().
Action: Specify a valid connective, and reissue the function call.
POL-4507 Too many iterators: 32k is the maximum
Cause: The database detected too many open iterators at one time.
Action: Close some iterators.
POL-4508 No index for ORDER BY attribute
Cause: Ordered iterator cannot be created because there is no index for ORDER BY attribute.
Action: Create an index for the ORDER BY attribute and reissue the function call.
POL-4509 Ordered iterator cannot be used when a class has subclasses
Cause: Ordered iterator cannot be created because the class might have subclasses and isImmediate flag is false.
Action: Set isImmediate flag to true and reissue the function call.
POL-4600 The relationship was already defined
Cause: Calling program attempted to create a relationship between two classes or tables where a relationship already exists with either the parent attribute, the column, or the child attribute or column. Attributes can only participate in one parent-child relationship.
Action: Simplify the object hierarchy.
POL-4601 Undefined relationship
Cause: Calling program attempted to delete a relationship using okDeleteRel() but the relationship was not found.
Action: This is a non-fatal error, and no action is required.
POL-4602 Object %s.%s cannot be deleted due to relationship
Cause: A relationship to another object cannot be broken.
Action: Drop the dependent object first, and then try deleting the object.
POL-4603 Invalid relationship type specified
Cause: Calling program passed an invalid relationship type parameter in call to okCreateRel().
Action: Check the parameter, and then reissue the function call.
POL-4604 Cannot build relationship on this attribute
Cause: The database cannot find one of the attributes specified in the relationship.
Action: Check the parameters specified in the call to okCreateRel().
POL-4605 Can't build relationships between two databases
Cause: Classes in a relationship must exist in the same database file.
Action: Check the parameters to okCreateRel(), and reissue the function call.
POL-4606 No room for multiple links
Cause: The database was unable to record an additional relationship in an attribute, possibly because the attribute was defined with a fixed size.
Action: Redefine the class, making the attribute a dynamic array of relationship references.
POL-4607 Violated one-parent relationship
Cause: The attribute was defined as permitting only a single parent relationship.
Action: Redefine the class, making the attribute a dynamic array of relationship references.
POL-4608 Attribute value violates relationship definition
Cause: Relationship attributes must be defined as references to instances of the related class. Either the from or to pointer in this case is defined as a reference to a different class.
Action: Redefine the class, and make the attribute a reference to the correct class.
POL-4700 Operation only valid for long objects
Cause: Calling program attempted a BLOB operation on a non-BLOB attribute.
Action: Check the parameters, and reissue the operation.
POL-4701 Operation not valid for temporary groups
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-4800 Can't find the named object
Cause: The named object cannot be found in the directory.
Action: Check the object name, and then try again.
POL-4801 Object name already in use
Cause: An object with the same name already exists in the directory.
Action: Choose another name for the object.
POL-4802 Invalid object name path
Cause: Object name is invalid.
Action: Use proper construction for name paths.
POL-4803 Can't delete a non-empty name directory
Cause: Named object directories must be empty before they can be deleted.
Action: Delete the remaining objects in the directory, and then delete the directory.
POL-4804 A directory object is required
Cause: Calling program supplied an invalid pointer for the directory.
Action: Specify a valid pointer for the directory.
POL-4805 Null directory object is not allowed
Cause: Calling program supplied a null pointer for directory.
Action: Specify a valid pointer for the directory.
POL-4806 Invalid character used in object name
Cause: Calling program supplied an invalid object name.
Action: Check the object name, and see the rules for object naming in the online help.
POL-4900 Null pointer to dynamic array is not allowed
Cause: Calling program supplied a null pointer where a valid dynamic array is required.
Action: Specify a valid pointer to the dynamic array.
POL-4901 Invalid use of a multi-dimensional array
Cause: A multi-dimensional array is used as a search expression, in a relationship or as a default value for an attribute.
Action: Such use is not supported.
POL-4902 Invalid use of a snapshot
Cause: You may not use ALTER TABLE to do schema evolution on a snapshot.
Action: Such use is not supported.
POL-4903 No DML on a table while a validated constraint is disabled
Cause: DML is not permitted on a table while it hasa constraint set to DISABLE VALIDATE.
Action: Change the constraint state to something other than DISABLE VALIDATE.
POL-4904 NOT NULL constraint violation
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a NULL value into a column with a NOT NULL constraint.
Action: Check the value being inserted or change the column NOT NULL constraint to allow a NULL value.

1.8 POL 5000–5291 SQL Execution Messages

POL-5101 No data found
Cause: There are no rows that match the search criteria in the query.
Action: The table may be empty. Check the SQL query, and modify it as necessary before reissuing it.
POL-5102 Not enough descriptor items
Cause: Not enough descriptors were allocated for a DESCRIBE operation.
Action: Only part of the results will be reported.
POL-5103 Disconnect error
Cause: The database returns this message when an error is detected while disconnecting from the database.
Action: Reopen the database, and verify that no data was lost.
POL-5104 Null values eliminated in aggregate function computation
Cause: Aggregate functions such as SUM and AVG discard any NULL values they encounter.
Action: No action is required. This is simply a warning.
POL-5105 Memory allocation failure
Cause: The database is out of heap memory or object cache memory.
Action: Restart the application.
POL-5106 Client unable to establish connection
Cause: The application is unable to connect to the database.
Action: This may indicate that the information specified in the connect string is invalid. Check the connect string for errors, and then try connecting to the database again.
POL-5107 Server rejected the connection
Cause: The application is unable to establish a new database connection.
Action: This may indicate that the information specified in the connect string is invalid. Check the connect string for errors, and then try connecting to the database again.
POL-5109 Invalid environment handle
Cause: The calling program passed an invalid environment handle.
Action: Check the handle, and modify it as necessary before trying again.
POL-5110 Invalid handle
Cause: The calling program passed an invalid handle.
Action: Check the handle, and modify it as necessary before trying again.
POL-5112 Not current session
Cause: Calling program passed an invalid session object.
Action: Check the object, and modify it as necessary before trying again.
POL-5115 Markers and host variables don't match
Cause: The number of question marks in a SQL statement does not match the number of host variables specified.
Action: Check the SQL statement for errors, and supply more host variables to match the number of question marks.
POL-5116 Select list and host variables don't match
Cause: The number of items in the SELECT list do not match the number of host variables specified to receive the results.
Action: Specify a matching number of the correct type of host variables.
POL-5117 Different bind style
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-5121 More than one row for single-row select
Cause: A SQL statement that should only return one row returned multiple rows.
Action: Check the SQL statement for syntax errors and correct as necessary, or check the referenced table.
POL-5122 Invalid statement state
Cause: The database detected an invalid statement state when opening a cursor.
Action: If you are programming directly to the ODBC interface, you may have issued a call out of sequence. If this is not the case, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-5123 Not a SELECT statement
Cause: The application attempted to open a cursor for an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT statement.
Action: Don't declare a cursor for an UPDATE, DELETE, OR INSERT statement.
POL-5124 Cast between incompatible datatypes, %s and %s
Cause: The database attempted to change the datatype of a column to an incompatible datatype.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance, and provide the SQL statement that caused the error.
POL-5125 Invalid descriptor index
Cause: Internal error. The database is looking for a descriptor that doesn't exist.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-5128 Duplicate table name %s.%s
Cause: The database detected a table with the same name when executing a CREATE TABLE statement.
Action: Choose another name for the new table and run the CREATE TABLE statement again, or drop the existing table.
POL-5129 Invalid catalog
Cause: A SQL statement referenced a catalog that doesn't exist in the current directory.
Action: Copy the referenced database file into the directory specified by the ODBC data source name that you used to connect to the database.
POL-5130 Table or view %s.%s not found
Cause: A SQL statement referenced a table or view that the database could not find.
Action: Check the SQL statement for errors, and modify the table name or view name as necessary.
POL-5133 Invalid cursor state
Cause: The database detected a cursor in an invalid state.
Action: Close the cursor, and reissue the SQL statement.
POL-5134 Invalid host variable type
Cause: The host variable type specified is incompatible with the datatype to be returned. For example, an integer variable cannot receive data from a FLOAT column.
Action: Specify a host variable with the correct type.
POL-5135 Can't assign this %s data with a SQL statement
Cause: The application cannot fetch LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARBINARY, and REF data into a host variable as part of a SQL statement.
Action: Fetch LONG types using appropriate BLOB functions, such as SQLGetData in ODBC.
POL-5137 Need to bind parameters
Cause: The number of host variables specified by the program does not match the number of input parameters required by the SQL statement.
Action: Check that the host variables match the input parameters.
POL-5138 Need to bind columns
Cause: The number of host variables specified by the program does not match the number of columns returned by the SQL statement.
Action: Check that the host variables match the SELECT list.
POL-5139 Invalid cursor name %s
Cause: The database could not find a cursor with the name specified by the application.
Action: Check that the cursor is open and that the application has a valid name for it.
POL-5140 Invalid descriptor name %s
Cause: An embedded SQL program called sqlNameDesc(), but a column descriptor with the same name already exists.
Action: Choose a different name for the column, and reissue the SQL statement.
POL-5141 Invalid descriptor count
Cause: The number of column descriptors does not match the number of columns indicated by the SQL statement.
Action: Check the SQL statement for syntax errors, or modify the number of descriptors to match the number of columns.
POL-5142 Invalid descriptor item
Cause: Internal error. The database was asked to describe an invalid descriptor item.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-5143 Integrity constraint violation
Cause: A SQL statement violated an integrity constraint when executed.
Action: No action required. The affected rows will be rolled back to their previous state.
POL-5144 Data cannot be inserted into a %s column
Cause: The database attempted to insert data directly into a DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, LONG VARCHAR, or LONG VARBINARY column.
Action: Cast the date or time values using TO_DATE(), and insert the BLOB data using the ODBC function SQLPutData().
POL-5145 Deletion restricted
Cause: The database can't perform a DELETE operation because dependent objects and a RESTRICT constraint exist.
Action: Delete the dependent objects, and then reissue the DELETE statement.
POL-5146 Invalid statement handle %s
Cause: An embedded SQL program supplied an invalid statement handle or name.
Action: Check the program for errors.
POL-5147 This feature is not supported
Cause: A SQL statement attempted to use a feature or function that Oracle Lite does not yet use.
Action: Rewrite the statement, and eliminate the call to the unsupported feature or function.
POL-5148 The catalog was not found
Cause: A SQL statement referenced a catalog that does not exist in the current directory.
Action: Copy the referenced database file into the directory specified by the ODBC data source name that you used to connect to the database.
POL-5149 The schema name %s already exists
Cause: The database found a schema with the same name while executing a CREATE SCHEMA statement.
Action: Run DELETE CASCADE on the old schema, or supply a different name for the new schema.
POL-5150 Access violation
Cause: Program attempted to access a database system table.
Action: Check the program for errors, and eliminate any calls to database system tables.
POL-5151 Catalog already defined
Cause: A SQL statement referenced a catalog that already exists.
Action: If you are using CREATE DATABASE, choose a different name.
POL-5152 Schema %s not found
Cause: The database could not find the schema name specified in the current catalog.
Action: Use CREATE SCHEMA to create the schema name in the catalog.
POL-5153 Index %s.%s already exists
Cause: A CREATE INDEX statement attempted to create an index that already exists.
Action: You can ignore this error and use the existing index, or drop the existing index and create it again.
POL-5154 Grant denied
Cause: The current schema does not have the permissions required to GRANT a privilege to another schema.
Action: No action is required because Oracle Lite does not enforce privileges.
POL-5155 Cursor is not scrollable
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-5156 Cursor is read-only
Cause: Program attempted to update or delete a cursor by specifying a position in a SELECT cursor.
Action: Check the name of the cursor specified in the SELECT statement, and reissue the statement.
POL-5157 Callback function error
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-5158 Sequence %s.%s INCREMENT BY error
Cause: The value by which a sequence should be incremented is set to zero.
Action: Recreate the SEQUENCE.
POL-5159 Sequence %s.%s CURRVAL not valid yet
Cause: After creating a new sequence, a program must fetch a sequence's NEXTVAL value before it can access the CURRVAL value.
Action: Get the NEXTVAL, and then get the CURRVAL.
POL-5160 Sequence %s.%s MINVALUE must be less than MAXVALUE
Cause: When creating or altering a sequence, the MINVALUE must be less than the MAXVALUE if the INCREMENT BY is positive. If INCREMENT BY is negative, the MAXVALUE must be less than the MINVALUE.
Action: Check the arguments in the CREATE SEQUENCE statement for errors, and then reissue the statement.
POL-5161 Sequence %s.%s starting value must be between MINVALUE and MAXVALUE
Cause: When creating or altering a sequence, the sequence starting value must be between MINVALUE and MAXVALUE.
Action: Check the arguments in the CREATE SEQUENCE statement for errors, and then reissue the statement.
POL-5162 NEXTVAL exceeds MAXVALUE for sequence %s.%s
Cause: The MAXVALUE of a sequence has been reached and cannot be exceeded.
Action: Run ALTER SEQUENCE to increase the MAXVALUE.
POL-5163 NEXTVAL exceeds MINVALUE for sequence %s.%s
Cause: The MINVALUE of a decreasing sequence has been reached and may not be exceeded.
Action: Run ALTER SEQUENCE to lower the MINVALUE.
POL-5164 Sequence %s.%s does not exist
Cause: SQL statement referenced a sequence that does not exist.
Action: Create the sequence, and then reissue the SQL statement.
POL-5165 Can't drop the only column %s
Cause: An ALTER TABLE...DROP COLUMN statement attempted to drop the only column in a table.
Action: DROP the table instead.
POL-5166 View does not exist
Cause: A SQL statement referenced a view that does not exist.
Action: Create the view with CREATE VIEW, and then reissue the SQL statement.
POL-5167 Index does not exist
Cause: A DROP INDEX statement named an index that could not be found.
Action: Check the index name, and then reissue the SQL statement.
POL-5168 Synonym %s.%s does not exist
Cause: A DROP SYNONYM statement referenced a synonym that does not exist.
Action: Check the synonym name, and then reissue the SQL statement.
POL-5169 Synonym %s.%s's translation is no longer valid
Cause: As a result of another SQL statement that may have dropped a table, view, or sequence, a synonym exists for an object that no longer exists.
Action: DROP the synonym, or recreate the object to which it refers.
POL-5170 Can't create a synonym with the same name as the object %s.%s
Cause: A CREATE SYNONYM statement tried to give the same name to the synonym as its target.
Action: Choose another name for the synonym.
POL-5171 CONNECT BY depth exceeded 32 levels
Cause: A hierarchical join SELECT statement that called CONNECT BY may be recursing. Hierarchical joins may not exceed 32 levels.
Action: Ensure that the SQL statement can't loop back on itself.
POL-5172 Duplicate synonym %s.%s
Cause: A CREATE SYNONYM statement found a synonym with the same name.
Action: Choose a different name for the synonym, and then reissue the SQL statement.
POL-5173 Invalid condition number
Cause: An embedded SQL program tried to read a diagnostic condition that does not exist.
Action: Check the call to sqlGetDiagCondPtr() for syntax errors.
POL-5174 Connection does not exist
Cause: A program tried to open or close a database connection where none exists.
Action: Exit and try to connect again. If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-5175 Invalid transaction state
Cause: Program attempted to disconnect when a transaction appears to be active.
Action: COMMIT or ROLLBACK any pending transactions, and then disconnect.
POL-5176 Connection name already in use
Cause: Connections take the name of the catalog, so this indicates that a catalog with the same name is already open.
Action: Use or close the existing connection.
POL-5177 Too many columns in an index
Cause: A maximum of 16 columns can participate in an index or a table's primary key.
Action: Reduce the number of columns in the index.
POL-5178 Duplicate object name %s.%s
Cause: Program attempted to create an object with a name that already exists.
Action: Choose another name.
POL-5179 Only one primary key allowed
Cause: Tables can contain only one primary key.
Action: Recreate the table with the appropriate primary key.
POL-5180 No such primary key %s.%s
Cause: An ALTER TABLE statement attempted to drop a primary key where none exists.
Action: Check that the primary key exists, or correct the ALTER TABLE statement.
POL-5181 No such unique key %s.%s
Cause: An ALTER TABLE statement attempted to drop a UNIQUE constraint where none exists.
Action: Check that the UNIQUE constraint exists, or correct the ALTER TABLE statement.
POL-5182 No such constraint %s.%s
Cause: An ALTER TABLE statement attempted to drop a named constraint where none exists.
Action: Check that the constraint exists, or check the ALTER TABLE statement for syntax errors.
POL-5183 Can't drop NOT NULL constraint %s.%s
Cause: An ALTER TABLE statement attempted to drop a NOT NULL constraint.
Action: The table must be recreated without the NOT NULL constraint.
POL-5184 Can't modify read-only snapshot table %s.%s
Cause: Read-only snapshot tables can't be modified by the local user.
Action: Change the application so that it does not modify snapshots.
POL-5185 Can't establish a join with CONNECT BY
Cause: A SQL statement that included a hierarchical join attempted to join with another table.
Action: Don't use CONNECT BY to establish a join.
POL-5186 Can't drop current schema %s
Cause: The database is protecting the user from dropping the schema currently in use.
Action: Log on as a different user, and then drop the schema.
POL-5187 Can't drop SYSTEM
Cause: The SYSTEM schema is protected from being dropped.
Action: No action required. Don't attempt to drop the SYSTEM schema.
POL-5188 Can't modify snapshot table during refreshing
Cause: A snapshot table is being refreshed, possibly as part of a long-running transaction, and may not be modified until the refresh cycle completes or is aborted.
Action: Disconnect, and abort the refresh operation if necessary.
POL-5189 Index can only be created on base table
Cause: User attempted to create an index on a view or sequence.
Action: No action required. Create indexes only on base tables.
POL-5190 Invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification
Cause: The column specified in a SQL statement could not be found.
Action: Check that the column, table, and user/schema exist.
POL-5191 Trigger %s.%s doesn't exist
Cause: A DROP TRIGGER statement failed to find the trigger named for deletion.
Action: Check the name, and reissue the SQL statement.
POL-5192 Trigger %s.%s already exists
Cause: A CREATE TRIGGER statement found that a trigger with the same name already exists.
Action: Check the SQL statement for syntax errors, and then reissue the SQL statement. Alternatively, drop the duplicate trigger, and then reissue the SQL statement.
POL-5193 Argument number mismatch
Cause: The number of arguments in a call to a stored procedure doesn't match the number of arguments expected by the procedure.
Action: Check the SQL statement for syntax errors, and then reissue the call.
POL-5194 Too many open statement handles (maximum is 128)
Cause: There are too many active SQL statements.
Action: Close each SQL statement handle when the program has finished using it.
POL-5195 An internal error; BLOB is null
Cause: The Blob object is not created.
Action: This is an internal error. Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-5196 An internal error; invalid BLOB create
Cause: Invalid attempt to create a Blob object.
Action: This is an internal error. Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-5197 Savepoint %s does not exist
Cause: A REMOVE or ROLLBACK statement failed to find the savepoint name.
Action: Check the name, and reissue the SQL statement.
POL-5198 Duplicate savepoint name %s
Cause: A SAVEPOINT statement found that a savepoint with the same name already exists.
Action: Check the SQL statement for a duplicate savepoint name, and reissue the SQL statement.
POL-5199 Cursor type invalid with current isolation level
Cause: The cursor type can't be used in conjunction with the current isolation level.
Action: Check the cursor type and reassign a different cursor type.
POL-5201 Duplicate table name %s.%s
Cause: A CREATE TABLE statement referenced a table name that already exists.
Action: Drop the old table or ignore the error.
POL-5202 Duplicate column name %s
Cause: A column name was specified twice in a CREATE or INSERT statement. Column names must be unique within a table, view, or cluster.
Action: In a CREATE statement, change one of the column names to a new, unique column name. In an INSERT statement, remove one of the duplicate names.
POL-5203 Schema name %s invalid
Cause: Either the schema name is not recognized, or an attempt was made to use a schema while not connected as that user.
Action: If the cause is an unrecognized schema name, then use an existing schema. If the cause is that a user is connected with an incorrect user name, then disconnect and connect again with the correct user name.
POL-5204 Table %s.%s not found
Cause: An invalid table name was referenced in a SQL statement.
Action: Check the table name, and reissue the SQL statement.
POL-5205 Column %s not found
Cause: An invalid column name was referenced in a SQL statement.
Action: Check the column name, and reissue the SQL statement.
POL-5206 Alias name %s invalid
Cause: A SELECT statement provided an invalid alias for one of the result columns.
Action: Alias names must be single words and legal object names, or be enclosed in double quotation marks.
POL-5207 INSERT VALUES do not match columns
Cause: An INSERT...VALUES statement may not have specified enough values for all the columns, or it may have specified too many values.
Action: Look at the table definition and specify values for all columns for which defaults aren't defined.
POL-5208 Number of view columns mismatch with the definition
Cause: The number of view columns specified in a CREATE VIEW statement does not match the number of columns specified in the SELECT statement that defines the view.
Action: Ensure that the number of view columns specified in the CREATE VIEW statement matches the number specified in the SELECT statement.
POL-5209 CHAR or VARCHAR column size exceeds maximum
Cause: The maximum length for a CHAR or VARCHAR column is 2048 bytes.
Action: Check the column definition, and ensure that the length does not exceed 2048 bytes.
POL-5210 Precision value error
Cause: The maximum precision of a number is 38 digits.
Action: Check the NUMBER column definition for errors.
POL-5211 Scale value error
Cause: The maximum scale of a number column must be less than the precision.
Action: Modify the NUMBER column definition so that the scale is less than the precision.
POL-5212 Datatype %s does not match column type %s
Cause: The datatype of a literal or expression does not match the datatype of the column into which it is being inserted.
Action: Use a TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, TO_DATE, or CAST function to cast the expression to the correct datatype, and then try inserting the data into the column.
POL-5213 The datatypes specified (%s and %s) are not comparable
Cause: The datatype of a literal or expression does not match the datatype of the column with which it is being compared.
Action: Use a TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, TO_DATE, or CAST function to cast the expression to the correct datatype, and then try the comparison again.
POL-5214 Marker datatype cannot be determined
Cause: The datatype of a parameter could not be determined from the syntax.
Action: Check the SQL statement for syntax errors.
POL-5215 Wrong datatype %s in operand
Cause: An expression mixed incompatible datatypes, such as attempting to add a character value to a numeric expression.
Action: Check the expression for errors.
POL-5216 Interval value error
Cause: An interval computation resulted in an invalid value.
Action: Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-5217 Interval qualifier not specified
Cause: Interval expression was not fully qualified.
Action: See the SQL-92 specification for interval expression syntax.
POL-5218 This feature is not supported
Cause: A feature that Oracle Lite knows how to parse was recognized but can't be run.
Action: Don't try to use that feature at this time.
POL-5219 Can't cast this data from %s to %s
Cause: The input datatype cannot be converted to the desired output datatype.
Action: Check the SQL statement syntax, and correct the input datatype.
POL-5220 Foreign key error
Cause: Oracle Lite could not add a foreign key reference due to an error in the declaration. Either the referenced table does not exist, or the table does not have a unique key.
Action: Check that the referenced table exists and has a unique key.
POL-5221 Table %s.%s can't be updated
Cause: The specified table contains no columns that can be updated.
Action: This may not be an error.
POL-5222 Marker location error
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-5223 Sub-query not supported here
Cause: Certain SQL statements do not allow sub-queries.
Action: Rewrite the SQL statement and eliminate the sub-query.
POL-5224 Aggregate function error
Cause: GROUP BY is not allowed in a WHERE clause, and certain columns are illegal for GROUP BY operations.
Action: Check the GROUP BY clause in the SQL statement, and then reissue the statement.
POL-5225 GROUP BY error
Cause: The database detected a syntax error in a GROUP BY SQL statement.
Action: Check the SQL statement for errors, and then reissue it.
POL-5226 CASE statement error
Cause: SQL statement contains invalid CASE syntax.
Action: Check the statement and try again.
POL-5227 UNION statement error
Cause: SQL statement contains invalid syntax for the UNION or MINUS operators.
Action: Check the statement and try again.
POL-5228 Syntax error
Cause: SQL statement contained a syntax error.
Action: Inspect the statement for misspellings and missing parentheses, and then reissue it. Refer to the online SQL help for the correct syntax for the statement type.
POL-5229 Outer join statement error
Cause: SQL statement contains invalid syntax for an outer join.
Action: Check the statement and try again.
POL-5230 Invalid database size
Cause: A CREATE DATABASE statement contained an invalid database size parameter.
Action: Check the parameter for errors and reissue the SQL statement. See the SQL online help for valid parameter values.
POL-5231 Invalid extent size
Cause: A CREATE DATABASE statement contained an invalid extent size parameter.
Action: Check the parameter for errors and reissue the SQL statement. See the SQL online help for valid parameter values.
POL-5232 Database ID out of range
Cause: A CREATE DATABASE statement contained an invalid database ID.
Action: Check the parameter for errors and reissue the SQL statement. See the SQL online help for valid parameter values.
POL-5233 Sequence %s.%s not allowed here
Cause: An attempt was made to reference a sequence in a FROM list, which is not permitted. A sequence can only be referenced in a SELECT list.
Action: Check the statement syntax, correct the reference, and try again.
POL-5234 Not a single-group GROUP BY function
Cause: A SELECT list cannot include both a group function, such as AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, STDDEV, or VARIANCE, and an individual column expression, unless the individual column expression is included in a GROUP BY clause.
Action: Drop either the group function or the individual column expression from the SELECT list or add a GROUP BY clause that includes all individual column expressions listed.
POL-5235 Not a GROUP BY expression
Cause: The GROUP BY clause does not contain all the expressions in the SELECT clause. SELECT expressions that are not included in a group function must be listed in the GROUP BY clause. The group functions are: AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, STDDEV, and VARIANCE.
Action: Include in the GROUP BY clause all SELECT expressions that are not group function arguments.
POL-5236 Procedure return type not supported
Cause: SQL statement contains a reference to an unknown Java procedure type.
Action: Stored procedures must return SQL datatypes. Check the procedure definition.
POL-5237 Too many columns, max is 1000
Cause: There are too many columns in a CREATE TABLE statement.
Action: Reduce the number of columns in a table.
POL-5238 Invalid trigger action
Cause: The keyword after ON DELETE is invalid.
Action: Correct the spelling of the keyword to CASCADE.
POL-5239 Invalid drop table option
Cause: When dropping a table or view, you may only specify CASCADE or RESTRICT.
Action: Correct the DROP statement syntax.
POL-5240 Only COUNT function can have stars
Cause: Only the COUNT () function can take the asterisk as an argument.
Action: Correct the arguments to the SQL function.
POL-5241 Incorrect number of arguments to the function %s.%s
Cause: An SQL function was used without providing the correct number of arguments.
Action: Check the arguments for all SQL functions in the statement.
POL-5242 ODBC function escape sequence is missing
Cause: An ODBC function name was used without the {fn X} curly braces.
Action: Use the {fn X} curly braces.
POL-5243 Some sequence keyword is misspelled
Cause: A CREATE SEQUENCE or ALTER SEQUENCE keyword is misspelled or the sequence is invalid.
Action: Correct the spelling of the keyword.
POL-5244 A non-join condition is used in a join expression
Cause: Outer join condition did not specify a column or a valid comparison operator.
Action: Correct the SQL statement.
POL-5245 Expressions in group by column not allowed
Cause: Your query contains an expression in the group by clause. Only column references are allowed.
Action: Change your query or use a view.
POL-5246 User %s does not exist
Cause: You are trying to connect to the database with an invalid user name.
Action: Double-check to make sure you are using the correct user name.
POL-5247 More than one row returned
Cause: A single-row subquery returns more than one row.
Action: Correct the query so that the subquery returns at the maximum one row.
POL-5248 Illegal zero-length identifier
Cause: Some identifier cannot take a zero-length string.
Action: Provide a non-zero-length string.
POL-5249 Duplicate procedure or function name %s.%s
Cause: A CREATE procedure/function statement found that a procedure/function with the same name already exists.
Action: Check the SQL statement for duplicate procedure/function name, and reissue the SQL statement.
POL-5250 Procedure or function %s.%s does not exist
Cause: A SQL statement referenced a procedure/function that does not exist.
Action: Create the procedure/function with CREATE procedure/function and then reissue the SQL statement.
POL-5251 Expression must have same datatype (%s) as the corresponding expression (%s)
Cause: Datatypes of expressions in corresponding positions are not the same. Characters, numerics or dates cannot be mixed.
Action: Check the datatypes of expressions. CAST conversion may be an option.
POL-5252 Number of table columns are a mismatch with the definition
Cause: The number of table columns specified in a CREATE TABLE statement does not match the number of columns specified in the SELECT statement that defines the table.
Action: Ensure that the number of table columns specified in the CREATE TABLE statement and columns specified in the SELECT statement match.
POL-5253 NOT NULL constraint violation
Cause: An attempt was made to insert a NULL value into a column with a NOT NULL constraint.
Action: Check the value being inserted or change the column NOT NULL constraint to allow a NULL value.
POL-5254 Failed to create temporary dir/file %s
Cause: Creating a temporary dir/file failed in CREATE JAVA SOURCE AS statement.
Action: Check if disk space is available, if the temporary directory path is valid, or if permission is proper.
POL-5255 Identifier is too long
Cause: The user name identifier has more than 30 characters.
Action: Use an identifier with under 30 characters.
POL-5256 GROUP BY error
Cause: A column is found whose type is not allowed in a GROUP BY clause.
Action: Check the column type for errors and then reissue it.
POL-5257 ROWID is not available
Cause: ROWID is not available for rows that are selected from a query that either contains a GROUP BY clause or a join operation, or the SQL statement is not a query.
Action: Rewrite the query or do not use the ROWID value.
POL-5258 SELECT list is empty
Cause: The SELECT list is empty or all columns in the SELECT list are hidden columns.
Action: Rewrite the query.
POL-5259 Column %s cannot be modified to NULL
Cause: Column to be modified cannot be set to null.
Action: No action required. Probably the column to be modified has primary key constraint.
POL-5260 May not specify column datatypes in this CREATE TABLE
Cause: May not specify column datatypes in CREATE TABLE from subquery.
Action: Remove column datatypes.
POL-5261 A view is not appropriate here
Cause: May not use a view here.
Action: Do not use a view.
POL-5262 Cannot alter starting sequence number
Cause: May not specify START WITH in ALTER SEQUENCE.
Action: Do not specify START WITH.
POL-5263 Duplicate or conflicting MINVALUE / NOMINVALUE specifications
Cause: Duplicate or conflicting MINVALUE / NOMINVALUE specifications.
Action: Double check ALTER SEQUENCE syntax.
POL-5264 Duplicate or conflicting MAXVALUE / NOMAXVALUE specifications
Cause: Duplicate or conflicting MAXVALUE / NOMAXVALUE specifications.
Action: Double check ALTER SEQUENCE syntax.
POL-5265 Existing data cannot fit into modified column datatype
Cause: The column precision cannot be decreased because the existing data cannot fit into the modified datatype.
Action: Check the ALTER TABLE MODIFY statement.
POL-5266 View %s.%s needs recompilation or base table not found
Cause: View was not created with valid base table(s).
Action: Make sure the base table is created and recompile the view using the ALTER VIEW view_name COMPILE command.
POL-5267 Run time representation of the query was deleted due to some error in the previous execution
Cause: The query encountered some error during previous execution. The run time representation does not exist.
Action: Recompile the query and re-execute.
POL-5269 The MINVALUE cannot be made to exceed the current value
Cause: The specified MINVALUE in an ALTER SEQUENCE statement exceeds the current value.
Action: Change the MINVALUE to be less than the current value.
POL-5270 The MAXVALUE cannot be made to be less than the current value
Cause: The specified MAXVALUE in an ALTER SEQUENCE statement is less than the current value.
Action: The MAXVALUE cannot be made to be less than the current value.
POL-5271 Can't drop default user schema %s
Cause: The database is protected from dropping the default schema associated with a user.
Action: Drop the user, instead of the default schema.
POL-5272 The '+' can be applied to snapshot table only
Cause: The '+' is applied to a non-snapshot table.
Action: Remove the '+' or apply the '+' to a snapshot table.
POL-5273 The operation is not allowed on snapshot
Cause: The intended operation (insert, update, or delete) is not allowed on a snapshot table or snapshot based view with the plus ('+') notation.
Action: Remove the plus sign or rewrite the SQL statement.
POL-5274 Duplicate data source name
Cause: The database detected a data source iwth the same name when executing a CREATE DATA SOURCE statement.
Action: Choose another name for the new data source and run the CREATE DATA SOURCE statement again, or drop the existing data source.
POL-5275 Data Source does not exist
Cause: The database detected a non-existing data source when executing a cache table related statement.
Action: Create the data source by issuing the CREATE DATA SOURCE statement.
POL-5276 Access parameters not provided
Cause: The access parameters of a cache table is not provided in the SQL statement.
Action: Provide the access parameters.
POL-5277 Table data generator does not exist
Cause: The datatype of a column or constant is not allowed in the statement.
Action: Change the statement to use a different column or constant.
POL-5278 An error from the remote data source
Cause: During the process of requesting data from the data source, an error has occured from the remote server.
Action: Check the ALL_CACHE_TABLES system table to see if an entry of the target cache table is there.
POL-5279 The %s datatype is not allowed here
Cause: An expression mixes incompatible datatypes, such as attempting to add a character value to a numeric expression.
Action: Check the expression for errors.
POL-5280 Incompatible data types (%s, %s) in operands
Cause: An expression mixed incompatible datatypes, such as attempting to add a character value to a numeric expression.
Action: Check the expression for errors.
POL-5281 Cannot drop unique/primary key index (%s.%s)
Cause: The user tries to drop a unique/primary key index using the DROP INDEX command.
Action: Use the ALTER TABLE statement to drop the unique/primary key index.
POL-5282 Unsupported operation used in a default clause.
Cause: You are using an unsupported expression or a SQL function in a default clause.
Action: Simplify the default expression to exclude column references, logical operators, group functions, stored procedures, and subqueries.
POL-5283 COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements are not allowed in Java stored procedures.
Cause: There was a reference to COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements in a Java stored procedure.
Action: Remove the references to COMMIT and ROLLBACK, and reissue the statement.
POL-5284 The stored procedure, %s.%s, is no longer valid.
Cause: The Java stored procedure has been dropped by an external source.
Action: Recreate the Java stored procedure.
POL-5285 Invalid escape character
Cause: The escape character in the search string of the LIKE function must be a single (possibly multi-byte) character.
Action: Check the search string.
POL-5286 Cannot pass NULL to OUT or INOUT argument.
Cause: The caller of a JSP passes a NULL value to the JSP's OUT/INOUT argument.
Action: Change the argument's value to a non-null one.
POL-5287 Only integer column can be auto-incremented.
Cause: Only INTEGER column can be auto-incremented.
Action: Change the column data type to INTEGER or remove the AUTO-INCREMENT clause.
POL-5288 Cannot insert into or update auto-incremented columns
Cause: The insert/upate column list contains columns that are auto-incremented.
Action: Remove auto-increment column from the insert column list.
POL-5289 Cannot insert into or update an auto-incremented column %s.%s.
Cause: The insert/update column list contains columns that are auto-incremented.
Action: Remove auto-increment column from the insert column list.
POL-5290 Cannot drop a user that is currently connected.
Cause: You are trying to drop a user that is currently connected.
Action: Drop the user after it is disconnected.
POL-5291 Cannot return more than one column from a subquery.
Cause: There are too many columns returned from a subquery.
Action: Reduce the number of columns in a subquery to one.

1.9 POL 6000–6100 ODBC Driver Messages

Errors in this range are detected by the ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) Driver. The error code is accompanied by a SQL State, which is defined by the ODBC standard. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information. Your software may report other error codes that could help explain the error reported by the ODBC driver. Make sure to note all the error numbers that appeared when you file a trouble report.

POL-6001 General warning
Cause: Driver-specific informational message.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6002 Disconnect error
Cause: The disconnect succeeded, but the database detected an error during the disconnect. Your ODBC driver may return a message with additional information.
Action: Reopen the database, and verify that no data was lost. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6003 Data truncated
Cause: The database loses data while copying from the database to the client, because the buffer is not large enough to return the entire string.
Action: Provide a large enough buffer to hold the entire value. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6004 Privilege not revoked
Cause: A REVOKE PRIVILEGE command failed.
Action: No action required because Oracle Lite does not enforce privileges. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6005 Invalid connection string attribute
Cause: The ODBC connect string specified contained an invalid keyword.
Action: Check the syntax of the connect string, modify it as necessary, and then try connecting again. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6006 Error in row
Cause: An error occurred in one or more rows.
Action: The ODBC driver may return a message with additional information. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6007 Option value changed
Cause: The ODBC driver didn't support the specified value for the argument and substituted a similar value.
Action: The ODBC driver may return a message with additional information. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6008 No rows were updated or deleted
Cause: No rows matched the criteria for an UPDATE or DELETE statement.
Action: If you want to update or delete rows, check for errors, and then reissue the SQL statement. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6009 More than one row was updated or deleted
Cause: The statement or argument contained a positioned UPDATE or DELETE statement, and more than one row was updated or deleted.
Action: The ODBC driver may return a message with additional information. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6010 Wrong number of parameters
Cause: The number of parameters specified in SQLBindParameter does not match the number of parameters in the SQL statement.
Action: Check for syntax errors, and then reissue the SQL statement. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6011 Restricted datatype attribute violation
Cause: The data value could not be converted to the datatype specified. In Oracle Lite, this can also result when attempting to insert into a LONG column.
Action: Check for syntax errors, and then reissue the statement. Use SQLPutData() to insert data into LONG columns. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6012 Unable to connect to data source
Cause: The driver was unable to establish a connection with the data source.
Action: Verify that the user name provided is valid for the database. You must CREATE SCHEMA for each user name in each Oracle Lite database file to use that user name at connect time. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6013 Connection is in use
Cause: The connection specified is already open.
Action: Use the existing connection or close it. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6014 Connection is not open
Cause: A program tried to close or access a database connection that is not open.
Action: Exit and try to connect again. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6015 The data source rejected the connection
Cause: The cause of this error is implementation-specific. This error could be an attempt to open a database file when another database file with the same DBFileID is already open.
Action: Use the existing connection or close it. Look for other Oracle Lite error codes, and see the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6016 Connection failure during transaction
Cause: The connection failed during the execution of the function, and it can't be determined whether the requested COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement was completed before the failure occurred.
Action: Check the updated data to see if your changes are as expected. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6017 Communication link failure
Cause: The remote database is inaccessible.
Action: Ensure that the remote database is running, the communications network is functioning, and the appropriate database links are present, and then try executing the operation again. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6018 Insert value list does not match column list
Cause: An INSERT statement did not specify enough values for all the columns, or it specified too many values.
Action: Check the table definition and supply values for all columns for which defaults aren't defined. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6019 The number of values in the derived table does not match the number of columns
Cause: A CREATE VIEW statement did not specify enough values for all the columns, or it specified too many values.
Action: Check the table definition and supply values for all columns for which defaults aren't defined. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6020 The right side of the string was truncated
Cause: Not enough memory was allocated for a string so it had to be truncated.
Action: If the truncated string does not cause any problems, then this is not an error. Otherwise, call the routine that reported the error again with a larger string buffer. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6021 Numeric value out of range
Cause: A numeric value could not be converted or was too large for the datatype.
Action: Declare a larger datatype, or allocate a larger buffer. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6022 Error in assignment
Cause: The datatype of a literal or expression does not match the datatype of the column into which it is being inserted.
Action: Use a TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, TO_DATE or CAST function to cast the expression to the correct datatype. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6023 DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP field overflow
Cause: The SQLState contained an invalid DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP value.
Action: Check the input values for errors, and then reissue the statement. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6024 Division by zero
Cause: The SQL statement contained an arithmetic expression that caused division by zero.
Action: Check for syntax errors, and then reissue the SQL statement. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6025 String data, length mismatch
Cause: The string data contained less data than was specified in the length buffer.
Action: If its OK that the string data was shorter than expected, then this may not be an error. Check the SQL input string for errors. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6026 Integrity constraint violation
Cause: The value of the parameter or literal in the SQL statement was NULL for a NOT NULL column, or a duplicate value was supplied for a column that is constrained to contain only unique values, or some other integrity constraint was violated.
Action: Check the input string for errors, and then try again. If a foreign key constraint is present, verify that the referenced table contains the matching value. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6027 Invalid cursor state
Cause: The SQL statement contained a positioned UPDATE or DELETE and the cursor was positioned before the start of the result set or after the end of the result set.
Action: Close the cursor, and reissue the SQL statement. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6028 Invalid transaction state
Cause: Program attempted to disconnect when a transaction is still active.
Action: COMMIT or ROLLBACK any pending transactions, and then reissue the disconnect. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6029 Invalid authorization specification
Cause: The user name or password specified in the connection string violated restrictions that are defined by the specified data source.
Action: Check the user name and password, and then try connecting again. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6030 Invalid cursor name
Cause: The SQL statement contained a positioned DELETE or UPDATE, and the database could not find a cursor with the name specified by the application.
Action: Check that the cursor is open and that the application has a valid name for it. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6031 Syntax error or access violation
Cause: Program attempted to access a database system table, or there was an error in the SQL statement.
Action: Check for syntax errors, and then reissue the SQL statement. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6032 Duplicate cursor name
Cause: The cursor name specified already exists.
Action: Check the cursor name, and reissue the SQL statement. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6033 Serialization failure
Cause: The transaction that was processing the SQL statement was terminated to prevent deadlock.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6034 Syntax error or access violation
Cause: The user didn't have the privileges to execute the specified SQL statement, or the driver was unable to lock the row as needed to perform the requested operation.
Action: Check the SQL statement for errors. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6035 Operation aborted
Cause: The data source was unable to process the cancel request.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6036 Driver does not support this function
Cause: A function that the driver does not support was attempted.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6037 Data source name was not found and no default driver specified
Cause: The driver manager will use the system default database because the data source name specified was not found in the ODBC.INI file or registry and there was no default driver specified, or the ODBC.INI file could not be found.
Action: Check the data source name, and reissue the connection statement if you don't want to use the default database. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6038 Specified driver could not be loaded
Cause: The driver listed in the data source specification in the ODBC.INI file or registry, or specified by the DRIVER keyword, was not found or could not be loaded for some other reason.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6039 Driver's SQLAllocEnv() failed
Cause: SQLAllocEnv() allocates memory for an environment handle, and must be called prior to calling any other ODBC function. During execution of the SQL statement, the Driver Manager called the driver's SQLAllocEnv(), and the driver returned an error.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6040 Driver's SQLAllocConnect failed
Cause: There is no memory allocated for a connection handle because the driver returned an error when the Driver Manager called SQLAllocConnect().
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6041 Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed
Cause: The Driver Manager called the Driver SQLSetConnectOption() method, which sets connection options, and the driver returned an error.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6042 No data source or driver specified - dialog prohibited
Cause: Could not establish a connection because there was no data source or driver specified in the connection string. The Driver Manager only tried the connection string specified by the application, rather than displaying a dialog box and prompting the user.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6043 Dialog failed
Cause: The Driver Manager attempted to display the SQL Data Sources dialog box and failed, or the login dialog box failed.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6044 Unable to load translation DLL
Cause: The specified translation file does not exist.
Action: Make sure you're using the correct translation file. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6045 The data source name specified is too long
Cause: The attribute value for the DSN keyword was longer than the maximum specified.
Action: Specify a shorter data source name, or check for errors in the input string. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6046 The driver name specified is too long
Cause: The attribute value for the DRIVER keyword was longer than 255 characters.
Action: Specify a shorter value, or check the input string for errors. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6047 DRIVER keyword syntax error
Cause: The keyword-value pair for the DRIVER keyword contained a syntax error.
Action: Check the keyword specified, and see the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
Cause: You enabled tracing through ODBC Spy or ODBC Administrator, but the Driver Manager couldn't write to the file you specified.
Action: Check the path name to the trace file. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6049 Base table or view already exists
Cause: The database detected a table with the same name when executing a CREATE TABLE or a CREATE VIEW statement.
Action: Choose another name for the new table and run the SQL statement again, or drop the existing table. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6050 Base table or view not found
Cause: A SQL statement referenced a table or view that the database could not find.
Action: Check the SQL statement for errors, and modify the table name or view as necessary. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6051 Index already exists
Cause: A CREATE INDEX statement attempted to create an index that already exists.
Action: You can ignore this error and use the existing index, or drop the existing index and create it again. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6052 Index not found
Cause: A DROP INDEX statement attempted to drop an index that doesn't exist.
Action: Check the statement for errors, and see the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6053 Column already exists
Cause: An ALTER TABLE statement attempted to add the name of a column that is already in the table. All column names must be unique within a table.
Action: Specify a unique name for the new column, and then re-execute the statement. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6054 Column not found
Cause: A SQL statement contained a reference to at least one column name that doesn't exist.
Action: Check the SQL statement for errors, and see the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6055 No default for column
Cause: An INSERT...VALUES statement did not specify a value for each column that has both a NOT NULL constraint and no default value; or the statement may have specified too many values.
Action: Check the table definition and specify values for all columns for which defaults aren't defined. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6056 General error
Cause: Error with this implementation of ODBC.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6057 Memory allocation failure
Cause: The database is out of heap memory or object cache memory.
Action: Restart the application. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6058 Invalid column number
Cause: The number of column names specified in a CREATE VIEW statement did not correspond to the number of columns listed in the SELECT clause. If column names are specified in a CREATE VIEW statement, exactly one name must be specified for each column or expression in the SELECT clause.
Action: Specify one view column name for each column in the SELECT clause. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6059 Program type is out of range
Cause: The value specified by the argument was not a valid SQL datatype.
Action: Check the calling program for errors. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6060 SQL datatype is out of range
Cause: There was an attempt to assign a value that doesn't match any of the valid values for the SQL datatype.
Action: Check the assignment, and try again. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6061 Operation canceled
Cause: A function was canceled before completing execution.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6062 Invalid argument value
Cause: The failing call contains an argument with an invalid value.
Action: Check for syntax errors, and reissue the statement with valid argument values. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6063 Function sequence error
Cause: An asynchronously executing function was called for the SQL statement, and was still executing when this function was called.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6064 Operation invalid at this time
Cause: This error is function-specific.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6065 Invalid transaction code specified
Cause: The specified transaction code does not correspond to an existing valid transaction. A COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement was expected.
Action: Check that the application uses a valid transaction code. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6066 No cursor name available
Cause: There is no open cursor for the statement.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6067 Invalid string or buffer length
Cause: A result string was too large for the allocated buffer, or the value is not valid.
Action: Check the SQL statement for errors, or allocate a larger buffer. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6068 Descriptor type is out of range
Cause: This descriptor type is not valid for the version of ODBC supported by the driver.
Action: Check the descriptor type, and try again. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6069 Operation type is out of range
Cause: The value specified is not valid for the version of ODBC supported by the driver.
Action: Check the value, and try again. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6070 Invalid parameter number
Cause: The number of arguments specified does not match the number of parameters.
Action: Check the SQL statement for syntax errors. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6071 Invalid scale value
Cause: The value specified for the argument was outside the range of values supported by the data source for a column of the specified datatype.
Action: Check the value, and See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6072 Function type is out of range
Cause: An invalid ODBC function was specified.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6073 Information type is out of range
Cause: An invalid ODBC information type was specified.
Action: Check the value, and See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6074 Column type is out of range
Cause: There was an attempt to insert a value with an invalid type in the specified column.
Action: Check the column type, and try again. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6075 Scope type is out of range
Cause: An invalid scope type was specified.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6076 Nullable type is out of range
Cause: An invalid value was specified for determining whether to return columns with NULL values.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6077 Uniqueness option type is out of range
Cause: An invalid index type was specified.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6078 Accuracy option type is out of range
Cause: An invalid value was specified for determining whether to return results.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6079 Direction option is out of range
Cause: An invalid value was specified for determining whether the Driver Manager fetches the next driver or data source name description in the list, or the search starts from the beginning of the list.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6080 Invalid precision value
Cause: The maximum precision of the value of a column was exceeded or is invalid. This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-6081 Invalid parameter type
Cause: Invalid command-line parameters were specified.
Action: Check the online help for the set of valid parameters, and then reissue the SQL statement. See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6082 Fetch type out of range
Cause: An invalid value was specified for determining how to move through the result set.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6083 Row value out of range
Cause: An invalid value was specified for determining how to move through the result set.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6084 Concurrency option out of range
Cause: An invalid value was specified for determining locking level.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6085 Invalid cursor position
Cause: A row that was deleted or in error was specified for the cursor position.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6086 Invalid driver completion
Cause: An invalid value was specified for determining whether the driver or Driver Manager should prompt for additional connection information.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6087 Invalid bookmark value
Cause: An invalid value was specified for retrieving the row set with a bookmark.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6088 Driver not capable of this operation
Cause: The cause is ODBC function-specific.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6089 Timeout expired
Cause: The timeout period expired before the data source returned the result set.
Action: See the Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide for more information.
POL-6090 No data at execution - values pending
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-6091 Dynamic cursor is not supported in read committed mode.
Cause: Dynamic cursor is not supported in the read committed mode.
Action: Change to a supported combination of isolation levels and cursor types.
POL-6100 Transaction has been rolled back due to a deadlock
Cause: An application caused a deadlock.
Action: The transaction has been automatically rolled back. Data should be resubmitted if necessary.

1.10 POL 8000–8090 Java Stored Procedures/Triggers Messages

Errors detected when attaching, detaching or executing stored procedures or triggers are normally reported through the JDBC, ODBC, or SQL layers. If the error occurs while executing a command through the Java Access Classes, a general POLException error appears and is reported through the Java Virtual Machine.

POL-8000 Could not start the Java Virtual Machine
Cause: The environment variable PATH may not contain a reference to javai.dll
Action: Include the JDK_HOME\bin directory in the PATH variable where JDK_HOME is the root directory of the Java development environment.
POL-8001 Could not find a Java system class
Cause: CLASSPATH environment variable may not have been set correctly.
Action: Include JDK_HOME\lib\classes.zip in the CLASSPATH environment variable.
POL-8002 Exception raised in getMethod() call
Cause: Incompatible version of Java system classes.
Action: Make sure you have the JavaSoft JDK 1.1.4 (or later), or any Java virtual machine that is 100% compatible with it.
POL-8003 Null method ID
Cause: Could not create an instance of Oracle Lite Java class loader.
Action: Check and make sure that the CLASSPATH contains a reference to the file jsp.jar.
POL-8004 Java package not found
Cause: A package name mentioned in a fully-qualified Java class name does not exist.
Action: Check the class name, and correct it if necessary.
POL-8005 Given name is not a package name
Cause: A package name mentioned in a fully-qualified Java class name is not the name of a package.
Action: Check the class name, and correct it if necessary.
POL-8006 Error in creating package
Cause: Internal error.
Action: If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-8007 Error in finding package
Cause: The Oracle Lite class loader cannot find the package name.
Action: Check the package names in the fully-qualified class name.
POL-8008 Error in naming the blob
Cause: A blob with the same name already exists.
Action: Choose another name for the blob.
POL-8009 Class already exists
Cause: You specified the source or class path for a Java class that you are trying to attach to a table, but a Java class with the same name and different content already exists in the Oracle Lite database.
Action: Rename the class.
POL-8010 Class with the specified name was not found
Cause: The Oracle Lite Java class loader cannot find a class with the name you specified in the Attach statement.
Action: Specify the correct name or modify the CLASSPATH to search the appropriate directory.
POL-8011 Null class ID
Cause: Either jsp.jar is not in your CLASSPATH or a null is used as an Oracle Lite class reference.
Action: If you are using JAC or the C kernel interface (OKAPI), specify a non-null object reference in the API function call.
POL-8012 Given class name is a package name
Cause: A package with the same name already exists.
Action: Choose a different name for the class.
POL-8013 Error in finding Java class %s.%s
Cause: Could not find the specified class object.
Action: Verify that the class exists.
POL-8014 Error in creating blob for class
Cause: Could not create the blob attribute for a class.
Action: Look for other errors on the error stack.
POL-8015 Error in finding blob size
Cause: Could not get the size of a blob object.
Action: Check that the blob object exists and is the size you expect.
POL-8016 Error in reading blob value
Cause: Error reading the blob associated with a class definition when loading a class.
Action: Internal error. If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-8017 Error in reading class file
Cause: Error reading the class definition when loading a class.
Action: Include the directory in which the class file resides in the CLASSPATH environment, and restart the application.
POL-8018 Error in setting blob value
Cause: Could not set the value of a blob.
Action: Verify that the values are correct and that the blob data is readable.
POL-8019 Error in creating group
Cause: Unable to create the Java Classes group in the database.
Action: Internal error. If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-8020 Error in finding group
Cause: Unable to find the Java Classes group in the database.
Action: Use the Oracle Lite Designer to verify that the Java Classes group exists.
POL-8021 Error in initializing environment
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-8022 Error in finalizing environment
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-8023 Error in creating database
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-8024 Database not initialized
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-8025 Exception raised in define class
Cause: Can be caused by a variety of errors when defining a class or attaching a Java class to an Oracle Lite class.
Action: Examine the calling parameters and error stack for more information.
POL-8026 Failed to make or delete a global reference
Cause: The Java object reference is corrupted.
Action: It is an internal error. Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-8027 The Java class already exists
Cause: A Java class with the same name already exists.
Action: Choose another name for the class.
POL-8028 Error in calling a Java method
Cause: Most commonly refers to a problem when converting between Java and Oracle Lite datatypes.
Action: Check the calling parameters.
POL-8029 The number of arguments given is not the same as the number of arguments in the method
Cause: The number of arguments specified does not match the number of arguments expected by the method.
Action: Check for syntax errors, and then reissue the statement.
POL-8030 Wrong JNI signature. Database may be corrupted.
Cause: Internal error. The signature of Java methods recorded in the database has been corrupted.
Action: If the product has been installed correctly and the error persists, call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
POL-8031 Null value cannot be used as an actual argument for a formal argument of Java primitive type
Cause: Attempt to pass a NULL value as an actual argument for a formal argument of Java primitive type in a Java stored procedure.
Action: Initialize these columns with a non-NULL value before invoking the Java procedure.
POL-8032 Bad argument value
Cause: The failing call contains an argument with an invalid value.
Action: Check for syntax errors, and reissue the statement with valid argument values.
POL-8033 No object given for instance method
Cause: A method was invoked without supplying an instance for the method to operate on.
Action: Supply an object to the method.
POL-8034 This feature is not yet supported
Cause: There was an attempt to use a feature or function that Oracle Lite does not yet support.
Action: Rewrite the statement, and eliminate the call to the unsupported feature or function.
POL-8035 No such attribute or method
Cause: The specified method or attribute could not be found.
Action: Check that the specified method or attribute exists and that it is attached to the correct class.
POL-8036 Result buffer is too small
Cause: The returned value from a Java stored procedure is too long to fit into the result buffer allocated for it.
Action: Specify a larger buffer.
POL-8037 Argument count of the trigger method does not match the number of argument names
Cause: There must be just as many argument names supplied when calling a method as were defined when declaring the method.
Action: Correct the number of arguments supplied in the call.
POL-8038 Error in opening a file to read the class body
Cause: Your system detected an error when trying to read a class file.
Action: Check the file name, class path, and anything else that could affect file operations.
Cause: Since a row does not exist before it is inserted or after it is deleted, the use of ROWID in before-insert or after-delete triggers is prohibited.
Action: Don't use ROWID in these types of triggers.
POL-8040 New column (attribute) value cannot be used for AFTER-INSERT (AFTER-CREATE), AFTER-UPDATE or any DELETE trigger
Cause: A NEW column value was used for an after-insert, an after-update, or delete trigger.
Action: If you want to pass the NEW value to the Java stored procedure, consider using a before trigger.
POL-8041 Old column (attribute) value cannot be used for AFTER-DELETE trigger
Cause: After-delete triggers have neither OLD nor NEW values.
Action: Use a before-delete trigger if you must use attributes.
POL-8042 NULL string is not allowed for argument name
Cause: Program tried to create a trigger and specified a positive argcount, but a column (attribute) name is null.
Action: Check the parameter in the calling program.
POL-8043 POP attempted on empty connection stack
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-8044 PUSH attempted on full connection stack
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-8045 TOP_CONN attempted on an empty connection stack
Cause: This is an abnormal condition.
Action: Report this as an "Abnormal Condition".
POL-8046 Attribute from which trigger is being deleted does not exist
Cause: There was a reference to an invalid attribute name.
Action: Check the attribute name, and try deleting the trigger again.
POL-8047 Java source file path does not exist
Cause: There was a reference to an invalid path name.
Action: Check the path name, and try again.
POL-8048 Access denied to Java source file
Cause: The system denied access to a necessary Java source file.
Action: Correct the access control on the required file.
POL-8049 Arguments to the okCreateTrigger() function are inconsistent
Cause: Program supplied an invalid trigger type when creating a trigger.
Action: Correct the trigger type parameter in the calling program.
POL-8050 Invalid attribute type
Cause: The domain of an attribute could not be mapped to a known type.
Action: Define the attribute domain in terms of known datatypes.
POL-8051 The update attributes supplied were invalid for the class
Cause: The update attributes supplied to an update trigger were invalid or missing.
Action: Check the calling program for errors, and supply the missing attributes.
POL-8052 COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements are not valid in a Java stored procedure
Cause: There was a reference to COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements in a Java stored procedure.
Action: Remove the references to COMMIT and ROLLBACK, and reissue the statement.
POL-8053 No constructor matching the given constructor argument found
Cause: Can't find a matching Java constructor with the specified constructor arguments.
Action: Check the corresponding ALTER TABLE statement, and make sure the sequence of formal arguments in the constructor matches the sequence of the columns in the constructor sub-clause.
POL-8054 Triggers must return void
Cause: Trigger methods can't return a value.
Action: Check the declaration of the method for errors.
POL-8055 Java class is already attached to the table or class
Cause: The Java class specified is already attached to the table or class.
Action: Check the name and try again.
POL-8056 Can't delete SYSTEM classes
Cause: There was an attempt to delete a system class.
Action: Check the class name, and try again. Don't try to delete a system class.
POL-8057 Java method returned a long value that is outside the range
Cause: The Java method returned a long value that is outside the range of long values accepted by Oracle Lite.
Action: Check your code for errors, and make sure that all values returned are within the valid range.
POL-8058 Row and statement triggers cannot be created in a single call
Cause: Row and statement triggers cannot be created in a single call to an okCreate trigger or in a single SQL statement.
Action: Check the call for errors and try again.
POL-8059 Trigger kind parameter missing
Cause: Call to okCreate trigger failed to specify what kind of trigger to create.
Action: Check the call for errors and try again.
POL-8060 Statement level triggers cannot have arguments
Cause: You have specified an argument to the method in a statement level trigger.
Action: Don't use any arguments.
POL-8061 Trigger not found
Cause: The specified trigger could not be found.
Action: Check the trigger name in your code.
POL-8062 No triggers exist for the table
Cause: Program attempted to drop a trigger that doesn't exist.
Action: Check the trigger name in your code.
POL-8063 No update attributes supplied for a BEFORE-UPDATE or AFTER-UPDATE trigger
Cause: No update attributes were specified in a trigger that requires them.
Action: Supply the missing parameters, and try again.
POL-8064 Trigger signature does not match the actual arguments
Cause: Data types of the procedure argument and the values specified in the trigger are not compatible.
Action: Correct the procedure arguments or the specified values in the trigger.
POL-8065 Only oracle.pol.jac.POLconnection and java.sql.Connection are allowed in statement level triggers
Cause: You are attempting to create a statement-level trigger whose procedure requires arguments other than oracle.pol.jac.POLconnection and java.sql.Connection.
Action: Use a procedure which takes no arguments.
POL-8066 Instance method cannot be used for BEFORE-CREATE (BEFORE-INSERT) and AFTER-DELETE triggers, or for any statement-level triggers, or by different classes
Cause: You are attempting to create a before insert or after delete trigger using a row-level stored procedure.
Action: Use a statement-level stored procedure.
POL-8077 Attribute values cannot be specified as arguments when creating multiple update triggers in one statement
POL-8078 UPDATE trigger method argument can only be the attribute for which the trigger is created
POL-8079 Error translate multibyte string to Unicode string
Cause: Windows is unable to translate a multi-byte string to Unicode given the current character set specification.
Action: Correct the character set definition or eliminate the illegal character.
POL-8080 Trigger name already exists
POL-8081 The created procedure is registered to a Java method that has a return value
POL-8082 The created function is registered to a Java method that returns void
POL-8083 No Java class attached to this table

1.11 CNS 9000–9099 Mobile Sync Error Messages

CNS-9000 Internal Error
Cause: Unrecoverable internal error has occurred.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9001 Out of memory
Cause: Cannot allocate memory from the system.
Action: Increase available system memory either by closing other applications or increasing physical or virtual memory size.
CNS-9002 General memory error
Cause: Either your memory is corrupt or you have run out of memory.
Action: Increase available memory and restart Msync.
CNS-9003 Memory resize error
Cause: Out of memory.
Action: Increase memory.
CNS-9004 Cannot create Palm Database new record (Palm Only)
Cause: PDB file contains more than 65535 records, or you are out of persistent memory.
Action: Delete unused PDB files to increase capacity.
CNS-9005 Cannot create new Palm Database file (Palm Only)
Cause: Palm Database (PDB) file already exists, or you are out of memory.
Action: Delete PDB file if it exists, or delete other PDB files to increase capacity.
CNS-9006 Cannot write to file/PDB (Palm Only)
Cause: Out of memory.
Action: Delete PDB files to increase capacity
CNS-9007 Cannot create new Okapi class
Cause: Class exists, out of memory, or there are too many objects in database
Action: Drop the database tables created outside of the synchronization process that have the same name as the synchronization snapshots.
CNS-9008 Cannot create new Okapi group
Cause: Group exists, out of memory, or too many objects in the database.
Action: Make sure database is created by synchronizing with Mobile Sync that the file system is not full.
CNS-9009 Cannot create new OKAPI object (Palm Only)
Cause: Out of memory, or too many objects in the database.
Action: Delete other unused PDBs to increase capacity.
CNS-9010 Cannot set new OKAPI object attribute
Cause: Corrupted database, or out of memory.
Action: Delete database and resynchronize.
CNS-9011 General error on application deployment
Cause: Application file exists locally already, or is too large.
Action: Delete excess files to increase disk capacity
CNS-9012 Application deployment directory not found
Cause: Destination directory not found.
Action: Create the directory where the application should reside and resynchronize. See the "Packaging Wizard" chapter in the Oracle Database Lite Developer's Guide.
CNS-9013 General error on index creation
Cause: An invalid index was specified.
Action: Check the server side index definition using the CV$ALL_PUBLICATION_INDEX system catalog view. See the "System Catalog View" Appendix of the Oracle Database Lite Developer's Guide.
CNS-9014 General error on accessing log file
Cause: Cannot create error log entries.
Action: Purge old log entries or delete the entire log file (Palm only).
CNS-9015 General error on shared library open/close
Cause: Shared library does not exist or has become corrupted.
Action: Re-install shared libraries.
CNS-9016 Shared library file okapi.prc not found (Palm Only)
Cause: Corrupted shared library.
Action: Reinstall okapi.prc shared library or use static consolidator.
CNS-9017 Shared library file okindex.prc not found (Palm Only)
Cause: Obsolete.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9018 Could not find olcrypt.prc (Palm Only)
Cause: An insert operation failed.
Action: Install olcrypt.prc, or use SSL encryption instead of CAST5, or disable encryption entirely.
CNS-9019 General compression error
Cause: An unrecoverable error has occurred while compressing or decompressing data.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9021 Class name mismatch
Cause: Obsolete.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9022 Server/Client format mismatch
Cause: The server does not support the current version of the client.
Action: Upgrade server or client so that both versions match.
CNS-9023 Network disconnected during sync, check network is active
Cause: The network connection to the Mobile Server has been severed.
Action: Check to see if your device has an active network connection.
CNS-9024 Network disconnected during sync, check network is active.
Cause: The network disconnected during the sync.
Action: Check to see if the network is active.
CNS-9025 Server internal error.
Cause: The server has reported an error during the synchronization process.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9026 Wrong username or password.
Cause: Login failed because of an incorrect username or password.
Action: Check login name and password and resynchronize.
CNS-9027 Could not create Oracle Lite client database
Cause: Client database exists or is locked.
Action: Make sure conscli.odb is not being used, and there is enough disk space.
CNS-9028 Compressed file access error.
Cause: Cannot open temporary compressed data.
Action: Check diskspace and make sure no other process is purging temp files during sync.
CNS-9029 Invalid Object
Cause: Cannot open temporary compressed data.
Action: Check diskspace and make sure no other process is purging temporary files during synchronization.
CNS-9030 Server and client versions do not match
Cause: Server sent a bad sync packet to the client.
Action: Check version of server or reinstall Mobile Client from Mobile Server.
CNS-9031 Cannot open file (Application Deployment)
Cause: Disk failure or other system problems.
Action: Check file system.
CNS-9032 User has cancelled Sync
Cause: The user cancelled the synchronization process.
Action: None needed.
CNS-9033 SQL command execution error.
Cause: Failed to execute a SQL command sent by the server.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9034 Java class bundling error.
Cause: Java classes for the Java Stored Procedure were not packaged correctly.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9035 Primary key info does not match.
Cause: There is a primary key mismatch between the client and the server.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9036 Table not found for index item.
Cause: Table not found for index item
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9037 Column not found for index item.
Cause: Column not found for index item
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9038 Not enough memory for creating index.
Cause: Failed to allocate memory during index creation.
Action: Increase your system/program memory.
CNS-9039 ValidateDB error.
Cause: Failed to validate the Oracle Lite database file.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9040 ValidateDB executable not found.
Cause: The validatedatabase file could not be located in the Oracle Lite binary directory.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9041 EncrypDB failed.
Cause: Failed to encrypt the Oracle Lite database file.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9042 EncrypDB executable not found.
Cause: The encryptdb file could not be located in the Oracle Lite binary directory.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9043 Server busy. Try sync later.
Cause: The Mobile Server is busy processing other synchronization requests.
Action: Wait for some time and sync again.
CNS-9050 Satellite Forms /PDB file appinfo does not exist
Cause: The appinfo section of the /PDB could not be found.
Action: You may need to upgrade your version of Satellite Forms. Satellite Forms version 4.x is not supported in Oracle9i Lite version

1.12 CNS 9100–9199 Transport Errors

CNS-9100 HTTP pipe general error
Cause: Failed to send or receive data from the Mobile Server.
Action: Make sure that your network connection is active.
CNS-9101 Wrong hostname or network is not active
Cause: Could not locate the Mobile Server
Action: Check server name, DNS servers and network connection
CNS-9102 Server could not be located
Cause: gethostbyname failed.
Action: Check DNS settings of client machine.
CNS-9103 HTTP cannot find host error
Cause: Proxy server could not be located.
Action: Check proxy server hostname and DNS server.
CNS-9104 Wrong IP address or hostname
Cause: Specified IP address or hostname may be incorrect.
Action: Check your network connection, if the network is active, contact your system administrator.
CNS-9105 HTTP cannot find proxy error
Cause: Proxy server may be down or unreachable.
Action: Restart proxy server or verify proxy hostname.
CNS-9106 HTTP send error.
Cause: The network connection has been severed.
Action: Check network connection and verify the Mobile Server version.
CNS-9107 Network disconnected during sync
Cause: Specified IP address or hostname may be incorrect. This error can occur if you are using SSL and the certificate is not valid.
Action: Check your Mobile Server URL; make sure that you have an active network connection.
CNS-9108 HTTP page not found.
Cause: Specified Mobile Server URL is not correct. This error may occur if you have a proxy server in your network.
Action: Check Mobile Server and proxy server.
CNS-9109 Network disconnected during sync
Cause: Specified IP address or hostname may be incorrect. This error can occur if you are using SSL and the certificate is not valid.
Action: Check your Mobile Server URL; make sure that you have an active network connection.
CNS-9110 HTTP pipe interpreted during transfer
Cause: Specified Mobile Server URL is not correct. This error may occur if you have a proxy server in your network.
Action: Check Mobile Server and proxy server.
CNS-9111 HTTP network library not found
Cause: Oracle Lite is not properly installed.
Action: Re-install Oracle Lite.
CNS-9112 HTTP resume error
Cause: An internal error has occurred during the recovery process.
Action: Make sure that you have a compatible version of the Mobile Server.
CNS-9113 HTTP page not found, check URL subdirectory
Cause: HTTP page not found
Action: Check URL subdirectory

1.13 CNS 9200–9299 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Errors

CNS-9200 Internal SSL error
Cause: Network disconnected during synchronization.
Action: Check operating system, re-install the SSL components.
CNS-9201 Could not load the Security Library
Cause: Obsolete
Action: Obsolete
CNS-9202 Error disconnecting from the SSL server
Cause: Obsolete
Action: Obsolete
CNS-9203 Error creating the SSL credential
Cause: Failed to make a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connection to the Mobile Server.
Action: Check SSL settings in the Mobile Server configuration file.
CNS-9204 Error during SSL handshake with the server
Cause: Obsolete
Action: Obsolete
CNS-9205 Error querying the remote certificate
Cause: Obsolete
Action: Obsolete
CNS-9206 Error querying the SSL security package
Cause: Obsolete
Action: Obsolete
CNS-9207 Error in decrpyting SSL message
Cause: Obsolete
Action: Obsolete
CNS-9208 Error in encrpyting SSL message
Cause: Obsolete
Action: Obsolete
CNS-9209 Host does not support SSL.
Cause: Obsolete
Action: Obsolete

1.14 CNS 10001–10100 Consolidator Messages

CNS-10001: Oracle Consolidator Message Generator and Processor Syntax: java MGPApp <delay> <restart> <schema> <password>
Cause: A syntax error is found in the command when starting MGPApp or mgp.bat.
Action: Check the command line for MGPApp or within mgp.bat.
CNS-10002: Exception on close() caught in MGPP/apply thread
Cause: Error displayed with the message may vary due to circumstances.
Action: Fix the error listed and try again. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.
CNS-10003: Exception on new MGPP# {apply phase thread #} ,reason: {Java exception}
Cause: Error displayed with the message may vary due to circumstances.
Action: Fix the error listed and try again. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.
CNS-10004: USER_INVALID in Consolidator auth; Logon denied
Cause: Either the user does not exist, or the username or password is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the username and password and try again. If the spelling is correct, it means the user does not exist. Recreate the user and try again.
CNS-10005: USER_NOT_FOUND in Consolidator auth; Logon denied
Cause: Either the user does not exist, or the username or password is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the username and password and try again. If the spelling is correct, it means the user does not exist. Recreate the user and try again.
CNS-10006: Invalid username/password; logon denied
Cause: Either the user does not exist, or the username or password is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the username and password and try again. If the spelling is correct, it means the user does not exist. Recreate the user and try again.
CNS-10007: Feature not implemented
Cause: The feature that is being used is not implemented.
Action: Stop using the feature. If further help is needed, contact your administrator.
CNS-10008: Could not find publication item version for client {client name} , publication item {publication item name}
Cause: The user has not subscribed to any publication or publication item, or the name of the publication for which subscription is intended is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the client and the publication. If no publication has been subscribed, subscribe to a publication and try again.
CNS-10009: Could not find publication for client {client name} , publication item {publication item name}
Cause: The user has not subscribed to any publication or publication item, or the name of the publication for which subscription is intended is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the client and the publication. If no publication has been subscribed, subscribe to a publication and try again.
CNS-10010: Must instantiate {publication name} for at least one client before MetaData can be generated
Cause: The publication is not instantiated, or the name of the publication that is intended to be instantiated is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the publication. If no publication has been instantiated, instantiate a publication and try again.
CNS-10011: Publication Item {publication item name} doesn't exist
Cause: The publication item that is being referred to does not exist, or the name of the publication item is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the publication item. If the publication does not exist, create the publication item. After that please also add the publication item to the corresponding publication.
CNS-10012: Cannot find Publication Item view {publication item name} in ALL_VIEWS
Cause: The publication item that is being referred to does not exist, or the name of the publication item is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the publication item. If the publication does not exist, create the publication item. After that please also add the publication item to the corresponding publication.
CNS-10013 : Could not find publication {publication name}
Cause: The publication that is being referred to does not exist, or the name of the publication is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the publication. If it does not exist, create the publication.
CNS-10014: Weight must be: 0 <= weight < 1024
Cause: The weight that is being set on an publication item is either smaller than 0 or greater than 1023.
Action: Change the weight and add the publication item again.
CNS-10015: Could not find parent table for {owner}.{view name}
Cause: A view-based publication item is being added to an publication while a hint was not provided for the view's parent table.
Action: Call ParentHint () to associate the view and the parent table.
CNS-10016: {publication item name} is not an item of {publication name}
Cause: The publication item that is being referred to does not exist in the publication, or the name of the publication item is misspelled.
Action: Verify the existence or correct the spelling of the publication item and try again.
CNS-10017: {publication name} is not subscribed to {subscription name} or is already instantiated
Cause: Trying to drop a subscription that has not been subscribed or to instantiate a subscription that has already been instantiated.
Action: None.
CNS-10018: Cannot create Fast Refresh publication item {publication item name} because primary keys for {owner}.{store name} not found
Cause: Primary keys on the publication item is needed for Fast Refresh but there are none.
Action: Create primary key for the publication item or use CreateVirtualPKColumn () to create virtual primary key(s).
CNS-10019: Primary key hint for the parent table {owner}.{store name} not found
Cause: Primary keys on the parent table of the publication item has to be notified about for Fast Refresh but it has not been done.
Action: Call PrimaryKeyHint () for each of the primary keys on the parent table.
CNS-10020: Parent table for {owner}.{store name} must be set through ParentHint() API
Cause: When a view publication item is used, the parent table of the view must be specified with ParentHint (), but it has not; or the parent table name was misspelled.
Action: Call ParentHint() to set the parent table of the publication item.
CNS-10021: {client name} is not subscribed to {publication name}
Cause: While trying to retrieve information about the publication for the client, no relationship was found between the client and the publication.
Action: Verify the client name and the publication's spelling, and their relationship and try again.
CNS-10022: {clent name} is not a Consolidator client
Cause: While trying to retrieve information about the client, no such client is found.
Action: Verify the client name. If the spelling is correct, that means there is no such user and it must be created.
CNS-10023: Multiple publication items with the same store found for (store,client) ({store name},{client name})
Cause: The store name of a publication item must be unique, but this has been violated since more than one publication item has the same store name.
Action: Remove or modify the publication item and try again.
CNS-10024: Protocol Error: U not followed by u
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Please report this to Oracle Customer Support.
CNS-10025: Unrecognized event {0}
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Please report this to Oracle Customer Support.
CNS-10026: Can't select by tranid, seqno from IN QUEUE {publication item name}
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Please report this to Oracle Customer Support.
CNS-10027: Conflict resolution rule must be either S (server wins) or C (client wins)
Cause: The only available options for resolution rule are 'S' or 'C' and something other than that has been used.
Action: Please change it to 'S' or 'C' and try again.
CNS-10028: Publication name must be unique: {publication name} already exists
Cause: A publication with the same name already exists.
Action: Please use a different name and try again.
CNS-10029: ENFORCE_RI MUST BE 'Y' or 'N' or NULL
Cause: When calling CreatePublicationItem, a value other than 'Y', 'N', or NULL has been used for ENFORCE_RI.
Action: Use 'Y', 'N', or NULL and try again.
CNS-10030: Publication item: {publication item} is already added to {publication}
Cause: The user is trying to add a publication item to a publication, and the publication item has already been added.
Action: No action required.
CNS-10031: Cannot instantiate publication {publication name} for client {client name} :: parameter <{subscription parameter}> not set
Cause: The user is trying to instantiate an publication and the parameter of the publication has not been set
Action: Set the parameter and try again.
CNS-10032: Publication item: {publication item name} cannot be updatable, primary keys for {owner}.{store name} not found
Cause: The primary key for the publication item is needed but it does not exist.
Action: Add a primary key for the publication item and try again.
CNS-10033: Parent table {owner}.{store name} not published for {owner}.{store name} view
Cause: The parent table of the view has not been published.
Action: Use CreatePublicationItem () to publish the parent table and try again.
CNS-10034: Cannot create publication item :: remote connection cannot be NULL
Cause: The user has submitted NULL for the remote database url.
Action: Change that to a valid url and try again.
CNS-10035: Database Connection Timeout
Cause: The database connection has been idle for too long and was closed by the database.
Action: Call OpenConnection () to re-establish the connection.
CNS-10036: Publication item name exceeds maximum supported length {length}
Cause: The name used for the publication item is longer than the maximum supported length.
Action: Use a name shorter than the mentioned length and try again.
CNS-10037: {type} {name} already exists
Cause: Trying to create the named object that already exists.
Action: Depending on your intention, you can:
  1. Ignore this error if it is for creating the same object.

  2. Use the corresponding API to remove the named object first and try again.

  3. Use another name.

CNS-10038: Found {number of the same} resources, expected 1 of {resource type} {resource name}
Cause: Unexpected table state for C$RESOURCES or C$SCRIPTS found.
Action: Verify that the above tables and their indexes are valid. If not, recreate the tables or indexes. Contact Oracle Customer Support.
CNS-10039: {type} {name} NOT FOUND
Cause: Trying to refer to the named resource but it is not found.
Action: When calling getSqlScript/isSqlScriptModified or removing a resource/script from a publication, no action needed. For adding, please make sure the presence of the resource/script.
CNS-10040: {type} {name} already added to {publication}
Cause: Trying to add the named object that is already added.
Action: Depending on your intention, you can:
  1. Ignore this error if it is for adding the same object.

  2. Use the corresponding API to remove the named object first and try again.

  3. Use another name.

CNS-10041: {type} {name} is not part of {publication}
Cause: Trying to remove the named object from the named publication while the named object does not exist in the publication.
Action: Check the spelling. If the spelling is correct, you can ignore this error message.
CNS-10042: Internal Consolidator Error. {error message}
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Please report this to Oracle Customer Support.
CNS-10043: Publication item refresh mode change from <refresh mode 1> to <refresh mode 2> not supported
Cause: When calling API setTemplateItemMetadata, switching from refresh mode 1 to refresh mode 2 is not supported.
Action: Correct it in the TemplateItemMetadata and try again.
CNS-10043: Publication item refresh mode change from <refresh mode 1> to <refresh mode 2> not supported
Cause: When calling API setTemplateItemMetadata, switching from refresh mode 1 to refresh mode 2 is not supported.
Action: Correct it in the TemplateItemMetadata and try again.
CNS-10044: Invalid {type} columns specified for {publication item}
Cause: Either the format or the number of the columns specified does not match the publication item.
Action: Check and fix the columns and the publication item and try again.
CNS-10045: Invalid restricting predicate specified for {publication item}
Cause: The restricting predicate submitted is invalid.
Action: Fix the restricting predicate and try again.
CNS-10046: Invalid PL/SQL {type} <{module}> specified: {error message}
Cause: The referred type module is invalid. The error message was generated during execution.
Action: Study the error message and fix the type module and try again.
CNS-10047: Client_storage_type is invalid
Cause: The specified Client_storage_type is invalid.
Action: Please check and fix it, and try again. For a list of the supported Client_storage_type, refer the Consolidator Admin API Specification.
CNS-10048: {type}: {name} not found
Cause: The referred object not found.
Action: Make sure the spelling is correct. Correct it and try again. If trying to drop the referred object, since the object does not exist, you can ignore this error.
CNS-10049: Consolidator Exception: {error message}
Cause: Java exception during execution of Consolidator java code.
Action: Fix the error by following the error message. Otherwise, please contact Oracle Customer Support.
CNS-10050: Rollback failure: {error}
Cause: Error occurred while rolling back a connection.
Action: Fix the error by following the error message. If it is an Oracle Server error message (prefix with ORA), refer the Oracle Server documentation.
CNS-10051: Invalid refresh mode {mode} for {publication}. Supported modes are: 'F' - fast, 'C' - complete, or 'Q' -queue
Cause: The mode submitted is unsupported.
Action: Try it again with one of the supported modes.
CNS-10052: Server Busy: maximum number of wait period exceeded
Cause: MAX number of clients in the waiting stack exceeded MAX_NUM_CLIENT_WAITING (default 1000 ).
Action: Increase MAX_NUM_CLIENT_WAITING in webtogo.ora or wait for the server to process queued clients and sync again.

1.15 CONSPERF 10001-10100 Consperf Error Messages

Cause: A value was not passed for the Mobile Server schema owner.
Action: The MOBILESCHEMA parameter must be passed with a valid Mobile Server schema owner.
Cause: A value was not passed for the publication name.
Action: The PUBLICATION parameter must be passed with a valid publication name.
CONSPERF-10003: Unable to write plan for {publication name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while trying to write the explain plan output file.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10004: Unable to retrieve plan data for {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while trying to retrieve the explain plan results from the Mobile Server repository.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10005: Unable to connect to the database. Check CONNECTSTRING:{connectstring}|SERVICENAME:{service name}], MOBILESCHEMA:{schema name}, MOBILEPASSWORD:{password}.
Cause: Consperf failed to connect to the Mobile Server repository.
Action: Verify CONNECTSTRING or SERVICENAME parameters. If these are correct, verify MOBILESCHEMA and MOBILEPASSWORD parameters. If these are correct, verify that database is available.
CONSPERF-10006: Unable to determine Consolidator version
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while retrieving the Consolidator version from the Mobile Server repository.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10007: Invalid client identifier {client identifier}
Cause: Consperf could not find the specified client identifier in the Mobile Server repository.
Action: The CLIENTID parameter must be passed with a valid mobile user.
CONSPERF-10008: Unable to set client subscription parameters for {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while setting subscription parameters for the publication item listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10009: Client identifier is not set
Cause: A value was not passed for the mobile user.
Action: The CLIENTID parameter must be passed with a valid mobile user.
CONSPERF-10010: Unable to execute profile for {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while executing the timing profile for the publication item listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10011: Unable to execute plan for {publication name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while executing the explain plan for the publication listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10012: Unable to create base view for {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while creating the base view for the publication item listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10013: Unable to execute tuning for {publication name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while executing tuning for the publication listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10014: Unable to clear profile for {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while clearing tuning settings from the Mobile Server repository for the publication item listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10015: Unable to retrieve dirty count for client {client name} and publication item {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while retrieving the outbound records for the mobile user and publication item listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10016: Unable to retrieve subscription count for client {client name} and publication item {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while retrieving the subscription count for the mobile user and publication item listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10017: Unable to execute query for publication item {publication item name} with template {query template identifier} as {query}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while executing timing for the publication item and template listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10018: Unable to build publication for {publication name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while gathering meta-data for the publication listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10019: Unable to verify base view for {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while verifying whether a base view can be used for the publication item listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10020: Unable to retrieve query types for {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while retrieving profiled query templates from the Mobile Server repository for the publication item listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10021: Unable to resolve table name for {owner }.{store name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while resolving the table name for the object owner and name listed.
Action: Verify that the object owner and name point to a valid database table. Check the exception stack for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10022: Unable to locate publication items for {publication name}
Cause: Unable to retrieve any publication items for the publication listed.
Action: Verify that the publication name listed is a valid publication. If so, verify that the publication name listed has at least one publication item added to it.
CONSPERF-10023: Auto-tuning is not supported in Consolidator version {version number}
Cause: The auto-tune feature is not supported in the targeted Mobile Server repository.
Action: To make use of the auto-tune feature, upgrade to Oracle9i Lite or above. Otherwise, do not pass the AUTOTUNE parameter.
CONSPERF-10024: Invalid parameter passed {Consperf parameter}
Cause: An unrecognized parameter was passed to Consperf.
Action: Check the spelling of the parameter listed, and refer to the documentation for a complete list of valid parameters. Running Consperf without any arguments will also list the valid parameters.
CONSPERF-10025: Unable to generate plan for {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while generating explain plan data in the Mobile Server repository. The database running out of tablespace or rollback extents most likely causes this.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes. If necessary, increase the tablespace or rollback extents.
CONSPERF-10026: Unable to generate statistics for {publication name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while analyzing the Mobile Server objects. The most likely cause of this is the Mobile Server schema owner lacking the necessary privileges.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes. If necessary, assign the required privileges to the Mobile Server schema owner.
CONSPERF-10027: Unable to suspend MGP. Please wait and try again when MGP is not processing and clients are not synchronizing.
Cause: Consperf was unable to suspend the MGP compose phase while gathering statistics. This will occur if the MGP is currently in the compose phase or if a client is synchronizing, and Consperf is run with the GATHERSTATS parameter.
Action: Wait for the MGP to complete processing and for all clients to complete synchronizing, before running Consperf with GATHERSTATS enabled.
CONSPERF-10028: Unable to clear temporary data from {table name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while clearing plan data from the Mobile Server repository. The most likely cause of this is the database running out of rollback extents.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes. If necessary, increase the rollback extents.

1.16 WTG 2000–2100 Oracle Web-to-Go oracle.lite.web.html Messages

WTG-02000: Execution of {method name} failed
Cause: The execution of the specified method failed. This message is usually followed by a more detailed message describing the cause of the problem.
Action: Examine the detailed message to find the cause of the problem.
WTG-02001: Method {method name} not found in {class}
Cause: Your class, which should extend from the base class TemplateParser, does not contain the specified method.
Action: Ensure that all methods as returned by the method getWRB_TAGS() exist in your class. Also, make sure that the signature of the method is correct.
WTG-02002: {Method} failed during execution of {action}
Cause: The execution of the specified method failed. This message is followed by a more detailed message describing the cause of the problem.
Action: Examine the detailed message to find the cause of the problem.
WTG-02003: Invalid Column Number: {column number}
Cause: The table does not contain a column with the specified number.
Action: Find the correct column number. Column numbers start at 1.
WTG-02004: Unable to obtain JDBC Connection
Cause: A JDBC connection to the database could not be created.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
WTG-02005: Unable to create JDBC Statement
Cause: A JDBC statement, used to execute SQL statements could not be created.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
WTG-02006: Invalid Column Name: {column name}
Cause: The database table does not contain a column with the specified name.
Action: Find the correct name for the column.
WTG-02007: HTML Form does not contain the parameter {parameter name}
Cause: The ProcessForm servlet requires the specified HTML parameter to be present in the HTML form.
Action: Add the parameter to the form and re-submit the form.
WTG-02008: Error while parsing HTML Template
Cause: The HTML template could not be parsed. This message is usually followed by a detailed message describing the nature of the problem.
Action: Examine the detailed message to determine the cause of the problem.
WTG-02009: List of values returned more than two columns
Cause: The SQL statement generating the list of values returned too many columns. Only one or two columns are supported.
Action: Change the SQL statement to return the correct number of columns.
WTG-02010: Creation of list of values select field failed
Cause: The list of values select field could not be created, most likely due to an error in the SQL statement.
Action: Correct the SQL statement that is used to populate the list of values.
WTG-02011: Invalid Document Type
Cause: The WebToGoHtmlPage object in which you attempted to substitute a WRB_INC tag (with a text string), is of an incorrect type.
Action: You can only substitute a WRB_INC tag in WebToGoHtmlPage objects that are constructed based on a WebToGoFile object.
WTG-02012: JDBC Driver error
Cause: A JDBC error occurred. This message is usually followed by a detailed message describing the nature of the problem.
Action: Examine the detailed message to determine the cause of the problem.

1.17 WTG 3000–3099 Oracle Web-to-Go Mobile Manager Messages

Cause: The user has been granted access by the administrator, but the user's connection privilege has not been raised to administrative privilege.
Action: Use the Mobile Manager to edit the user's privileges. Change the user's privilege to Administrator.
WTG-03001: Error retrieving {attribute} for {object}
Cause: There was a server-side error while retrieving the specified information for the specified system object.
Action: Turn debugging on at the server side for more detail.
WTG-03002: Error retrieving {object}
Cause: There was a server side error while retrieving the specified information.
Action: Turn debugging on at the server side for more detail.
WTG-03003: The Control Center may not be removed from the system
Cause: The Administrator cannot remove the Mobile Manager application from the Web-to-Go system.
Action: Do not attempt to remove the Mobile Manager from Web-to-Go.
WTG-03004: {object} not created! This User/Group already exists!
Cause: The object the administrator is attempting to create would overwrite an already existing object in the system.
Action: Either edit the existing object or create a new one with a unique name.
WTG-03005: Unable to find any Entries that Match Your Criteria
Cause: The Mobile Manager cannot find any entries in the repository that match your query.
Action: Use more general criteria for the search, or use no criteria to return all objects of the given type in the repository.
WTG-03006: The Mobile Manager cannot be used in Offline Mode
Cause: The administrator attempted to use the Mobile Manager while in off-line mode.
Action: Only use the Mobile Manager while online.
WTG-03007: The Administrator cannot be removed from the System
Cause: The administrator cannot be removed from the system.
Action: Do not attempt to remove the specified user from the system.
WTG-03008: The Mobile Manager cannot create a User that already exists!
Cause: The user that you attempted to create already exists in the system.
Action: Modify the existing user.
WTG-03009: Invalid file format!
Cause: jar file is wrong.
Action: Must use jar file from Packaging wizard.
WTG-03010: The application already exists.
Cause: The application already exists in the system.
Action: Delete previous one before trying to create a new one.
WTG-03011: Unable to find Sites that have been offline for more than the specified number of days.
Cause: The Mobile Manager cannot find any entries in the repository that match your query.
Action: Search with more general criteria, or none at all to retrieve all objects of that type in the repository.
WTG-03012: You cannot change your own password in the User Properties page. Please go to Workspace, select Configuration tab and click change password link.
Cause: You cannot change your own password in the User Properties page.
Action: Go to Workspace select Configuration tab and click change password link.
WTG-03013: You cannot remove yourself from the system.
Cause: You cannot remove yourself from the system.
Action: Do not attempt to remove the specified user from the system.

1.18 WTG 3100–3199 Errors from the oracle.lite.web.resource Package

WTG-03100: {resource} does not exist
Cause: The specified resource does not exist in the system.
Action: Create the desired resource and re-run the script.
WTG-03101: Parameter, {parameter name}, not registered
Cause: The snapshot parameter is not registered with the server.
Action: Ensure that the parameter is registered on the server.
WTG-03102: {field} cannot be null
Cause: The user name or password cannot be null.
Action: Verify that the user name and password contain values.
WTG-03103: Platform value is invalid.
Cause: Platform value passed is invalid.
Action: Pass valid Platform value.

1.19 WTG 4000–4100 Oracle Web-to-Go Applet/Servlet Messages

WTG-04000: Connection to Web-to-Go server failed
Cause: Applet is not able to make connection with the Web-to-Go server.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
WTG-04001: Null object returned
Cause: Web-to-Go application servlet has returned a null object.
Action: Examine the servlet and return a serializable object.
WTG-04002: Parameter APPLET_SUPPORT_ENABLE=YES is required in the webtogo.ora file to run Web-To-Go Applets
Cause: APPLET_SUPPORT_ENABLE=YES is missing from webtogo.ora
Action: Please add APPLET_SUPPORT_ENABLE=YES in webtogo.ora and restart Mobile Client for Web-To-Go.

1.20 WTG 10000–10200 Oracle Web-to-Go General Messages

WTG-10001: Cannot write to a closed stream
Cause: User tried to write data to a stream that is already closed.
Action: Re-open the stream before writing data.
WTG-10002: Cannot read from a closed stream
Cause: User tried to read data from a stream that is already closed.
Action: Re-open the stream before reading.
WTG-10003: Input buffer is either 'null' or empty
Cause: Invalid parameter is passed to the write method of the stream.
Action: Verify the validity of your input buffer.
WTG-10004: Buffer not large enough to hold data
Cause: The input buffer is too small to hold the data the user attempts to read.
Action: Increase the buffer size and read the data again.
WTG-10005: File Name is 'null' or empty
Cause: User tried to open a stream with an invalid file name.
Action: Provide correct file name and open the stream.
WTG-10006: Failed to open {file name} ({error code})
Cause: System could not locate the specified file.
Action: Verify the existence of the file in the file system.
WTG-10007: Failed to create directory {directory name}
Cause: The directory may already exist in the system.
Action: Verify the existence of the directory.
WTG-10008: Failed to remove directory {directory name}
Cause: The directory may not be empty.
Action: Delete all files in the directory before deleting the directory.
WTG-10009: File write error ({error code})
Cause: System failed to write the data to the file.
Action: Verify the validity of your input buffer.
WTG-10010: File truncation failed ({error code})
Cause: System could not truncate the file.
Action: The file may be opened by another user. Close all open references to the file.
WTG-10011: Invalid stream handle
Cause: Stream handle used for the operation is invalid.
Action: Re-open the file (stream).
WTG-10012: A directory {directory name} already exists
Cause: You attempted to create a directory that already exists.
Action: Select a different name for the new directory.
WTG-10013: Directory {directory name} is not empty
Cause: You attempted to delete a directory that is not empty (contains other directories and/or files).
Action: Delete all files from the directory before deleting the directory itself.
WTG-10014: Access violation: Cannot delete root directory
Cause: You attempted to delete the root directory.
Action: This action is not permitted.
WTG-10015: Directory {directory name} not found
Cause: System could not locate the specified directory.
Action: Verify the existence of the directory.
WTG-10016: File {file name} not found
Cause: File may not exist.
Action: Check for the existence of the file.
WTG-10017: Failed to mount file system on {service name}
Cause: The specified TNS name (Oracle Lite DSN) may not exist.
Action: Verify the TNS name (DSN) and try again.
WTG-10018: The syntax of the command is incorrect
Cause: The number of arguments specified with the command is incorrect.
Action: Re-execute the command with the correct syntax.
WTG-10019: Command not recognized
Cause: You specified a command that is not supported by the tool.
Action: Check the syntax of the command.
WTG-10020: Script file processed completely
Cause: The script file executed completely, with no errors.
Action: No action necessary, this message is informative only.
WTG-10021: Can not delete file {file name}
Cause: User attempted to delete an open file.
Action: Close the file before deleting it.
WTG-10022: File system not initialized
Cause: User tried to open a file from an unmounted file system.
Action: Mount the file system and try again.
WTG-10023: Unable to connect to the Application Repository
Cause: Web-to-Go server could not connect to the repository.
Action: Provide a valid user name and password for the repository user.
WTG-10024: Failed to load script file
Cause: The path to the script file is invalid.
Action: Check the path of the script file and ensure that you have read access privileges on the file.
WTG-10025: Syntax error at line {line number}
Cause: The script file contains an error at the specified line.
Action: Correct the error in the script file and re-execute the command.
WTG-10026: Syntax error at line {line number}, expected {keyword}
Cause: A keyword, other than the given keyword, is in the script file at the specified line.
Action: Correct the error in the script file and re-execute the command.
WTG-10101: Web-to-Go Security Violation!
Cause: User attempted to access a protected URL.
Action: Contact your system administrator to grant proper access.
WTG-10102: Logon session for {user name} has expired!
Cause: The browser idle time exceeded the LOGON EXPIRATION TIME.
Action: Log on again.
WTG-10104: You are not authorized to access this URL
Cause: User attempted to access a protected URL.
Action: Contact the system administrator to get proper access.
WTG-10106: Failed to logon to Web-to-Go!
Cause: Logon information may be incorrect.
Action: Provide correct information.
WTG-10107: The logon information provided for {user name} is incorrect
Cause: Logon information may be incorrect.
Action: Provide correct information.
WTG-10108: Please verify your username, password and try again!
Cause: Logon information may be incorrect.
Action: Provide correct information.
WTG-10109: Web-to-Go could not locate requested URL
Cause: System could not locate the URL specified by the user.
Action: Check the URL and try again.
WTG-10110: Web-to-Go could not locate requested URL {URL}
Cause: System could not locate the URL specified by the user.
Action: Check the URL and try again.
WTG-10111: Please contact the application vendor
Cause: An error occurred in your application.
Action: Contact the application vendor.
WTG-10113: Web-to-Go Server Error
Cause: User action caused an error.
Action: See the details displayed on your browser.
WTG-10116: The Web-to-Go Server is down!
Cause: The Web-to-Go server may be down.
Action: Contact the system administrator.
WTG-10117: Please contact your system administrator
Cause: An error occurred in your system.
Action: Contact the system administrator.
WTG-10118: Web-to-Go server is not running
Cause: The Web-to-Go server may be down.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
WTG-10119: You cannot change the configuration settings while in offline mode
Cause: You can only change your configuration settings while in online mode.
Action: Switch to online mode and try again.
WTG-10121: Please provide valid information
Cause: Incorrect logon information provided.
Action: Provide valid information.
WTG-10122: Application Suspended!
Cause: The application has been suspended by the administrator
Action: Please try again at a later time. If the application is not available, contact your system administrator.
WTG-10123: The application {0} you are trying to access is suspended by your administrator.
Cause: The application has been suspended by the administrator
Action: Please try again at a later time. If the application is not available, contact your system administrator.
WTG-10124: You do not have enough privileges to logon to the System
Cause: User does not have CONNECT privilege to log on to the system.
Action: Contact your system administrator for this privilege.
WTG-10125: Unable to change password
Cause: The system can not change your password. Either the current password is incorrect, or the new passwords do not match.
Action: Verify that you specified the correct current password. If you entered the new password twice, make sure the values match. Retry the operation.
WTG-10126: Unable to save preferences
Cause: The system can not save your new user preferences. This is due to invalid input, or a more serious system error.
Action: Verify your input to make sure you specified legal values for your preferences. If this is the case, and you still receive this message, contact the system administrator. The system administrator should turn on the Web-to-Go log messages to obtain more detailed information regarding the cause of this problem.
WTG-10127: Password not changed: new password is identical to old password
Cause: The system can not change your password. The new password can not be the same as the old password.
Action: Select a password that is different from your current password and retry the operation.
WTG-10128: Administrator cannot log onto the Mobile Client for Web-to-Go.
Cause: The administrator can only connect to the Mobile Server directly.
Action: Connect as administrator to the server directly, or connect to the client as a different user.
WTG-10130: Please connect to the Mobile Server directly.
Cause: The administrator can only connect to the Mobile Server directly.
Action: Connect as administrator to the server directly, or connect to the client as a different user.
WTG-10131: Version not available.
Cause: The Web-to-Go version was not available.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
WTG-10132: You cannot login to an account with Administrator privileges from {0}.
Cause: The Web-to-Go version was not available.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
WTG-10133: Mobile Server MGP Process Busy
Cause: When MGP is busy process user changes, the Mobile Server is not available for synchronization.
Action: Please try to synchronize at a later time. Contact the administrator if you still can not synchronize.
WTG-10135: You do not have access on any Mobile Application
Cause: User do not have access on any Mobile Application.
Action: Please contact System Administrator.
WTG-10136: Not enough privileges to perform this operation
Cause: User does not have CONNECT privilege to logon to the System.
Action: Please contact your system administrator to grant connect privilege.
WTG-10137: The Mobile Server is terminating!
Cause: The System administrator has started graceful shutdown of the server.
Action: Wait for the server to be available again.
WTG-10341: Password should start with a alphabet.
Cause: During the change password if the password does not starts with a alphabet.
Action: Please enter a password which starts with alphabet.
WTG-10342: Class Not Found sync again as application file sync may have failed or please contact your system administrator.
Cause: Class no the client side is not found or file sync failed.
Action: Sync again or contact Administrator.
WTG-10143: You do not have Administrator privileges to logon to the System.
Cause: User does not have Administrator privilege to logon to the System.
Action: Please contact your system administrator to grant connect privilege.
WTG-10144: Invalid Current Password.
Cause: You have provided an incorrect password.
Action: Provide the current password.

1.21 WTG 20500–20600 Oracle Web-to-Go Packaging Wizard Messages

WTG-20501: At Line ({line number}, {column number}) in file {file name} {additional message information}
Cause: The XML file is not well-formed.
Action: Examine the XML file using a text or XML editor.
WTG-20502: Packaging Wizard failed {additional message information}
Cause: Failed to publish due to network or authorization reasons.
Action: Examine the file wtgpack.log in the Web-to-Go root directory for more information.
WTG-20503: Packaging Wizard failed
Cause: Failed to publish due to network or authorization failure, or a non-valid XML file.
Action: Examine the file wtgpack.log in the Web-to-Go root directory for more information.
WTG-20504: Publishing failed. Check wtgpack.log file for more detail
Cause: Failed to publish due to network or authorization failure, or a non-valid XML file.
Action: Examine the file wtgpack.log in the Web-to-Go bin directory for more information.
WTG-20505: Can not find wtgos.dll in the system path. Help will not be available
Cause: The file, wtgos.dll, is required to view the context-sensitive HTML help documentation.
Action: Make sure wtgos.dll is in the Web-to-Go bin directory.
WTG-20506: Application already exists, use -o to override with the new settings
Cause: The application definition already exist on the server.
Action: Use -o to override the existing definition on the server.
WTG-20507: The Application {0} does not exist, please check the application name
Cause: the application name that user provides, does not exists in the workspace xml file.
Action: Make sure the application name is correct, note the application is case-sensitive.
WTG-20508: Invalid jar file, it does not contain the web.xml file
Cause: Packaged Web to Go application jar file contains web.xml that contains the application definition.
Action: Make sure the web.xml file exists in the jar file
WTG-20509: Unable to contact Mobile Server. Make sure that you have specified the correct Mobile Server URL and that the server has been launched properly.
Cause: Mobile server started at the admin port only, the administrator hasn't logged in yet.
Action: Make sure the server is running completely with the database user's username and password.
WTG-20510: Cannot remove file extension, this would result in duplicate filenames. Please rename files manually. Files are {0}
Cause: For Palm files, the file extension is removed as Palm does not support any extensions.

1.22 WTG 21000–21999 Errors reported by the Tools classes in oracle.lite.web.tools.

WTG-21000: File Name or Application Id cannot be null
Cause: The FileName cannot be null.
Action: Please examine the File name passed.
WTG-21001: File {0} can not be found
Cause: The specified file does not exist in the system.
Action: Please contact your system administrator.
WTG-21002: Application Id cannot be null
Cause: Application Id cannot be null.
Action: Please examine the Application Id passed.
WTG-21003: Job class could not be found
Cause: Unable to find job class.
Action: Please contact your system administrator.
WTG-21004: Error in retrieving Sequence
Cause: Error in retrieving Sequence.
Action: Please contact your system administrator.
WTG-21005: Data saved successfully, Unable to refresh data
Cause: Data saved successfully, Unable to refresh data.
Action: Please contact your system administrator.
WTG-21006: Error in getting data
Cause: Error in getting data.
Action: Please contact your system administrator.
WTG-21007: This Application cannot be used in online mode
Cause: The Administrator attempted to use this application in on-line mode.
Action: Use this application in off-line mode only.
WTG-21008: Job can only be scheduled for future time
Cause: Job can only be scheduled for future time.
Action: Change Date/Time.
WTG-21009: Error in saving file
Cause: Error in saving file.
Action: Please contact your system administrator.
WTG-21500: File {filename} does not contain a valid SSL Certificate
Cause: File does not contain a valid SSL certificate for SSL communication with Mobile Server.
Action: Please contact your system administrator and ensure that a valid SSL certificate is uploaded to the Mobile Server repository.
WTG-21501: This Feature is only available in SSL mode
Cause: This feature is only available if server is running in SSL mode.
Action: Please contact your system administrator.

1.23 WTG 22000 - 22010 Errors Reported When Running In Branch Office Mode

WTG-22000: This Workstation is already owned by {user} and in Branch Office mode only one user can own this Mobile Client for Web-to-Go."}
Cause: In Branch Office mode only one user can own one Branch Office server.
Action: Please go back and login as different user.
WTG-22001: Branch office service is not running. Please go to Branch office control center to start the service
Cause: The Mobile Client for Web-To-Go cannot be synchronized because Branch office service is not running.
Action: Please start Branch office service.

1.24 WTG 23000 - 23010 Errors Reported When Running On Top of Oracle Application Server

WTG-23000: This Feature is only available in iAS mode
Cause: This feature is only available if your instance of Mobile Server is running in iAS mode.
Action: Please contact your system administrator.
WTG-23001: This Feature is not available in iAS mode
Cause: This feature is not available if your instance of Mobile Server is running in iAS mode.
Action: Please contact your system administrator.
WTG-23002: You must have root privileges to run on port {port number}
Cause: An attempt was made to run Web-to-Go for Solaris on a port less than 1024 without root level access.
Action: Change the PORT entry in the webtogo.ora file. Include a port number greater than 1024.
WTG-23003: Please edit the PORT entry in webtogo.ora file, if you want to run on a different port
Cause: An attempt was made to run Web-to-Go for Solaris on a port less than 1024 without root level access.
Action: Change the PORT entry in the webtogo.ora file. Use a port number greater than 1024.

1.25 Oracle Lite Messages Help/Contacting Customer Support

Each message code follows the format Product ID-nnnnn, where nnnnn is an integer. Messages specific to an operating system or another Oracle product are not listed here, although the message code may be listed with a reference to another Oracle document.

Each description contains the message number and text as well as the following:

Error message text
Cause: a description of the possible causes of the error.
Action: a description of the possible actions you can take to resolve the error.

Items in the error message text which appears in curly braces, for example, {publication name}, are replaced with values for objects which are then returned by the error message.

1.25.1 Abnormal Condition

Sometimes you may encounter an error that is known as an abnormal condition. These are errors for which the exact cause is not clear. The following sections describe the probable causes of abnormal conditions and the actions you can take to solve them. Cause

Abnormal conditions may arise from one of the following causes:

  • An invalid user action.

  • A bug in the component prevented the requested task from completing. Action

You should first contact your DBA and/or system administrator to determine if the message was caused by something other than Oracle Lite. If you determine that the message was not the result of user error or a system problem, you should take the following steps:

  • Write down the message number and its text.

  • Write down the circumstances that led up to the message. Try to recall the actions you took, the objects involved (if any), and the exact sequence of keys that you pressed prior to the message.

  • Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.

1.25.2 About Java Access Class Exceptions

The Java Access Class errors are processed through the Java exception handling mechanism. Errors appear with names such as the following:


There are no error codes associated with these Java exceptions. If an internal error code causes a Java exception, the general oracle.pol.jac.POLException appears and the internal error code that caused the exception is reported.

1.25.3 Oracle Customer Support

Some errors (such as internal errors) require you to call Oracle Customer Support to report the error. When you call Customer Support, you should have the following information available:

  • Your name, company, and Oracle Support ID number.

  • The hardware, operating system, and release number of the operating system on which Oracle Lite is running.

  • The complete version number of Oracle Lite that you were using when you encountered the error, including revision number and port release number, if any.

  • All other products and version numbers in use when the error occurred.

  • If you encountered one or more error codes or messages, the exact code numbers and message texts, in the order they appeared.

  • A description of the problem, including any unusual conditions.

  • The problem severity, according to the following codes:

    • 1 = Program not usable. Critical impact on operations of a production system.

    • 2 = Program not usable. Operations severely restricted.

    • 3 = Program usable with limited functions. Not critical to overall operations.

    • 4 = Problem circumvented by customer. Minimal effect, if any, on operations.