The DBMS_ERRLOG package provides a procedure that enables you to create an error logging table so that DML operations can continue after encountering errors rather than abort and roll back. This enables you to save time and system resources.

See Also:

Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide for more information regarding how to use DBMS_ERRLOG and Oracle Database SQL Reference for error_logging_clause syntax

This chapter contains the following topics:


This section contains topics which relate to using the DBMS_ERRLOG package.

Security Model

Security on this package can be controlled by granting EXECUTE on this package to selected users or roles. The EXECUTE privilege is granted publicly. However, to create an error logging table, you need SELECT access on the base table or view, the CREATE TABLE privilege, as well as tablespace quota for the target tablespace.

Summary of DBMS_ERRLOG Subprograms

Table 38-1 DBMS_ERRLOG Package Subprograms

Subprogram Description


Creates the error logging table used in DML error logging


This procedure creates the error logging table needed to use the DML error logging capability.

LONG, CLOB, BLOB, BFILE, and ADT datatypes are not supported in the columns.


   dml_table_name            IN VARCHAR2,
   err_log_table_name        IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   err_log_table_owner       IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   err_log_table_space       IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   skip_unsupported          IN BOOLEAN := FALSE);


Table 38-2 CREATE_ERROR_LOG Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the DML table to base the error logging table on. The name can be fully qualified (for example, emp, scott.emp, "EMP", "SCOTT"."EMP"). If a name component is enclosed in double quotes, it will not be upper cased.


The name of the error logging table you will create.

The default is the first 25 characters in the name of the DML table prefixed with 'ERR$_'. Examples are the following:

dml_table_name: 'EMP', err_log_table_name: 'ERR$_EMP'

dml_table_name: '"Emp2"', err_log_table_name: 'ERR$_Emp2'


The name of the owner of the error logging table. You can specify the owner in dml_table_name. Otherwise, the schema of the current connected user is used.


The tablespace the error logging table will be created in. If not specified, the default tablespace for the user owning the DML error logging table will be used.


When set to TRUE, column types that are not supported by error logging will be skipped over and not added to the error logging table.

When set to FALSE, an unsupported column type will cause the procedure to terminate.

The default is FALSE.


First, create an error log table for the channels table in the SH schema, using the default name generation.

Then, see all columns of the table channels:

SQL> DESC channels
Name                                   Null?       Type
---------------------------            -------     -----
CHANNEL_ID                             NOT NULL    CHAR(1)
CHANNEL_DESC                           NOT NULL    VARCHAR2(20)
CHANNEL_CLASS                                      VARCHAR2(20)

Finally, see all columns of the generated error log table. Note the mandatory control columns that are created by the package:

Name                              Null?    Type
-----------------                 ----     ----ORA_ERR_NUMBER$                            NUMBER
ORA_ERR_MESG$                              VARCHAR2(2000)
ORA_ERR_ROWID$                             ROWID
ORA_ERR_OPTYP$                             VARCHAR2(2)
ORA_ERR_TAG$                               VARCHAR2(2000)
CHANNEL_ID                                 VARCHAR2(4000)
CHANNEL_DESC                               VARCHAR2(4000)
CHANNEL_CLASS                              VARCHAR2(4000)

See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information regarding control columns.