9 Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing

This chapter describes the OCCI implementation of Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing (AQ) for messages.

This chapter contains these topics:

Overview of Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing

Oracle Streams is a new information sharing feature that provides replication, message queuing, data warehouse loading, and event notification. It is also the foundation behind Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing (AQ).

Advanced Queuing is the integrated message queuing feature that exposes message queuing capabilities of Oracle Streams. AQ enables applications to:

  • Perform message queuing operations similar to SQL operations from the Oracle database

  • Communicate asynchronously through messages in AQ queues

  • Integrate with database for unprecedented levels of operational simplicity, reliability, and security to message queuing

  • Audit and track messages

  • Supports both synchronous and asynchronous modes of communication

See Also:

http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/dataint/ for more information about the Advanced Queuing feature

The advantages of using AQ in OCCI applications include:

  • Create applications that communicate with each other in a consistent, reliable, secure, and autonomous manner

  • Store messages in database tables, bringing the reliability and recoverability of the database to your messaging infrastructure

  • Retain messages in the database automatically for auditing and business intelligence

  • Create applications that leverage messaging without having to deal with a different security, data type, or operational mode

  • Leverage transactional characteristics of the database

Since traditional messaging solutions have single subscriber queues, a queue must be created for each pair of applications that communicate with each other. The publish/subscribe protocol of the AQ makes it easy to add additional applications (subscribers) to a conversation between multiple applications.

AQ Implementation in OCCI

OCCI AQ is a set of interfaces that allows messaging clients to access the Advanced Queuing feature of Oracle for enterprise messaging applications. Currently, OCCI AQ supports only the operational interfaces and not the administrative interface, but administrative operations can be accessed through embedded PL/SQL calls.

See Also:

Package DBMS_AQADM in PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for administrative operations in AQ support through PL/SQL

The AQ feature can be used in conjunction with other interfaces available through OCCI for sending, receiving, publishing, and subscribing in a message-enabled database. Synchronous and asynchronous message consumption is available based on a message selection rule.

Enqueuing refers to sending a message to a queue and dequeuing refers to receiving one. A client application can create a message, set the desired properties on it and enqueue it by storing the message in the queue, a table in the database. When dequeuing a message, an application can either dequeue it synchronously by calling receive methods on the queue, or asynchronously by waiting for a notification from the database.

The AQ feature is implemented through the abstractions Message, Agent, Producer, Consumer, Listener and Subscription.


A message is the basic unit of information being inserted into and retrieved from a queue. A message consists of control information and payload data. The control information represents message properties used by AQ to manage messages. The payload data is the information stored in the queue and is transparent to AQ.


An Agent represents and identifies a user of the queue, either producer or consumer of the message, either an end-user or an application. An Agent is identified by a name, an address and a protocol. The name can be either assigned by the application, or be the application itself. The address is determined in terms of the communication protocol. If the protocol is 0 (default), the address is of the form[schema.]queuename[@dblink], a database link.

Agents on the same queue must have a unique combination of name, address, and protocol. Example 9-1 demonstrates an instantiation of a new Agent object in a client program.

Example 9-1 Creating an Agent

Agent agt(env, "Billing_app", "billqueue", 0);


A client uses a Producer object to enqueue Messages into a queue. It is also used to specify various enqueue options.


A client uses a Consumer object to dequeue Messages that have been delivered to a queue. It also specifies various dequeuing options.

Before a consumer can receive messages,

Example 9-2 Setting the Agent on the Consumer

Consumer cons(conn);


A Listener listens for Messages for registered Agents at specified queues.


A Subscription encapsulates the information and operations necessary for registeringa subscriber for notifications.

Creating Messages

As mentioned previously, a Message is a basic unit of information that contains both the properties of the message and its content, or payload. Each message is enqueued by the Producer and dequeued by the Consumer objects.

Message Payloads

OCCI supports three types of message payloads: RAW, AnyData, and User-defined.


RAW payloads are mapped as objects of the Bytes Class in OCCI.


The AnyData type models self-descriptive data encapsulation; it contains both the type information and the actual data value. Data values of most SQL types can be converted to AnyData, and then be converted to the original data type. AnyData also supports user-defined data types. The advantage of using AnyData payloads is that it ensures both type preservation after an enqueue and dequeue process, and that it allows the user to use a single queue for all types used in the application. Example 9-3 demonstrates how to create an AnyData message. Example 9-4 shows how to retrieve the original data type from the message.

Example 9-3 Creating an AnyData Message with a String Payload

AnyData any(conn);
Message mes(env);

Example 9-4 Determining the Type of the Payload in an AnyData Message

TypeCode tc = any.getType();


OCCI supports enqueuing and dequeuing of user-defined types as payloads. Example 9-5 demonstrates how to create a payload with a user-defined Employee object.

Example 9-5 Creating an User-defined Payload

// Assuming type Employee ( name varchar2(25),
//                          deptid number(10),
//                          manager varchar2(25) )
Employee *emp = new Employee();
Message mes(env);

Message Properties

Aside from payloads, the user can specify several additional message properties, such as Correlation, Sender, Delay and Expiration, Recipients, and Priority and Ordering.


Applications can specify a correlation identifier of the message during the enqueuing process, as demonstrated in Example 9-6. This identifier can then be used by the dequeuing application.

Example 9-6 Specifying the Correlation identifier



Applications can specify the sender of the message, as demonstrated in Example 9-7. The sender identifier can then be used by the receiver of the message.

Example 9-7 Specifying the Sender identifier


Delay and Expiration

Time settings control the delay and expiration times of the message in seconds, as demonstrated in Example 9-8.

Example 9-8 Specifying the Delay and Expiration times of the message



The agents for whom the message is intended can be specified during message encoding, as demonstrated in Example 9-9. This ensures that only the specified recipients can access the message.

Example 9-9 Specifying message recipients

vector<Agent> agt_list;
for (i=0; i<num_recipients; i++)
   agt_list.push_back(Agent(name, address, protocol));

Priority and Ordering

By assigning a priority level to a message, the sender can control the order in which the messages are dequeued by the receiver. Example 9-10 demonstrates how to set the priority of a message.

Example 9-10 Specifying the Priority of a Message


Enqueuing Messages

Messages are enqueued by the Producer. The Producer Class is also used to specify enqueue options. A Producer object can be created on a valid connection where enqueuing will be performed, as illustrated in Example 9-11.

The transactional behavior of the enqueue operation can be defined based on application requirements. The application can make the effect of the enqueue operation visible externally either immediately after it is completed, as in Example 9-11, or only after the enclosing transaction has been committed.

To enqueue the message, use the send() method, as demonstrated in Example 9-11. A client may retain the Message object after it is sent, modify it, and send it again.

Example 9-11 Creating a Producer, Setting Visibility, and Enqueuing the Message

Producer prod(conn);
Message mes(env);
mes.setBytes(obj);            // obj represents the content of the message
prod.send(mes, queueName);    // queueName is the name of the queue

Dequeuing Messages

Messages delivered to a queue are dequeued by the Consumer. The Consumer Class is also used to specify dequeue options. A Consumer object can be created on a valid connection to the database where a queue exists, as demonstrated in Example 9-12.

In applications that support multiple consumers in the same queue, the name of the consumer has to be specified as a registered subscriber to the queue, as shown in Example 9-12.

To dequeue the message, use the receive() method, as demonstrated in Example 9-12. The typeName and schemaName parameters of the receive() method specify the type of payload and the schema of the payload type.

Example 9-12 Creating a Consumer, Naming the Consumer, and Receiving a Message

Consumer cons(conn);
// Name must be registered with the queue through administrative interfacecons.setConsumerName("BillApp");
Message mes = cons.receive(Message::OBJECT, "BILL_TYPE", "BILL_PROCESSOR");
// obj is is assigned the content of the message
obj = mes.getObject();

When the queue payload type is either RAW or AnyData, schemaName and typeName are optional, but you must specify these parameters explicitly when working with user-defined payloads. This is illustrated in Example 9-13.

Example 9-13 Receiving a Message

//receiving a RAW message
Message mes = cons.receive(Message::RAW);
//receiving an ANYDATA message
Message mes = cons.receive(Message::ANYDATA);

Dequeuing Options

The dequeuing application can specify several dequeuing options before it begins to receive messages. These include Correlation, Mode, and Navigation.


The message can be dequeued based on the value of its correlation identifier using the setCorrelationId() method, as shown in Example 9-14.


Based on application requirements, the user can choose to only browse through messages in the queue, remove the messages from the queue, or lock messages using the setDequeueMode() method, as shown in Example 9-14.


Messages enqueued in a single transaction can be viewed as a single group by implementing the setPositionOfMessage() method, as shown in Example 9-14.

Example 9-14 Specifying dequeuing options


Listening for Messages

The Listener listens for messages on queues on behalf of its registered clients. The Listener Class implements the listen() method, which is a blocking call that returns once a queue has a message for one of the registered agents, or throws an error when the time out period expires. Example 9-15 illustrates the listening protocol.

Example 9-15 Listening for messages

Listener listener(conn);

vector<Agent> agtList;
for( int i=0; i<num_agents; i++)
   agtList.push_back( Agent( name, address, protocol);


Agent agt(env);

   agt = listener.listen();

Registering for Notification

The Subscription Class implements the publish-subscribe notification feature. It allows an OCCI AQ application to receive client notifications directly, register an e-mail address to which notifications can be sent, register an HTTP URL to which notifications can be posted, or register a PL/SQL procedure to be invoked on a notification. Registered clients are notified asynchronously when events are triggered or on an explicit AQ enqueue. Clients do not need to be connected to a database.

An OCCI application can do all of the following:

  • Register interest in notification in the AQ namespace, and be notified when an enqueue occurs.

  • Register interest in subscriptions to database events, and receive notifications when these events are triggered.

  • Manage registrations, such as disable registrations temporarily, or dropping registrations entirely.

  • Post (or send) notifications to registered clients.

Publish-Subscribe Notifications

Notifications can work in several ways. They can be:

  • received directly by the OCCI application

  • sent to a pre-specified e-mail address

  • sent to a pre-defined HTTP URL

  • invoke a pre-specified database PL/SQL procedure

Registered clients are notified asynchronously when events are triggered, or on an explicit AQ enqueue. Clients do not need to be connected to a database for notifications to work. Registration can be accomplished either as Direct Registration or Open Registration.

Direct Registration

You can register directly with the database. This is relatively simple, and the registration takes effect immediately. Example 9-16 outlines the required steps to successfully register for direct event notification. It is assumed that the appropriate event trigger or queue is in existence, and that the initialization parameter COMPATIBLE is set to 8.1 or higher.

Example 9-16 How to Register for Notifications; Direct Registration

  1. Create the environment in Environment::EVENTS mode.

  2. Create the Subscription object.

  3. Set these Subscription attributes.

    The namespace can be set to these options:

    • To receive notifications from AQ queues, namespace must be set to Subscription::NS_AQ. The subscription name is then either of the form SCHEMA.QUEUE when registering on a single consumer queue, or SCHEMA.QUEUE:CONSUMER_NAME when registering on a multi-consumer queue.

    • To receive notifications from other applications that use conn->postToSubscription() method, namespace must be set to Subscription::NS_ANONYMOUS

    The protocol can be set to these options:

    • If an OCCI client needs to receive an event notification, this attribute should be set to Subscription::PROTO_CBK. You also need to set the notification callback and the subscription context before registering the Subscription. The notification callback will be called when the event occurs.

    • For an e-mail notification, set the protocol to Subscription::PROTO_MAIL. You must set the recipient name prior to subscribing to avoid an application error.

    • For an HTTP URL notification, set the protocol to Subscription::HTTP. You must set the recipient name prior to subscribing to avoid an application error.

    • To invoke PL/SQL procedures in the database on event notification, set protocol to Subscription::PROTO_SERVER. You must set the recipient name prior to subscribing to avoid an application error.

  4. Register the subscriptions using connection->registerSubscriptions().

Open Registration

You can also register through an intermediate LDAP that sends the registration request to the database. This is used when the client cannot have a direct database connection; for example, the client wants to register for an open event while the database is down. This approach is also used when a client wants to register for the same event(s) in multiple databases, concurrently.

Example 9-17 outlines the LDAP open registration using the Oracle Enterprise Security Manager (OESM). Open registration has these prerequisites:

  • The client must be an enterprise user

    • In each enterprise domain, create an enterprise role ENTERPRISE_AQ_USER_ROLE

    • For each database in the enterprise domain, add a global role GLOBAL_AQ_USER_ROLE to enterprise role ENTERPRISE_AQ_USER_ROLE.

    • For each enterprise domain, add enterprise role ENTERPRISE_AQ_USER_ROLE to privilege group cn=OracleDBAQUsers under cn=oraclecontext in the administrative context

    • For each enterprise user that is authorized to register for events in the database, grant enterprise role ENTERPRISE_AQ_USER_ROLE

  • The compatibility of the database must be 9.0 or higher

  • LDAP_REGISTRATION_ENABLED must be set to TRUE (default is FALSE):

  • LDAP_REG_SYNC_INTERVAL must be set to the time_interval (in seconds) to refresh registrations from LDAP (default is 0, "do not refresh"):


To force a database refresh of LDAP registration information immediately, issue this command:


Example 9-17 How to Use Open Registration with LDAP

  1. Create the environment in Environment::EVENTS|Environment::USE_LDAP mode.

  2. Set the Environment object for accessing LDAP:

    • The host and port on which the LDAP server is residing and listening

    • The authentication method; only simple username and password authentication is currently supported

    • The username (distinguished name) and password for authentication with the LDAP server

    • The administrative context for Oracle in the LDAP server

  3. Create the Subscription object.

  4. Set the distinguished names of the databases in which the client wants to receive notifications on the Subscription object.

  5. Set these Subscription attributes.

    The namespace can be set to these options:

    • To receive notifications from AQ queues, namespace must be set to Subscription::NS_AQ. The subscription name is then either of the form SCHEMA.QUEUE when registering on a single consumer queue, or SCHEMA.QUEUE:CONSUMER_NAME when registering on a multi-consumer queue.

    • To receive notifications from other applications that use conn->postToSubscription() method, namespace must be set to Subscription::NS_ANONYMOUS

    The protocol can be set to these options:

    • If an OCCI client needs to receive an event notification, this attribute should be set to Subscription::PROTO_CBK. You also need to set the notification callback and the subscription context before registering the Subscription. The notification callback will be called when the event occurs.

    • For an e-mail notification, set the protocol to Subscription::PROTO_MAIL. You must then set the recipient name to the e-mail address to which the notifications will be sent.

    • For an HTTP URL notification, set the protocol to Subscription::HTTP. You must set the recipient name to the URL to which the notification will be posted.

    • To invoke PL/SQL procedures in the database on event notification, set protocol to Subscription::PROTO_SERVER. You must set the recipient name to the database procedure invoked on notification.

  6. Register the subscription: environment->registerSubscriptions().

Open registration will take effect when the database accesses LDAP to pick up new registrations. The frequency of pick-ups is determined by the value of REG_SYNC_INTERVAL.

Clients can temporarily disable subscriptions, re-enable them, or permanently unregister from future notifications.

Notification Callback

The client needs to register a notification callback. This callback is invoked only when there is some activity on the registered subscription. In the Streams AQ namespace, this happens when a message of interest is enqueued.

The callback must return 0, and it must have this specification:

typedef unsigned int (*callbackfn) (Subscription &sub, NotifyResult *nr);


  • sub - Subscription object which was used when the callback was registered.

  • nr - NotifyResult object holding the notification info.


Ensure that the subscription object used to register for notifications is not destroyed until it explicitly unregisters the subscription.

The user can retrieve the payload, message, message id, queue name and consumer name from the NotifyResult object, depending on the source of notification. These results are summarized in Table 9-1. Only a bytes payload is currently supported, and you must explicitly dequeue messages rom persistent queues in the AQ namespace. If notifications come from non-persistent queues, messages are available to the callback directly; only RAW payloads are supported. If notifications come from persistent queues, the message has to be explicitly dequeued; all payload types are supported.

Table 9-1 Notification Result Attributes; ANONYMOUS and AQ Namespace

Notification Result Attribute ANONYMOUS Namespace AQ Namespace, Persistent Queue AQ Namespace, Non-Persistent Queue













consumer name




queue name




Message Format Transformation

Applications often use data in different formats, and this requires a type transformation. A transformation is implemented as a SQL function that takes the source data type as input and returns an object of the target data type.Transformations can be applied when message are enqueued, dequeued, or when they are propagated to a remote subscriber.