

Use the chssel command to change an Oracle database backup storage selector that you previously created with the mkssel command.

See Also:

"Database Backup Storage Selector Commands" for related commands


You must have the modify administrative domain's configuration right to run the chssel command.



chss•el  [ --dbname/-d { * | dbname[,dbname]... } ]
[ --adddbname/-D { * | dbname[,dbname]... } ]
[ --rmdbname/-E { dbname[,dbname]... } ]
[ --dbid/-i  { * | dbid[,dbid]... } ]
[ --adddbid/-I  { * | dbid[,dbid]... } ]
[ --rmdbid/-J { * | dbid[,dbid]... } ]
[ --host/-h  { * | hostname[,hostname]... } ]
[ --addhost/-H  { * | hostname[,hostname]... } ]
[ --rmhost/-K  { * | hostname[,hostname]... } ]
[ --content/-c { * | content[,content]... } ]
[ --addcontent/-C { * | content[,content]... } ]
[ --rmcontent/-F { * | content[,content]... } ]
[ --restrict/-r restriction[,restriction]... ]
[ --addrestrict/-R restriction[,restriction]... ]
[ --rmrestrict/-S restriction[,restriction]... ]
[ --copynum/-n { * | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 } ] 
[ --family/-f media-family ]
[ --waittime/-w duration ]
sselname ...


--dbname/-d dbname ...

Replaces the current database names for the storage selector with the specified dbname values.

--adddbname/-D dbname ...

Adds the specified dbname values to the databases currently associated with the storage selector.

--rmdbname/-E dbname ...

Removes the specified dbname values from the databases currently associated with the storage selector.

--dbid/-i dbid ...

Replaces the current database IDs for the storage selector with the specified dbid values.

--adddbid/-I dbid ...

Adds the specified dbid values to the database IDs currently associated with the storage selector.

--rmdbid/-J dbid ...

Removes the specified database IDs from the storage selector.

--host/-h hostname ...

Replaces the current hosts for the storage selector with the specified hostname values.

--addhost/-H hostname ...

Adds the specified hostname values to the hosts currently associated with the storage selector.

--rmhost/-K hostname ...

Removes the specified hostname values from the hosts currently associated with the storage selector.

--content/-c content ...

Replaces the current content types for the storage selector with the specified content types. Refer to "content" for a description of the content placeholder.

--addcontent/-C content ...

Adds the specified content types to the content types currently associated with the storage selector.

--rmcontent/-F content ...

Removes the specified content types from the content types currently associated with the storage selector.

--restrict/-r restriction ...

Replaces the current device restrictions in the storage selector with the specified restriction values. Refer to "restriction" for a description of the restriction placeholder.

--addrestrict/-R restriction ...

Adds the specified restriction values to the storage selector.

--rmrestrict/-S restriction ...

Removes the specified restriction values from the storage selector.

--copynumber/-n * | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Specifies the copy number to which this storage selector applies. The copy number must be an integer in the range 1 to 4. An asterisk (*) specifies that the storage selector applies to any copy number.

--family/-f media-family

Replaces the current media family for the storage selector with the specified family. You create media families with the mkmf command.

--waittime/-w duration

Replaces the current resource availability time for the storage selector with the specified duration. Refer to "duration" for a description of the duration placeholder.

sselname ...

Specifies one or more names of storage selectors to modify.


Example 2-26 creates a backup storage selector named ssel_full that specifies that the entire database should be backed up. The example then changes the storage selector to include archived redo logs.

Example 2-26 Adding Content Types to a Database Backup Storage Selector

ob> mkssel --dbid 1557615826 --host brhost2 --content full --family f1 ssel_full
ob> lsssel --long
    Content:             full
    Databases:           [all]
    Database ID:         1557615826
    Host:                brhost2
    Restrictions:        [none]
    Copy number:         [any]
    Media family:        f1
    Resource wait time:  1 hour
    UUID:                b5774d9e-92d2-1027-bc96-000cf1d9be50
ob> chssel --addcontent archivelog ssel_full
ob> lsssel --long
    Contents:            archivelog, full
    Databases:           [all]
    Database ID:         1557615826
    Host:                brhost2
    Restrictions:        [none]
    Copy number:         [any]
    Media family:        f1
    Resource wait time:  1 hour
    UUID:                b5774d9e-92d2-1027-bc96-000cf1d9be50