

Use the chuser command to change the attributes of an Oracle Secure Backup user.

See Also:

"User Commands" for related commands


If you need to modify the attributes of any Oracle Secure Backup user, including yourself, then you must have the modify administrative domain's configuration right. To modify only your own password and given name, then you must have the right to modify own name and password.



chu•ser [ --class/-c userclass ]
[ --password/-p password | --querypassword/-q ]
[ --unixname/-U unix-user ] [ --unixgroup/-G unix-group ]
[ --adddomain/-d { windows-domain | * },windows-account[,windows-password ] ]...
[ --rmdomain/-r { windows-domain | * } ] [ --ndmpuser/-N { yes | no } ]...
[ --email/-e emailaddr ] [ --givenname/-g givenname ]
[ --preauth/-h preauth-spec[,preauth-spec]... ]
[ --addpreauth/-H preauth-spec[,preauth-spec]... ]
[ --rmpreauth/-X preauth-spec[,preauth-spec]... ]
username ...


Refer to "mkuser" for descriptions of chuser options not included in this section.

--adddomain/-d { windows-domain | * },windows-account,windows-password

Adds Windows domain information to the user account. If the new domain is different from an existing domain in the user object, then --adddomain adds an entry for the new domain. If the domain name in --adddomain is same as an existing domain in the user object, then --adddomain replaces the existing information. Refer to the --domain option of the mkuser command for more information.

--rmdomain/-r { windows-domain | * }

Removes a Windows domain.

--preauth/-h preauth-spec[,preauth-spec]... ]

Authorizes the specified Oracle Secure Backup user identity for the specified operating system user on the specified host. Refer to "preauth-spec" for a description of the preauth-spec placeholder.

Specifying the --preauth option replaces any existing preauthorization data. You can reset the preauthorization for a user by specifying an empty string, for example, --preauth "".

--addpreauth/-H preauth-spec[,preauth-spec]... ]

Adds preauthorization objects and preauthorizes Oracle Backup access, but does not replace existing preauthorization data. You can add preauthorizations only if you have the modify administrative domain configuration right. Typically, only a user in the admin class has this right.

Refer to "preauth-spec" for a description of the preauth-spec placeholder.

If you specify os-username as a Windows account name, then you must state the Windows domain name explicitly either as wild-card or a specific name. Duplicate preauthorizations are not permitted. Preauthorizations are duplicates if they have the same hostname, userid, and domain.

--rmpreauth/-X preauth-spec[,preauth-spec]... ]

Removes preauthorized access to the specified Oracle Backup user from the specified host or operating system user. Preauthorization attributes, if specified, are ignored. Refer to "preauth-spec" for a description of the preauth-spec placeholder.

You can remove preauthorizations only if you have the modify administrative domain configuration right. Typically, only a user in the admin class has this right.

username ...

Specifies the name of the Oracle Secure Backup user to be modified.


Example 2-27 creates user lashdown, reassigns this user to the oracle class, and then displays information about this user.

Example 2-27 Changing an Oracle Secure Backup User

ob> mkuser lashdown --class admin --password "x45y" --givenname "lance" --unixname
lashdown --unixgroup "dba" --preauth stadv07:lashdown+rman+cmdline --ndmpuser no
ob> chuser --class oracle lashdown
ob> lsuser --long lashdown
    Password:               (set)
    User class:             oracle
    Given name:             lance
    UNIX name:              lashdown
    UNIX group:             dba
    Windows domain/acct:    [none]
    NDMP server user:       no
    Email address:
    UUID:                   5f437cd2-7a49-1027-8e8a-000cf1d9be50
    Preauthorized access:
        Hostname:           stadv07
        Username:           lashdown
        Windows domain:     [all]
        RMAN enabled:       yes
        Cmdline enabled:    yes