

Use the ls command to list the names and attributes of file system objects represented in the Oracle Secure Backup catalog.

Listing the contents of the Oracle Secure Backup catalog is equivalent to listing the contents of backup images. The catalog displays the images in a directory structure much like a live file system. You can only list directories whose contents have been backed up.

See Also:

"Browser Commands" for related commands


The rights needed to run the ls command depend on the browse backup catalogs with this access setting for the class.



ls [ --long/-l | --short/-s ] [ --label/-L ] [ --oneperline/-1 ]
[ --reverse/-r ] [ --directory/-d ] [ --backup/-b [ --position/-p ] ] 
[ --inode/-i ] [ --nobackupid/-I ] [ --noheader/-H ] [ --notype/-T ] 
[ --noerrors/-E ] [ --numberformat/-n numberformat ] [ --viewmode/-v viewmode ]
[ --ctime/-c | --mtime/-t | --utime/-u ] [ --nosort/-X ] [ --noescape/-B ]
[ --max/-M max-entries ] [ --startat/-S starting-entry ]
pathname ...



Displays Oracle Secure Backup catalog data in long form.


Displays Oracle Secure Backup catalog data in short form (default).


Labels the items in the Oracle Secure Backup catalog for ease of reading. See Example 2-45 for an illustration.


Puts each item on a separate line.


Reverses the listing order.


Displays information on the current directory in the Oracle Secure Backup catalog.


Displays the backup information.


Displays the physical location of data on the tape when used with the --backup option.


Displays inode of contents. Note that this option is only supported for backup images generated by an NDMP data service.


Does not display the backup ID.


Displays information without header output.


Does not use "/" to indicate a directory.


Does not display file system error messages.

--numberformat/-n numberformat

Specifies how to display large numbers. Refer to "numberformat" for a description of the numberformat placeholder.

--viewmode viewmode

Specifies the mode in which to view the Oracle Secure Backup catalog directory contents. Valid values for viewmode are as follows:

  • exact displays only those directory entries that match the data selector.

  • inclusive displays all entries, regardless of the current data selector (default).


Displays inode change time if --long also specified.


Displays file modified time if --long also specified.


Displays file used time if --long also specified.


Does not sort names for display.


Does not escape non-displayable characters in filenames. Specify --noescape if you want file names that include an ampersand character (&) to display normally.

--max/-M max-entries

Specifies the maximum number of entries to display.

--startat/-S starting-entry

Specifies the number where the display should start, with 1 as the first item in the listing.

pathname ...

Specifies the path names in the Oracle Secure Backup catalog.


Example 2-45 lists backup data on brhost2 in short form and then in long form.

Example 2-45 Displaying Information About a File

ob> set host brhost2
ob> ls
ob> cd home
ob> ls
ob> cd data
ob> ls
ob> cd backup
ob> ls
bin/  c_files/  tree/
ob> cd tree
ob> ls
file1  lev1a/  lev1b/
ob> ls --long file1
-rwx------ lashdown.g527       74      2005/03/02.09:51 file1              (4)
ob> ls --long --label --backup --position file1
Name:               file1
    Backup ID:          4
        Mode & protection:  -rwx------
        Last modified:      2005/03/02.09:51:33
        Size:                 74
    Backup ID:          4
        Backup date & time: 2005/03/03.12:13:16
        Volume ID:          VOL000002
        Volume tag:         DEV423
        File number:        11
        File section:       1
        Requested level:    0
        Client:             brhost2
        Device:             vt1
        Program version:    10.2
        Volume creation:    2005/03/02.10:02:27
        Position:           0000023A0009