

Use the lsrestore command to list restore requests. These requests are awaiting delivery to the scheduler.

See Also:

"Restore Commands" for related commands



lsr•estore [ --long/-l | --detail/-d | { --short/-s [ --oneperline/-1 ] }  ]
[ --position/-x ] [ --noheader/-H ] [ --raw/-R ] [ --catalog/-C ]
[ restore-item ]...



Displays restore request data in long form.


Displays detailed data about the backup to be used in the restore.


Displays restore request data in short form. This item is the default.


Shows one item for each line when used with the --short option.


Displays the position of the backup on tape when used with the --detail option.


Displays data without column headings.


Displays only raw restore requests, that is, restore requests that do not make use of the Oracle Secure Backup catalog. By default lsrestore lists all restore requests.


Displays only restore requests that use the Oracle Secure Backup catalog. If you specify --catalog, then lsrestore does not display raw restore requests. By default lsrestore lists all restore requests.

restore-item ...

Specifies the item number of a restore request. You can display the item numbers for restore requests by executing lsrestore without any options.


Table 2-15 describes the output for the lsrestore command.

Table 2-15 lsrestore Output

Column Indicates

Item #

Sequential number, starting at 1, assigned to the restore job

Data saved from

Host and path of data that was backed up

Restore data to

Host and path of data to be restored


Name of host the data is originally from or to which the host is restoring


Operating system location of data on the file system


Priority of restore job


Creation date of volume set

File number

File number of backup to be restored


Name of device to be used for restore operation

Backup ID

Backup ID for backup to be restored

Volume ID

Volume ID for volume to be used in restore operation

Volume tag

Barcode for volume to be used in restore operation

File section

Backup section to be restored


Position of backup data on tape


Example 2-71 lists all restore requests in long format.

Example 2-71 Listing Restore Requests

ob> lsrestore --long
    Data saved from:
        Host:               brhost2
        Path:               /data/backup
    Restore data to:
        Host:               brhost3
        Path:               /tmp
    Priority:           100
    Created:            2005/12/02.12:37:07
    File number:        1
    Device:             tape1
    Backup ID:          1
    Volume ID:          VOL000003
    Volume tag:         ADE203
    File section:       1
    Position:           000000000009