

Use the mkhost command to add a host to an administrative domain. The host must run Oracle Secure Backup locally or be accessible to Oracle Secure Backup by means of NDMP.

See Also:

"Host Commands" for related commands


You must have the modify administrative domain's configuration right to run the mkhost command.

Usage Notes

If your Windows host is protected by a firewall, then the firewall must be configured to permit Oracle Secure Backup daemons on the host to communicate with the other hosts in your administrative domain. Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003 contain a built-in Windows Firewall which, in the default configuration, blocks inbound traffic on ports used by Oracle Secure Backup. Refer to Oracle Secure Backup Installation Guide for more information.


Syntax 1

Use the following syntax to add a host to an administrative domain that runs Oracle Secure Backup locally. See "Semantics for Syntax 1".


mkh•ost [ --access/-a ob ] [ --inservice/-o | --notinservice/-O ]
[ --roles/-r role[,role]... ] [ --ip/-i ipname[,ipname]... ]
[ --nocomm/-N ] [ --certkeysize/-k cert-key-size ]
hostname ...

Syntax 2

Use the following syntax to add a host to an administrative domain that Oracle Secure Backup accesses by means of NDMP. See "Semantics for Syntax 2".


mkh•ost --access/-a ndmp [ --inservice/-o | --notinservice/-O ]
[ --role/-r role[,role]... ] [ --ip/-i ipname[,ipname]... ]
[ --ndmpauth/-A authtype ]
[ { --ndmppass/-p ndmp-password } | --queryndmppass/-q | --dftndmppass/-D ]
[ --ndmpport/-n portnumber ] [ --ndmppver/-v protover ]
[ --ndmpuser/-u ndmp-username ] [ --nocomm/-N ]
[ --ndmpbackuptype/-B ndmp-backup-type ]
[ --backupev/-w evariable-name=variable-value ]...
[ --restoreev/-y evariable-name=variable-value ]...
hostname ...


Semantics for Syntax 1

Use these options if the host has Oracle Secure Backup installed and uses the Oracle Secure Backup internal communications protocol to communicate.

--access/-a ob

Specifies that the host accesses a local installation of Oracle Secure Backup. By default obtool determines dynamically whether the machine is accessed through the Oracle Secure Backup RPC protocol (plus NDMP) or solely through NDMP.


Specifies that the host is logically available to Oracle Secure Backup.


Specifies that the host is not logically available to Oracle Secure Backup.

--roles/-r role[,role]...

Assigns one or more roles to the host. Refer to "role" for a description of the role placeholder.

--ip/-i ipname[,ipname]...

Indicates the IP address of the host machine. IP addresses are represented as a series of four numbers separated by periods.You can also use host names in place of IP addresses. In this case, the host name is resolved by the underlying operating system to an IP address.

If you specify ipname, then Oracle Secure Backup never uses the user-assigned host name to obtain the host IP address; instead, it considers each specified ipname until it finds one that resolves to a working IP address. If you specified a preferred network interface (PNI) for this host with the mkpni command, then Oracle Secure Backup considers the PNI address first.


The use of DHCP to assign IP addresses is not supported for hosts that participate in an Oracle Secure Backup administrative domain. You must assign static IP addresses to all hosts. If you cannot use static IP addresses, then ensure that the DHCP server guarantees that a given host is always assigned the same IP address.

If you do not specify ipname, then Oracle Secure Backup tries to resolve the specified hostname to obtain the IP address.


Suppresses communication with the host machine. You can use this option if you want to add a host to the domain when the host is not yet connected to the network.

--certkeysize/-k cert-key-size

Sets the size (in bits) of the public/private key used for the identity certificate of this host. By default Oracle Secure Backup uses the value in the certkeysize security policy. If you specify --certkeysize, then the specified value overrides the key size in the security policy. The key size set with --certkeysize applies only to this host and does not affect the key size of any other current or future hosts.

Because larger key sizes require more computation time to generate the key pair than smaller key sizes, the key size setting can affect the processing time of the mkhost command. While the mkhost command is executing, obtool may display a status message every 5 seconds (see Example 2-87). obtool displays a command prompt when the process has completed.

Semantics for Syntax 2

Use these options if the host does not have Oracle Secure Backup installed (for example, a filer/NAS device) and uses NDMP to communicate.

--access/-a ndmp

Specifies that the host uses NDMP to communicate. An Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) host is a storage appliance from third-party vendors such as NetApp, Mirapoint, or DynaStore. An NDMP host implements the NDMP protocol and employs NDMP daemons (rather than Oracle Secure Backup daemons) to back up and restore file systems.


Specifies that the host is logically available to Oracle Secure Backup.


Specifies that the host is not logically available to Oracle Secure Backup.

--role/-r role[,role]...

Assigns a role to the host. Refer to "role" for a description of the role placeholder.

--ip/-i ipname[,ipname]...

Indicates the IP address of the host machine. IP addresses are represented as a series of four numbers separated by periods. The use of DHCP to assign IP addresses is not supported for hosts that participate in an Oracle Secure Backup administrative domain. You must assign static IP addresses to all hosts. If you cannot use static IP addresses, then ensure that the DHCP server guarantees that a given host is always assigned the same IP address.


Host names may be used in place of IP addresses. In this case, the host name is resolved by the underlying operating system to an IP address.
--ndmpauth/-A authtype

Provides an authorization type. Refer to "authtype" for a description of the authtype placeholder.

The authorization type is the mode in which Oracle Secure Backup authenticates itself to the NDMP server. Typically, you should use the negotiated default setting. You can change the setting if necessary; for example, if you have a malfunctioning NDMP server.

--ndmppass/-p ndmp-password

Specifies an NDMP password. The password is used to authenticate Oracle Secure Backup to this NDMP server. If you do not specify this option, and if you do not specify --queryndmppass, then Oracle Secure Backup uses the default NDMP password defined in the ndmp/password policy.


Prompts you for the NDMP password.


Uses the default NDMP password defined in the ndmp/password policy.

--ndmpport/-n portnumber

Specifies a TCP port number for use with NDMP. Typically, the port 10000 is used. You can specify another port if this server uses a port other than the default.

--ndmppver/-v protover

Specifies a protocol version. Refer to "protover" for a description of the protover placeholder. The default is null (""), which means "as proposed by server."

--ndmpuser/-u ndmp-username

Specifies a user name. The user name is used to authenticate Oracle Secure Backup to this NDMP server. If left blank, then the user name value in the ndmp/username policy is used.


Suppresses communication with the host machine. You can use this option if you want to add a host to the domain when the host is not yet connected to the network.

--ndmpbackuptype/-B ndmp-backup-type

Specifies a default NDMP backup format. The default is defined by the NDMP Data Service running on the client. Refer to "ndmp-backup-type" for a description of the ndmp-backup-type placeholder.

--backupev/-w evariable-name=variable-value ...

Declares NDMP backup environment variables that are passed to the host's NDMP Data Service for a backup.

--restoreev/-y evariable-name=variable-value ...

Declares NDMP restore environment variables that are passed to the host's NDMP Data Service for a restore.

hostname ...

Specifies name of the host to be added to the administrative domain. Note that you cannot specify multiple hosts if you specify an IP address with the --ip option.

Host names are case-sensitive and must start with an alphanumeric character. They can contain only letters, numerals, dashes, underscores, and periods (no spaces). They may contain at most 127 characters.


Example 2-86 adds host dlsun1976, which runs Oracle Secure Backup locally, to the administrative domain.

Example 2-86 Adding a Host Running Oracle Secure Backup Locally

ob> lshost
brhost2          client                            (via OB)   in service
brhost3          mediaserver,client                (via OB)   in service
stadv07          admin,mediaserver,client          (via OB)   in service
ob> mkhost --access ob --inservice --roles mediaserver,client --nocomm dlsun1976
ob> lshost
brhost2          client                            (via OB)   in service
brhost3          mediaserver,client                (via OB)   in service
dlsun1976        mediaserver,client                (via OB)   in service
stadv07          admin,mediaserver,client          (via OB)   in service

Example 2-87 adds a host with a certificate key size of 4096. The sample output shows the periodic status message.

Example 2-87 Adding a Host with a Large Key Size

ob> mkhost --inservice --role client --certkeysize 4096 stadf56
Info: waiting for host to update certification status...
Info: waiting for host to update certification status...
Info: waiting for host to update certification status...
Info: waiting for host to update certification status...
ob> lshost stadf56
stadf56          client                            (via OB)   in service

Example 2-88 adds a host that Oracle Secure Backup accesses by means of NDMP. Due to space constraints the sample command has been reformatted to fit on the page.

Example 2-88 Adding an NDMP Host

ob> mkhost --nocomm --access ndmp --ip --inservice --roles client
--ndmpauth none --ndmpuser jim --ndmppass mypassword --ndmppver "" ndmphost1
ob> lshost
brhost2          client                            (via OB)   in service
brhost3          mediaserver,client                (via OB)   in service
dlsun1976        mediaserver,client                (via OB)   in service
ndmphost1        client                            (via NDMP) in service
stadv07          admin,mediaserver,client          (via OB)   in service