

Use the pinghost command to determine whether a host in an administrative domain is responsive to requests from Oracle Secure Backup. This operation is useful for ensuring that a host is responsive on all of its configured IP addresses.

See Also:

"Host Commands" for related commands


You must have the display administrative domain's configuration right to use the pinghost command.

Usage Notes

This command attempts to establish a TCP connection to the host on each of the IP addresses that you have configured for it. For hosts that use the Oracle Secure Backup protocol, the command connects through TCP port 400; for hosts using NDMP, it connects through the configured NDMP TCP port, usually 10000. Oracle Secure Backup reports the status of each connection attempt and immediately closes each connection that was established successfully.



ping•host [ --quiet/-q | --verbose/-v ] hostname ...



Suppresses output.


Displays output. This option is the default.

hostname ...

Specifies the name of the host machine that you want to ping.


Example 2-102 queries the hosts in the administrative domain and then pings host brhost2.

Example 2-102 Pinging a Host

ob> lshost
brhost2          client                            (via OB)   in service
brhost3          mediaserver,client                (via OB)   in service
dlsun1976        client                            (via OB)   in service
ndmphost1        client                            (via NDMP) in service
stadv07          admin,mediaserver,client          (via OB)   in service
ob> pinghost brhost2
brhost2 (address Oracle Secure Backup and NDMP services are available