

Use the renmf command to rename a media family.

See Also:

"Media Family Commands" for related commands


You must have the modify administrative domain's configuration right to use the renmf command.



renmf [ --nq ] { old-media-family-name new-media-family-name }...



Does not display a confirmation message. If you do not specify this option, then the command displays a confirmation message. The message is described in "Command Execution in Interactive Mode".

old-media-family-name ...

Specifies the name of the existing media family. Note that you cannot rename the RMAN-DEFAULT media family.

new-media-family-name ...

Specifies the new name for the media family. Media family names are case-sensitive and must start with an alphanumeric character. They can contain only letters, numerals, dashes, underscores, and periods (no spaces). They may contain at most 31 characters.


Example 2-111 renames media family full_bkup to full_backup.

Example 2-111 Renaming a Media Family

ob> lsmf
RMAN-DEFAULT                              content manages reuse
content-man-family write forever            content manages reuse
full_bkup        write 7 days             content manages reuse
time-man-family  write 7 days             keep 28 days
ob> renmf full_bkup full_backup
rename media family full_bkup? (a, n, q, y, ?) [y]: y
ob> lsmf
RMAN-DEFAULT                              content manages reuse
content-man-family write forever            content manages reuse
full_backup      write 7 days             content manages reuse
time-man-family  write 7 days             keep 28 days