

Use the rmsection command to inform Oracle Secure Backup that a backup section is deleted. Oracle Secure Backup does not physically remove the section from the volume, but indicates in its backup sections catalog that the section is removed. You can view the status of a section by executing the lssection command. Typically, you use rmssection only when the backup sections catalogs require manual update.


If you remove a backup section that contains an RMAN backup piece, then Oracle Secure Backup responds to RMAN queries concerning the backup piece by saying that it does not exist.

See Also:

"Section Commands" for related commands


You must have the right to manage devices and change device state to use the rmsection command.



rmse•ction [ --nq ] [ --oid/-o oid-list ]...[ --vid/-v vid { --file/-f filenumber-list }... ]



Does not display a confirmation message. If you do not specify this option, then the command displays a confirmation message. The message is described in "Command Execution in Interactive Mode".

--oid oid-list ...

Selects backup sections with the object identifiers matching those in oid-list. Refer to "oid-list" for a description of the oid-list placeholder.

--vid vid ...

Selects backup sections contained on the volume specified by vid. Refer to "vid" for a description of the vid placeholder.

--file/-f filenumber-list ...

Selects the backup sections with the file numbers specified in the list. Refer to "filenumber-list" for a description of the filenumber-list placeholder.


Example 2-140 deletes a section that contains an RMAN backup piece. A query of the backup sections catalog shows that the backup section has the attribute deleted.

Example 2-140 Removing Backup Sections

ob> lssection --short
ob> rmsection --nq --oid 107
ob> lssection --long
Backup section OID:    106
    Containing volume:      VOL000003
    Containing volume OID:  110
    File:                   1
    Section:                1
    Backup level:           0
    Client:                 brhost2
    Created:                2005/04/19.11:36
    Attributes:             never expires
Backup section OID:    107
    Containing volume:      RMAN-DEFAULT-000002
    Containing volume OID:  112
    File:                   1
    Section:                1
    Backup level:           0
    Client:                 stadv07
    Created:                2005/04/19.11:37
    Attributes:             deleted