

Use the rpyjob command to respond to a job that is prompting for input or assistance. You can display jobs of this type by specifying --inputrequest on the lsjob command. You can determine what a job is requesting by performing a catxcr command.

See Also:

"Job Commands" for related commands


If you are attempting to respond to another user's job prompts, then you must have the right to modify any job, regardless of its owner. If you are attempting to respond to your own job prompts, then you must have the right to modify any jobs owned by user.



rpy•job  --reply/-r text job-id ...


--reply/-r text

Specifies the textual reply to the prompt. Enclose the reply in quotes if it contains embedded blanks.

job-id ...

Specifies the identifier of the job to which the reply is to be sent.


Example 2-145 uses lsjob to display jobs that are requesting assistance and then executes catxcr to display the transcript for job admin/7.1.

The transcript shows that the library does not contain a usable tape for the backup job. Press the Enter key after running catxcr to return to the obtool prompt.

Example 2-145 Displaying Information About a Job Requesting Assistance

ob> lsjob --inputrequest --long
    Type:                   backup brhost2
    Level:                  full
    Family:                 (null)
    Scheduled time:         none
    State:                  running since 2005/05/09.12:38
    Priority:               100
    Privileged op:          no
    Run on host:            brhost2
    Attempts:               1

ob> catxcr --tail 12 admin/7.1
End of tape has been reached.  Please wait while I rewind and unload the tape.
The Volume ID of the next tape to be written is VOL000005.
The tape has been unloaded.
 obtar: couldn't perform auto-swap - can't find usable volume in library (OB device
 mgr)   Enter a command from the following list:
       load <n>     .. load the tape from element <n> into the drive
       unload <n>   .. unload the tape from the drive into element <n>
       help         .. display other commands to modify drive's database
       go           .. to use the tape you selected
       quit         .. to give up and abort this backup or restore

Example 2-146 inserts a new volume into the library and then uses rpyjob to reply with two commands: load 3 and go. Specifying --inputrequest on lsjob generates a null response, which means that no jobs require input.

Example 2-146 Displaying Information About a Job Requesting Assistance

ob> insertvol --library lib2 unlabeled 3
ob> rpyjob --reply "load 3" admin/7.1
ob> rpyjob --reply "go" admin/7.1
ob> lsjob --inputrequest