obtar -z


Use obtar -z to display the volume label of a backup image. You can also use the -z option with obtar -t and obtar -g to display a volume label, or with obtar -c to create a volume label.


obtar -z::=

obtar -z [ -f device ] [ -F file-number ]


You can specify a number of options with obtar -z; this section describes those options that you are most likely to use. Refer to "obtar Options" to learn about additional obtar -z options.

-f device

Specifies the name of a backup image file or device. If you omit the -f option, then obtar reads from the device specified by the TAPE environment variable, if it is defined.

-F file-number

Specifies the backup image file number. If you omit the backup image number, then obtar reads the backup image at the volume's current position.


Example 4-29 causes obtar to display the volume label for the fourth backup image on a volume loaded on device tape1.

Example 4-29 Displaying the Volume Label

# obtar -z -f tape1 -F 4

Volume label:
   Volume ID:          VOL000105
   Volume sequence:    1
   Volume set owner:   jane
   Volume set created: Tue Mar 2 10:13:14 2002
Backup image label:
   File number:        4
   File section:       1
   Owner:              jane
   Client host:        chicago
   Backup level:       0
   S/w compression:    no
   Archive created:    Tue Mar 2 10:13:14 2002

When you use obtar -z, obtar reads the backup image. Whenever obtar reads a backup image, it positions the volume after the backup image just read, and before the label of the next backup image. For example, if you entered another obtar -z command after the one shown in Example 4-29, then obtar would display the label of backup image 5, if it exists, as shown in Example 4-30.

Example 4-30 Displaying the Volume Label

# obtar -zf tape0

Volume label:
   Volume ID:          VOL000003
   Volume sequence:    1
   Volume set owner:   gms
   Volume set created: Wed May 01 14:08:23 2000
Backup image label:
   File number:        5
   File section:       1
   Owner:              gms
   Client host:        campy
   Backup level:       0
   S/w compression:    no
   Archive created:    Wed May 01 14:08:23 2000