
This manual introduces Oracle Enterprise Manager and describes the concepts required to use the product effectively to manage your Oracle environment.

Note that later versions of this and other Enterprise Manager books may be available on the Oracle Technology Network:


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The following preface and chapters discuss in greater detail Enterprise Manager functionality and applications:

Chapter 1, "What's New in Enterprise Manager 10.2"

Presents an overview of the new features in Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 5 (

Chapter 2, "Introduction" Introduces, at a high-level, and puts into business-use context the features and benefits of using Enterprise Manager.

Chapter 3, "Overview of Enterprise Manager" Describes the subsystems in Enterprise Manager.

Chapter 4, "Enterprise Configuration Management" Explains how Enterprise Manager simplifies the monitoring and management of the deployments in your enterprise.

Chapter 5, "Database Management" Specifies the features Enterprise Manager includes to monitor, manage, administer, and maintain Oracle Databases.

Chapter 6, "Service Management" Explains how Enterprise Manager monitors and manages services and Web applications to determine the availability, performance, usage, and overall effectiveness of business implementations.

Chapter 7, "Change Management for Databases" Describes the Change Management feature in Enterprise Manager.

Chapter 8, "Middleware Management" Describes how Enterprise Manager provides an easy way to centrally manage your middle-tier Oracle Application Server environment.

Chapter 9, "Host and Third-Party Target Management" Describes Enterprise Manager's built-in features for managing host targets, as well as out-of-box third-party targets from non-Oracle vendors.

Chapter 10, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Management" Describes the new capabilities for Collaboration Suite management, including service and system monitoring, service topology, monitoring dashboards, and client data collection.

Chapter 11, "Identity Management" Describes how to manage your Identity Management targets.

Chapter 12, "Oracle Beehive Management" Describes how you can use Enterprise Manager to manage your Oracle Beehive targets.

Chapter 13, "Lifecycle Management" Provides an overview of the server and software provisioning and patching features introduced in Enterprise Manager 10gR2.

Chapter 14, "Virtualization Management" Introduces the concept of Virtualization Management in Enterprise Manager.

Appendix A, "Oracle Beehive Service Dashboard Metrics" Lists the Beehive metrics.


Provides definitions of terms specific to Enterprise Manager.

Related Documents

For more information, see the following manuals in the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 2 documentation set:

The latest versions of this and other Enterprise Manager books can be found at:

Oracle Enterprise Manager also provides extensive online help. Click Help on any Oracle Enterprise Manager page to display the online help system.

Updated Terminology

In previous versions of Oracle Enterprise Manager, Service Level Management was known as either Application Service Level Management or Application Performance Management.


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