10 Using Enterprise Manager For Grid Automation With Deployment Procedures

Deployment procedures are Oracle's latest contribution in automating operations around the grid. This chapter introduces the concept of deployment procedures to system administrators and integrators. The chapter spells out the advantages and features of deployment procedures and discusses a sampling of use cases that these deployment procedures are designed to solve.

Deployment procedures are out-of-box best practices that comprise enumeration of a set of steps that are orchestrated by Oracle Enterprise Manager. Oracle ships a set of Òbest practiceÓ deployment procedures to accomplish provisioning and patching related tasks. Deployment procedures can be extended and customized for customer needs. The deployment procedure to patch a single instance database differs from the one to patch a Data Guard or a RAC environment. Deployment procedures can vary from one customer to another, or from a test installation to a production installation.Deployment procedures take into account and resolve the reality that environments are often different, with each having complexities across different tiers with multiple dependencies. The situation is further compounded by existing operational practices. For example, in a typical data center, deployment procedures can involve a design time activity (typically performed by a lead administrator) and a runtime activity (typically performed by the operator).Deployment procedures have been introduced in Grid Control and are licensed under the Oracle Enterprise Manager Provisioning Pack.

10.1 Key Advantages of Deployment Procedures

The main advantage of deployment procedures lies in the fact that they can provide an extremely flexible framework for data center automation. While a vendor like Oracle often has specific best practice recommendations for patching and provisioning, the reality is that each data center has unique ways of achieving them. Deployment procedures are nothing more than a framework to achieve synergy between Oracle's out of box best practices and customers' own methods. Custom scripts can easily be plugged into deployment procedures for handling special tasks. The following properties of deployment procedures increase their value:

  1. Extensible

    The objective of deployment procedures is to have as many best practice methods out of box as possible. In an ideal case the customer should be able to run the deployment procedures as-is against a set of targets. Oracle-shipped best practices deployment procedures cannot be modified. The customer can create a copy of the Oracle shipped deployment procedure and modify the same to insert or delete steps and error handling modes.

  2. Reusable

    Deployment procedures are reusable. The steps of the deployment procedure can be based against directives that are stored in the Software Library. The deployment procedures can also be exported and imported across environments. This implies that the deployment procedures once developed for a test environment need not be recreated for production environment.

  3. Hot-pluggable

    The out-of-box deployment procedures are metadata driven so new sets of procedures can be added to the Oracle Enterprise Manager environment without any additional outage.

  4. Automatable

    The runtime for all the deployment procedures can be automated using EMCLI and associated verbs, such as Oracle patching, OS patching and so forth. For more information on these verbs, see the Oracle® Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface 10g Release 3 ( for Windows or UNIX.

10.1.1 Deployment Procedures Shipped In Oracle Enterprise Manager

In version of Oracle Enterprise Manager, the out-of-box deployment procedures include the following:

  • Application Server Deployment

  • Oracle Clusterware/Oracle Real Applications Clusters (RAC) Provisioning

  • Delete/Scale Down Oracle Real Applications Clusters

  • One Click Extend Cluster Database

  • Patch Oracle RAC Database -- All Nodes

  • Patch Oracle RAC Database -- Rolling

  • Patch Oracle Clusterware (Rolling Upgrade)

  • Patch Oracle Database

  • Patch Application Server

  • Patch Solaris Hosts

  • Patch Linux Hosts

  • Patch Windows Hosts

  • Patch Standalone Oracle Automatic Storage Management

10.2 Deployment Procedure Requirements

Deployment procedures can be used for targets managed by agents with versions of or higher. Certain features in the Deployment Procedures Manager will not work with a (or lower version) agent, even if the agent is uploading to a Management Server.

Deployment procedures can be found under the Deployment Procedure Manager on the Deployments page. Choose a deployment procedure and click Run to execute it.

To use deployment procedures, you should first set up the Software Library before applying the patchset. This ensures that the deployment procedures are installed out of the box. If you fail to set up the Software Library beforehand, you will have to set it up later and then manually deploy the files after the installation.

Be sure to apply the patch 5890474 to the OMS upon upgrading.

For more information see Section 10.9.1, "Known Issues". For instructions on how to set up a software library, see Section 18.7, "Setting Up and Configuring a Software Library With Oracle Enterprise Manager".

10.3 Use-Cases for Deployment Procedures

The following sections provide examples of some use cases for deployment procedures.

10.3.1 Using Deployment Procedures to Apply Security-Related Critical Patch Updates to Oracle Databases

The out-of-box deployment procedure Patch Oracle Database can be used to apply critical patch updates (CPU) to several single instance databases simultaneously. In the following example, patch 5049080, a critical patch, is applied to databases.

This involves the following steps:

  1. Patch Download and Upload step (optional)

    Upload to Patch Cache is required only if there is no connection between the Management Server and Oracle Metalink. In the Software Library is integrated with the Patch Cache. While uploading a patch to the Patch cache, choose the ÒCreate Oracle Software Update ComponentÓ option. This will ensure that the patch is visible in the Software Library.

  2. Runtime (Deployment time) steps:

    There are 3 inputs that must be provided at runtime - the patch number(s), the targets and the credentials. Finally the procedure must be scheduled for immediate or deferred execution.

    1. Select the out-of-box deployment procedure ÒPatch Oracle DatabaseÓ and run it.

      You can choose to select the patch from Metalink or from the Software Library.

    2. Deployment Procedure by default will run the default SQL (catcpu.sql for CPUs) if present or you can provide custom SQL script to run.

    3. The targets are then chosen from a list of targets that are automatically populated on the screen based on the version of the product the patch applies to.

    4. Credentials follow. You can choose to use the ORACLE_HOME credentials from the repository.

    5. Finally the procedure is scheduled and submitted. The procedure can then be monitored by using ÒProcedure Completion StatusÓ link. It can be retried from a failed step, if required.

10.3.2 Using Deployment Procedures for Single-Click Extend of Real Application Clusters

The out-of-box "Extend Real Application Clusters" deployment procedure can be used for extending an existing Real Application Cluster to one or many nodes. In the following example, an existing cluster is extended to one additional node.

Use the following steps:

  1. Runtime (Deployment time) steps:

    1. Run the out-of-box Extend Real Application Clusters procedure.

    2. Choose the existing cluster to be extended and mention the details of the new node where the cluster will be extended.

    3. Mention the credential information for the new nodes and a schedule for extension operation. After you finish, click the Submit button to execute the deployment procedure.

    Once you submit the procedure, you can monitor it using the Procedure Completion Status link.

10.3.3 Using Deployment Procedures for Delete/Scale Down of Real Application Clusters

You can use the out-of-box Delete/Scale Down Real Application Clusters deployment procedure to delete or scale down an existing Real Application Cluster.

Use the following steps:

  1. Runtime (Deployment) steps:

    1. Run the out-of-box Delete/Scale Down Real Application Clusters procedure.

    2. From the list of available nodes, select one, multiple, or all nodes for deletion from the cluster.

    3. Mention the credential information for the new nodes and a schedule for extension operation. When you finish, click Submit to execute the deployment procedure.

Once you submit the procedure, you can monitor it using the Procedure Completion Status feature.

10.4 Customizable Deployment Procedures

The out-of-box deployment procedures can be used as starting templates to create similar procedures (using the ÒCreate LikeÓ functionality), which can then be customized. You can edit the deployment procedure to insert or delete a step or a phase, or to enable or disable a step or a phase. Deployment procedures also allow different error handling methods depending upon the case. For example, in a patching operation where hosts are patched in parallel, it may be wise to simply skip the host on which a failure occurs. However, failure on a device creation could render the remaining provisioning operation ineffective. Therefore it may be necessary to abort the entire procedure for failure of such a step.

10.4.1 Customization Examples

The following sections describe three examples that illustrate how deployment procedures can be customized. Insert Custom Step to Backup the Database Before Patching

A data center is notified by Grid Control that its Oracle Database installations are affected by Oracle's latest Critical Patch Update (CPU). The Security administrator studies the impact and hands it over to the lead DBA who first applies it to his test systems. In the process he wants to backup the database before applying the patch. He uses the Create Like feature of the out-of-box Oracle Database Patching Deployment procedure and inserts a custom step before the Apply Patch step, associating his script to take a backup, which he has uploaded to the Software Library. As a result, on the execution of the Deployment Procedure the backup of the database is performed each time before applying the patch. Manual Step

XYZ Corporation has a process of ensuring that users are logged off from their application before the database is shutdown. The DBA checks with key users that they have indeed logged off before proceeding with the database shutdown. This can be achieved by introducing a manual step before the ÒStop DatabaseÓ step. The procedure would pause on the completion of the manual step. Only when the DBA chooses to continue would the procedure advance. Application Service Shutdown and Startup Handling

Deployment procedures can be used to perform operations that are outside the scope of out-of-box procedures. Examples include stopping and starting an ERP application or registering a newly provisioned service with the load balancer. Each of these steps can run in the context of any valid operating system user and can make use of a Pluggable Authentication Module like ÒpbrunÓ (Powerbroker). They can also run in superuser mode using ÒsudoÓ. Set Notification for the Deployment Procedure Run

Oracle Enterprise Manager version has capabilities that allow it to send notifications for the deployment procedure run status.

To receive notifications from deployment procedures, follow the steps below during design time:

  1. Do a 'Create Like' of the out-of-box procedures

  2. Select the check box 'Enable Notification', and optionally provide the 'Notification Tag Name'.

  3. Select the statuses for which you would want the notifications to be sent from the list. For example : Success, Failure, or Action Required.

  4. Save the procedure.

  5. Enable the Send Email option for the standard PAF Status Notification rule from the Notification Rules page under Preferences.

Upon running the procedure based on the status selected for notification, the users for whom the email address is setup would receive notifications.

The above case assumes that the Mail Server is configured and the email address is preset in the Oralce Enterprise Manager Grid Control. For instructions on how to configure notifications, see Section 13.1, "Setting Up Notifications".

Advanced users can customize the standard PAF Status Notification rule to receive notifications in required ways for specific deployment procedures. For example, you might want to be notified by email for a test system procedure, but for a production run you might want to be informed of the status through SMS Alerts. To incorporate specific requirements and enable different methods of notification, you would need to use the 'Create Like' function to modify the standard out-of-box notification rule and edit the job with the specific notification tag name used in the deployment procedure and associating specific Method of notification from the pre-defined notification methods.

10.4.2 Importing or Exporting Deployment Procedures

In version there is an out-of-box PARDeploy utility to export deployment procedures created by a user and distribute them across various Oracle Enterprise Manager deployments.

Provisioning Archive files can contain deployment procedures and/or components and directives from Software Library. Oracle provides PAR files that contain Oracle best-practices deployment procedures and the directives required to run them.PARDeploy tool is located at $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory. Please be sure the $ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set to the oracle home of the OMS and the Software Library path is configured before you run PARDeploy. When you run $ORACLE_HOME/bin/PARDeploy, it will print out the following usage information.


parFile <file> -force(optional)

PARDeploy -action <deploy|view> -parDir <dir> -force(optional)

PARDeploy -action export -guid <procedure guid> -file

<file> -displayName <name> -description <desc> -metadataOnly(optional) PARDeploy -check

  • -force <force> -- Force the Software Library entities to be created

  • -check <check> -- Check to determine whether Software Library is configured

  • -file <file> -- PAR file

  • -action <deploy|view|export> -- Deploy, view, or export par file

  • displayName <displayName> -- PAR file name

  • parDir <dir> -- Directory where par files are located

  • metadataOnly <metadataOnly> -- Flag for metadata-only exports

  • guid <guid> -- Procedure GUID to export

  • parFile <file> -- Path of PAR file

  • description <description> -- PAR file description

PAR files provided by Oracle are located at $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/prov/paf. To deploy asprov.par in that directory, you can run the following command.

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/PARDeploy -action deploy -parFile $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/prov/paf/asprov.par -force

You can also deploy all of the PAR files in that directory by running the following command:

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/PARDeploy -action deploy -parDir $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/prov/paf/ -force

To create a PAR file that contains a specific procedure, use the export action. You must have the GUID of the deployment procedure, which you can acquire by logging into Enterprise Manager and moving to the Deployments tab. Then you can click on the Deployments procedure link in the Deployment Procedure Manager section. In the table, find the deployment procedure that you want to export and click on the name. In the procedure view page, note the URL address on the Navigation toolbar. The format should be similar to this:

http://<OMS host>:<port>/em/console/paf/procedureView?guid=<value of GUID>

You will then need to use the GUID value to run PARDeploy tool. For example, if the GUID of the deployment procedure that you want to export is FAC05DD31E3791C3E030579D23106C67, then run the following command:

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/PARDeploy -action export -guid FAC05DD31E3791C3E030579D23106C67 -file exportedDP.par -displayName "User exported DP" -description "Deployment Procedure to be copied to other OMS"

After you run this command, a new PAR file named exportedDP.par will be created in the directory where you run the command. Then you can import this PAR file to another OMS. You can use this PARDeploy tool to import or deploy it to an OMS, or you can also log in to the second Enterprise Manager, go to the Deployment Procedures main page and click on the Upload button to upload the PAR file.

Please note that when a procedure is exported using PARDeploy, any directives or components referred by the procedure will also be exported. However, only the latest revision of these directives or components will be exported. If you do not want to export components or directives, you can specify the metadataOnly flag when running PARDeploy.

10.5 Executing Deployment Procedures Using Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) and SUDO

Deployment procedures allow execution in sudo and other pluggable authentication modules (PAM) contexts. The sudo and the PAM command to be used throughout the procedure can be specified while editing the procedure. You can choose to run the individual directive steps in normal mode, privileged mode (which requires sudo setup at the target for superuser execution for the command), or as a different user than the preferred credentials.

The use case is described below. The operating system users on the target box are shown below. User names in actual environments may vary.

  • oracle: the DATABASE HOME owner. This is a locked account.

  • emd: The AGENT HOME owner.

  • foo: The user who is performing the patching operation.

Requirements for the users are listed below:

  • All three users belong to the same group, the OS DBA group.

  • User foo can sudo to user oracle using foo's password.

  • In the 'sudoers' file of the Target user who runs the procedure, foo should have access to "<AgentHome>/perl/bin/perl".

The goal in these examples is to patch the DATABASE HOME using foo's credentials.

10.5.1 Design Time Experience Example (One Time)

This process must be completed only once to customize the deployment procedure.

  1. User selects the Oracle shipped Patch Oracle Database Deployment Procedure and does a Create Like for that deployment procedure and provides it a name.

  2. User selects run-as sudo for all steps in the edited deployment procedure

  3. User selects the sudo command to be run. In this example it may be Òsudo –u oracleÓ

  4. User gives the staging location for the directives in ÒStaging Area PathÓ. The default is %oracle_spool%/EMStagedPatches/Others. Example: It could be %emd_root%/EMStagedPatches/Others This directory needs to have 770 permissions. This could also be any other directory which can be written onto by user ÒoracleÓ.

  5. User saves the modified deployment procedure (Patch Oracle Database with sudo).

10.5.2 Run Time Experience (Every Time)

This process must be completed for every run of the deployment procedure. User selects the modified patching deployment procedure (Patch Oracle Database with sudo) and runs it.

  1. User selects the Database Updates to be patched.

  2. User provides the location for staging the patch. The default for this is: User gives the PA Staged location as: %oracle_spool%/EMStagedPatches/Others Example: It could be %emd_root%/EMStagedPatches/Others This directory needs to have 770 permissions and it should exist before the DP is run. This could also be any other directory which can be written onto by user ÒoracleÓ.

  3. Now user gives foo's credentials (Patching User credentials).

  4. Schedule and submit the job.

10.6 Deployment Procedure Variables

Oracle Enterprise Manager exposes several variables that can be used with deployment procedures. These variables can be used by Oracle customers to customize their specific tasks like startup and shutdown using their own directives.

Database Specific:

oraHome - Directory of the ORACLE_HOME

instances - Selected database targets from the ORACLE_HOME

all_instances_home - All database targets running from the ORACLE_HOME

dbSIDs - All sids from the ORACLE_HOME

dbListeners - All listeners from the ORACLE_HOME

runRootScript - Yes/no indicating whether rootscript needs to be run

Automated Storage Management Specific:

asmTargetHome - Selected ASM target ORACLE_HOME

asmIntanceName - ASM instance runningfrom the ORACLE_HOME

asminstances - ASM instances running from the ORACLE_HOME

Real Application Cluster Specific:

racLocalInstanceNames - All local RAC Database instances running out of the ORACLE_HOME

racLocalInstanceTgtNames - All local RAC Database target names running out of the ORACLE_HOME

racLocalInstanceHomes - All ORACLE_HOMEs running the RAC database instances locally

racLocalInstanceSids - sids of the local RAC instances running in the ORACLE_HOME

Clusterware Specific:

nodeName - Name of CRS node on which the RAC instance being patched is running

crsName - Cluster name

Application Server Specific:

oracleSid - Value of SID that may be present in an AS ORACLE_HOME


isPatchset - Yes/No specifying whether patchset is being applied to the ORACLE_HOME

stageDir - The staging directory to use provided like %oracle_home%....

replacedStageDir - The absolute staging location of patches

patchIDs - List of patch ids selected

patchSrcs - Indicating whether the patches came from Metalink or software lib

patchData – Uniform resource Names (URNs) of the patches

patchReleases - Corresponding release of the patches

targetVersion - Version of the target being patched

10.7 EMCLI Concepts and Requirements to Execute Deployment Procedures

The following section describes basic EMCLI concepts and requirements for using EMCLI to execute deployment procedures.

10.7.1 EMCLI Concepts

To gain a better understanding for using EMCLI, you should familiarize yourself with the following EMCLI concepts:

  • RuntimeData xml

    Runtime data response file (known as RuntimeData xml) is required to execute any out-of-the-box or customized procedures. This file provides input for the configuration parameters consumed by a given procedure during execution.

    Each time you use the Enterprise Manager User Interface to execute an out-of-box or customized deployment procedure, a RuntimeData xml file is automatically created based on the user input for the various parameters required by the procedure.

  • RuntimeData Template

    Oracle provides out of the box templates for creating runtime data response files for the deployment procedures used in the most common use cases. These are known as "RuntimeData templates". These templates are available under the emcli/samples directory in OMS oracle home. The user needs to modify the configuration properties in these templates in order to generate RuntimeData xml file for a executing a procedure.

    For example, in order to provision RAC/AS you need to provide inputs such as install base location, shared device paths for the OCR, Voting disk and data files (in case of RAC). Similarly for patching procedures inputs such as targets to be patched and patch number would be needed.

  • Procedure GUID

    Both out-of-box and customized procedures are associated with a global unique identifier (GUID). This GUID is required while executing the procedures using EMCLI. Refer to Appendix A, "Out-Of-Box RuntimeData Templates" for GUID of out-of-box procedures.

  • Procedure Instance GUID

    Each execution of a given out-of-box or customized procedures is associated with an instance global unique identifier (GUID). This instance GUID is generated at runtime and can be used to monitor the execution of the procedure.

  • Properties File

    For every execution of deployment procedure you must modify the values of the required configuration parameters for a RuntimeData xml or RuntimeData template. Instead of manually editing the xml files you can populate a simple properties with name-value pairs for listing values of configuration parameters such as hosts; platform for deployment, and so on.

  • Procedure Execution Scripts

    Oracle provides out of box scripts for the execution of procedures for Provisioning and Patching. These Perl scripts are available under the emcli/scripts directory in OMS oracle home. The user needs to copy the scripts to the working directory location where the EMCLI client is setup for execution.

    The properties file, the associated RuntimeData xml or RuntimeData template and GUID of the relevant procedure are then submitted as input to an out-of-box script which creates a new runtime data response file and executes the procedure.

10.7.2 EMCLI Requirements

You must ensure that the following requirements are met prior to using EMCLI to execute deployment procedures:

  • EMCLI client must be set up. Please refer to the Installation and Configuration section of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface 10g Release 3 ( for configuring the EMCLI client. The document is available in the following location:


  • Targets that will be supplied to the deployment procedures are managed by Management Agents of version or higher.

  • Download and apply the Metalink patch - 5890474 on OMS, which will update the EMCLI procedure execution scripts, Out-of-box templates, and properties files. This updates the emcli/samples and emcli/scripts directory in OMS oracle home.

  • After applying the patch on OMS, download the procedure execution scripts, out-of-box templates and properties files on the machine where the EMCLI client is setup. The out-of-box templates and properties files for patching and provisioning are available in the respective directories under OMS HOME/emcli/samples/.

  • Before using any Real Application Cluster (RAC) related procedure, please be sure that the management agents on the nodes are cluster agents. Refer to Section 10.8.7, "Converting Standalone Agents to Cluster Agents" for information about converting standalone agents to cluster agents.

  • EMCLI-based patching and provisioning uses the Oracle Home credentials set in Oracle Enterprise Manager. The preferred credentials can be set for the targets during the execution of the deployment procedures in Oracle Enterprise Manager. It can also be set explicitly from the Oracle Enterprise Manager user interface or by using EMCLI. Please refer to Section 10.8.6, "Setting Up Preferred Credentials for Targets" to set credentials for the Oracle Homes.

10.8 Using EMCLI to Execute Deployment Procedures

Oracle provides out-of-the-box templates for creating run time data for deployment procedures used in the most common use cases. These are known as runtimedata templates. You can access them under the emcli/samples directory in the OMS oracle home and you can then modify the configuration properties in these templates.

The process to use EMCLI to execute deployment procedures is depicted in Figure 10-1.

Figure 10-1 EMCLI Process to Execute Deployment Procedures

Description of Figure 10-1 follows
Description of "Figure 10-1 EMCLI Process to Execute Deployment Procedures"

There are four required actions to execute deployment procedures. Those steps are described below:

  1. Step 1: Find the GUID of the procedure to be executed using EMCLI. This is a one-time activity.

  2. Step 2: Obtain the RuntimeData xml or RuntimeData template for the procedure that needs to be executed. This is also a one-time activity.

  3. Step 3: Create the properties file for the RuntimeData xml or RuntimeData template. This step is required for each execution of the procedure.

  4. Step 4: Submit the RuntimeData template or RuntimeData, properties file for the given execution and procedure GUID as input to an out-of-box script that will generate a new runtime data response file and then use this response file to execute the procedure using EMCLI.

Each of these steps is discussed in detail in the subsequent sections.

10.8.1 Step 1: Finding Procedure GUID

EMCLI is case-sensitive so be sure to use the correct EMCLI verb and pass correct input. GUID out-of-box and customized procedures can be found using the following EMCLI verbs:


Usage: emcli get_procedures -type="procedure type"

Description: Get a list of Deployment Procedures.


-type="procedure type"Display all the Deployment Procedure of type {procedure type}.

Output Columns: GUID, Procedure Type, Name, Version, Created By

RAC procedures are of type: RACPROVAS procedures are of type: AS ProvisioningThe Standalone Database, RAC rolling, and CRS patching procedures are of type: PatchOracleSoftware

Alternatively the type associated with procedures can be found using the get_procedure_type EMCLI command.


Usage: emcli get_procedure_types

Description: Get the list of all deployment procedure types

Output Columns: Procedure Type


GUIDs and procedure types for the out-of-box procedures can be found in Appendix A, "Out-Of-Box RuntimeData Templates".

10.8.2 Step 2: Obtaining RuntimeData Template And RuntimeData XML

For out-of-box procedures, RuntimeData Templates are located in the emcli/samples directory in the Oracle Managment Service (OMS) oracle home. Information about out-of-box procedures and their associated out-of-box templates can be found in Appendix A, "Out-Of-Box RuntimeData Templates".

For customized procedures you has to download the RuntimeData xml generated from an earlier execution of this procedure. To obtain the RuntimeData xml you first need to find the Instance GUID associated with the earlier execution of the procedure and then use it to download the RuntimeData xml generated for it. The following EMCLI verbs can be used to download a RuntimeData xml:

emcli get_instances -type="procedure type"

Usage: emcli get_instances -type="procedure type"

Description: Display list of procedure instances. EMCLI verb to obtain Instance GUID associated with an earlier execution of the customized procedure.

Option: -type="procedure type"Display all the Procedure Instances of a given type.

Output Columns: Instance GUID, Procedure Type, Instance Name, Status

To find the type associated with procedures, use the get_procedures_type verb.

emcli get_instance_data_xml -instance="instance_guid"

Usage: emcli get_instance_data_xml -instance="instance_guid"

Description: Download Instance Data XML. EMCLI verb to download a RuntimeData xml using Instance GUID.

Option: -instance is used to specify the instance GUID.

Example: emcli get_instance_data_xml -instance="16B15CB29C3F9E6CE040578C96093F61"

Output: The Instance Data XML.

10.8.3 Step 3: Creating Properties File

The following sections describe the properties files for out-of-box procedures, customized procedures, and extending procedure execution. Properties File for Out-Of-Box Procedures

If you are using an out-of-box RuntimeData template, a user identifies the variables in the RuntimeData template file that need to be replaced with values for the configuration properties for a given execution of the procedure. Of all the variables present in the Runtime Data templates, only some might be mandatory for running a given procedure. Once this is done you can create the properties file, which would contain name value pairs mentioning the variables and the values with which they would be replaced for generating the RuntimeData xml file.

For out-of-box procedures, a sample properties file can be found in Appendix B, "Sample Property Files for the Out-of-Box RuntimeData Templates". The corresponding RuntimeData Templates can be obtained from the zip file where this document is present.

Note that each sample properties files in Appendix B contains a section for mandatory variables which should be present in the properties file with relevant values to be substituted at run time. You can optionally provide values for other variables present in the templates. Properties File for Customized Procedures

In case of customized procedures the RuntimeData xml actually have values instead of placeholder variables for the configuration properties. You need to replace the old runtime values in the RuntimeData xml of the previous run with the new runtime values, which are relevant to the new run.

For this you can have a properties file of the form:


For example, consider this snippet from the RuntimeData xml used to patch an Oracle Database:

<scalar value="dbtarget1" classname="java.lang.String" name="targetsToPatch"/><scalar value=" HostPrefNormal" classname="java.lang.String" name="hostCredentialSet"/> <list classname="java.util.Vector" name="patchIDs"> <scalar value="=%oracle_home%/EMStagedPatches " classname="java.lang.String" name="stageDir"/><scalar value="false" classname="java.lang.String" name="isPatchset"/><scalar value="true" classname="java.lang.String" name="isNotPatchset"/><scalar value="defaultSqlScript" classname="java.lang.String" name="sqlScript"/>...

The portions in bold face are actually the configuration property values that were used during the last execution of the patching procedure.

To patch another database you need to create a properties file with oldvalue=newvalue type of entries for at least the mandatory parameters (in case of patching on the mandatory property is targetsToPatch). Hence the new properties file would look something as below:


Since this approach would simply replace an old-string with a new-string, you might run into issues if the old-string is substring in multiple strings in the DP runtime xml. In that case the resulting runtime xml might be erroneous. To circumvent this issue, it is strongly advised to format the properties file a proper fashion. The thumb-rule here is: put the specifics before the generics. A fragment of a properties file in the form of old-value=new-value pairs shown below, illustrates this point.




Also for specifying the passwords in the properties file please make sure you include the following line in the properties file before mentioning any passwords.

oracle.sysman.pp.paf.impl.EncryptedString =oracle.sysman.pp.paf.impl.UnencryptedString

After this you can mention the password as shown in the examples below:

  1. For a password value to replace the placeholder variable in the template file

    oracle.sysman.pp.paf.impl.EncryptedString=oracle.sysman.pp.paf.impl. UnencryptedStringcrsasmrac_provisioning_USER_PASSWORD=mypassword

  2. For a new password value to replace an older one in a RuntimeData xml

    oracle.sysman.pp.paf.impl.EncryptedString=oracle.sysman.pp.paf.impl. UnencryptedStringmyOLDpass=myNEWpassword

Note that mypassword and myNewpassword used in the above examples are clear text passwords. Properties File For Extending Procedure Execution

Properties file also allows you to use the same RuntimeData xml for extending the use case. For example, you might have performed a successful procedure execution (partial cluster scale- up or scale down or patching) for a target and you want to extend it to a set of new targets.

You can do this by using a Properties file and replacing the parameter values in it (Refer to the Mandatory parameter section at Appendix B, "Sample Property Files for the Out-of-Box RuntimeData Templates" for the various procedures). For example:

node1 = node2,node 3

Wherein node1 is the Target for which you had executed the procedure previously and node2 and node3 are the targets to which you want to extend the procedure execution.

An exception to this rule is extending the patching procedures to a different set of targets, which would require you to have a properties file with the following mandatory parameter (Instead of the approach of <old-value>=<new-value>):

PA_VAR_targetsToPatch=Tgt2, Tgt3, Tgt4

Wherein Tgt2, Tgt3 and Tgt4 are the new targets to which you want to extend the procedure execution.

Refer to Section 10.8.8, "Queries to Acquire Data for Patching Runtime" for the list of queries which can be used to acquire data for creating properties file.

10.8.4 Step 4: Procedure Execution

First download and apply the Metalink patch - 5890474 on OMS which will update the EMCLI procedure execution scripts, out-of-box templates, and properties files. This updates the emcli/samples and emcli/scripts directory in OMS oracle home. After applying the patch on the OMS, download the procedure execution scripts, out-of-box templates, and properties files on the machine where the EMCLI client is set up. The out-of-box templates and properties files for patching and provisioning are available in the respective directories under OMSHOME/emcli/samples/.

Once the RuntimeData template or RuntimeData xml and properties file are ready then the procedure can be executed using the following script.


perl executeDP.pl -t <template> -p <properties file name> -g <DP GUID> [-s <schedule> in the format yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm] [-z <time zone ID>] [-d <emcli directory path>, mandatory if emcli executable is not in the current directory]

Template -- The name of the RuntimeData template for out-of-box procedures or location of the RuntimeData xml file downloaded after the execution of a customized procedure.

Properties file name -- The location of the properties file created for executing the procedure.

DP GUID -- The GUID of the procedure that needs to be executed.

emcli Directory -- The directory which contains the EMCLI executable. If the current working directory contains the EMCLI executable, this parameter is optional.

Schedule -- The time when the deployment procedure would be scheduled to run. If not specified it defaults to running the deployment procedure immediately. The HH:MM is based on 24 hrs clock, for example, 22:30.

Time Zone ID -- The time zone to which the deployment procedure run is scheduled. If not specified it defaults to the time zone of the OMS.

Below is a sample code string executing RAC provisioning procedure for UNIX using out-of-box procedure:

perl executeDP.pl -t crsasmrac_gold_prov_template.xml -p Properties.txt -g 1F8178444594E67CE040578C8A0309BA -t 2007/02/03 10:00 -z Americas/New_York -d /oracle/prod/orahome/

The following parameter descriptions apply to the script:

crsasmrac_gold_prov_template.xml is the name of the out-of-box template.

Properties.txt is the properties file

1F8178444594E67CE040578C8A0309BA is the GUID for the RAC provisioning procedure for UNIX

2007/02/03 10:00 is the date and time during which the Deployment Procedure is scheduled to run.

Americas/New_York is the Time Zone ID for which the time schedule is set.

/oracle/prod/orahome/ is the directory location for the EMCLI executables.

The properties file and the out-of-box template are located in the same directory as the executed script. Executing SIDB Patching for UNIX Using An Out-of-Box Procedure

Below is a sample code string executing SIDB patching for UNIX using an out-of-box procedure:

perl executeDP.pl patch_standalone_DB.xml Properties.txt 1FC6362A6A0615A6E040578C5E54218B

The following parameter descriptions apply to the script:

patch_standalone_DB.xml is the name of the out-of-box template.

Properties.txt is the properties file.

1FC6362A6A0615A6E040578C5E54218B is the GUID for the Single Instance Database patching procedure for UNIX.

The templates, properties file, and the EMCLI executables are located in the same directory as the executed script. Also, the deployment procedure is scheduled to run immediately in the time zone of the OMS.

10.8.5 Use Cases for EMCLI-based Provisioning and Patching

The following sections describe various use cases for EMCLI-based provisioning and patching procedures. You must first download and apply the Metalink patch - 5890474 on OMS which will update the EMCLI procedure execution scripts, out-of-box templates, and properties files. This updates the emcli/samples and emcli/scripts directory in OMS oracle home. After applying the patch on OMS, download the procedure execution scripts, out-of-box templates, and properties files on the machine where the EMCLI client is setup. The out-of-box templates and properties files for patching and provisioning are available in the respective directories under OMS HOME/emcli/samples/.Before using any Real Application Cluster (RAC) related procedure please be sure that the management agents on the nodes are cluster agents. Please refer to Section 10.8.7, "Converting Standalone Agents to Cluster Agents" to converting standalone agents to cluster agents. Use Cases for CRS/ASM/RAC Provisioning Procedure

Use Case 1: User wants to use the EMCLI to provision a 2-node RAC using a Gold Image from the software library. He uses the out-of-box templates and properties file to perform this operation.

  • User creates a Properties file with the mandatory configuration parameters required for RAC provisioning procedure and assigns appropriate values for the variables. Refer Sample Properties file with Mandatory parameters for out-of-box RAC provisioning procedure using Gold Image

  • User finds the appropriate GUID for the RAC provisioning procedure. Refer to section "Out-of-box RuntimeData Templates For RAC Procedures" of Appendix A, "Out-Of-Box RuntimeData Templates" for GUID, procedure type, and template name information for the out-of-box RAC provisioning procedure using Gold Image from Software Library.

  • User submits the procedure for execution by invoking the executeDP.pl script and providing the location details of the properties file, location of the out-of-box template and procedure GUID.

Use Case 2: User wants to use the EMCLI provision another 4 node RAC using the same out-of-box templates and properties file as used in Use case 1 to perform this operation.

  • User takes the properties file from the previous use case and makes the necessary changes for the mandatory parameters to provision a 4-node RAC.

  • User submits the procedure for execution by invoking the executeDP.pl script and providing the location details of the properties file, location of the out-of-box template and procedure GUID. Sample usage of the script is shown below.

Use Case 3: User wants to use the EMCLI to provision a 2-node RAC using a Reference Installation. He uses the out-of-box templates and properties file to perform this operation.

  • User creates a Properties file with the mandatory configuration parameters required for RAC provisioning procedure and assigns appropriate values for the variables. Refer Sample Properties file with Mandatory parameters for out-of-box RAC provisioning procedure using Reference Installation.

  • User finds the appropriate GUID for the RAC provisioning procedure. Refer to section "Out-of-box RuntimeData Templates For RAC Procedures" of Appendix A, "Out-Of-Box RuntimeData Templates" for GUID, procedure type, and template name information for the out-of-box RAC provisioning procedure using Reference Installation.

  • User submits the procedure for execution by invoking the executeDP.pl script and providing the location details of the properties file, location of the out-of-box template and procedure GUID.

Use Case 4: User customizes and tests the out-of-box RAC provisioning procedure using reference host. He wants to use the EMCLI to provision a 2-node RAC. He uses the runtime data xml of the trial runs of his customized procedure and properties file to perform this operation on a similar 2-node RAC.

  • Locates the instance GUID of the previous trial run as described in section.

  • User downloads the Runtime data xml for the previous execution of the procedure.

  • User identifies the parameters in the Runtime data xml that need to be substituted with new values. He then creates a properties file with name-value pairs like <old-value>=<new-value> for carrying out the necessary runtime substitutions. This properties file should atleast contain the substitution rule for the values corresponding to the mandatory parameters mentioned in Sample Properties file with Mandatory parameters for out-of-box RAC provisioning procedure using Reference Installation in addition to the other values that he might want to substitute.

  • User finds the GUID for the customized RAC provisioning procedure. Refer to section Finding Procedure GUID.

  • User submits the procedure for execution by invoking the executeDP.pl script and providing the location details of the properties file, location of the downloaded Runtime data xml and procedure GUID.

Use Case 5: User customizes and tests the out-of-box RAC provisioning procedure. He wants to use the EMCLI to provision a N-node RAC. He uses the runtime data xml of a trial run of his customized procedure and properties file to perform this operation on a M-node cluster (where M>N).

  • Locates the instance GUID of the previous trial run of the customized procedure.

  • User downloads the Runtime data xml for the previous execution of the procedure.

  • User identifies the parameters in the Runtime data xml that need to be substituted with new values. He then creates a properties file with name-value pairs like <old-value>=<new-value> for carrying out the necessary runtime substitutions. This properties file should atleast contain the substitution rule for the values corresponding to the mandatory parameters mentioned in Sample Properties file with Mandatory parameters for out-of-box RAC provisioning procedure using Gold Image, in addition to the other values that he might want to substitute.

  • User finds the GUID for the customized RAC provisioning procedure. Refer to section Finding Procedure GUID.

  • User submits the procedure for execution by invoking the executeDP.pl script and providing the location details of the properties file, location of the downloaded Runtime data xml and procedure GUID. Use Cases for Extend Cluster Procedure

Use Case 1: User wants to use the EMCLI to extend a 2-node RAC to 4-node cluster. He uses the out-of-box templates and properties file to perform this operation.

  • User creates a Properties file with at least the mandatory parameters required for cluster Extension procedure and assigns appropriate values for the variables. Refer Sample Properties file with Mandatory parameters for out-of-box Cluster Extend procedure.

  • User finds the appropriate GUID for the RAC provisioning procedure. Refer to section "Out-of-box RuntimeData Templates For RAC Procedures" of Appendix A, "Out-Of-Box RuntimeData Templates" for GUID, procedure type, and template name information for the out-of-box Cluster Extend procedure.

  • User submits the procedure for execution by invoking the executeDP.pl script and providing the location details of the properties file, name of the out-of-box template and procedure GUID. Use Cases For RAC Delete/Descale Procedure

Use Case 1: User wants to use the EMCLI to delete the 2-node RAC cluster. He uses the out-of-box templates and properties file to perform this operation.

  • User creates a Properties file with at least the mandatory parameters required for RAC Delete procedure and assigns appropriate values for the variables. Refer Sample Properties file with Mandatory parameters for out-of-box Cluster Delete procedure.

  • User finds the appropriate GUID for the RAC Delete procedure. Refer to section "Out-of-box RuntimeData Templates For RAC Procedures" of Appendix A, "Out-Of-Box RuntimeData Templates" for GUID, procedure type, and template name information for the out-of-box Scale Down/Delete RAC procedure. Note that template used for Cluster Scale down and Cluster Delete use cases differ.

  • User submits the procedure for execution by invoking the executeDP.pl script and providing the location details of the properties file, name of the out-of-box template and procedure GUID.

Use Case 2: User wants to use the EMCLI to descale a 2-node RAC cluster. He uses the out-of-box templates and properties file to perform this operation.

  • User creates a Properties file with at least the mandatory parameters required for RAC Scale Down procedure and assigns appropriate values for the variables. Refer Sample Properties file with Mandatory parameters for out-of-box Cluster Descale procedure.

  • User finds the appropriate GUID for the RAC Descale procedure. Refer to section "Out-of-box RuntimeData Templates For RAC Procedures" of Appendix A, "Out-Of-Box RuntimeData Templates" for GUID, procedure type, and template name information for the out-of-box Scale Down/Delete RAC procedure. Note that template used for Cluster Scale down and Cluster Delete use cases are different.

  • User submits the procedure for execution by invoking the executeDP.pl script and providing the location details of the properties file, name of the out-of-box template and procedure GUID. Use Cases for Patching

Use Case 1: User wants to use the out-of-box Database Patching procedure to apply a one-off patch to a database. He uses the out-of-box templates and properties file to perform this operation.

  • User creates a Properties file with the mandatory configuration parameters required for patching the database with a particular one-off and assigns appropriate values for these variables. List of the mandatory values can be found from the Sample Properties file with Mandatory parameters for all the patching procedures.

  • User finds the appropriate GUID for the Patch provisioning procedure. Refer to section "Out-of-box RuntimeData Templates For Patching Procedures" of Appendix A, "Out-Of-Box RuntimeData Templates" for GUID, procedure type, and template name information for the out-of-box Patch Oracle Database procedure.

  • User submits the procedure for execution by invoking the executeDP.pl script and providing the location details of the properties file, location of the out-of-box template and procedure GUID.

Use Case 2: User wants to use the Database Patching procedure to apply multiple one-off patches to multiple databases. He uses the out-of-box templates and properties file created in use User Case 1 above to perform this operation.

  • User creates a Properties file with the mandatory configuration parameters required for patching the database with a particular one-off and assigns appropriate values for these variables. List of the mandatory values can be found from the Sample Properties file with Mandatory parameters for all the patching procedures.

  • User submits the procedure for execution by invoking the executeDP.pl script and providing the location details of the properties file, location of the out-of-box template and procedure GUID.

Use Case 3: User wants to use the Database Patching procedure to apply a patchset to a set of databases. He uses the out-of-box templates and properties file created in use Use Case 1 above to perform this operation.

  • User creates a Properties file with the mandatory configuration parameters required for patching the database with a particular one-off and assigns appropriate values for these variables. List of the mandatory values can be found from the Sample Properties file with Mandatory parameters for all the patching procedures.

  • User find the appropriate GUID for the Patch provisioning procedure.

  • User submits the procedure for execution by invoking the executeDP.pl script and providing the location details of the properties file, location of the out-of-box template and procedure GUID.

Use Case 4: User customizes and tests the out-of-box Oracle Clusterware Patching procedure. He wants to use the EMCLI to patch a 2-node cluster. He uses the runtime data xml of the trial runs of his customized procedure and properties file to perform this operation on a similar 2-node cluster.

  • User creates a Properties file with the mandatory configuration parameters required for patching the database with a particular one-off and assigns appropriate values for these variables. List of the mandatory values can be found from the Sample Properties file with Mandatory parameters for all the patching procedures.

  • User finds the GUID for the customized patching procedure.

  • User submits the procedure for execution by invoking the executeDP.pl script and providing the location details of the properties file, location of the run time data xml and procedure GUID.

Use Case 5: User customizes and tests the out-of-box Oracle Clusterware Patching procedure. He wants to use the EMCLI to patch a 2-node cluster. He uses the runtime data xml of the trial runs of his customized procedure and properties file to perform this operation on a similar N-node cluster.

  • User creates a Properties file with the mandatory configuration parameters required for patching the database with a particular one-off and assigns appropriate values for these variables. List of the mandatory values can be found from the Sample Properties file with Mandatory parameters for all the patching procedures.

    For example, use the mandatory variable of the Properties file for scaling up to multiple Targets as seen here:

    PA_VAR_targetsToPatch=NewTarget1, NewTarget2, NewTarget3…

  • User finds the GUID for the customized patching procedure.

  • User submits the procedure for execution by invoking the executeDP.pl script and providing the location details of the properties file, location of the runtime data xml and procedure GUID. Limitations

There are two limitiations to consider when using patching deployment procedures through EMCLI.

  1. Out-of -box templates are not available for patching deployment procedures like Application Server patching, Real Application Cluster -All nodes and pre-requisite checkers for Database, Real Application Cluster (RAC), Automatic Storage Management (ASM) and Clusterware. To use EMCLI for these procedures:

    • Run the procedure once through the UI.

    • Export the run time data xml

      emcli get_instance_data_xml -instance="instance_guid"

      Where, instance_guid is of the deployment procedure. (Refer to step 2-Obtaining Runtime Data Template and Data xml.)

    • Create a properties file with the mandatory configuration parameter required for patching or running pre-requisite checker and assign appropriate values for the other changes. List of the mandatory values can be found from the Sample Properties file with Mandatory parameters for all the patching procedures.

      For example, use the mandatory variable of the Properties file for scaling up to multiple Targets

      PA_VAR_targetsToPatch=NewTarget1, NewTarget2, NewTarget3…

    • Submit the procedure for execution by invoking the executeDP.pl script and providing the location details of the properties file, location of the runtime data xml and procedure GUID.

  2. EMCLI based patching currently does not support adding more than one patch using the properties file to the standard template. The standard out-of-box properties file supports the ability to specify only a single patch number as a value to the property "PA_VAR_patchID_1". For the EMCLI execution using the exported runtime data xml for the run, you can only utilize it for the patch numbers with which it was created. You cannot add patches in an adhoc fashion during the run time through properties file.

    To patch the targets with more than one patch, run the deployment procedure from the user interface selecting the new patches and then submit the procedure. Stop the execution immediately after the initialization step. This will generate the run time data xml with the new patch numbers. Export the run time data xml and use it to for the EMCLI based execution.

10.8.6 Setting Up Preferred Credentials for Targets

The EMCLI execution looks for the credentials for the Targets under the Enterprise Manager with the OMS user executing the procedures. The preset credentials is looked up for the Targets under patching or for the ones used as a reference during provisioning procedures.

The credentials can be stored while doing any patching or provisioning operations through the Enterprise Manager user interface in the 'Credentials' section of the procedure run. If not, you can set up the credentials either through the Enterprise Manager OMS explicitly or through the use of EMCLI commands. Setting Credentials From the Oracle Enterprise Manager User Interface

You can set the credentials for targets through the Oracle Enterprise Manager user interface by following these steps:

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manger.

  2. Access the link "Preferences" on the top right corner of the page.

  3. Click on "Preferred Credentials" link in the options section of the page.

  4. Setup 'Normal' or 'Preferred Credentials' from this page for the Target type. (Example: Database Instance, Cluster Database or Cluster). Setting Credentials Through EMCLI

You can set the credentials for targets through the EMCLI command line interface using the following code sequence:

set_credential -target_type="ttype" [-target_name="tname"] -credential_set="cred_set" [-user="user"] -columns="col1:newval1;col2:newval2;..." [-input_file="tag1:file_path1;tag2:file_path2;..."] [-oracle_homes="home1;home2"]

The following list describes the options used in the EMCLI code:

  • target_type - Type of target. Must be "host" in case "-oracle_homes" parameter is specified.

  • target_name - Name of target. Omit this argument to set enterprise preferred credentials. Must be hostname in case "-oracle_homes" parameter is specified.

  • user - Enterprise Manager user whose credentials are affected. If omitted, the current user's credentials are affected.

  • columns - The name and new value of the column(s) to set. Every column of the credential set must be specified. Alternatively, a tag from the -input_file argument may be used so that the credential values are not seen on the command line. This argument may be specified more than once.

  • input_file - Path of file that has -columns argument(s). This option is used to hide passwords. Each path must be accompanied by a tag, which is referenced in the -columns argument. This argument may be specified more than once.

  • oracle_homes - Name of oracle homes on the target host. Credentials will be added/updated for all specified homes.

The list of columns and the credential sets they belong to is included in the metadata file for each target type. This and other credential information is in the <CredentialInfo> section of the metadata.

The following is an example of the sequence:

emcli set_credential -target_type=host -target_name=host.us.oracle.com -credential_set=OHCreds -user=admin1 -column="OHUsername:joe;OHPassword:newPass" -oracle_homes="database1;mydb"

For more details on EMCLI, refer to the verb reference section of Oracle® Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface 10g Release 3 ( This document is available at:


10.8.7 Converting Standalone Agents to Cluster Agents

For using the RAC-related procedures you must have cluster agents on the cluster nodes. The standalone agents on a cluster can be converted to cluster agents in the following ways:

  1. Converting standalone agents to cluster agents using Oracle Enterprise Manager:

    • Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager

    • Navigate to the Deployments tab, click on Install Agent, and then click Fresh Install

    • On the Agent Deploy application page that appears:

      • Choose the default selection for "Source Shiphome Directory"

      • Select the appropriate version for the already installed standalone agents. Please note that in order to use deployment procedures these agents should be atleast of version

      • Choose the required platform.

      • Provide the list of hosts that form a part of the cluster.

      • Check the "Cluster Install" checkbox.

      • Use the "Populate Defaults" button to fill values for "Cluster Node List" parameter.

      • Provide the cluster name of the existing cluster.

      • Provide the host credentials and the agent installation base directory for the nodes that form the cluster.

      • Supply any other optional parameters and click on the continue button.

  2. Converting the standalone agents using the agentca utility:

    • Invoke the agentca using the -f and -c option from the <Agent Oracle home>/bin directory of the standalone agent on each cluster node. For example:

      <Agent Oracle Home>/bin/agentca -f -c {<comma separated cluster node list like node1, node 2…>}

    • In case ssh connection is setup between the cluster nodes, then run the following command from <Agent Oracle Home>/oui/bin directory on one of the nodes:

      ./runInstaller -updateNodelist ORACLE_HOME=<Agent Oracle Home> "CLUSTER_NODES={<comma separated list of nodes in the cluster>}"

    • In case ssh connection is not setup between the nodes then run the following command from <Agent Oracle Home>/oui/bin directory on each node:

      ./runInstaller -updateNodelist ORACLE_HOME=< Agent Oracle Home > "CLUSTER_NODES={< comma separated list of nodes in the cluster >}" -local

10.8.8 Queries to Acquire Data for Patching Runtime

Use the following queries to acquire data for patching runtime:

  • Use the following query to acquire an Instance name from a host:

    select target_name, target_type, oracle_home from em$ECM_TARGETS_VIEW where host = '<host name>';

  • Get the instance name for a given host:

    select target_name, target_type, oracle_home from em$ECM_TARGETS_VIEW where host = '<host name>';

  • Get the instances of a CRS given the name of the CRS:

    select assoc_target_name, crs_instance from sysman.mgmt$target_associations where assoc_def_name='contains' and source_target_name='<crs_name>' and source_target_type='cluster'

  • Get all CRS and its intances:

    select source_target_name crs_name, assoc_target_name, crs_instance from sysman.mgmt$target_associations where assoc_def_name='contains' and source_target_type='cluster' order by source_target_name

  • Get instances of a RAC cluster given the name of the RAC cluster:

    select assoc_target_name rac_instance from sysman.mgmt$target_associations where assoc_def_name='contains' and source_target_name='<rac_name>' and source_target_type='rac_database'

  • Get all RAC clusters and their instances:

    select source_target_name rac_name, assoc_target_name rac_instance from sysman.mgmt$target_associations where assoc_def_name='contains' and source_target_type='rac_database' order by source_target_name

10.9 Known Issues and Troubleshooting

The following section discusses known issues surrounding deployment procedures and describes how to troubleshoot problems that may arise when using deployment procedures.

10.9.1 Known Issues

If you upgrade an existing or version of Enterprise Manager to version, then you must manually re-upload any existing shiphomes for RAC or Application Server procedures.

10.9.2 Troubleshooting

If a specific run of deployment procedures fails, then the following log files can provide insight into the reason of the failure. Correct the reason for failure and rerun the deployment procedure:

  • <OMS_ORACLE_HOME>sysman/log/pafLogs/<log file for this session>

  • <OMS_ORACLE_HOME>sysman/log/emoms.trc

  • <OMS_ORACLE_HOME>sysman/log/emoms.log

For faster resolution of any deployment procedure-related issues, plan to provide these files to support when you create a support request.