5 Installation

The development environment for the Oracle Procedural Gateway Visual Workbench for WebSphere MQ has two components:

This chapter guides you through the installation of the Oracle Procedural Gateway Visual Workbench for WebSphere MQ , including detailed installation steps. The following topics are included:

5.1 Installation

This section describes the installation steps.

5.1.1 Starting the Oracle Universal Installer

To start the installer, insert the PG4MQ Visual Workbench installation media into your computer's installation media drive and perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Start > Run.

  2. Enter drive:\setup.exe in the Open field of the Run dialog box, where drive is the drive designation for the installation media drive that contains the PG4MQ Visual Workbench installation media. For example, if your installation media drive is D:, then you would enter d:\setup.exe.

  3. Click OK to start the installer.

5.1.2 Installing Oracle Procedural Gateway Visual Workbench for WebSphere MQ

Once you have the installer up and running, you can proceed with the installation of Oracle Procedural Gateway Visual Workbench for WebSphere MQ. The installer is essentially a wizard that presents a number of pages to you so that you can complete the installation of the Visual Workbench.

The first page that the installer presents is the Welcome page. To continue with the installation, click Next to display the File Locations page.

The Source section of the File Locations page lets you specify the source location that the installer will use to install PG4MQ Visual Workbench. You should not have to edit the file specification in the Path field. The default setting for this field points to the installer file on your PG4MQ Visual Workbench installation media.

The Name and Path fields in the Destination section of the File Locations page let you specify the destination for your installation. Type in the Name and Path of your choice. After you have set the fields in the File Locations page as necessary, click Next to continue. After loading the necessary information from the installation media, the installer will display the Oracle Procedural Gateway for Messaging Queuing Visual Workbench Installer page.

Click Next to continue and display the Summary page. The Summary page lets you review a tree list of options and componets for this installation. Click Install to display the Install page, which shows the status of the installation as it proceeds and also displays the location of the installer log file for this installation session.

Depending on your computer's CPU, installation media drive, and hard drive, the installer might take quite some time to complete the installation process.

After the installer copies the Oracle software to your computer, the Configuration Tools page is displayed, and Oracle Net Configuration Assistant is then run to configure Oracle's networking product (Oracle Net).

In the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant Welcome page, click Perform typical configuration and then click Next. Let the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant guide you through the rest of the installation until the End of Installation page is displayed.

The final page of the installer is the End of Installation page. If your installation was successful, then you can click Next to exit the installer.

5.2 Removing the Software

This section describes how to use Oracle Universal Installer to remove Oracle components (which removes them from the Oracle Universal Installer inventory) instead of removing them manually.


If you delete an Oracle home manually (for example, by deleting the directory structure with Microsoft Windows XP Explorer), then the components in the Oracle home remain registered in the Oracle Universal Installer inventory.

If you then attempt an installation in the same Oracle home, then some or all of the components selected may not be installed because Oracle Universal Installer determines that they are already installed.

5.2.1 Removing Oracle Procedural Gateway Visual Workbench for WebSphere MQ using Oracle Universal Installer:

This section describes how to remove PG4MQ Visual Workbench with Oracle Universal Installer. Starting the Oracle Universal Installer

To start the installer, insert the PG4MQ Visual Workbench installation media into your computer's installation media drive and perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Start > Run.

  2. Enter Drive:\setup.exe in the Open field of the Run dialog box, where Drive is the drive designation for the installation media drive that contains the PG4MQ Visual Workbench installation media. For example, if your installation media drive is D:, then you would enter d:\setup.exe.

  3. Click OK to start the installer.

  4. Click Deinstall Products. The Inventory dialog box appears.

  5. Expand the tree of installed components until you find the components to remove.

  6. Check the boxes of the components to remove.

  7. Click Remove. The Inventory Confirmation window appears.

  8. Click Yes to remove the selected components.


    A message may be displayed indicating that removing some components may cause other components to not perform properly.

    The components are removed from your computer. The Inventory dialog box appears without the removed components.

  9. Click Close to close the Inventory dialog box.

  10. Click Exit to exit Oracle Universal Installer.

5.3 Visual Workbench Installation Complete

When the installation is complete, the PG4MQ Visual Workbench icon appears in the Oracle for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) folder:

Figure 5-1 Visual Workbench Icon

Description of Figure 5-1 follows
Description of "Figure 5-1 Visual Workbench Icon"

You can start the Visual Workbench after you have created the repository.

5.4 Installing the Visual Workbench Repository

Install the Visual Workbench repository following the steps in this section.

5.4.1 Preinstallation Tasks

This section describes the preinstallation tasks. Step 1: Choose a repository server

A repository server is an Oracle integrating server on which the Visual Workbench repository is installed. Step 2: Locate the installation scripts

The Visual Workbench repository installation scripts are installed with the Visual Workbench. If the repository is to be installed on the same computer as Visual Workbench, then your repository server already has all the required installation scripts. Proceed to Step 3.

  1. Create a directory on the repository server that is to be the script directory. For example:

    > md ORACLE_HOME\pg4mq\admin\repo
  2. Use a file transfer program to transfer the repository zip file (reposXXX.zip, where XXX is the release number) or move all script files with the suffix .sql from the script file directory (NT=ORACLE_HOME\pg4mqvwb\server\admin) on the Visual Workbench computer to the script file directory on the repository server computer. Step 3: Ensure that the UTL_RAW package is installed

All data mapping packages generated by the Visual Workbench use the UTL_RAW package, which provides routines for manipulating raw data.

From SQL*Plus, as user SYS, run the following statement:


If the DESCRIBE statement is successful, then your repository server already has UTL_RAW installed, and you can proceed to Step 4.

If the DESCRIBE statement fails, then install UTL_RAW:

From SQL*Plus, as user SYS, run the utlraw.sql and prvtrawb.plb scripts that are in the ORACLE_HOME\rdbms\admin directory. You must run the utlraw.sql script first.

SQL> @utlraw.sql
SQL> @prvtrawb.plb Step 4: Ensure that the DBMS_OUTPUT package is enabled

The sample programs and installation verification programs on the distribution installation media use the standard DBMS_OUTPUT package.

From SQL*Plus, as user SYS, run the following statement:


If the DESCRIBE statement is successful, then your repository server has DBMS_OUTPUT installed, and you can proceed to Step 5.

If the DESCRIBE statement fails, then install DBMS_OUTPUT. Refer to your Oracle server DBA. Step 5: Ensure that the caths.sql script has been run

Ensure that the caths.sql script has been run on the Oracle database server before starting the gateway. You can verify that this has been done by doing the following:

  1. Use SQL*Plus to connect to the integrating server as user SYS.

  2. Run the following statement from SQL*Plus:


If the DESCRIBE statement is successful, then it indicates that caths.sql has been run for the database server. Otherwise, you must run the caths.sql script first. Step 6: Create a database link

Create a database link on your Oracle Production System Server to access the Oracle Procedural Gateway for WebSphere MQ.

If you do not already have a database link, then refer to the gateway installation guide for your platform for information about creating database links.

5.4.2 Visual Workbench Repository Installation Tasks

Use pgvwbrepos.sql to install the Visual Workbench Repository on the current release. To run pgvwbrepos.sql, ensure that you are currently in the ORACLE_HOME\pg4mq\admin\repo directory and then enter:

sqlplus /nolog @pgvwbrepos.sql


If you are installing the Visual Workbench Repository on Oracle8i or earlier, then you need to use pgvwbrepos8.sql. All the examples in this section are provided with the assumption that you are installing on the current release.

The script takes you through the following steps: Step 1: Enter the database connection information

Use the default of LOCAL by pressing Enter.

Next, you are prompted to enter the passwords for the SYSTEM and SYS accounts of the Oracle integrating server. Press Enter after entering each password.

The script stops if any of the information is incorrect. Verify the information before rerunning the script. Step 2: Check for existing Workbench Repository

The script checks for an existing Visual Workbench repository and for the data dictionary. If neither one is found, the script proceeds to Step 3.

If the data dictionary exists, then the script stops. Choose another Oracle integrating server and rerun the script, starting at "Step 1: Choose a repository server".

If a Visual Workbench repository exists, then the script gives you the following options:

A. Upgrade the existing private repository to public status and proceed to Step 3.

B. Replace the existing repository with the new private repository and proceed to Step 3.

C. Stop the script. Step 3: Check for required PL/SQL packages

The script checks for the existence of UTL_RAW, DBMS_OUTPUT, and DBMS_PIPE in the Oracle integrating server. If this software exists, then the script proceeds to Step 4.

The script stops if this software does not exist. Refer to your Oracle integrating server DBA about the missing software. After the software is installed, rerun the script. Step 4: Install the UTL_PG package

The script checks for the existence of the UTL_PG package. If it does not exist, then the UTL_PG package is installed. The script proceeds to Step 5.

If UTL_PG exists, then you are prompted to reinstall it. Press Enter to reinstall UTL_PG. Step 5: Create the admin user and all repository tables

This step creates the administrative user for the Visual Workbench repository as PGMADMIN with an initial password of PGMADMIN. This user owns all objects in the repository.

After this step, a private Visual Workbench repository, which includes the PGM_SUP, PGM_BQM, and PGM_UTL8 packages, is created in the Oracle integrating server, which only the user PGMADMIN can access. Step 6: Create public synonyms and development roles

This is an optional step to change the private access privileges of the Visual Workbench repository. The private status allows only the PGMADMIN user to have access to the repository. If you enter N and press Enter, then the repository retains its private status.

A public status allows the granting of access privileges to other users besides PGMADMIN. If you want to give the repository public status, then enter Y and press Enter.

5.4.3 After the Repository Is Created

After creating the Visual Workbench repository, there is one optional step:

Grant development privileges for the Visual Workbench repository to users.

To allow users other than PGMADMIN to perform development operations on the Visual Workbench repository, PGMADMIN must grant them the necessary privileges. To do this, perform the following:

  • Ensure that the repository has a public status. It has this status if you created it by using Steps 1 through 6 of the pgvwbrepos.sql script. If you did not use Step 6, then rerun the script. When you get to Step 2 of the script, enter A at the prompt to upgrade the private repository to public status.

  • Use SQL*Plus to connect to the repository as user PGMADMIN and grant the PGMDEV role to each user. For example:


5.4.4 Remove the Visual Workbench Repository

To remove a Visual Workbench repository on Oracle9i, use the repository script pgvwbremove.sql. To run this script, ensure that you are currently under the Oracle integrating server directory ORACLE_HOME\pg4mq\admin\repo (where you copied the scripts), and then enter:

sqlplus /nolog @pgvwbremove.sql


If you are removing the Visual Workbench Repository on Oracle8i or earlier, then you need to use pgvwbremove8.sql. All the examples in this section are provided with the assumption that you are installing on the current release.

The script takes you through the following steps: Step 1: Enter the database connection information

Use the default of LOCAL by pressing Enter.

Next, you are prompted to enter the passwords for the SYSTEM, SYS, and PGMADMIN accounts of the Oracle integrating server. Press Enter after entering each password.

The script stops if any of the information is incorrect. Verify the information before rerunning the script. Step 2: Check for existing Workbench repository

Enter Y and press Enter for the prompt to remove public synonyms and development roles. This returns the repository to private status. You can exit the script now by entering N and pressing Enter, or you can proceed to the next prompt under this step.

If you are certain that you want to remove the private repository, then enter Y and press Enter. The script removes all repository tables and related packages.