7 Oracle Real Application Clusters Post-Installation Procedures

This chapter describes how to complete the post-installation tasks after you have installed Oracle Database 10g with Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) software. It contains the following sections:

Required Post-Installation Tasks

You must perform the following tasks after completing your installation:

Back Up the Voting Disk after Installation

After your Oracle Database 10g with Oracle RAC installation is complete, and after you are sure that your system is functioning properly, make a backup of the contents of the voting disk using ocopy.exe.

Also make a backup of the voting disk contents after you complete any node additions or node deletions, and after running any deinstallation procedures.

Download and Install Patches

Refer to the OracleMetaLink Web site for required patches for your installation. To download required patches:

  1. Use a Web browser to view the OracleMetaLink Web site:


  2. Log in to OracleMetaLink.


    If you are not an OracleMetaLink registered user, then click Register for MetaLink and register.
  3. On the main OracleMetaLink page click Patches.

  4. On the Select a Patch Search Area page click New MetaLink Patch Search.

  5. On the Simple Search page click Advanced.

  6. On the Advanced Search page click the search icon next to the Product or Product Family field.

  7. In the Search and Select: Product Family field, enter RDBMS Server in the For field and click Go.

  8. Select RDBMS Server under the Results heading and click Select.

    RDBMS Server appears in the Product or Product Family field and the current release appears in the Release field.

  9. Select your platform from the list in the Platform field and click Go.

  10. Any available patches appear under the Results heading.

  11. Click the number of the patch that you want to download.

  12. On the Patch Set page, click View README and read the page that appears. The README page contains information about the patch set and how to apply the patches to your installation.

  13. Return to the Patch Set page, click Download, and save the file on your system.

  14. Use the unzip utility provided with Oracle Database 10g to uncompress the Oracle patches that you downloaded from OracleMetaLink. the unzip utility is located in the ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.


If you find patches for your Oracle Clusterware and for your Oracle Database, you must apply the patches for your CRS home before you apply the patches for your Oracle home.

Configure Oracle Products

Many Oracle products and options must be configured before you use them for the first time. Before using individual Oracle Database 10g database products or options, refer to the manual in the product documentation library which is available on the documentation media or on the OTN Web site.

Recommended Post-Installation Tasks

This section explains the tasks that Oracle recommends you perform after completing an installation.

Verifying Enterprise Manager Operations

Run the following command to verify the Enterprise Manager configuration in your newly installed Real Application Clusters environment:

srvctl config database -d db_name

SRVCTL displays the name of the node and the instance for the node. The following example for a database named orcl shows a node named iwinrac01 running an instance named orcl1. Run the following command:

C:\> srvctl config database -d orcl 

The output should be similar to:

iwinrac01 orcl1 C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1
iwinrac02 orcl2 C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1

Continue with the following section, "Using Oracle9i Language and Definition Files with Oracle Database 10g". When you have completed these tasks, you should proceed with the initial configuration tasks described in Part IV.

Using Oracle9i Language and Definition Files with Oracle Database 10g

You can use Oracle9i database language and territory definition files with Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2). To enable this functionality:

  1. Run the cr9idata.pl script. By default, the script is located in ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\nls\data\old.

    Alternatively, before you install Oracle Database, you can run the Oracle Universal Installer setup command with the b_cr9idata variable set to true, as in the following example:

    setup.exe oracle.rsf.nlsrtl_rsf:b_cr9idata=true
  2. Set the ORA_NLS10 environment variable to point to the directory where you installed the new language and territory definition files. By default, language and territory definition files are in ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\nls\data.

  3. Restart the Oracle database.

Logging in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control

If you configure Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control during installation, then you can use it to manage your database. Alternatively, you can use Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control to manage your database.

To use Database Control, you must access it on the node where you installed the database. If you want to log into Database Control from another cluster node, then you need to reconfigure Enterprise Manager to start the Database Control interface on that other node.

See Also:

the emca command line help for instructions to perform reconfiguration

Use the following instructions to log in to Database Control:

  1. On the node from which you installed the database, open a Web browser to access the Database Control URL, and use the following URL syntax:


    In the preceding example:

    • host is the name of the computer on which you installed Oracle Database

    • port is the port number reserved for the Database Control or Grid Control during installation

    If you do not know the correct port number to use, then look for the following line in the file $ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini, which lists the assigned port:

    Enterprise Manager Console HTTP Port (db_name) = 1158

    The installation reserves the first available port from the range 5500 to 5519.

    For example, if you install Oracle Database on host mgmt42, and the Database Control uses port 1158, then use the following URL:


    Oracle Enterprise Manager displays the Database Control login page.

  2. Log in to the database using the user name SYS and connect as SYSDBA.

    Use the password that you specified for the SYS account during the installation.


    You can also log in to the Database Control using the SYSTEM or SYSMAN accounts, or you can grant login privileges to other database users.