4 Postinstallation Tasks

This chapter describes how to complete postinstallation tasks after you have installed the software. It includes information about the following sections:

You must perform the tasks listed in the "Required Postinstallation Tasks" section. Oracle recommends that you perform the tasks listed in the "Recommended Postinstallation Tasks" section after all installations.

If you installed and intend to use any of the products listed in the "Required Product-Specific Postinstallation Tasks" section, then you must perform the tasks listed in the product-specific subsections.


This chapter describes basic configuration only. Refer to Oracle Database Administrator's Reference for UNIX-Based Operating Systems and product-specific administration and tuning guides for more detailed configuration and tuning information.

4.1 Required Postinstallation Tasks

You must perform the tasks described in the following sections after completing an installation:

4.1.1 Downloading and Installing Patches

Check the OracleMetaLink Web site for required patches for the installation.

To download required patches:

  1. Use a Web browser to view the OracleMetaLink Web site:

  2. Log in to OracleMetaLink.


    If you are not an OracleMetaLink registered user, click Register for MetaLink! and follow the registration instructions.
  3. On the main OracleMetaLink page, click Patches.

  4. Select Simple Search.

  5. Specify the following information, then click Go:

    • In the Search By field, choose Product or Family, then specify RDBMS Server.

    • In the Release field, specify the current release number.

    • In the Patch Type field, specify Patchset/Minipack.

    • In the Platform or Language field, select your platform.

4.1.2 Configuring Oracle Products

Many Oracle products and options must be configured before you use them for the first time. Before using individual Oracle products or options, refer to the appropriate manual in the product documentation library.

4.2 Recommended Postinstallation Tasks

Oracle recommends that you perform the tasks described in the following section after completing an installation:

4.2.1 Creating a Backup of the root.sh Script

Oracle recommends that you back up the root.sh script after you complete an installation. If you install other products in the same Oracle home directory, then Oracle Universal Installer updates the contents of the existing root.sh script during the installation. If you require information contained in the original root.sh script, then you can recover it from the backed up root.sh file.

4.2.2 Configuring New or Upgraded Databases

Oracle recommends that you run the utlrp.sql script after creating or upgrading a database. This script recompiles all PL/SQL modules that might be in an invalid state, including packages, procedures, and types. This is an optional step but Oracle recommends that you do it during installation and not at a later date.

To run the utlrp.sql script, follow these steps:

  1. Switch user to oracle.

  2. Use the oraenv or coraenv script to set the environment for the database where you want to run the utlrp.sql script:

    • Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell:

      $ . /usr/local/bin/oraenv
    • C shell:

      % source /usr/local/bin/coraenv

    When prompted, specify the SID for the database.

  3. Start SQL*Plus, as follows:

    $ sqlplus "/ AS SYSDBA"
  4. If necessary, start the database:

  5. Run the utlrp.sql script:

    SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql

4.2.3 Setting Up User Accounts

For information about setting up additional user accounts, refer to Oracle Database Administrator's Reference for UNIX-Based Operating Systems.

4.2.4 Setting the NLS_LANG Environment Variable

NLS_LANG is an environment variable that specifies the locale behavior for Oracle software. This variable sets the language and territory used by the client application and the database server. It also sets the character set for the client, which is the character set for data entered or displayed by an Oracle client program, such as SQL*Plus.

See Also:

Appendix E, "Configuring Oracle Database Globalization Support" for more information about the NLS_LANG environment variable

4.2.5 Generating the Client Static Library

The client static library (libclntst10.a) is not generated during installation. If you want to link your applications to the client static library, you must first generate it as follows:

  1. Switch user to oracle.

  2. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to specify the Oracle home directory used by the Oracle Database installation. For example:

    • Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell:

      $ ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1 
      $ export ORACLE_HOME
    • C shell:

      % setenv ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
  3. Enter the following command:

    $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/genclntst

4.3 Required Product-Specific Postinstallation Tasks

The following sections describe platform-specific postinstallation tasks that you must perform if you install and intend to use the products mentioned:


You need only perform postinstallation tasks for products that you intend to use.

4.3.1 Configuring Oracle Net Services

If you have a previous release of Oracle software installed on this system, you might want to copy information from the Oracle Net tnsnames.ora and listener.ora configuration files from the previous release to the corresponding files for the new release.


The default location for the tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files is the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/ directory. However, you can also use a central location for these files, for example /etc.

Modifying the listener.ora File

If you are upgrading from a previous release of Oracle Database, Oracle recommends that you use the current release of Oracle Net listener instead of the listener from the previous release.

To use the listener from the current release, you may need to copy static service information from the listener.ora file from the previous release to the version of that file used by the new release.

For any database instances earlier than release 8.0.3, add static service information to the listener.ora file. Oracle Database releases later than release 8.0.3 do not require static service information.

Modifying the tnsnames.ora File

Unless you are using a central tnsnames.ora file, copy Oracle Net service names and connect descriptors from the previous release tnsnames.ora file to the version of that file used by the new release.

If necessary, you can also add connection information for additional database instances to the new file.

4.3.2 Configuring Oracle Label Security

If you installed Oracle Label Security, you must configure it in a database before you use it. You can configure Oracle Label Security in two ways; with Oracle Internet Directory integration and without Oracle Internet Directory integration. If you configure Oracle Label Security without Oracle Internet Directory integration, you cannot configure it to use Oracle Internet Directory at a later stage.


To configure Oracle Label Security with Oracle Internet Directory integration, Oracle Internet Directory must be installed in your environment and the Oracle database must be registered in the directory.

See Also:

Oracle Label Security Administrator's Guide for more information about Oracle Label Security enabled with Oracle Internet Directory

4.3.3 Installing Natively Compiled Java Libraries for Oracle JVM and Oracle interMedia

If you plan to use Oracle JVM or Oracle interMedia, Oracle strongly recommends that you install the natively compiled Java libraries (NCOMPs) used by those products from the Oracle Database 10g Companion CD. These libraries are required to improve the performance of the products on your platform.

For information about how to install products from the Companion CD, refer to the "Installing Oracle Database 10g Products from the Companion CD" section.

4.3.4 Installing Oracle Text Supplied Knowledge Bases

An Oracle Text knowledge base is a hierarchical tree of concepts used for theme indexing, ABOUT queries, and deriving themes for document services. If you plan to use any of these Oracle Text features, you can install two supplied knowledge bases (English and French) from the Oracle Database 10g Companion CD.


You can extend the supplied knowledge bases depending on your requirements. Alternatively, you can create your own knowledge bases, possibly in languages other than English and French.

See Also:

Oracle Text Reference for more information about creating and extending knowledge basesThe "Installing Oracle Database 10g Products from the Companion CD" section for information about how to install products from the Companion CD

4.3.5 Configuring Oracle Messaging Gateway

To configure Oracle Messaging Gateway, refer to the section about Messaging Gateway in Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide and Reference. When following the instructions listed in that manual, refer to this section for additional instructions about configuring the listener.ora, tnsnames.ora, and mgw.ora files. Modifying the listener.ora File for External Procedures

To modify the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora file for external procedures:

  1. Back up the listener.ora file.

  2. Ensure that the default IPC protocol address for external procedures is set as follows:

  3. Add static service information for a service called mgwextproc by adding lines similar to the following to the SID_LIST parameter for the listener in the listener.ora file:

      (SID_DESC =
        (SID_NAME = mgwextproc)
        (ENVS = EXTPROC_DLLS=/oracle_home/lib/libmgwagent.so,
        (ORACLE_HOME = oracle_home)
        (PROGRAM = extproc32)

    In this example:

    • The ENVS parameter defines the shared library path environment variable and any other required environment variables.

      In the settings for the shared library path environment variable, you must also add any additional library paths required for non-Oracle messaging systems, for example WebSphere MQ or TIBCO Rendezvous.

    • oracle_home is the path of the Oracle home directory.

    • extproc32 is the external procedure agent executable file

      The following example shows a sample listener.ora file:


      In the following example, the PLSExtProc service is the default service for PL/SQL external procedures.
        (SID_LIST =
          (SID_DESC =
            (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
            (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1)
            (PROGRAM = extproc)
          (SID_DESC =
            (SID_NAME = mgwextproc)
      (ENVS =  EXTPROC_DLLS=/oracle_home/lib/libmgwagent.so,
               LD_LIBRARY_PATH =/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/
             (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1)
             (PROGRAM = extproc32)
      ) Modifying the tnsnames.ora File for External Procedures

To modify the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file for external procedures:

  1. Back up the tnsnames.ora file.

  2. In the tnsnames.ora file, add a connect descriptor with the net service name MGW_AGENT, as follows:

    MGW_AGENT = 
       (CONNECT_DATA= (SID=mgwextproc) (PRESENTATION=RO)))

    In this example:

    • The value specified for the KEY parameter must match the value specified for that parameter in the IPC protocol address in the listener.ora file.

    • The value of the SID parameter must match the service name in the listener.ora file that you specified for the Oracle Messaging Gateway external procedure agent in the previous section (mgwextproc). Setting Up the mgw.ora Initialization File

To modify the $ORACLE_HOME/mgw/admin/mgw.ora file for external procedures, set the CLASSPATH environment variable to include the classes in the following table and any additional classes required for Oracle Messaging Gateway to access non-Oracle messaging systems, for example WebSphere MQ or TIBCO Rendezvous classes:

Classes Path
Oracle Messaging Gateway ORACLE_HOME/mgw/classes/mgw.jar
JRE internationalization ORACLE_HOME/jdk/JRE/lib/i18n.jar
JRE runtime ORACLE_HOME/jdk/JRE/lib/rt.jar
Oracle JDBC ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar
Oracle internationalization ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/orai18n.jar
SQLJ ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/sqlj/lib/translator.jar


JMS Interface ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib/jmscommon.jar
Oracle JMS implementation ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib/aqapil3.jar
Java Transaction API ORACLE_HOME/jlib/jta.jar


All the lines in the mgw.ora file should consist of less than 1024 characters.

4.3.6 Configuring Oracle Precompilers

This section describes post-installation tasks for Oracle precompilers.


All precompiler configuration files are located in the $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/admin directory. Configuring Pro*C/C++

Verify that the PATH environment variable setting includes the directory that contains the C compiler executable.

Table 4-1 shows the default directories and the appropriate command to verify the path setting of the compiler.

Table 4-1 C/C++ Compiler Directory

Path Command


$ which gcc


$ which ecc

4.3.7 Configuring OCCI

Two sets of Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI) libraries are installed with this release on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3. One set is for use with GNU C++ compiler version 2.96 and the other set is for use with GNU C++ version 3.2. The libraries are installed in the following locations:

  • Libraries for use with GNU C++ version 2.96 supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 only:

  • Libraries for use with GNU C++ version 3.2:

  • Libraries for use with GNU C++ version 3.3 supported on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9:


Although the libraries are installed on all Linux distributions, they are not supported on all distributions. The following table shows the supported GNU C++ version for each distribution.

Linux Distribution GNU C++ Versions Supported
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3 Both 2.96 and 3.2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Only 3.3.3-43

To create the required symbolic links in the $ORACLE_HOME/lib directory to the appropriate libraries for a distribution, you must you must create symbolic links to the libraries or overwrite the libraries after taking their backup. For example, you can use the following commands to create symbolic links to the libraries after removing $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libocci10.a and $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libocci10.so.10.1:

$ ln -s  $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libocci10_296.a $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libocci10.a
$ ln -s  $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libocci10_296.so.10.1 $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libocci10.so.10.1


If you run $ORACLE_HOME/bin/genoccish, then the libocci.so.10.1 library is regenerated by default. To regenerate the gcc2.96 OCCI shared object when you have not renamed or created symbolic linkes the gcc 2.96 OCCI libraries to the default names, you must set the BUILD_CCC296 environment variable to 1 before running $ORACLE_HOME/bin/genoccish. This will regenerate the libocci10_296.so.10.1 library.

4.3.8 Configuring GCC as the Primary Compiler

You can configure GCC as the primary compiler if primary supported compiler is not available. This enables you to speed up the performance of PL/SQL modules such as packages by compiling them into native code that resides in shared libraries. This method translates the module into C code, compiles it with a C compiler, and then links it into the Oracle process. Remember that you must use one compiler to compile all your Oracle modules. You cannot compile some modules with the primary compiler and others with a different compiler.

If both the primary supported compiler for the operating system and GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) are available, then use the primary supported compiler. However, if the primary supported compiler is not available, then use GCC.

To configure GCC as the primary compiler:

  1. Using a text editor, open the spnc_commands configuration file. In a default installation, the spnc_commands file is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/plsql directory.

  2. Look for the following line of text and comment it out:

    /usr/local/packages/icc_remote/8.1.022/bin/icc -c %(src) -O1 -KPIC -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/plsql/include -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/plsql/public -o %(obj) /usr/bin/gcc -B/usr/bin/ -s -shared %(obj) -o %(so)
  3. Look for the following lines, which pertain to GCC, and uncomment them:

    /usr/bin/gcc -B/usr/bin/ %(src) -O0 -fPIC -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/plsql/include -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/plsql/public -s -shared -o %(so)
  4. Save and close the spnc_commands configuration file.

See Also:

PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference for more information on PL/SQL native compilation and the spnc_commands configuration file

Using the Intel C++ Compiler for PL/SQL Native Compilation

By default, PL/SQL native compilation is configured to use the GCC compiler. If you want to use the Intel C++ compiler (ICC) instead of the GCC compiler, then make the following changes in the $ORACLE_HOME/plsql/spnc_commands file:

  1. Comment out the lines for the GCC compiler.

  2. Uncomment the lines for ICC.

4.4 Installing Oracle Database 10g Products from the Companion CD

The Oracle Database 10g Companion CD contains additional products that you can install. Whether you need to install these products depends on which Oracle Database products or features you plan to use. If you plan to use the following products or features, then you must complete the Oracle Database 10g Products installation from the Companion CD:

  • JPublisher

  • Oracle JVM

  • Oracle interMedia

  • Oracle JDBC development drivers

  • Oracle SQLJ

  • Oracle Database Examples

  • Oracle Text supplied knowledge bases

  • Oracle Ultra Search

  • Oracle HTML DB

  • Oracle Workflow server and middle-tier components

For information about installing software from the Companion CD, refer to Oracle Database Companion CD Quick Installation Guide for Linux Itanium.