3 Installation Tasks

The Oracle Database software is available on disc (DVD) or you can download it from the Oracle Technology Network Web site. In most cases, you use the graphical user interface (GUI) provided by Oracle Universal Installer to install the software. However, you can also use Oracle Universal Installer to complete silent-mode installations, without using the GUI.

See Also:

Appendix A for information about silent-mode installations

This chapter includes information about the following topics:

Preinstallation Considerations

After reviewing the information in Chapter 1, "Installation Overview" and completing the tasks listed in Chapter 2, "Preinstallation Tasks", consider the following issues:

Performing Multiple Oracle Database Installations in Noninteractive Mode

If you must perform multiple installations of Oracle Database, then you can use noninteractive mode. In noninteractive mode, at each node, you run Oracle Universal Installer from the command line using a response file. The response file is a text file containing the settings you normally enter in the Oracle Universal Installer GUI dialog boxes.

See Also:

Appendix A for information about silent-mode installations

Reviewing Component-Specific Installation Guidelines

Review the following guidelines before starting Oracle Universal Installer:

  • Oracle Universal Installer

    Do not use Oracle Universal Installer from an earlier Oracle release to install components from this release.

  • Products not installed by default: choose Advanced Installation and then the Custom installation type. These products are:

    • Oracle Connection Manager

    • Oracle Label Security

      To configure Oracle Label Security to use Oracle Internet Directory, choose the Oracle Internet Directory option when running Database Configuration Assistant. If you are installing Oracle Label Security in an existing Oracle home, then shut down each database in the Oracle home.

    • Data Mining Scoring Engine

  • Reinstalling Oracle Software

    If you reinstall Oracle software into an Oracle home directory where Oracle Database is already installed, then you must also reinstall any components, such as Oracle Partitioning, that were installed before you began the reinstallation.

Accessing the Installation Software

The Oracle Database software is available on compact disc (DVD) or you can download it from the Oracle Technology Network Web site. To install the software from the hard disk, you must either download it from Oracle Technology Network and unpack it, or copy it from the disc, if you have it.

You can access and install Oracle Database by using one of the following methods:


If the Oracle Database 10g software is on two discs, then you can avoid having to change discs during the installation by running Oracle Universal Installer from the DVD or by copying the contents of the installation discs to a hard disk.

Downloading and Extracting Oracle Software from the OTN Web Site

This section describes how to download the installation archive files and extract them on your hard disk. It contains the following topics:

Downloading the Installation Archive Files

To download the installation archive files from Oracle Technology Network:

  1. Use any browser to access the software download page from Oracle Technology Network:

  2. Navigate to the download page for the product to be installed.

  3. On the download page, identify the required disk space by adding the file sizes for each required file.

    The file sizes are listed next to the file names.

  4. Select a file system with enough free space to store and expand the archive files.

    In most cases, the available disk space must be at least twice the size of all of the archive files.

  5. On the file system that you selected in step 4, create a parent directory for each product, for example OraDB10g, to hold the installation directories.

  6. Download all of the installation archive files to the directory that you created in step 5.

  7. Verify that the files you downloaded are the same size as the corresponding files on Oracle Technology Network.

Extracting the Installation Files

To extract the installation archive files, perform the following steps:

  1. If necessary, change directory to the directory that contains the downloaded installation archive files.

  2. To uncompress each file, enter a command similar to the following:

    unzip filename.zip

When you have extracted all of the required installation files, refer to the following section:

"Installing the Oracle Database Software"

Copy the Oracle Database Software to a Hard Disk

If the software for Oracle Database 10g requires two discs on your platform, then you can avoid having to mount and unmount discs during the installation by copying the contents of each CD-ROM to a hard disk on the system, or by installing the software from the DVD-ROM.

To copy the contents of the discs to a hard disk:

  1. Create a single directory on the hard disk to hold the Oracle software:

    $ mkdir OraDb10g
  2. Change directory to the directory you created in step 1:

    $ cd OraDb10g
  3. Create subdirectories for each installation disc with names similar to the following, where n is the disc number:

    $ mkdir Diskn
  4. Insert the first disc into the disc drive.

  5. Copy the contents of the mounted disc to the corresponding new subdirectory as follows:

    $ cp -R /directory_path Diskn

    In this example, n is the number of the installation CD-ROM and /directory_path is the CD-ROM mount point directory or the path of the db directory on the DVD-ROM.

  6. If necessary, mount the next disc and repeat step 5.

After you have copied all of the required discs, see the "Installing the Oracle Database Software" section.

Installing the Oracle Database Software

The following sections describe how to install the Oracle software:

Reviewing Product-Specific Installation Guidelines

Review the following guidelines before starting the Installer:

  • Oracle Universal Installer

    Do not use Oracle Universal Installer from an earlier Oracle product release to install components from this release.

  • Products requiring a custom installation

    To install the following products, you must choose the Custom installation type:

    Apply the following guidelines when specifying passwords:

    • Oracle Label Security


      Before you perform a custom installation, ensure that all databases in the Oracle home where Oracle Label Security is to be installed are shut down.

      If you want to configure OLS to use Oracle Internet Directory, then you must choose the Oracle Internet Directory option when running the DBCA.

    • Oracle Connection Manager

    • Data Mining Scoring Engine

  • Re-installing Oracle software

    If you re-install Oracle software into an Oracle home directory where Oracle Database is already installed, then you must also re-install any components, such as Oracle Partitioning, that were installed before you began the re-installation.

Running the Oracle Universal Installer

This section describes the Basic Installation as a default setting. For any type of installation process, start Oracle Universal Installer and install the software, as follows:

  1. If you are installing the software from disc, then mount the first disc if it is not already mounted.

  2. To start Oracle Universal Installer, complete one of the following steps depending on the location of the installation files:


    Start Oracle Universal Installer from the terminal session where you logged in as the oracle user and set the user's environment (described in Chapter 2).
    • If the installation files are on disc, then enter commands similar to the following, where directory_path is the path of the database directory on the DVD:

      $ cd /tmp
      $ /directory_path/runInstaller
    • If the installation files are on the hard disk, then change directory to the client directory and enter the following command:

      $ ./runInstaller
  3. Use the following guidelines to complete the installation:

    • Follow the instructions displayed on the Oracle Universal Installer screens. If you need additional information, then click Help.

    • When Oracle Universal Installer prompts you to run a script with root privileges, enter a command similar to the following in a terminal where you are logged in as the root user, then click Continue or OK:

      # /script_path/script_name

      Alternatively, enter a command similar to the following to run the script in a terminal where you are logged in as a user that is a member of the admin group:

      $ sudo /script_path/script_name

      The following table lists the various screens displayed and the recommended actions required when you select the Basic Installation option.

      Screen Recommended Action
      Select Installation Method The Basic Installation option is selected by default.

      Specify the directory path of the Oracle home. Ensure that the UNIX DBA group oinstall is selected. If a starter database is to be created, then specify a name and password for it. Then, click Next.

      Note: This screen consists of Basic Installation and Advanced Installation options. Select the Advanced Installation option if you intend to use custom installation.

      Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials This screen is displayed only during the first installation of Oracle products on a system.

      Specify the full path of the Oracle Inventory directory. Ensure that the operating system group selected is oinstall. Then, click Next.

      Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks Verify that all of the prerequisite checks succeed, then click Next.

      Oracle Universal Installer checks the system to verify that it is configured correctly to run Oracle software. If you have completed all of the preinstallation steps in this guide, then all the checks must pass.

      If a check fails, then review the cause of the failure listed for that check on the screen. If possible, rectify the problem and rerun the check. Alternatively, if you are satisfied that your system meets the requirements, then you can select the check box for the failed check to manually verify the requirement.

      Summary Review the information displayed on this screen, and then click Install.
      Install This screen displays status information while the product is being installed.
      Configuration Assistants This screen displays status information for the configuration assistants that configure the software and create a database. When the message is displayed after completion of the DBCA process, click OK to continue.
      Execute Configuration Scripts When prompted, read the instructions and then run the scripts mentioned on this screen. Click OK to continue.
      End of Installation The configuration assistants configure several Web-based applications. This screen displays the URLs configured for these applications. Make a note of the URLs used. The port numbers used in these URLs are also recorded in the following file:

      To exit from Oracle Universal Installer, click Exit and then click Yes.

    • When prompted for the SYS, SYSTEM, SYSMAN, and DBSNMP passwords, Oracle recommends that you specify passwords that:

      • Are at least four characters long

      • Are different from the user names

      • Have at least one alphabetic, one numeric, and one punctuation mark character

      • Are not simple or obvious words, such as welcome, account, database, or user


      You must remember the passwords that you specify.
    • If you encounter errors while installing or linking the software, then refer to Appendix F for information about troubleshooting.

  4. If you chose an installation type that runs Database Configuration Assistant and Oracle Net Configuration Assistant (NetCA) in interactive mode, then you must provide detailed information about configuring the database and network.

    If you need assistance when using the Database Configuration Assistant or NetCA in interactive mode, then click Help on the screen.


    If you chose a default installation, then Database Configuration Assistant and NetCA run in noninteractive mode.
  5. When all of the configuration tools have finished, click Exit, then click Yes to exit from Oracle Universal Installer.