A Oracle Error Messages for BS2000/OSD

This appendix lists Oracle Database 10g release 2 for Fujitsu Siemens BS2000/OSD messages with possible causes and suggested actions. The messages shown in this chapter may be accompanied by additional text when displayed on screen. This text identifies the function that detected the problem, and can include internal status codes, BS2000 system macro return codes, or both. These codes can be helpful to the Oracle Support Services Representative in determining the cause of a problem.

Sometimes, for example, in the early stages of initialization when the message components are not yet available, the Oracle Database cannot issue a regular Oracle message. If this occurs, Oracle Database calls the ILCS task termination routine, or it issues a TERM macro directly, giving the message number as the user termination code. You can use this message number to find the explanation in this appendix.

ORA-05000: ORACLE termination routine called
Cause: The termination routine of the Oracle Database run-time system has been called due to a fatal error.
Action: If you do not know why the Oracle Database program terminated, or how to resolve this problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05001: Unsupported BS2000 Version
Cause: The active version of the BS2000/OSD operating system is not supported by Oracle Database 10g release 2.
Action: Upgrade to a more recent BS2000/OSD version.
ORA-05002: Fatal error: called from non-ILCS program
Cause: In a precompiler or OCI application, the Oracle Database is called from a program that does not run in an ILCS environment. The Oracle Database does not support non-ILCS programs
Action: Make sure that the application program runs in ILCS mode. Some programming languages, for example, FOR1, PL/I, require specific options for ILCS. Refer to the Fujitsu Siemens documentation for further information.
ORA-05003: Fatal error: ILCS PCD cannot be verified
Cause: In a precompiler or OCI application, Oracle Database is called with a save area that is marked as an ILCS save area but does not point to a proper PCD (ILCS global area). The problem is either that memory has been overwritten, or that Oracle Database is called from a program that does not run in an ILCS environment. Oracle Database does not support non-ILCS programs.
Action: Make sure that the application program runs in ILCS mode. Some programming languages, for example, FOR1, PL/I, require specific options for ILCS. Refer to the Fujitsu Siemens documentation for further information.
ORA-05004: Fatal error: stack overflow, extension failed
Cause: A call to a function required an extension of the current call stack segment. This extension failed and the corresponding ILCS routine returned the error.
Action: Make sure that the user address space is large enough in the JOIN entry and that there is no temporary memory saturation. Then re-run the program. If you need further help, contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05005: Error: IT0INITS called in PROLOD
Cause: This is an internal error and should not occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05006: sltga already initialized
Cause: The initialization routine for the sltga is called more than one time.
Action: Check if more than one stub modules (PROSTUB, XAOSTUB) are linked to the application.
ORA-05007: failed to load OSNTAB
Cause: This message is usually be preceded by a BS2000 BLS-nnnn message. The most likely reason is that the ORALOAD library cannot be found.
Action: Contact the Database Administrator about the ORALOAD library. If you cannot identify the cause of the problem contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05008: failed to load requested network driver
Cause: This message is usually be preceded by a BS2000 BLS-nnnn message. The most likely reason is that the ORALOAD library cannot be found.
Action: Contact the Database Administrator about the ORALOAD library. If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05009: osnsgl: user connects invalid in kernel
Cause: A database link was set up using the single-task driver (S:). This is invalid, as the single-task driver can only be used for call connections on the user side.
Action: Select a different network driver for the database link.
ORA-05010: bad filename length
Cause: Buffer overflow while building/translating a file name. This could be caused by specifying an excessively long file name in the ORAENV file.
Action: If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05011: bad file size
Cause: This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05012: bad block size
Cause: This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05013: bad filename parse
Cause: A file name being analyzed is not well-formed for Oracle Database purposes.
Action: Correct the file name and re-run the program.
ORA-05014: sfcopy: non-matching block size
Cause: In a partial database file copy, source and target file have different block sizes. This may indicate an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05015: text file open failed
Cause: An Oracle Database text or command file cannot be opened. One of the following could cause this error: the file name is wrong, the file has not been properly initialized, or the file is not accessible.
Action: Correct the problem and restart the Oracle Database. If this occurs when you issued the STARTUP command, check the initialization file for the correct specification of the database files.
ORA-05016: text file close failed
Cause: Attempt to close an Oracle Database file has failed. This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact your Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05017: file open failed
Cause: An Oracle Database database file cannot be opened. Either the file name is wrong, the file has not been properly initialized, or the file is not accessible (for example a file may not be accessible for a cross-user ID single-task client).
Action: Correct the problem and restart the Oracle Database. If this occurred when you issued the STARTUP command, then check the initialization file for the correct specification of the database files.
ORA-05018: file seek failed
Cause: This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05019: file write failed
Cause: An I/O error occurred while writing to an Oracle Database file.
Action: If the error cannot be identified as one caused by a disk malfunction, either contact the System Administrator, or contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05020: write block outside of file
Cause: An attempt was made to write a block of an Oracle Database file that does not exist. For example, block number < 1 or > file size. This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05021: file read failed
Cause: An I/O occurred while reading an Oracle Database file.
Action: If the error cannot be identified as one caused by a disk malfunction, either contact the System Administrator, or contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05022: read block outside of file
Cause: An attempt was made to read a block of an Oracle Database file that does not exist. For example, block number < 1 or > file size. This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05023: file close failed
Cause: The attempt to close an Oracle Database file failed. This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05025: sfccf:file mismatch. Trying to reuse a file with different size
Cause: When trying to reuse a database file, the file size specified differs from the actual size of the existing file.
Action: Specify the correct file size (remember to subtract one logical block for the implicit header block), or leave the size unspecified, or use a different file name if you want to create a larger or smaller database file.
ORA-05026: file does not exist
Cause: An attempt was made to access a database file, which no longer exists.
Action: Contact the Database Administrator who may know why this error has occurred. If the Database Administrator cannot find the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05027: file does exist
Cause: When attempting to create a new file, this error occurs if the file is found and is not empty.
Action: If the error occurred in a create database, retry with the reuse option. Otherwise use a different file name or check whether the file can be erased.
ORA-05028: file is not a dbfile
Cause: The database, or log, or control, file to be opened does not contain the proper identification for such a file.
Action: Check for wrong file specification.
ORA-05029: illegal use-option
Cause: Internal error. Function sfccf was called with an illegal option.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05030: SID not defined
Cause: When the system id was required, typically, to substitute the "?" in names, for example, in file names set by the initialization file, it was not yet defined. This could be caused by a missing ORAENV file or a missing ORASID in that file.
Action: Ensure that the ORAENV file definition is correct and re-run the program.
ORA-05031: SID translation failure
Cause: The system id is syntactically incorrect.
Action: Ensure that the ORASID definition is correct and re-run the program.
ORA-05032: bad name parse
Cause: The translation of a file name, or other name containing variable parts, failed. The error may be caused by a wrong specification in the ORAENV file.
Action: Ensure that the ORAENV variable assignments are correct. If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05033: bad environment values
Cause: One or more of the values specified in the ORAENV file are invalid.
Action: Ensure that you specified legal values in the ORAENV file, refer to the appendix "ORAENV Variables" in the Oracle Database Installation and Administration Guide for Fujitsu Siemens BS2000/OSD or the Oracle Database User's Guide for Fujitsu Siemens BS2000/OSD for further information.
ORA-05034: bad seal
Cause: Internal error. An internal file control structure is found to be corrupt.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05035: host command not executed
Cause: A BS2000 command, argument of a HOST or #HOST command, is invalid or too long.
Action: Enter a valid HOST command.
ORA-05036: bad user id (length)
Cause: Internal buffer overflow while building a file name from variable components.
Action: Ensure that the ORAUID value specified in the ORAENV file is correct. If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05037: /CANCEL command not executed
Cause: A background job could not be cancelled. The background task may have already been terminated.
Action: If you cannot identify the cause of the problem contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05038: SID has illegal length
Cause: The system identifier specified in either the ORAENV file or as part of a connect string exceeds 4 characters in length.
Action: Specify a correct value.
ORA-05039: Recursive entry to ssodrv
Cause: Oracle Database kernel has been re-entered at the top. This should not happen.
Action: Make sure that the user program does not incorrectly call Oracle Database functions from within an interrupt handling routine (signal routine, contingency). If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05040: no more dynamic memory
Cause: Request memory failed in file-management components. This is probably caused by a user address space that is too small.
Action: Make sure that the user address space is large enough in the JOIN entry and that there is no temporary memory saturation. Then re-run the program. If you need further help, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05041: Interrupt in soarch
Cause: The archiver process was unexpectedly interrupted.
Action: If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05042: soarch: Buffer overflow
Cause: The archiver process detected an internal buffer overflow.
Action: If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05043: Archive control string too long
Cause: The archive control string is too long.
Action: Shorten this parameter and restart the database.
ORA-05044: Archive generated filename too long
Cause: The file name is generated from the values of the initialization parameters log_archive_format and log_archive_dest. This has resulted in a file name that is too long.
Action: Run the command ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG START TO VALID_DEST where VALID_DEST is a valid BS2000 file name.
ORA-05045: Archive file creation/open error
Cause: The archive file is normally allocated dynamically. Either this or the subsequent open failed. Possible causes are either insufficient space left on disk, or a bad archive file allocation parameter in ORAENV.
Action: Make sure that the optional ORAENV parameter is correct and that sufficient disk space is available.
ORA-05046: Archive control string error
Cause: The archive file name or control parameters are incorrect.
Action: Correct the parameters.
ORA-05050: PGA (fixed part) could not be allocated
Cause: Probable operating system error or internal error.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05051: cannot allocate var. PGA
Cause: During creation of the PGA, required dynamic memory could not be allocated.
Action: Verify that the user address space is large enough and that if an application program produced the error, the program is not consuming excessive memory. Otherwise contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05052: error deleting var. PGA
Cause: During deletion of the PGA, dynamic memory could not be released. This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05053: invalid or missing PGA_BASE
Cause: An invalid value for the PGA_BASE parameter has been specified in the DBA ORAENV file.
Action: Use the default value for the PGA_SIZE environment variable. If this does not solve the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05054: invalid or missing PGA_SIZE
Cause: An invalid value for the PGA_SIZE environment variable has been specified in the DBA ORAENV file. You should never need to change the default value for the PGA_SIZE environment variable.
Action: Use the default value for the PGA_SIZE environment variable. If this does not solve the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05055: address range for PGA (fixed part) is not free
Cause: The address range described by the PGA_BASE and PGA_SIZE ORAENV variables is not available for allocation. This may be due to overlapping PGA, SGA, and KERNEL areas, or to an application program, which has occupied memory in this area. If you did not specify a value for PGA_BASE, the default may be inappropriate for the case.
Action: Refer to the section "Address Space Planning" in Chapter 2, "Address Space Planning" for further information.
ORA-05056: no more context space
Cause: During processing of a SQL request, dynamic memory could not be allocated. This could happen when very complex requests are being processed and there is not enough memory available.
Action: Verify that the user address space is large enough and that the application program, if the error occurred when you were using an application program, is not using excessive memory. Otherwise, contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05058: assert failed: SGA not mapped
Cause: This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05059: assert failed: not in kernel
Cause: This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05060: SGA not created
Cause: After you run the STARTUP command, the SGA shared memory pool could not be created.
Action: Verify that you are not trying to start the database while it is running and that the database system id is not being used for two different databases. Otherwise, contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05061: SGA attach failed
Cause: Connection to the SGA shared memory pool could not be established. This may have happened if you used the wrong system id, or if the database you expected to be running is not running.
Action: Verify that it is not one of the preceding causes (check with the Database Administrator). Otherwise, contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05063: SGA base invalid
Cause: An invalid value has been specified for the SGA_BASE parameter in the ORAENV file.
Action: This value is not normally needed. If specified, it must be a hexadecimal value giving the full virtual address for the SGA memory pool. Correct the value and run the STARTUP command.
ORA-05064: cannot allocate SGA
Cause: After creating the memory pool, the REQMP to allocate the space failed. This might be an operating system error.
Action: If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05065: SGA not deleted
Cause: When attempting to detach from the SGA, the DISMP system macro returned an error.
Action: If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05066: SGA address space conflict
Cause: The SGA cannot be placed at the requested address range, because the range is already partly used. The SGA start address is defined by the ORAENV variable, SGA_BASE; its size is determined by various initialization file parameters such as processes, buffers, and so on.
Action: Refer to the section on "Address Space Planning" in Chapter 2, " Architecture and Implementation", and adjust the relevant initialization file and ORAENV variables. Inspect the JOIN entry for the address space limit. Contact the System Administrator to find out about shared subsystems and their placement in the address space. Make sure that you do not overlap with the Oracle Database kernel.
ORA-05067: SGA: address space saturation
Cause: When the SGA is being allocated, the operating system reported that the virtual address space is saturated.
Action: Contact the System Administrator about paging area size and current overall system load.
ORA-05068 SGA still active, should not be
Cause: When the SGA is being created during startup, it is found that the SGA memory pool is still in use, although the databases should be shut down. This may be caused by a hanging single-task, user task, or a network server task.
Action: Check for such hanging tasks. Cancel these tasks, and then restart the database.
ORA-05069: Unexpected SGA memory pool problem
Cause: The ENAMP macro returned an unexpected error code.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05070: cannot enable TPA ser.item
Cause: Probable operating system error.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05071: cannot ENQ on TPA ser.item
Cause: Probable operating system error.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05072: cannot enable post/wait item
Cause: Probable operating system error.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05073: error in post
Cause: An inter-process communication operation failed.
Action: Check that the database and all required background tasks are running correctly. If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05074: error in wait
Cause: An inter-process communication operation failed.
Action: Check that the database and all required background tasks are running correctly. If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05075: error in task table manager
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05076: error setting spid
Cause: Probable operating system error.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05077: cannot enable HIA event
Cause: Probable operating system error. The HIA (Here I Am) event item is used during startup to communicate between a started background task and the invoking SQL*DBA program.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05078: create process failure
Cause: When you issued the STARTUP command, a background job could not be started successfully.
Action: Check for any job scheduling problems and that any BGJPAR entry in the ORAENV file is correct. If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05079: internal asynchronous IO error
Cause: This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05101: bind-error xxxxxxxx for module/library
Cause: The Oracle Database/UTM attach module could not be loaded. One possible reason is that the Oracle Database has been installed under a user ID different from $ORAC1020 and that the installation procedure has not executed correctly.
Action: Ensure that the ORAUID definition in the ORAENV file is correct. Otherwise, contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05102: module verification failure: ORADBCN@
Cause: The openUTM application has probably been link-edited with an Oracle Database version different from the Oracle Database version used at execution.
Action: Re-link the UTM application. If the error persists, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05103: generated TSKM too short
Cause: The TSKM area was overwritten by the Oracle Database.
Action: Change the parameter LTHTSKM in the KDCDB / KDCDBO macro.
ORA-05104: generated TAM too short
Cause: The TAM area was overwritten by the Oracle Database.
Action: Change the parameter LTHTAM in the KDCDB / KDCDBO macro.
ORA-05107: POSIX environment variable <variablename> not defined
Cause: The specified environment variable is not defined.
Action: Define and export the requested variable in your profile.
ORA-05108: failed to process BS2000 command <bs2-command>
Cause: The BS2000 command processor cannot execute the command.
Action: Test the logged command in the POSIX shell using the POSIX command, bs2cmd.
ORA-05109: failed to initialize environment for POSIX
Cause: An application running under the POSIX shell cannot create links to required files in the BS2000 file system.
Action: Check if the environment Variables required for Oracle applications under POSIX are set properly.
ORA-05110: cannot attach to memory pool
Cause: Invalid pool ID parameter xxx_MPID or operating system error.
Action: Check the ORAENV parameter xxx_MPID, at most 4 characters of the set [A...Z],[0...9]), or contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05111: error attaching to memory pool
Cause: This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05112: error creating memory pool
Cause: This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05114: bad pool base
Cause: An invalid value for the base address parameter of the shared pool, that is, COM_BASE, and so on. has been specified in the ORAENV file.
Action: If this value is specified, it must be a hexadecimal value giving the full virtual address for the base address of a memory pool. Correct the value and restart the database.
ORA-05116: cannot load shared code into pool
Cause: Shared code could not be loaded into the specified memory pool. Generally, this message will be preceded by a BLS-nnnn message from the operating system.
Action: Make sure that the ORALOAD link name identifies the correct ORALOAD library. Then restart the program. If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05117: cannot attach to socket subsystem
Cause: An application could not be bound to the sockets subsystem. Generally this message is preceded by a BLS-nnnn message from the operating system.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05118: ORACLE PCD slot not accessible
Cause: The current task is trying to attach to the ORACLE PCD slot but cannot find this slot.

This is an internal error and should not normally occur.

Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05119: module verification failed
Cause: The version of the shared loaded module does not match the version of the connection module on the user side.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05120: waiting for shared module to be loaded timed out
Cause: This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05121: waiting for initialization of shared module timed out
Cause: This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05126: Missing IT0PCD address
Cause: The ILCS run-time link-library is probably missing.
Action: Contact the System Administrator.
Cause: System error.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
Cause: Illegal SQL COMMIT/ROLLBACK/CONNECT found in UTM program.
Action: Correct the UTM program accordingly.
ORA-05131: ORADBCO-Call not allowed
Cause: System error.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05132: TA for User x is committed by the Resource-Manager
Cause: Transaction has been committed before malfunction.
Action: None.
ORA-05133: No Connect-String in Startparams found
Cause: In the start parameters there must be at least one open string for the Oracle Database.
ORA-05134: DBSTAT secondary opcode inconsistent
Cause: System error.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05135: Error x Recover PTC-list, Instance y
Cause: System error.
Action: Check if UTM is correctly installed and select privileges are granted to XA-tables, refer to Chapter 8, " openUTM Product Set", or contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05136: Maximum number of instances exceeded
Cause: The maximum number of open strings in the start parameters has been exceeded.
Action: Refer to Chapter 8, " openUTM Product Set" and correct the start parameters.
ORA-05137: Error x at Open Instance y
Cause: The connection to instance y is not possible.
Action: Start the Instance with all the required servers. If the error persists, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05138: Error x at Close Instance y
Cause: Error occurred when disconnecting from instance y.
Action: Because the disconnection has just been done, there is no action.
ORA-05139: Error x at Start Transaction for User z, Instance y
Cause: The start of transaction in instance y is invalid.
Action: Restart the UTM transaction. If the error persists, close the UTM application and do a restart.
ORA-05140: Error x at Continue Transaction for User z, Instance y
Cause: The continuation of transaction in instance y is invalid.
Action: Restart the UTM transaction. If the error persists, and the error is not 'XAER_PROTO'. This means that the transaction is rolled back because of longlock. Shut down the openUTM application and restart.
ORA-05141: Error x at Break Transaction for User z, Instance y
Cause: The break of transaction in instance y is invalid.
Action: Restart the UTM transaction. If the error persists, and there are no cursor operations in the preceded dialog step, shut down the UTM application and restart.
ORA-05142: Error x at End Transaction for User z, Instance y
Cause: The end of a transaction in instance y is invalid.
Action: Restart the UTM transaction. If the error persists, shut down the UTM application and do a restart.
ORA-05143: Mismatch in TA for User(s) z
Cause: In the UTM warmstart there is a mismatch between openUTM, and the Oracle Database instance(s), or both.
Action: Clear the Oracle Database instance(s), create a new KDCDEF for openUTM and restart the openUTM application.
ORA-05144: Error x at Prepare Transaction for User z, Instance y
Cause: The preparation for committing a transaction in instance y is invalid.
Action: Restart the UTM transaction. If the error persists, then shutdown the openUTM application and do a restart.
ORA-05145: Error x at Commit Transaction for User z, Instance y
Cause: Attempt to commit transaction in instance y unsuccessful.
Action: Restart the UTM transaction. If the error persists, then shutdown the openUTM application and restart.
ORA-05146: Error x at Rollback Transaction for User z, Instance y
Cause: The rollback of transaction in instance y is invalid.
Action: No action, but if the error persists, shutdown the UTM application and restart.
ORA-05147: TA for User z committed; Reason: Recovery
Cause: In a openUTM warmstart an interrupted transaction has been committed.
Action: None.
ORA-05148: TA for User z heuristic rolled back in Instance y
Cause: In a UTM warmstart, an interrupted transaction has just been rolled back from the Oracle Database.
Action: Restart the UTM transaction.
ORA-05149: TA for User z rolled back; Reason: Internal Event
Cause: The end- or prepare-call was invalid. Therefore the transaction must be rolled back.
Action: Restart the UTM transaction.
ORA-05150: KDCS-PEND before DBFITA missing
Cause: System error.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05151: KDCS-PEND before DBPETA missing
Cause: System error.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05152: Linked Resource-Manager is not CAE-compatible
Cause: System error.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05153: xa_switch definition not found for specified Resource-Manager: s
Cause: System error.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05154: Syntax error in start parameters for Resource-Manager: s
Cause: In the start parameters for the Oracle Database there is a syntax error.
Action: Refer to Chapter 8, " openUTM Product Set"and correct the start parameters.
ORA-05155: Internal Error: malloc in dbstpa
Cause: This error message indicates a system error. One of the possible reasons for this issue is that the system is out of memory.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05156: Internal Error: realloc in dbstpa
Cause: This error message indicates a system error. One of the possible reasons for this issue is that the system does not have sufficient memory.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05157: Internal Error: malloc in up_recovery
Cause: This error message indicates a system error. One of the possible reasons for this issue is that the system does not have sufficient memory.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05158: IUTMDB-Function not supported
Cause: openUTM system error.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05159: TA for User(s) z rolled back; Reason: Recovery
Cause: In a openUTM warmstart one or more interrupted transactions have been rolled back.
Action: None.
ORA-05161: TCP/IP can't perform asynchronous test on break socket.
Cause: Select on break socket failed.
Action: Contact the System Administrator about TCP/IP networking problems. If the error persists, contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05165: function not supported
Cause: Either Oracle Database 10g release 2 Server or BS2000/OSD does not support this function.
Action: None.
ORA-05167: Defect in data buffer
Cause: This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05170: SID not defined (ORAENV file missing?)
Cause: The system identifier, data base name, is not defined when needed during Oracle Database program initialization. A missing ORAENV file or a missing ORASID entry in that file could cause this error.
Action: Ensure that the ORAENV file definition is correct and re-run the program.
ORA-05173: bad kernel size
Cause: An invalid value for the KNL_SIZE parameter has been specified in the ORAENV file.
Action: You should not normally need to specify this variable, as the default value will be correct. Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05174: bad kernel base
Cause: An invalid value for the KNL_BASE parameter has been specified in the ORAENV file.
Action: If this value is specified, then it must be a hexadecimal value giving the full virtual address for the kernel memory pool. Correct the value and restart the database.
ORA-05175: Kernel address space conflict
Cause: The Oracle Database kernel cannot be placed at the requested address range, because the range is already used. The kernel start address is defined by the ORAENV parameter, KNL_BASE.
Action: Refer to the section on "Address Space Planning" in Chapter 2, " Architecture and Implementation", and adjust the relevant initialization file and ORAENV parameters. Inspect the JOIN entry for the address space limit. Contact the System Administrator to learn about shared subsystems and their placement in the address space.
ORA-05176: Kernel: address space saturation
Cause: When the Oracle Database kernel memory pool was being allocated, the operating system signalled that the virtual address space is currently saturated.
Action: Contact the System Administrator about paging area size and current overall system load.
ORA-05177: Unexpected Kernel memory pool problem
Cause: The ENAMP macro returned an unexpected error code.
Action: This problem can be caused when you run a program in 24-bit mode and try to connect single-task to a kernel, which has a value greater than the 16MB line, because the database itself is running in 31-bit mode. If this is the cause of the error, then you must access the database in two-task mode (through SQL*Net). Refer to the ENAMP macro description in the BS2000 documentation for other possible reasons. If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05178: Kernel module not yet initialized
Cause: The current task is trying to attach to an Oracle Database kernel which is not yet completely initialized. This can only happen if you try to connect to a database, which is just being started.
Action: Retry after a while. Remember that it may take a few minutes until a database is fully running and ready for the users. If the error persists, then check this issue with the Database Administrator.
ORA-05180: Cannot load character set table
Cause: One of the modules containing character set tables cannot be loaded.
Action: Verify that the ORALOAD library is accessible through LINK=ORALOAD. For further information on link names and the ORALOAD library, refer to the chapter "Getting Started" in Oracle Database User's Guide for Fujitsu Siemens BS2000/OSD. If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05181: load/init problem with PRO/OCI interface
Cause: The user-side stub module could not load the PRO/OCI module. In this case, the message is usually preceded by a BS2000 BLS-nnnn message, or the loaded module is incompatible with the version of the stub module.
Action: Make sure that the ORALOAD link name exists and points to the current ORALOAD library. Re-link the application with the current link libraries.
ORA-05191: symbol translation error for kernel memory pool
Cause: The logical name translation for the kernel memory pool failed. Normally, this indicates an invalid system id, ORASID in the ORAENV file.
Action: Ensure that the ORAENV file definition is correct. Otherwise, contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05192: cannot create/attach kernel memory pool
Cause: The memory pool for the Oracle Database kernel code could not be enabled. In a user program, a possible cause is that the user program already allocates part of the address range needed for the memory pool.
Action: Ensure that the user program does not request storage excessively, and that any SGA_BASE and KNL_BASE parameters in the ORAENV file are consistent. If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05193: Symbol translation error for kernel module or load library
Cause: The logical-name translation for the kernel module or load library failed. This is an internal error and should not normally occur.
Action: Contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05194: cannot load kernel
Cause: The kernel could not be loaded into the kernel memory pool. In most cases, this message is preceded by a BLS-nnn message from the operating system.
Action: Make sure that the ORALOAD link name identifies the correct ORALOAD library, and that the ORAENV variable, KNL_MODULE, names one of the possible kernels. Then re-issue the STARTUP command. If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05195: bad or missing kernel connector
Cause: The loaded kernel could not verify its user-side connector module. This can occur if you use an incorrect kernel version.
Action: If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
ORA-05198: associated internal OSD error code %d
Cause: This message precedes ORA-05199, if there is more information available. The first 4 hexadecimal digits can often identify the module, and the last 4 hexadecimal digits are usually a condensed version of an associated system macro code. This code can be helpful in diagnosing the problem.
Action: If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.
Cause: A fatal error occurred, which prevents continuation of execution. In many cases, a preceding message explains the error. The system causes the program execution to stop (TERM ABNORMAL with DUMP is displayed).
Action: If you cannot identify the cause of the problem, then contact the Oracle Support Services Representative.