3 Oracle Middleware Enterprise Management

Enterprise Manager offers the following management packs for Oracle Middleware Enterprise Management:

The following sections in this chapter describe the licensed features and links for these packs.

Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware

This pack improves the availability and performance of Java applications with low overhead, as well as providing in-depth diagnostics. It enables administrators to proactively monitor application performance and diagnose the root cause of performance problems, such as application crashing and hanging in a production environment, which may severely impact businesses.


System Monitoring Plug-in for Hosts is included with the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware license.


This pack includes the following components:

  • Enterprise Manager system monitoring functionality applicable for both Oracle Application Server and Oracle WebLogic Server.

    See Table 3–1 for feature highlights.

  • Oracle Application Diagnostics for Java, which is applicable for non-Oracle middleware running on Sun, HP, JRockit, and IBM JVMs. This diagnoses the root cause of Java application performance problems in Java applications with very low performance overhead.See https://download.oracle.com/otn/java/jade/README.TXT for the latest information about supporting JVMs and platforms.

    See Table 3–2 for feature highlights.

  • Oracle JRockit Mission Control, which you can use with either Oracle WebLogic or OAS with JRockit JVM.

    See Table 3–3 for feature highlights.

Table 3-1 Feature Highlights of Enterprise Manager System Monitoring

Feature Benefit

Performance monitoring

(applies to Oracle Application Server and WebLogic Server)

Provide real-time and historical performance monitoring. Reduces the complex tasks of diagnosing and correcting performance problems for your targets.

Advanced alert management

(applies to Oracle Application Server and WebLogic Server)

Provide notification methods, rules and schedules, metric history and associated drill-downs, ability to set blackouts, associate corrective actions with alert, user-defined metrics, metric snapshots, and monitoring templates.

Request performance

(applies only to Oracle Application Server)

  • Historical views show the response times for end-user requests.

  • Response time breakdowns are available in each layer (servlet, JSP, EJB, JDBC, and SQL) of an OC4J container.

Interactive transaction trace

(applies only to Oracle Application Server)

  • Play a transaction interactively from the browser and view the response time profile.

  • View the time consumed in the network and server.

  • View the response time breakdowns in each layer (servlet, JSP, EJB, JDBC, and SQL) of an OC4J container.

Table 3-2 Feature Highlights of Oracle AD4J

Feature Benefit

Hot deployment without server restarts or configuration changes

  • Quick time to value

  • Simple to deploy

  • Easy to use

"Always on" low overhead monitoring, notifications, and dashboards

  • Diagnose past problems

  • Receive early warnings of outages

  • See a single view of the status of all applications

Application/JVP pool monitoring

  • Monitor all JVMs of an application together with uniform monitoring settings.

  • Different administrators can monitor and receive notifications on different applications.

Real-time visibility into a JVM and application state without instrumentation overhead

  • No need to reproduce problems in a test environment.

  • No application knowledge required.

Trace in-flight transactions

  • View request performance problems in real time.

  • Analyze time spent in each resource bottleneck and Java method.

Cross-tier trace with Oracle Database

  • View the impact of database problems on all associated applications and JVMs.

  • Clearly isolate problems between Java and the database.

  • Achieve smooth communication between application administrators and DBAs

Differential heap analysis

  • Utilize memory leak analysis in production.

  • Simplify memory growth and leak analysis.

Table 3-3 Feature Highlights of JRockit Mission Control

Feature Benefit

Quick deployment

  • Quick time to value

  • No agent installation or configuration required

  • No code changes required

Nearly no overhead, monitoring, diagnostics, and profiling

Diagnose problems in production.

Real-time monitoring of JVM

  • Configure triggers to send email, generate application alerts, log to files, or create a profiling snapshot when specific conditions are met.

  • Lightweight method and exception profiler.

Memory leak detection and analysis

  • Memory leak analysis in production.

  • Automated trend analysis and visual breakdown enables even non-developers to quickly analyze and find the root cause of memory leaks.

Latency analysis

  • Diagnose the root cause of latency and scalability issues in your application.

  • Get detailed information on latency-causing events, such as GC, locks, wait-notify, I/O, JIT, class loading, memory allocation, and more.

  • Visualize the thread execution timeline, including latency events and thread interaction.

Eclipse IDE integration

  • Quick problem resolution for Java developers.

  • Extend base JRMC functionality with the ability to jump between diagnostics/profiling and source code views.

Licensed Links

  • From the Enterprise Manager Home page:

    • Select the Targets tab, then the Web Applications sub-tab. Click any Web Application Name in the table. On the Web Application page that appears, the Page Performance tab is a licensed feature of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

    • Click the Page Performance tab. All links, buttons, and drilldowns on the Page Performance page are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

    • From the Page Performance page, the following Related Links are also part of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware:

      • Advanced Analysis

      • Alert History

      • Blackouts

      • Metric Baselines

  • From the Web Application page linked from the Targets page:

    • Click the Request Performance tab. All links, buttons, and drilldowns on the Request Performance page are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

    • From the Request Performance page, the following Related Links are also part of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware:

      • OC4J Performance

      • Alert History

      • Blackouts

      • Metric Baselines

  • From the Web Application page linked from the Targets page:

    • Click the Monitoring Configuration tab. All four links in the Web Application Tasks section are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

    • From the Monitoring Configuration page, the following Related Links are also part of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware:

      • Alert History

      • Blackouts

      • Metric Baselines

  • From the Web Application page linked from the Targets page:

    • Click the Test Performance tab, then click any test in the table. On the resulting Web Transaction home page, the Play with Trace button is a licensed feature of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

  • From the Enterprise Manager Home page:

    • Select the Targets tab, then the Services sub-tab. Click any Forms Application Name in the table. On the resulting Forms Application page, the Page Performance tab is a licensed feature of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

    • Click the Page Performance tab. All links, buttons, and drilldowns on the Page Performance page are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

    • From the Page Performance page, the following Related Links are also part of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware:

      • Advanced Analysis

      • Alert History

      • Blackouts

      • Metric Baselines

  • From the Forms Application page linked from the Targets page:

    • Click the Monitoring Configuration tab. The following links in the Forms Application Tasks section are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

      • Manage Watch Lists

      • Manage Regions

      • Manage Web Server Data Collection

  • All the pages in Oracle AD4J are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

  • From the Enterprise Manager Home page:

    • Select the Targets tab, then the Middleware sub-tab. From the Middleware page, click an Oracle Application Server Farm link. The Metrics link in the Oracle Middleware Farm page is a licensed feature of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

    • From the Middleware page, click an Oracle Application Server Cluster link. The Metrics link in the Oracle Application Server Cluster Home page is a licensed feature of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

    • From the Middleware page, click an Oracle Middleware link. The following links in the Oracle Application Server Home page are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware:

      • Availability in the General section

      • Alert History and notifications functionality in the Related Links section

      • All Metrics in the Related Links section

      • Blackouts in the Related Links section

    • From the Oracle Application Server home page, click the Performance tab. All of the links in the Performance Links section of the Application Server Performance page are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

    • From the Application Server page, click an OC4J link. The following links in the OC4J Home page are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware:

      • Availability in the General section

      • Alert History and notifications functionality in the Related Links section

      • All Metrics in the Related Links section

      • Blackouts in the Related Links section

    • From the OC4J Home page, click the Performance tab. All of the links in the Performance Links section of the OC4J Performance page are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

    • From the Application Server page, click an Oracle HTTP Server link. The following links in the HTTP Server Home page are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware:

      • Availability in the General section

      • Alert History and notifications functionality in the Related Links section

      • All Metrics in the Related Links section

      • Blackouts in the Related Links section

    • From the HTTP Server Home page, click the Server Performance tab. All of the links in the Performance Links section of the HTTP Server Performance page are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

    • From the HTTP Server Home page, click the Virtual Host Performance tab. This tab is a licensed feature of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

    • From the Application Server page, click a Web Cache link. The following links in the Web Cache Home page are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware:

      • Availability in the General section

      • Alert History and notifications functionality in the Related Links section

      • All Metrics in the Related Links section

      • Blackouts in the Related Links section

    • From the Web Cache Home page, click the Performance tab. All of the links in the Performance Links section of the Web Cache Performance page are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

    • From the Application Server page, click an Oracle WebLogic Server Cluster link. The Metrics link in the Oracle WebLogic Server Cluster Home page is a licensed feature of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

    • From the Application Server page, click an Oracle WebLogic Managed Server link. The following links in the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server Home page JRockit Mission Control are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware:

      • Alert History and notifications functionality in the Related Links section

      • All Metrics in the Related Links section

      • Blackouts in the Related Links section

    • From the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server Home page, click the Performance tab. All of the links in the Performance Links section of the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server Performance page are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

  • All the links under Oracle AD4J in the Oracle Application Diagnostics for Java (AD4J) are licensed features of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

  • JRockit Mission Control, when Oracle middleware is running on JRockit JVM, is a licensed feature of the Diagnostics Pack for Oracle Middleware.

Management Pack for WebLogic Server

This pack offers a complete, cost-effective, and easy-to-use solution for application performance management, configuration management, and provisioning and patch automation for Oracle Fusion Middleware. The Management Pack for WebLogic Server models and monitors Java EE and Web Services applications, enabling users to quickly identify bottlenecks, performance trends, and overall application efficiency. This pack also automates the time-consuming and often error-prone process of installing, patching, and managing the configurations of Oracle Fusion Middleware software and its underlying operating system and hardware.

The features available with this pack are spread across multiple products. Provisioning and patch automation features are available in Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control. Configuration management features are available in Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control, Configuration Change Console, and Application Configuration Console. Application performance management features are available in Oracle Composite Application Monitor and Modeler (Oracle CAMM).

The following sections provide licensing information for all of these products.


All Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Fusion Middleware Control and Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control functionality is included with each edition of Oracle Fusion Middleware. The links and areas that require the Management Pack for WebLogic Server are outside of Fusion Middleware Control and Application Server Control.

Application Performance Management in Management Pack for WebLogic Server

As part of the Management Pack for WebLogic Server, Composite Application Monitor and Modeler (CAMM) delivers comprehensive management and modeling capabilities for pure Java EE and web service environments running in Oracle WebLogic Server. By combining contextual drill-down modeling capabilities with extensive metrics that can span containers horizontally as well as the entire vertical stack for Java EE, CAMM significantly reduces the cost and complexity of managing Java EE-based environments in development, testing, staging, and production environments.

Oracle CAMM models and monitors Java EE and Web Services applications to enable users to quickly identify bottlenecks, performance trends, and overall application efficiency.


Oracle CAMM within the Management Pack for WebLogic Server includes the features shown in Table 3–4.

Table 3-4 Feature Highlights of Oracle CAMM Within the Management Pack for WebLogic Server

Feature Benefit

Automatic modeling and discovery

Automatically model and discover management applications displaying multiple views of the application, including the topology, function/flow, and architectural views.

Contextual visibility into Java EE and web service metrics

Provide drill-down contextual visibility into Java EE and web service metrics, enabling administrators to both quickly understand and analyze their application to identify potential bottlenecks and performance trends, as well as prepare for capacity changes and overall application management.

Transaction tracing

Trace transactions for Java EE metrics both vertically through the application stack as well as horizontally across containers.

Metrics visibility for any layer

Automatically generate customized dashboards and views to view metrics at any layer in the application through graphs and tables.

Service-level objectives

Provide service-level objectives (SLOs) at any point within the architecture for indicators and alerts.

Licensed Links


Within the Management Pack for WebLogic Server, licensing is restricted to Java EE and web service components and does not include BPEL, ESB, AIA, or Pageflow components.

From the CAMM User Interface default view, the following links and menu items are licensed features of the Management Pack for WebLogic Server:

  • From the upper-left navigation pane, click on the Monitor tab. The following links, including all of the associated links in the right-hand pane, and any pages, views, or links as well as the items they contain are included licensed features:

    • Oracle Enterprise Manager link, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Web Services link, all sub-nodes of Web Services, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Services link, all sub-nodes of Services, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Processes link, all sub-nodes of Processes, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Applications link, all sub-nodes of Applications, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Resources link, all sub-nodes of Resources, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • CAMM link, all sub-nodes of CAMM, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

  • From the upper-left navigation area, click the Configure tab link. All navigation tree nodes as well as all tabbed pane links and data available in the right pane are licensed features.

  • From the upper-left navigation area, click the Custom Views tab link. All navigation tree nodes in the lower-left navigation tree as well as all tabbed pane links and data available in the right pane are licensed features.

  • From the lower-left navigation area, click the Dashboard tab link. All navigation tree nodes in the lower-left navigation tree as well as all tabbed pane links and data available in the right pane are licensed features.

  • All of the drop-down menu items and sub-items, navigation bars, lower information bar (bottom of interface), and time frame modification features at the top of the interface are licensed features, as well as the following accessible links from these drop-down menus:

    • Manager —> Status

    • Manager —> Logout

    • Queries —> URL Query

    • Dashboard —> Custom Views

    • Dashboard —> Set Custom Dashboard

    • Help —> Help Topics and all links available on subsequent pages

    • Help —> Memory Information

    • Help —> About Oracle Composite Application Monitor and Modeler

Configuration Management in Management Pack for WebLogic Server

Configuration management features within the Management Pack for WebLogic Server automate the process of managing software and hardware configurations and deployments. The Management Pack for WebLogic Server provides capabilities such as search and compare across all systems, configuration monitoring, policy management and compliance support, security configuration scoring and dashboards, and comprehensive reporting.

You can access the configuration management features available with the Management Pack for WebLogic Server through Grid Control licensed links and by installing the Configuration Change Console and Application Configuration Console. All three of these components comprise the configuration management features provided by the Management Pack for WebLogic Server.


To obtain all the features of the Management Pack for WebLogic Server, you need to enable the Configurtion Management Pack for Non-Oracle Systems in Grid Control for the host on which you have the licensed Management Pack for WebLogic Server.


The Management Pack for WebLogic Server includes the features shown in Table 3–5. Unless otherwise stated, these features apply to both Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Application Server target types, as well as the underlying host target types on which they have been installed.

Table 3-5 Feature Highlights of Configuration Management in Management Pack for WebLogic Server

Feature Benefit

Middleware and host configuration management

Provide hardware and software configuration data collection, search, comparison, historical change tracking, and analytical reporting.


Include Critical Patch Advisories, which alert you to critical patches you need to apply.

Note: This feature does not apply to Oracle WebLogic Server.

Policy and security management

  • Ensure consistency of deployments, system security, and adherence to operation standards.

  • Receive policy violation notifications, including Enterprise Security Advisories.

  • Utilize out-of-box policies or generate user-defined policies to meet your specific operational best practices, industry requirements, or regulatory compliance requirements.

Policy groups

  • Provide a structured collection of security configuration rules against which you can measure or judge targets.

  • Create your own policy groups to specifically address your operational processes and best practice needs. Choose from the library of out-of-box or user-defined policies to group policies to meet your specific needs. This capability enables you to create, edit, and delete policy groups.

This feature is accessible from the Policy Group sub-tab under the Compliance tab.

Deployments/installations, including patch-level

Understand what you have by utilizing the Management Pack for WebLogic Server for discovery, asset tracking of all hardware and software configurations, configuration change tracking, and maintenance of relationships.

Note: This feature does not apply to the Oracle WebLogic Server.

Client System Analyzer

Enable your system administrators to collect and analyze configuration information and data from end-user systems. Using the pre-installed application enables you to collect end-user configuration information without setting up a separate Web server. The Management Agents collect, analyze, and upload the end-user configuration information to the Management Repository.

Security at a glance

From a single view, monitor and standardize compliance to security standards across your enterprise. View compliance scores and track trends over time to understand improvements in compliance or deviations. Drill down into individual targets to understand policy violations and closed loop remediation.

Note: This feature does not apply to the WebLogic Server.

Real-time configuration change detection

Provide real-time configuration change detection and automation of compliance frameworks, such as Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), and Payment Card Industry (PCI) data security standards.

Management Pack for WebLogic Server solves this need with a centralized Configuration Change Console that includes out-of-box and user-defined policies and controls.

Note: Management Pack for WebLogic Server features within the Configuration Change Console are restricted to the Oracle Fusion Middleware targets residing in the Oracle Middleware home, platform and operating system configurations. Any user or application configuration-related files residing on the operating system not associated with the Oracle Middleware home are not part of the Management Pack for WebLogic Server.

Application configuration management

Provide a comprehensive solution for managing the application infrastructure underlying mission-critical applications. The Application Configuration Console provides an automated "gold master" methodology to application infrastructure management providing IT infrastructure personnel with the ability to:

  • Capture the current state of configuration settings for IT assets.

  • Monitor these IT assets for changes.

  • Automate processes for provisioning configuration changes along with setting up new environments throughout the application lifecycle - from development through testing, then production.

Note: Management Pack for WebLogic Server features within the Application Configuration Console are restricted to the Oracle Fusion Middleware targets residing in the Oracle Middleware home, platform and operating system configurations. Any user or application configuration-related files residing on the operating system not associated with the Oracle Middleware home are not part of the Management Pack for WebLogic Server.

To use the features listed above, you must purchase licenses to the Management Pack for WebLogic Server. The Licensed Links section itemizes the Enterprise Manager links that require licensing of the Management Pack for WebLogic Server, and should not be accessible if the Management Pack for WebLogic Server has been disabled. This generally applies to the following target types and the hosts on which these targets reside:

  • Oracle Application Server Farm

  • Oracle WebLogic Server Domain

  • Oracle WebLogic Server Cluster

  • Oracle WebLogic Managed Server

  • Oracle Application Server

  • Oracle Containers for J2EE

  • Oracle HTTP Server

  • Oracle Web Cache

The Management Pack for WebLogic Server does not include configuration management features for Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) and Oracle Service Bus (OSB). For these Oracle Fusion Middleware components, the Management Pack Plus for SOA must be licensed. See "Management Pack Plus for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)" on page 3-28 for more information.

Licensed Links

The list that follows itemizes the configuration management related links that require licensing of the Management Pack for WebLogic Server. You can navigate to these features in several ways. The instructions below assume that you begin from the main Grid Control Home page.


All of the Grid Control pages have a set of four links in the top right corner: Setup, Preferences, Help, and Logout.

  • When you click the Setup link, there is a set of links on the left side of the Setup page:

    • The Client System Analyzer in Grid Control link is part of this pack.

Home Page

  • On the Grid Control Home Page, several sections are licensed:

    • In the Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes section, all of the links are part of this pack.

    • In the Deployments Summary section, all of the links related to Oracle middleware and its underlying host are part of this pack.

    • In the Security Policy Violations section, all of the links are part of this pack.

    • In the All Targets Policy Violation section, all of the links are part of this pack.

Deployments Page

On the Grid Control Home Page, there is a Deployments tab. There are several sections on the Deployments page.

  • In the Critical Patch Advisories section, all of the links are part of this pack.

  • In the Deployment Summary section, all of the links related to Oracle middleware and its underlying host are part of this pack.

  • In the Configuration section, all of the links are part of this pack.

  • In the Client Configurations section, all of the links are part of this pack.

Compliance Page

On the Grid Control Home Page, there is a Compliance tab.

  • The links relating to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host on the Compliance page are part of this pack.

Reports Page

On the Grid Control Home page, there is a Reports tab. There is a table on the Report Definitions page which lists the various reports available.

  • Under the Deployment and Configuration report heading, all of the links relating to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host are part of this pack.

  • Under the Monitoring heading, there is a Alerts and Policy Violations report heading. All of the policy violations links relating to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying hosts are part of this pack.

  • Under the Monitoring heading, there is a Disabled Policies report heading. All of the links relating to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host under this heading are part of this pack.

Targets Page

From the Targets page, when you select the Host sub-tab, you access the host information for all of your application server hosts. There is a table on the Hosts page.

  • In the Policy Violations column for each host, there are numbers. The numbers in this column are links, and the links are part of this pack.

Target Host Page

From the Targets page, when you select a host on which Oracle Fusion Middleware resides, you access the Host Home page. On the Host Home page, several sections are licensed:

  • In the Configuration section, all links are part of this pack.

  • In the Policy Violations section, the numbers in this section are links, and the links are part of this pack.

  • In the Security section, all of the links are part of this pack.

  • In the Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes section, all of the links are part of this pack.

  • In the Related Links section, the following links are licensed:

    • The Metric and Policy Settings link goes to the Metrics and Policy Settings page. On the Metric and Policy Settings page, there is a Policies link, which is part of this pack.

    • The Reports link goes to the Report Definitions page. The following report links are licensed as part of this pack:

      • All links under the Deployment and Configuration section.

      • All Alerts and Policy Violations links under the Monitoring section.

      • All Disabled Policies links under the Monitoring section.

  • On the Host Home page, click the Targets link. On the Targets page, there is a Policy Violations column. The numbers in this column are links, and the links associated with Oracle Fusion Middleware targets are part of this pack.

  • On the Host Home page, click the Configuration link. The entire Configuration page is part of this pack.

Middleware Page

From the Targets page, when you select the Middleware sub-tab, you can access information for all of your Oracle Fusion Middleware.

  • In the Policy Violations column of the Middleware page for Oracle Fusion Middleware targets:

    • The numbers in this column are links, and the links are part of this pack.

Oracle WebLogic Server Domain Target

You can access the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain Home page from the Middleware sub-tab under the Targets tab. From the Middleware page, select the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain by clicking on its name.

On the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain Home page, several sections are licensed:

  • All of the links in the Policy Violations section are licensed as part of this pack.

  • In the Related Links section, select the Reports link.

    • Links to reports related to Oracle WebLogic Server in the Alerts and Policy Violations, Disabled Policies, and Policy Group sections are licensed as part of this pack.

  • The Members property page is accessible from the Home page.

    • All of the links in the Policy Violations column are licensed as part of this pack.

Oracle WebLogic Server Cluster Target

You can access the Oracle WebLogic Server Cluster Home page from the Middleware sub-tab under the Targets tab. From the Middleware page, click on the name of an Oracle WebLogic Server Cluster.

On the Oracle WebLogic Server Cluster Home page, several sections are licensed:

  • All of the links in the Policy Violations section are licensed as part of this pack.

  • In the Related Links section, select the Reports link.

    • Links to reports related to Oracle WebLogic Server in the Alerts and Policy Violations, Disabled Policies, and Policy Group sections are licensed as part of this pack.

  • The Members property page is accessible from the Home page.

    • All of the links in the Policy Violations column are licensed as part of this pack.

Oracle WebLogic Server Managed Server Target

You can access the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server Home page from the Middleware sub-tab under the Targets tab. From the Middleware page, click the name of the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server. The Oracle WebLogic Managed Server Home page appears.

On the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server Home page, several sections are licensed:

  • All of the links in the Policy Violations section are licensed as part of this pack.

  • In the Related Links section, select the Reports link.

    • Links to reports related to Oracle WebLogic Server in the Alerts and Policy Violations, Disabled Policies, and Policy Group sections are part of this pack.

  • Select Metric and Policy Settings. The resultant Policies tab is licensed as part of this pack.

  • The Administration property page is accessible from the Home page.

    • The entire page is licensed as part of this pack.

Application Server Instance Page

From the Middleware page, you can access information for each Oracle Application Server by clicking the link for an Oracle Application Server.

  • The first page is the Application Server Instance Home page.

    • In the General section, the link to the Oracle home is licensed as part of this pack.

    • In the Related Links section, click the Metric and Policy Settings link. On the Metric and Policy Settings page, the Policies link is licensed as part of this pack.

    • In the Related Links section, click the Reports link. The following report links on the Report Definitions are licensed as part of this pack:

      • All Alerts and Policy Violations links under the Monitoring section.

      • All Disabled Policies links under the Monitoring section.

  • On the Application Server Instance Home page, click the Administration sub-tab.

    • All of the links in the Configuration section are part of this pack.

    • All of the links in the Configuration Searches section are part of this pack.

  • On the Application Server Instance Home page, click the Topology sub-tab.

    • When you select a target on the page, the details for the target are shown in the Selection Details section. The Policy Violations link in the Selection Details section is part of this pack.

Oracle HTTP Server Pages

From the Middleware page, you can access Oracle HTTP Server information by expanding the server name list and clicking the link for an Oracle HTTP Server instance.

  • On the Oracle HTTP Server Home page, several sections are licensed:

    • In the General section, the link to the Oracle home is licensed as part of this pack.

    • In the Policy Violation section, all of the Policy Violation links are licensed as part of this pack.

    • In the Security section, all of the Security links are licensed as part of this pack

    • In the Related Links section, click the Metric and Policy Settings link. On the Metric and Policy Settings page, the Policies link is licensed as part of this pack.

    • In the Related Links section, click the Reports link. The following report links on the Report Definitions page are licensed as part of this pack:

      • All Alerts and Policy Violations links under the Monitoring section.

      • All Disabled Policies links under the Monitoring section.

  • On the Oracle HTTP Server Home page, there is an Administration sub-tab.

    • All of the links in the Configuration section are part of this pack.

    • All of the links in the Configuration Searches section are part of this pack.

Web Cache Target

From the Middleware page, you can access Oracle Web Cache information by expanding the server name list and clicking the link for a Web Cache instance.

  • On the Oracle Web Cache Home page, several sections are licensed:

    • In the General section, the link for the Oracle Home is licensed as part of this pack.

    • In the Policy Violations section, all of the Policy Violation links are licensed as part of this pack.

    • In the Security section, all of the Security links are licensed as part of this pack

    • In the Related Links section, click the Metric and Policy Settings link. On the Metric and Policy Settings page, the Policies link is licensed as part of this pack.

    • In the Related Links section, click the Reports link. The following report links on the Report Definitions page are licensed as part of this pack:

      • All Alerts and Policy Violations links under the Monitoring section.

      • All Disabled Policies links under the Monitoring section.

  • On the Oracle Web Cache page, click the Administration link.

    • All of the links in the Configuration section are part of this pack.

    • All of the links in the Configuration Searches section are part of this pack.

OC4J Target

From the Middleware page, you can access OC4J information by expanding the server name list and clicking the link for an OC4J instance.

  • On the OC4J page, several sections are licensed:

    • In the General section, the link to the Oracle Home is licensed as part of this pack.

    • In the Policy Violation section, all of the Policy Violation links are licensed as part of this pack.

    • In the Security section, all of the Security links are licensed as part of this pack

    • In the Related Links section, click the Metric and Policy Settings link. On the Metric and Policy Settings page, the Policies link is licensed as part of this pack.

    • In the Related Links section, click the Reports link. The following report links on the Report Definitions page are licensed as part of this pack:

      • All Alerts and Policy Violations links under the Monitoring section.

      • All Disabled Policies links under the Monitoring section.

  • On the OC4J page, click the Administration link.

    • All of the links in the Configuration section are part of this pack.

    • All of the links in the Configuration Searches section are part of this pack.

Other Oracle Fusion Middleware Components

From the Middleware subtab, you can access other Oracle Fusion Middleware components (such as Oracle Internet Directory, OracleAS Single Sign-On, and Oracle Forms Services). There are licensable links on these additional component Home pages under the Management Pack for WebLogic Server. These licensable links could include the following:

  • In the General section, if a link to the Oracle home exists, the link is part of this pack.

  • In the Related Links section, there is a Metric and Policy Settings link. On the Metric and Policy Settings page, there is a Policies link, which is part of this pack.

  • In the Related Links section, the Reports link goes to the Report Definitions page. The following report links are licensed as part of this pack:

    • All Alerts and Policy Violations links under the Monitoring section.

    • All Disabled Policies links under the Monitoring section.

  • On the OracleAS Integration B2B Home page, several sections are licensed:

    • In the Related Links section, there is a Metric and Policy Settings link. On the Metric and Policy Settings page, there is a Policies link, which is part of this pack.

    • In the Related Links section, the Reports link goes to the Report Definitions page. The following report links are licensed as part of this pack:

      • All Alerts and Policy Violations links under the Monitoring section.

      • All Disabled Policies links under the Monitoring section.

  • On the Oracle Workflow Home page, several sections are licensed:

    • In the Related Links section, there is a Metric and Policy Settings link. On the Metric and Policy Settings page, there is a Policies link, which is part of this pack.

    • In the Related Links section, the Reports link goes to the Report Definitions page. The following report links are licensed as part of this pack:

      • All Alerts and Policy Violations links under the Monitoring section.

      • All Disabled Policies links under the Monitoring section.

  • On the Oracle CMSDK Home page, several sections are licensed:

    • In the Related Links section, there is a Metric and Policy Settings link. On the Metric and Policy Settings page, there is a Policies link, which is part of this pack.

    • In the Related Links section, the Reports link goes to the Report Definitions page. The following report links are licensed as part of this pack:

      • All Alerts and Policy Violations links under the Monitoring section.

      • All Disabled Policies links under the Monitoring section.

Oracle Application Server Farm Pages

From the Middleware page, you can access Oracle Application Server Farm information by selecting a farm.

  • On the Oracle Application Server Farm Home page, several sections are licensed.

    • In the Policy Violation section, all of the Policy Violation links are part of this pack.

    • In the Configuration Changes section, all of the Changes links are part of this pack

    • In the Security Policy Violations section, all of the Security Policy Violations links are part of this pack.

    • In the Related Links section, the Reports link goes to the Report Definitions page. The following report links are licensed as part of this pack:

      • All Alerts and Policy Violations links under the Monitoring section.

      • All Disabled Policies links under the Monitoring section.

  • On the Oracle Application Server Farm, there is an Administration sub-tab.

    • All of the links in the Deployments section are part of this pack.

    • All of the links in the Configuration Searches section are part of this pack.

  • On the Oracle Application Server Farm page, there is an Members sub-tab.

    • All of the links in the Policy Violations section are part of this pack.

  • On the Oracle Application Server Farm page, there is a Topology sub-tab.

    • When you select a target on the page, the details for the target are shown in the Selection Details section. The Policy Violations link in the Selection Details section is part of this pack.

  • On the Oracle Application Server Farm page, Metrics page, Administration page, and Members page, there is a Launch Dashboard button.

    • All of the links in the Policy Violations column are part of this pack.

Oracle Application Server Cluster Pages

From the Middleware page, you can access Oracle Application Server Cluster and Oracle Application Server DCM managed clusters information by selecting a cluster.

  • On the Oracle Application Server Cluster Home page, several sections are licensed:

    • In the Policy Violation section, all of the Policy Violation links are part of this pack.

    • In the Configuration Changes section, all of the Changes links are part of this pack

    • In the Security Policy Violations section, all of the Security Policy Violations links are part of this pack.

    • In the Related Links section, the Reports link goes to the Report Definitions page. The following report links are licensed as part of this pack:

      • All Alerts and Policy Violations links under the Monitoring section.

      • All Disabled Policies links under the Monitoring section.

  • On the Oracle Application Server Cluster Home page, there is an Administration sub-tab.

    • All of the links in the Deployments section are part of this pack.

    • All of the links in the Configuration Searches section are part of this pack.

  • On the Oracle Application Server Cluster Home page, there is an Members sub-tab.

    • All of the links in the Policy Violations section are part of this pack.

  • On the Oracle Application Server Cluster Home page, there is a Topology sub-tab.

    • When you select a target on the page, the details for the target are shown in the Selection Details section. The Policy Violations link in the Selection Details section is part of this pack.

  • On the Oracle Application Server Cluster Home page, J2EE Applications page, Metrics page, Administration page, and Members page, there is a Launch Dashboard button.

    • All of the links in the Policy Violations column are part of this pack.

HTTP Server HA Group

You can access HTTP Server HA Group pages from the All Targets sub-tab. To display the available HTTP Server HA Group, select HTTP Server HA Group from the Search list, and click Go. Select a HTPP Server HA Group from the search results to display its Home page.

  • On the HTTP Server HA Group Home page, several sections are licensed:

    • In the Configuration Changes section, all of the Configuration Changes links are part of this pack.

    • In the Policy Violation section, all of the Policy Violation links are part of this pack.

    • In the Security Policy Violation section, all of the Security Policy Violation links are part of this pack

    • In the Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes section, all of the Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes links are part of this pack.

    • In the Related Links section, the Reports link goes to the Report Definitions page. The following report links are licensed as part of this pack:

      • All Alerts and Policy Violations links under the Monitoring section.

      • All Disabled Policies links under the Monitoring section.

  • On the HTTP Server HA Group Home page, there is an Administration sub-tab.

    • All of the links in the Deployments section are part of this pack.

    • All of the links in the Configuration section are part of this pack.

  • On the HTTP Server HA Group Home page, there is a Members sub-tab.

    • All of the links in the Policy Violation section are part of this pack.

  • On the HTTP Server HA Group Home page, Administration page, Charts page, and Members page, there is a Launch Dashboard button.

    • All of the links in the Policy Violations column are part of this pack.

OC4J HA Group

You can access OC4J HA Group pages from the All Targets sub-tab. To display the available OC4J HA Group, select OC4J HA Group from the Search list, and click Go. Select an OC4J HA Group from the search results to display its Home page.

  • On the OC4J HA Group Home page, several sections are licensed:

    • In the Configuration Changes section, all of the Configuration Changes links are part of this pack.

    • In the Policy Violation section, all of the Policy Violation links are part of this pack.

    • In the Security Policy Violation section, all of the Security Policy Violation links are part of this pack

    • In the Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes section, all of the Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes links are part of this pack.

    • In the Related Links section, the Reports link goes to the Report Definitions page. The following report links are licensed as part of this pack:

      • All Alerts and Policy Violations links under the Monitoring section.

      • All Disabled Policies links under the Monitoring section.

  • On the OC4J HA Group Home page, there is an Administration sub-tab.

    • All of the links in the Deployments section are part of this pack.

    • All of the links in the Configuration section are part of this pack.

  • On the OC4J HA Group Home page, there is a Members sub-tab.

    • All of the links in the Policy Violation section are part of this pack.

  • On the OC4J HA Group Home page, Administration page, Charts page, and Members page, there is a Launch Dashboard button.

    • All of the links in the Policy Violations column are part of this pack.

Web Applications Target

You can access Web Application target home pages from the Web Applications sub-tab of the Targets tab. There are several sub-tabs on the Web Application target Home page.

  • From the System sub-tab, there is a Component Summary. All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host in the Policy Violation column are part of this pack.

  • From the Topology sub-tab, there is a Selection Details section. The Policy Violation link related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host is part of this pack.

Generic Services Target

You can access Generic Services target home pages from the Services sub-tab of the Targets tab. To locate a generic service, click the Type column heading to sort the column, and scroll to a generic service. Click the generic service name to go to its Home page.

  • From the System sub-tab, there is a Component Summary. All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host in the Policy Violations column are part of this pack.

  • From the Topology sub-tab, there is a Selection Details section. The Policy Violations link related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host is part of this pack.

Aggregate Services Target

You can access Aggregate Services target home pages from the Services sub-tab of the Targets tab. To locate an aggregate service, click the Type column heading to sort the column, and scroll to an aggregate service. Click the aggregate service name to go to its Home page.

  • From the System sub-tab, there is a Component Summary. All links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host in the Policy Violations column are part of this pack.

  • From the Topology sub-tab, there is a Selection Details section. The Policy Violations link related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host is part of this pack.


From the Targets page, when you select the Systems sub-tab, you can access information such as name, type, and alerts, for all of your systems.

  • On the Host page, there is a Policy Violations column for each host. The numbers in this column are links, and the links for hosts on which Oracle Fusion Middleware resides are part of this pack.

Systems Target

You can access the systems target home pages from the Systems sub-tab of the Targets tab. From the Systems page, select the system target by clicking on its name. The system target home page will be displayed.

  • On the Home page, several sections are licensed:

    • All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host in the Configuration Changes section are licensed as part of this pack.

    • All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host in the Policy Violation section are licensed as part of this pack.

    • All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host in the Security Policy Violations section are licensed as part of this pack.

    • All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware in the Critical Patch Advisories section are licensed as part of this pack.

    • In the Related Links section, click the Reports link. The following report links on the Report Definitions page are licensed as part of this pack:

      • All Alerts and Policy Violations links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host under the Monitoring section

      • All Disabled Policy links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host under the Monitoring section

  • On the Home page, click the Administration sub-tab.

    • All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host in the Deployments section are licensed as part of this pack.

    • All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host in the Configuration Searches section licensed as are part of this pack.

  • On the Home page, click the Components sub-tab.

    • All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host in the Policy Violation section are licensed as part of this pack.

  • On the Home page, click the Topology sub-tab.

    • When you select a target on the page, the details for the target are shown in the Selection Details section. The Policy Violations link related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host in the Selection Details and Summary sections are licensed as part of this pack.

  • On the Home page, Administration page, Components page, Charts page, and Topology page, there is a Launch Dashboard button.

    • All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host in the Policy Violations column are part of this pack.


You can access the Groups sub-tab from the Targets tab.

  • All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware and its underlying host in the Policy Violations column are part of this pack.

Groups Target

You can access the groups target home pages from the Groups sub-tab of the Targets tab. From the Groups page, select the groups target by clicking on its name. The groups target home page appears.

  • On the Home page, several sections are licensed:

    • All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware in the Configuration Changes section are licensed as part of this pack.

    • All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware in the Security Policy Violations section are licensed as part of this pack.

    • All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware in the Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes section are licensed as part of this pack.

    • In the Related Links section, click the Reports link. The following report links on the Report Definitions page are licensed as part of this pack:

      • All Alerts and Policy Violations links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware under the Monitoring section.

      • All Disabled Policies links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware under the Monitoring section.

  • On the Home page, click the Administration link.

    • All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware in the Deployments section are licensed as part of this pack.

    • All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware in the Configuration Searches section are licensed as part of this pack.

  • On the Home page, click the Members link.

    • All of the links related to Oracle Fusion Middleware in the Policy Violation section are licensed as part of this pack.

Configuration Change Console Restricted-use Licensing

Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Configuration Change Console Server includes restricted-use licenses for Oracle Database (Enterprise Edition), Oracle BEA WebLogic, and Oracle Business Intelligence solely to run the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Configuration Change Console Release Server.

Restricted-use License for Oracle Database (Enterprise Edition)

Oracle includes restricted-use licenses for Oracle Database (Enterprise Edition) with licenses of Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Configuration Change Console Release. If you want to use the Oracle Database (Enterprise Edition) not solely to run the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Configuration Change Console Release Server, you must purchase full-use licenses for Oracle Database (Enterprise Edition).

Restricted-use License for Oracle BEA WebLogic

Oracle includes restricted-use licenses for Oracle BEA WebLogic with licenses of the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Configuration Change Console Release. If you want to use the Oracle BEA WebLogic not solely to run the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Configuration Change Console Release 5 Server, you must purchase full-use licenses for Oracle BEA WebLogic.

Restricted-use License for Oracle Business Intelligence

Oracle includes restricted-use licenses for Oracle Business Intelligence with licenses of Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Configuration Change Console Release 5 ( If you want to use Oracle Business Intelligence not solely to report on the data within the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Configuration Change Console Release 5 ( Server, you must purchase full-use licenses for Oracle Business Intelligence.

You can use the restricted-use license to, (1) utilize out-of-box reports shipped with the Configuration Change Console, (2) modify out-of-box report visualization and layouts, (3) add additional data to reports with the Configuration Change Console repository as the sole source of additional data, (4) create new reports with the Configuration Change Console repository as the sole source of data.

Licensed Repository Views

The following configuration management related repository views are part of the Management Pack for WebLogic Server:

  • Inventory Views:



  • Policy Definition Views:






  • Policy Association Views:





  • Policy Violation Views:




  • Oracle Home Patching Views:










Provisioning and Patch Automation in Management Pack for WebLogic Server

Provisioning and patch automation features within the Management Pack for WebLogic Server automate deployment of Oracle Fusion Middleware software, applications, and patches. The features provide easy and scalable critical data center operations, resulting in lower operational risk and cost of ownership. The features in this pack provide functionality for "bare-metal" provisioning of operating systems and Oracle Fusion Middleware software images, cloning of existing Oracle Fusion Middleware installations, and operating system and Oracle Fusion Middleware patching.


The Management Pack for WebLogic Server includes the features shown in Table 3–6. Unless otherwise noted, these features apply to Oracle Application Server, OC4J, Oracle HTTP Server, and Oracle Web Cache target types, as well as the hosts on which these targets reside. These features do not apply to Oracle WebLogic Server target types.

Table 3-6 Feature Highlights of Provisioning and Patch Automation

Feature Benefit


  • Provide end-to-end patching of the Oracle Application Server across a wide range of product patches and customer environments.

  • Provide automated Linux, Solaris, and Windows host patching and integration with an Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN).

  • Receive alerts to critical patches that need to be applied through Critical Patch Advisories, and automate the downloading and deployment of patches through the Critical Patch Facility.


  • Create and maintain a library of reference software images.

  • Deploy operating systems and Oracle Fusion Middleware software to bare metal servers.

  • Create a provisions standard, or "gold" image of Oracle Fusion Middleware software.

  • Leverage out-of-box and custom reporting on provisioning and deployments.


  • Clone Oracle Application Server and SOA applications (including Oracle BPEL Process Manager and Oracle Enterprise Service Bus).

  • Extend Oracle Application Server DCM Managed Clusters and Oracle Application Server clusters.

  • Clone Forms and Report Services.

Security management

  • Ensure system security and adherence to operation security standards.

  • Receive notifications for security policies, including Enterprise Security Advisories.

General Guidelines for Licensable Links

The user interface can change, and links can be added or removed. Consequently, a general guideline for which links should be licensable, and therefore accessible for the Management Pack for WebLogic Server, is that any links in the following categories are licensable under this pack, and should therefore not be accessible without licensing:

  • Bare Metal Provisioning

  • Software Library

  • Oracle Application Server Home cloning

  • Application Server and application provisioning

  • Critical patch advisories for Oracle homes

  • Security at a Glance

  • Provisioning and deployment reports

  • Automated patching for Windows, Linux, and Solaris operating systems

  • Automated patching (including staging) for Oracle Application Server software

  • Extend Oracle Application Server DCM Managed Cluster and Oracle Application Server Cluster

LIcensed Links

The following provisioning and patch automation related links are licensable with the Management Pack for WebLogic Server, and should not be accessible if the Management Pack for WebLogic Server has not been licensed and enabled.

Setup Page

  • Click the Setup link in the upper right corner of the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console. In the Overview of Setup page that appears, the Patching Setup link is licensed as part of this pack.

  • Click the Setup link in the upper right corner of the page. On the Overview of Setup page, click the Agents sub-tab. From the Agents page, click an agent to display the Agent Home page. The Dell Change Automation selection from the Add drop-down menu under the Monitored Targets section is a licensed feature of this pack.

Console Home Page

  • Select any of the links in the Security Policy Violations section. On the Violations page that appears, the Security at a Glance sub-tab is licensed as part of this pack.

  • Links in the Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes section are licensed as part of this pack.

  • Click the Targets tab, then All Targets. On the All Targets page, click the Dell Change Automation link. All links and features available on or linked to from the Dell Change Automation page are licensed as part of this pack.

Deployments Tab

  • Links in the Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes section are licensed as part of this pack.

  • Select the Patching through Deployment Procedures link in the Patching section. On the Deployment Procedure Manager page that appears, the following procedure link and affiliated actions (that is, View, Schedule Deployment, Edit, Create Like, Revert, and Delete) are licensed as part of this pack:

    • Patch Application Server

  • Select the View/Upload Patch link in the Patching section. On the Patch Cache page that appears, any Application Server-related patch link and affiliated actions (that is, View Details, View Readme, Patch, and Remove) are licensed as part of this pack.

  • The Patch Linux Hosts link in the Patching section is licensed as part of this pack.

  • Select the Clone Oracle Home link in the Cloning section. On the Clone Oracle Home wizard that appears, cloning any application server target from an installed Oracle Home or from the Software Library is licensed as part of this pack.

  • Select the Deployment Procedures link in the Deployment Procedure Manager section. On the Deployment Procedure Manager page that appears, the following procedure links and affiliated actions (that is, View, Schedule Deployment, Edit, Create Like, Revert, and Delete) are licensed as part of this pack:

    • Application Server Deployment (myJ2EE)

    • Application Server Deployment 10.1.3

    • Application Server Deployment 10.1.3.xSOA

    • Patch Application Server

    • Forms and Reports Provisioning

  • The Application Server Provisioning Procedures link is licensed as part of this pack.

  • Select the Patch Procedures link in the Deployment Procedure Manager section. On the Deployment Procedure Manager page that appears, the following procedure link and affiliated actions (that is, View, Schedule Deployment, Edit, Create Like, Revert, and Delete) are licensed as part of this pack:

    • Patch Application Server

  • Select the Provisioning sub-tab. On the Provisioning page that appears, any links associated with application server targets or the hosts on which application server targets reside are licensed as part of this pack.

Compliance Tab

  • The Security at a Glance link is licensed as part of this pack.

Host Home Page (for hosts on which the application server resides)

  • Links in the Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes section are licensed as part of this pack.

  • The Security at a Glance link is licensed as part of this pack.

Oracle Application Server Home Page

  • The Patch link in the Related Links section is licensed as part of this pack.

Oracle Application Server Administration Page

  • All links in the Deployments section are licensed as part of this pack.

Group Home Page

  • The Security at a Glance link is licensed as part of this pack.

  • The links in the Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes section are licensed as part of this pack.

Other Pages

  • Select the Targets tab, then the Systems sub-tab. The Systems Home page appears. The following link is licensed as part of this pack:

    • Security at a Glance

Licensed Reports

The following reports are part of the Management Pack for WebLogic Server:

  • All reports in the category of Linux Operating System Patching that pertain to hosts on which application server targets reside are licensable.

  • All reports in the category of Oracle Home Patch Advisories that pertain to Oracle Application Server targets and their underlying hosts are licensable.

Licensed Repository Views

The following repository views are part of the Management Pack for WebLogic Server:

  • Oracle Home Patching Views:






  • Linux Patching Views:





Licensed Command Line Interface (CLI) Verbs

The following Enterprise Manager CLI verbs are licensed as part of the Management Pack for WebLogic Server.

  • clone_as_home

  • extend_as_home

  • get_instances

  • get_procedure_types

  • get_procedure_xml

  • get_procedures

  • provision

  • submit_procedure

Management Pack Plus for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

This pack delivers comprehensive management and modeling capabilities for a SOA-based environment. By combining SOA run-time governance, business-IT alignment, model-driven metrics, and SOA infrastructure management with Oracle's rich and comprehensive system management solution, Enterprise Manager Grid Control significantly reduces the cost and complexity of managing SOA-based environments.

This pack supports the following Grid Control SOA targets:

  • Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)

  • Oracle Service Bus (OSB)

This pack also supports the following Composite Application Monitor and Modeler (CAMM) targets:

  • Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)

  • Oracle Enterprise Service Bus (OESB)

  • WebLogic Integration (WLI)

  • WebLogic Portal (WLP)

The following sections provide SOA Plus licensing information for both the Grid Control and CAMM target types.

Licensing for Grid Control SOA Targets

This portion of the pack delivers comprehensive management and modeling capabilities for a SOA-based environment. By combining SOA run-time governance, business-IT alignment, model-driven metrics, and SOA infrastructure management with Oracle's rich and comprehensive system management solution, Enterprise Manager Grid Control significantly reduces the cost and complexity of managing SOA-based environments.


The Management Pack Plus for SOA Grid Control targets include the features shown in Table 3–7.

Table 3-7 Feature Highlights of Management Pack Plus for SOA

Feature Benefit

Centralized management console

Provide administrators managing SOA environments with a consolidated browser-based view of the entire enterprise, thereby enabling them to monitor and manage all of their components from a central location.

Discovery and service modeling

Provide discovery of the following:

  • Oracle BPEL processes deployed to the Oracle BPEL Process Manager (BPEL Process Manager) server and the dependent partner links.

  • Oracle Service Bus-based business and proxy services.

  • Service modeling offers out-of-the-box automated system modeling capabilities for the SOA infrastructure.

Runtime governance

Define SOAP tests to measure and record availability and performance of partner links (or any Web service) and business/proxy services for historical trending, troubleshooting, and root cause analysis purposes. Also provides an error hospital of process instances with drilldowns into instance details.

Infrastructure management

Monitor the availability and performance of the SOA infrastructure components. Both current and historic availability of targets (such as BPEL Process Manager or Oracle Service Bus) are recorded for troubleshooting and root cause analysis.

Configuration management

Collect configuration information for the BPEL Process Manager server/domains/processes and Oracle Service Bus. The parameters can be refreshed, saved, or compared with another target. Different versions of the same target can also be compared.

Deployment automation

Automate the deployment of the following:

  • BPEL suitcases to one or more BPEL Process Manager targets.

  • Oracle Service Bus resources from one domain to another.

Adapter metrics

Provide throughput and error metrics for different adapters in graphical format.

Business-IT alignment

Enables you to consolidate their IT and business management tools into a unified system. BAM-EM integration unites business KPIs and system metrics in one system for correlation and trending.

Service level management

Enables you to monitor services from the end-user's perspective using service tests or synthetic transactions, model relationships between services and underlying IT components, and report on achieved service levels.

Composite application monitoring and modeling

Enables you to manage your SOA solutions by leveraging a model-driven top-down approach within your development, quality assurance (QA), staging, and production environments. Business application owners and operational staff can automatically discover your BPEL work flows and correlate them with the underlying Web services; Enterprise Service Buses (ESBs); and back-end Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) resources through detailed modeling and drilling down directly into the performance metrics at the component level.

For more information, see the following document:


Historical analysis and reporting

Store the collected metric and configuration data in a central repository, thereby enabling administrators to analyze metrics through various historical views and facilitate strategic trend analysis and reporting.

Licensed Links

  • From the Enterprise Manager Grid Control Home page:

    • Select Oracle BPEL Process Manager from the Target Search drop-down menu, then click Go. The Oracle BPEL Process Manager page appears.

      The Availability link and the Refresh BPEL Infrastructure Service button are licensed as part of the Management Pack Plus for SOA.

  • From the Oracle BPEL Process Manager page:

    • Click the Processes link at the top of the page. The BPEL Process List page appears, which shows all the deployed BPEL processes. All links and controls on the Process List page are licensed as part of the Management Pack Plus for SOA.

    • Click on one of the processes in the list. The Oracle BPEL Process page appears.

      All links and controls on the Oracle BPEL Process page are licensed as part of the Management Pack for Plus for SOA.

  • From the Enterprise Manager Grid Control Home page:

    • Select Oracle Service Bus from the Target Search drop-down menu, then click Go.

      The Availability link and Refresh Infrastructure Service button on the Oracle Service Bus page are licensed as part of the Management Pack Plus for SOA.

Licensing for Composite Application Monitor and Modeler (Oracle CAMM) Targets

Oracle CAMM models and monitors SOA, Portal, and J2EE applications to enable users to quickly identify bottlenecks, performance trends, and overall application efficiency.


The Management Pack Plus for SOA CAMM targets include the features shown in Table 3–8.

Table 3-8 Feature Highlights of Management Pack Plus for SOA CAMM Targets

Feature Benefit

Automatic modeling and discovery

Automatically model and discover management applications displaying multiple views of the application, including the topology, function/flow, and architectural views.

Contextual visibility into SOA, and J2EE metrics

Provide drill-down contextual visibility into SOA, and J2EE metrics, enabling administrators to both quickly understand and analyze their application to identify potential bottlenecks and performance trends, as well as prepare for capacity changes and overall application management.

Transaction tracing

Trace transactions for SOA, and J2EE metrics both vertically through the application stack as well as horizontally across containers.

Metrics visibility at any layer

Automatically generate customized dashboards and views to view metrics at any layer in the application through graphs and tables.

Service-level objectives

Provide service-level objectives (SLOs) at any point within the architecture for indicators and alerts.


Within the Management Pack Plus for SOA, licensing is restricted to J2EE, SOA, ESB, and OSB components and does not include Portal or Pageflow components.

Licensed Links

  • From the Enterprise Manager Home page:

    • Click the Targets tab, then the Middleware sub-tab.

    • Click Expand All above the Middleware table.

    • Locate the desired licensed application server name. Licensed BPEL Process Managers are indicated as Oracle BPEL Process Manager in the Type column. (BPEL means Business Process Execution Language.) The BPEL Process Manager link (SOAM, AD) only appears in license mode.

    • Click the licensed BPEL Process Manager's name. The Oracle BPEL Process Manager page appears. All links and controls on this page are licensed as part of the Management Pack Plus for SOA.

  • From the Oracle BPEL Process Manager page:

    • Click the Processes link at the top of the page. The Domain/Processes page appears, which shows all the deployed BPEL processes. All links and controls on the Processes page are licensed as part of the Management Pack Plus for SOA.

    • Click on one of the processes in the list. The Oracle BPEL Process page appears.

      All links and controls on the Oracle BPEL Process page are licensed as part of the Management Pack Plus for SOA.

  • From the Composite Application Monitor and Modeler (CAMM) User Interface default view, the following links and menu items are licensed features of the Management Pack Plus for SOA:

    • From the upper-left navigation pane, click on the Monitor tab. The following links, including all of the associated links in the right-hand pane, and any pages, views, or links as well as the items they contain are included licensed features:

      • Oracle Enterprise Manager link, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

      • BPEL Processes link, all sub-nodes of the BPEL Processes, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

      • ESB link, all sub-nodes of ESB, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

      • OSB link, all sub-nodes of Oracle Service Bus, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

      • AIA link, all sub-nodes of AIA, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

      • Web Services link, all sub-nodes of Web Services, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

      • WLI Web Services link, all sub-nodes of WLI Web Services, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

      • Services link, all sub-nodes of Services, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

      • Integration link, all sub-nodes of Integration, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

      • Processes link, all sub-nodes of Processes, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

      • Applications link, all sub-nodes of Applications, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

      • Resources link, all sub-nodes of Resources, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

      • CAMM link, all sub-nodes of CAMM, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • From the upper-left navigation area, click the Configure tab link. All navigation tree nodes as well as all tabbed pane links and data available in the right pane are licensed features.

    • From the upper-left navigation area, click the Custom Views tab link. All navigation tree nodes in the lower-left navigation tree as well as all tabbed pane links and data available in the right pane are licensed features.

    • From the lower-left navigation area, click the Dashboard tab link. All navigation tree nodes in the lower-left navigation tree as well as all tabbed pane links and data available in the right pane are licensed features.

    • All of the drop-down menu items and sub-items, navigation bars, lower information bar (bottom of interface), and time frame modification features at the top of the interface are licensed features, as well as the following accessible links from these drop-down menus:

      • Manager —> Status

      • Manager —> Logout

      • Queries —> URL Query

      • Dashboard —> Custom Views

      • Dashboard —> Set Custom Dashboard

      • Help —> Help Topics and all links available on subsequent pages

      • Help —> Memory Information

      • Help —> About Oracle Composite Application Monitor and Modeler

Licensed Command Line Interface (CLI) Verbs

The following Enterprise Manager CLI verbs are licensed as part of the Management Pack Plus for SOA.

  • get_instances

  • get_instance_data_xml

  • get_procedures

  • get_procedure_types

  • get_procedure_xml

  • submit_procedure

Additional Licensing Information

Oracle Enterprise Manager Composite Application Performance Management Pack contains AspectJ BCEL 1.5.4 and Core Tools (the "EPL Programs"). The authors and/or contributors to the EPL Programs disclaim (i) all warranties and conditions, express and implied, including warranties or conditions of title and non-infringement, and implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and (ii) all liability for damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental and consequential damages, such as lost profits.

Any provision of any license provided by Oracle is offered by Oracle alone and not by any other party. The source code for the EPL Programs and a copy of the Eclipse Public License is available from Oracle at the following URL:


IMPORTANT NOTICES: The following source and properties files were modified by Oracle in order to resolve bugs found in the base AspectJ 1.5.4 code base. Therefore, the files have been publicly published at the following URL on Oracle's public website in accordance with the Eclipse Public License:


Management Pack for WebCenter Suite

This pack delivers comprehensive management and modeling capabilities for WebLogic Portal (now part of WebCenter Suite) environments running in Oracle WebLogic Server as well as the underlying J2EE components. By combining contextual drill-down modeling capabilities with extensive metrics that can span containers horizontally as well as the entire vertical stack for Portal and J2EE, Management Pack for WebCenter Suite significantly reduces the cost and complexity of managing WebLogic Portal-based environments in development, testing, staging, and production environments.

Features of Composite Application Monitor and Modeler (Oracle CAMM)

Oracle CAMM models and monitors SOA, Portal, and J2EE applications that enables users to quickly identify bottlenecks, performance trends, and overall application efficiency.

Oracle CAMM includes the features shown in Table 3–9.

Table 3-9 Feature Highlights of Oracle CAMM

Feature Benefit

Automatic modeling and discovery

Automatically model and discover management applications displaying multiple views of the application, including the topology, function/flow, and architectural views.

Contextual visibility into Portal, Web Services and J2EE metrics

Provide drill-down contextual visibility into Portal, Web Services, and J2EE metrics, enabling administrators to both quickly understand and analyze their application to identify potential bottlenecks and performance trends, as well as prepare for capacity changes and overall application management.

Transaction tracing

Trace transactions for Portal, Web Services, and J2EE metrics both vertically through the application stack as well as horizontally across containers.

Metrics visibility at any layer

Automatically generate customized dashboards and views to view metrics at any layer in the application through graphs and tables.

Service-level objectives

Provide service-level objectives (SLOs) at any point within the architecture for indicators and alerts.

Licensed Links


Within the Management Pack for WebCenter Suite, licensing is restricted to Web Services, J2EE, Portal, and Pageflow components, and does not include BPEL, ESB, AIA, or OSB components.

From the Composite Application Monitor and Modeler (CAMM) User Interface default view, the following links and menu items are licensed features of the Management Pack for WebCenter Suite:

  • From the upper-left navigation pane, click on the Monitor tab. The following links, including all of the associated links in the right-hand pane, and any pages, views, or links as well as the items they contain are included licensed features:

    • Oracle Enterprise Manager link, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Portals link, all sub-nodes, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Web Services link, all sub-nodes of Web Services, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Pageflows link, all sub-nodes of Pageflows, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Services link, all sub-nodes of Services, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Processes link, all sub-nodes of Processes, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Applications link, all sub-nodes of Applications, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Resources link, all sub-nodes of Resources, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • CAMM link, all sub-nodes of CAMM, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

  • From the upper-left navigation area, click the Configure tab link. All navigation tree nodes as well as all tabbed pane links and data available in the right pane are licensed features.

  • From the upper-left navigation area, click the Custom Views tab link. All navigation tree nodes in the lower-left navigation tree as well as all tabbed pane links and data available in the right pane are licensed features.

  • From the lower-left navigation area, click the Dashboard tab link. All navigation tree nodes in the lower-left navigation tree as well as all tabbed pane links and data available in the right pane are licensed features.

  • All of the drop-down menu items and sub-items, navigation bars, lower information bar (bottom of interface), and time frame modification features at the top of the interface are licensed features, as well as the following accessible links from these drop-down menus:

    • Manager —> Status

    • Manager —> Logout

    • Queries —> URL Query

    • Dashboard —> Custom Views

    • Dashboard —> Set Custom Dashboard

    • Help —> Help Topics and all links available on subsequent pages

    • Help —> Memory Information

    • Help —> About Oracle Composite Application Monitor and Modeler

Additional Licensing Information

Oracle Enterprise Manager Composite Application Performance Management Pack contains AspectJ BCEL 1.5.4 and Core Tools (the "EPL Programs"). The authors and/or contributors to the EPL Programs disclaim (i) all warranties and conditions, express and implied, including warranties or conditions of title and non-infringement, and implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and (ii) all liability for damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental and consequential damages, such as lost profits.

Any provision of any license provided by Oracle is offered by Oracle alone and not by any other party. The source code for the EPL Programs and a copy of the Eclipse Public License is available from Oracle at the following URL:


IMPORTANT NOTICES: The following source and properties files were modified by Oracle in order to resolve bugs found in the base AspectJ 1.5.4 code base. Therefore, the files have been publicly published at the following URL on Oracle's public website in accordance with the Eclipse Public License:


Management Pack for WebSphere Portal

This pack delivers comprehensive management and modeling capabilities for IBM WebSphere Portal environments running in IBM WebSphere Application Server as well as the underlying J2EE components. By combining contextual drill-down modeling capabilities with extensive metrics that can span containers horizontally as well as the entire vertical stack for Virtual Portal and J2EE, Management Pack for WebSphere Portal significantly reduces the cost and complexity of managing WebSphere Portal-based environments in development, testing, staging, and production environments.

Features of Composite Application Monitor and Modeler (Oracle CAMM)

Oracle CAMM models and monitors SOA, Portal, and J2EE applications that enables users to quickly identify bottlenecks, performance trends, and overall application efficiency.

Oracle CAMM includes the features shown in Table 3–10.

Table 3-10 Feature Highlights of Oracle CAMM

Feature Benefit

Automatic modeling and discovery

Automatically model and discover management applications displaying multiple views of the application, including the topology, function/flow, and architectural views.

Contextual visibility into Virtual Portal, Web Services and J2EE metrics

Provide drill-down contextual visibility into VirtualPortal, Web Services, and J2EE metrics, enabling administrators to both quickly understand and analyze their application to identify potential bottlenecks and performance trends, as well as prepare for capacity changes and overall application management.

Transaction tracing

Trace transactions for Virtual Portal, Web Services, and J2EE metrics both vertically through the application stack as well as horizontally across containers.

Metrics visibility at any layer

Automatically generate customized dashboards and views to view metrics at any layer in the application through graphs and tables.

Service-level objectives

Provide service-level objectives (SLOs) at any point within the architecture for indicators and alerts.

Licensed Links


Within the Management Pack for WebSphere Portal, licensing is restricted to Web Services, J2EE, Virtual Portal, and Pageflow components, and does not include BPEL, ESB, AIA, or OSB components.

From the Composite Application Monitor and Modeler (CAMM) User Interface default view, the following links and menu items are licensed features of the Management Pack for WebSphere Portal:

  • From the upper-left navigation pane, click on the Monitor tab. The following links, including all of the associated links in the right-hand pane, and any pages, views, or links as well as the items they contain are included licensed features:

    • Oracle Enterprise Manager link, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Portals link, all sub-nodes, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Web Services link, all sub-nodes of Web Services, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Pageflows link, all sub-nodes of Pageflows, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Services link, all sub-nodes of Services, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Processes link, all sub-nodes of Processes, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Applications link, all sub-nodes of Applications, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • Resources link, all sub-nodes of Resources, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

    • CAMM link, all sub-nodes of CAMM, and all tabbed pane links and data available in the right-hand pane, as well as all links available from any of the items in the tool bar or by double-clicking an item in the right-hand pane

  • From the upper-left navigation area, click the Configure tab link. All navigation tree nodes as well as all tabbed pane links and data available in the right pane are licensed features.

  • From the upper-left navigation area, click the Custom Views tab link. All navigation tree nodes in the lower-left navigation tree as well as all tabbed pane links and data available in the right pane are licensed features.

  • From the lower-left navigation area, click the Dashboard tab link. All navigation tree nodes in the lower-left navigation tree as well as all tabbed pane links and data available in the right pane are licensed features.

  • All of the drop-down menu items and sub-items, navigation bars, lower information bar (bottom of interface), and time frame modification features at the top of the interface are licensed features, as well as the following accessible links from these drop-down menus:

    • Manager —> Status

    • Manager —> Logout

    • Queries —> URL Query

    • Dashboard —> Custom Views

    • Dashboard —> Set Custom Dashboard

    • Help —> Help Topics and all links available on subsequent pages

    • Help —> Memory Information

    • Help —> About Oracle Composite Application Monitor and Modeler

Additional Licensing Information

Oracle Enterprise Manager Composite Application Performance Management Pack contains AspectJ BCEL 1.5.4 and Core Tools (the "EPL Programs"). The authors and/or contributors to the EPL Programs disclaim (i) all warranties and conditions, express and implied, including warranties or conditions of title and non-infringement, and implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and (ii) all liability for damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental and consequential damages, such as lost profits.

Any provision of any license provided by Oracle is offered by Oracle alone and not by any other party. The source code for the EPL Programs and a copy of the Eclipse Public License is available from Oracle at the following URL:


IMPORTANT NOTICES: The following source and properties files were modified by Oracle in order to resolve bugs found in the base AspectJ 1.5.4 code base. Therefore, the files have been publicly published at the following URL on Oracle's public website in accordance with the Eclipse Public License:


Management Pack for Oracle Coherence

Oracle Coherence is an in-memory data grid solution that enables organizations to predictably scale mission-critical applications. Any performance issue in Oracle Coherence directly impacts the availability and Quality of Service (QoS) of your applications, so it is important that Oracle Coherence be managed in conjunction with other system components to ensure QoS of applications and quick problem resolution.

The Management Pack for Oracle Coherence provides comprehensive tools to manage and monitor the entire Oracle Coherence Cluster from a single console. The pack includes all of the important aspects of management such as discovery, monitoring, reporting, events management, configuration management, life cycle management, and process automation.


The Management Pack for Oracle Coherence includes the features shown in Table 3–11.

Table 3-11 Feature Highlights of Management Pack for Oracle Coherence

Feature Benefit

Management simplification of Coherence clusters

Simplify management of the Coherence clusters by providing automatic discovery of an entire cluster and all of its components such as nodes, services, caches, connections, and connection managers.

Coherence cluster monitoring

Help monitor the Coherence cluster components in real-time and identify problem areas.

Detailed performance and usage statistics

Provide detailed performance and usage statistics that can help with improved performance and availability.

Configuration management

Manage configurations of Coherence cluster components.

Deployment automation

Automate the deployment and setup of Coherence nodes.

Licensed Links

  • From the Enterprise Manager Home page:

    • Select the Targets tab, then the Middleware sub-tab. All links of type Oracle Coherence Cluster in the table are a licensed feature of the Management Pack for Oracle Coherence as are all subordinate pages from this drill-down.