5 High Availability Best Practices

Choosing and implementing the architecture that best fits the availability requirements of a business can be a daunting task. This architecture must encompass appropriate redundancy, provide adequate protection from all types of outages, ensure consistent high performance and robust security, while being easy to deploy, manage, and scale. Needless to mention, this architecture should be driven by well-understood business requirements.

To build, implement and maintain such an architecture, a business needs high availability best practices that involve both technical and operational aspects of its IT systems and business processes. Such a set of best practices removes the complexity of designing a high availability architecture, maximizes availability while using minimum system resources, reduces the implementation and maintenance costs of the high availability systems in place, and makes it easy to duplicate the high availability architecture in other areas of the business.

An enterprise with a well-articulated set of high availability best practices that encompass high availability analysis frameworks, business drivers and system capabilities, will enjoy an improved operational resilience and enhanced business agility. Oracle offers various white papers that provide technical details on its various high availability technologies, along with best practice recommendations on configuring and using such technologies. Oracle high availability white papers can be downloaded at
