ALL_PROCEDURES lists all functions and procedures, along with associated properties. For example, ALL_PROCEDURES indicates whether or not a function is pipelined, parallel enabled or an aggregate function. If a function is pipelined or an aggregate function, the associated implementation type (if any) is also identified.

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  • DBA_PROCEDURES lists all functions and procedures, along with associated properties.

  • USER_PROCEDURES lists all functions and procedures, along with associated properties. It does not contain the OWNER column.

Column Datatype NULL Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the procedure
OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the object: top-level function, procedure, or package name
PROCEDURE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the procedure
AGGREGATE VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether the procedure is an aggregate function (YES) or not (NO)
PIPELINED VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether the procedure is a pipelined table function (YES) or not (NO)
IMPLTYPEOWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the owner of the implementation type, if any
IMPLTYPENAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the implementation type, if any
PARALLEL VARCHAR2(3)   Indicates whether the procedure or function is parallel-enabled (YES) or not (NO)
INTERFACE VARCHAR2(3)   YES, if the procedure/function is a table function implemented using the ODCI interface; otherwise NO
DETERMINISTIC VARCHAR2(3)   YES, if the procedure/function is declared to be deterministic; otherwise NO
AUTHID VARCHAR2(12)   Indicates whether the procedure/function is declared to execute as DEFINER or CURRENT_USER (invoker)