ALL_SYNONYMS describes the synonyms accessible to the current user. The following criteria determine the list of synonyms that ALL_SYNONYMS shows:

  • All private synonyms owned by the logged-in user, even if the base object pointed to is not accessible.

  • All public synonyms, even if the base object pointed to is not accessible.

  • All private synonyms owned by a different user, where the ultimate base object pointed to by that synonym or by any chain of nested synonyms, is know to be accessible because of a grant to the logged-in user, or a grant to a role in effect for this session.

  • If the current session has any of the following privileges, then all synonyms that point directly to local objects are shown because it is assumed that the session can access those objects:






    Synonyms that point to remote objects are excluded because the system privileges just listed do not automatically convey access to those remote objects. Also, if the synonyms point to objects other than tables and views (such as sequences, PL/SQL procedures, and so on) then this rule may show synonyms that ultimately resolve to objects that this session cannot access.

  • All private synonyms owned by a different user, where the synonym is via a database link, are excluded.

Related Views

  • DBA_SYNONYMS describes all synonyms in the database.

  • USER_SYNONYMS describes the synonyms owned by the current user. The USER_SYNONYMS view does not display the OWNER column.

Column Datatype NULL Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Owner of the synonym
SYNONYM_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the synonym
TABLE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the object referenced by the synonym. Although the column is called TABLE_OWNER, the object owned is not necessarily a table. It can be any general object such as a view, sequence, stored procedure, synonym, and so on
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of the object referenced by the synonym. Although the column is called TABLE_NAME, the object does not necessarily have to be a table. It can be any general object such as a view, sequence, stored procedure, synonym, and so on.
DB_LINK VARCHAR2(128)   Name of the database link referenced, if any