DBA_ADVISOR_ACTIONS displays information about the actions associated with all recommendations in the database. Each action is specified by the COMMAND and ATTR1 through ATTR6 columns. Each command defines how the attribute columns will be used.

Related View

USER_ADVISOR_ACTIONS displays information about the actions associated with the recommendations owned by the current user. This view does not display the OWNER column.

Column Datatype NULL Description
OWNER VARCHAR2(30)   Owner of the task
TASK_ID NUMBER NOT NULL Identifier of the task
TASK_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the task
REC_ID NUMBER NOT NULL Recommendation associated with the action
ACTION_ID NUMBER NOT NULL Unique identifier for the action
OBJECT_ID NUMBER   Object associated with the action
COMMAND VARCHAR2(64)   Command to be executed

See Also: DBA_ADVISOR_COMMANDS for a list of commands

COMMAND_ID NUMBER NOT NULL ID of the command to be executed

See Also: DBA_ADVISOR_COMMANDS for a list of commands

FLAGS NUMBER   Advisor-specific flags
ATTR1 VARCHAR2(4000)   Parameters defining the command
ATTR2 VARCHAR2(4000)   Parameters defining the command
ATTR3 VARCHAR2(4000)   Parameters defining the command
ATTR4 VARCHAR2(4000)   Parameters defining the command
ATTR5 CLOB   Parameters defining the command; to be used if the text is significantly large (for example, a SQL statement defining a materialized view)
ATTR6 CLOB   Parameters defining the command; to be used if the text is significantly large (for example, a SQL statement defining a materialized view)
NUM_ATTR1 NUMBER   General numeric attribute
NUM_ATTR2 NUMBER   General numeric attribute
NUM_ATTR3 NUMBER   General numeric attribute
NUM_ATTR4 NUMBER   General numeric attribute
NUM_ATTR5 NUMBER   General numeric attribute
MESSAGE VARCHAR2(4000)   Message associated with the action