E Messages and Codes

This appendix covers Oracle Database 10g messages, codes, and actions. The information in this appendix supplements Oracle Database Error Messages. Refer to this guide for a complete list of messages and detailed information about Oracle messages and codes.

All messages between 07500 and 07999 are specific to the HP OpenVMS operating system.

%DCL-W-ACTIMAGE: error activating image image_name
Cause: This is an HP OpenVMS error message that occurs when you try to run an Oracle Database 10g tool without installing the Oracle Database 10g client sharable image.
Action: Install Oracle Database 10g in shared memory before the instance is started by executing the following command file:
ORA-01031:insufficient privileges
Cause: If the correct process rights identifier has not been defined, then this error occurs when you try to connect to a database by using the CONNECT /AS SYSDBA command.
Action: Set the correct process rights identifier. The following information discusses the process rights identifiers and the privileges needed to control instances.

Privileges to use the CONNECT / command depend on whether or not:

  • An ORA_sid_DBA identifier is in the HP OpenVMS rights database

  • The account has the process rights identifier ORA_DBA, ORA_sid_DBA, or both

These identifiers are added by running the HP OpenVMS AUTHORIZE utility. The following cases identify process rights identifiers and your subsequent privileges:

  • If the identifier, ORA_sid_x_DBA, exists in the HP OpenVMS rights database for instance sid_x, then your account must have been granted the process rights identifier ORA_sid_x_DBA to control instance sid_x.

  • If the identifier ORA_sid_x_DBA exists in the HP OpenVMS rights database for instance sid_x and your account does not have the process rights identifier ORA_sid_x_DBA but it does have ORA_DBA, then your account does not have sufficient privileges to control instance sid_x. However, it may control all other instances that do not have ORA_sid_x_DBA identifiers defined for them.

  • If the identifier ORA_sid_x_DBA does not exist in the HP OpenVMS rights database for instance sid_x and you have the process rights identifier to ORA_DBA, then your account has sufficient privileges to control instance sid_x and all other instances that do not have ORA_sid_DBA identifiers defined for them.

ORA-07515:sfccf: UIC group <= MAXSYSGROUP - file operations not allowed
Cause: File is not created because allowing DBAs to perform file operations if the User Identification Code (UIC) group of this account is less than or equal to the SYSGEN parameter MAXSYSGROUP poses a security risk.
Action: Ensure that the DBA creating or opening database files, redo log files, and so on, has a UIC group greater than MAXSYSGROUP.
ORA-07516:sfccf: $open file error
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $OPEN failed.
Action: Check for a system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07517:sfccf: existing file size mismatch with specified file size
Cause: A file that was specified by the REUSE command already exists but differs in size.
Action: Specify a file size equal to that of the existing file or do not use the REUSE command.
ORA-07519:sfccf: REUSE not allowed since file owner group <= MAXSYSGROUP
Cause: File is not created because allowing Oracle Database to reuse files owned by users with a UIC group less than or equal to the SYSGEN parameter MAXSYSGROUP poses a security risk.
Action: Ensure that no database files, log files, or control files that you attempt to reuse are owned by an account with a UIC group less than or equal to the MAXSYSGROUP SYSGEN parameter. If any valid Oracle files exist with such ownership conditions, then you must change their ownership before attempting to run the REUSE command on them.
ORA-07520:sfccf: illegal logical block size
Cause: An invalid logical block size was specified in the parameter file. The block size must be positive, a multiple of 512, and less than the maximum physical I/O data size.
Action: Change DB_BLOCK_SIZE in the parameter file to conform to these limits.
ORA-07521:sfccf: $create file error
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $CREATE failed.
Action: Check for a system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07522:sfccf: new file exists
Cause: A file that was not designated as REUSE already exists.
Action: Add REUSE to the file specification or delete the existing file.
ORA-07526:sfifi: illegal logical block size
Cause: An invalid logical block size was specified in the parameter file. It must be positive, a multiple of 512, and less than the maximum physical I/O data size.
Action: Change DB_BLOCK_SIZE in the parameter file to conform to these limits.
ORA-07527:sfifi: UIC group <= MAXSYSGROUP - file operations not allowed
Cause: File is not created because allowing DBAs to perform file operations if their account's UIC group is less than or equal to the SYSGEN parameter MAXSYSGROUP poses a security risk.
Action: Ensure that the DBA creating or opening database files, redo log files, and so on, has a UIC group greater than MAXSYSGROUP.
ORA-07533:sfifi: Cannot open file since file owner group <=MAXSYSGROUP
Cause: File is not created because allowing Oracle Database to open files owned by users with a UIC group less than or equal to the SYSGEN parameter MAXSYSGROUP poses a security risk.
Action: Ensure that no database files, log files, or control files that you attempt to reuse are owned by an account with a UIC group less than or equal to the SYSGEN parameter MAXSYSGROUP. If any valid Oracle files exist with such ownership conditions, then you must change their ownership before attempting to open them.
ORA-07537:sfccf: Cannot create file since file owner group <= MAXSYSGROUP
Cause: File is not created because allowing Oracle Database to CREATE or REUSE files owned by users with a UIC group less than or equal to the SYSGEN parameter MAXSYSGROUP poses a security risk.
Action: Ensure that no database files, log files, or control files that you attempt to reuse are owned by an account with a UIC group less than or equal to the SYSGEN parameter MAXSYSGROUP. If any valid Oracle files exist with such ownership conditions, then you must change their ownership before attempting to REUSE them. Likewise, if you attempt to create a file that will inherit an invalid ownership from the parent directory, then you should create it in a different location, or take other steps to avoid this situation.
ORA-07545:sfcmf: $PARSE failure (filename syntax)
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service failed due to a syntax error when trying to add a new file to the database.
Action: Examine the system error, and correct the file name syntax.
ORA-07546:sfcmf: new file exists
Cause: The file name of a file to be added resolved to that of a file already in the database.
Action: Change the file name of the file to be added.
ORA-07547:sfcmf: $OPEN failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $OPEN failed.
Action: Check for a system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07548:sftopn: Maximum number of files already open
Cause: Too many test files open.
Action: This is an internal error. Verify that you can reproduce the error, and contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-07553:sfofi: out of open files
Cause: The number of open files has exceeded an HP OpenVMS Oracle Database compile time limit.
Action: This is an internal error. Verify that you can reproduce the error, and contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-07556:sfotf: $create error
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $CREATE failed.
Action: Examine system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07557:ssfctf: illegal logical block size specified for tape file
Cause: An invalid logical block size was specified for the tape file.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact customer support.
ORA-07558:ssfctf: $create error
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $CREATE failed
Action: Examine system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07560:sltln: $trnlog error
Cause: Translation of a logical name failed (for example, due to overflow, too many levels of logical names, or the logical name was not defined at all).
Action: Define the logical name or look for a name like ORACLE_SID that is exceptionally long or defined circularly. If none, then report as a bug.
ORA-07563:sldext: $PARSE failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $PARSE failed.
Action: Check for a system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07564:sldext: wildcard in filename or extension
Cause: A wildcard was used in the file name.
Action: Reenter the file name completely.
ORA-07565:sldext: $SEARCH failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $SEARCH failed.
Action: Check for a system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07568:slspool: $OPEN failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $OPEN failed.
Action: Check for a system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07572:szrfc: insufficient rolename buffer space
Cause: An OS role name was too long.
Action: Redefine the role name to be of correct length.
ORA-07573:slkhst: could not perform host operation
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service LIB$SPAWN failed.
Action: Check for a system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07582:spstp: SID has illegal value
Cause: The SID must exist and be less than 6 characters.
Action: Refer to the Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about setting the SID.
ORA-07585:spdcr: $PARSE failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $PARSE failed.
Action: Check for a system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07586:spdcr: $SEARCH failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $SEARCH failed.
Action: Check for a system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07587:spdcr: $CREPRC failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $CREPRC failed.
Action: Check for a system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07620:smscre: illegal database block size
Cause: An invalid database block size was specified in the parameter file. The block size must be positive, a multiple of 512, and less than the maximum physical I/O data size.
Action: Change DB_BLOCK_SIZE in the parameter file to conform to these limits.
ORA-07621:smscre: illegal redo block size
Cause: An invalid redo log buffer size was specified in the parameter file. The buffer size must be positive, a multiple of 512, and less than the maximum physical I/O data size.
Action: Change LOG_BUFFER in the parameter file to conform to these limits.
ORA-07622:smscre: $CREATE failure
Cause: While creating the system global area (SGA) backing file, HP OpenVMS system service $CREATE failed.
Action: Examine the system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07623:smscre: $CRMPSC failure
Cause: While creating the system global area (SGA), HP OpenVMS system service $CRMPSC failed.
Action: Examine the system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.

The error is caused when there are not enough contiguous global pages available to create the SGA. For example, the SGA created by the distributed INIT.ORA file requires 390000 contiguous global pages. In addition, remember that contiguous global pages are consumed by the installation of the Oracle sharable image, and any Oracle Database Client applications installed by INSUTILITY.COM.

To show the maximum number of contiguous global pages, use the following lexical function:


To show the number of global pages available, use the following lexical function:


If the available global pages are fragmented, then restart the system after increasing the SYSGEN parameter, GBLPAGES (global page limit). This parameter cannot be dynamically increased. you must restart the system for these changes to take effect. If the available global pages are merely fragmented, but their number is sufficient and restarting the system is enough. In such a case, there is no need to increase the SYSGEN parameter, GBLPAGES.

ORA-07625:smsget: $MGBLSC failure
Cause: While mapping the system global area (SGA) during logon, the HP OpenVMS system service $MGBLSC failed. The usual reason is that Oracle Database 10g has not been started up.
Action: Examine the system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation. Start Oracle Database 10g if it is not already started.
ORA-07626:smsget: SGA already mapped
Cause: An attempt to map the SGA during logon failed because it was already mapped. This is an internal error.
Action: Exit the program and try again. Report this error to Oracle Support Services.
ORA-07627:smsfre: $CRETVA failure
Cause: While unmapping the system global area (SGA) during logoff, HP OpenVMS system service $CRETVA failed.
Action: Examine the system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07628:smsfre: SGA not mapped
Cause: An attempt to unmap the SGA during logoff failed because it was not mapped. This is an internal error.
Action: Exit the program and try again, and report this to Oracle Support Services.
ORA-07636:smsdbp: $MGBLSC failure
Cause: While attempting to set protection in the database buffer debug mechanism, HP OpenVMS system service $MGBLSC failed.
Action: Verify that you can reproduce the error, and contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-07640:smsget: SGA not yet valid. Initialization in progress
Cause: An attempt was made to map to the SGA while it was being initialized.
Action: Wait until initialization is complete, and try again.
ORA-07647:sszfck: $OPEN failure
Cause: While attempting to reopen a file, HP OpenVMS service $OPEN failed.
Action: Examine the system message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07655:slsprom: $TRNLOG failure
Cause: While attempting to translate SYS$INPUT during a prompt for a password, HP OpenVMS system service $TRNLOG failed.
Action: Examine the system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07688:smscre: $CREATE_REGION_64 failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $CREATE_REGION_64 failed.
Action: Examine system error message, and refer to HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07689:smscre: $CRMPSC_GFILE_64 failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $CRMPSC_GFILE_64 failed.
Action: Examine system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07690:smscre: $CRMPSC_GDZRO_64 failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $CRMPSC_GDZRO_64 failed.
Action: Examine system error message, and refer to HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07691:smscre: Identifier ORA_SGA does not exist.
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service: $GRANTID failed.
Action: Add ORA_SGA identifier to the system.
ORA-07692:ssmsget: $MGBSLC_64 failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $MGBLSC_64 failed.
Action: Examine system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07693:ssmsget: $DELTVA_64 failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $DELTVA_64 failed.
Action: Examine system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07694:ssmsget: $CREATE_REGION_64 failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $CREATE_REGION_64 failed.
Action: Examine system error message, and refer to HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07696:smsfre: $DELETE_REGION_64 failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $DELETE_REGION_64 failed.
Action: Examine system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07697:smscre: $GRANTID failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $GRANTID failed.
Action: Examine system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07698:smsget: $GRANTID failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $GRANTID failed.
Action: Examine system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07711:sksatln: mailboxes and null devices illegal for log_archive_dest
Cause: The user specified a mailbox or null device for LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST.
Action: Specify a valid archival device.
ORA-07741:slemop: $OPEN failure
Cause: HP OpenVMS system service $OPEN failed.
Action: Check for a system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.
ORA-07822:sspscm: SYS$CREMBX failure
Cause: An error was returned from the SYS$CREMBX function while trying to create the process dump mailbox.
Action: Check the system error message, and refer to the HP OpenVMS system documentation.