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10g Release 2 (10.2)

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IsEOF Method

Applies To



This routine returns TRUE if the current record is after the last record in the result set.


oboolean IsEOF(void) const


This method returns TRUE if the current record is after the last record of the dynaset result set. This can happen if the MoveNext method is executed at the time that the last record is current, if the current record is the last record and it is deleted, or if there are no records in the result set.

The name means "End of File" and is a relic from flat-file databases.

Return Value

TRUE if (1) the current record is after the last record (2) the ODynaset is closed or (3) the dynaset has no records; FALSE otherwise.


This example deletes all the managers.

// open a database

ODatabase odb("ExampleDB", "scott/tiger", 0);

// open a dynaset

ODynaset odyn(odb, "select * from emp");

// get an OField object for looking at the job field

OField job = empdyn.GetField("job");

// look through all the employees

while (!empdyn.IsEOF())


if (0 == strcmp((const char *) job, "MANAGER"))

{ // we found a manager - delete that employee



// go to next record (gets us to valid record)

// or past EOF if there are no more records

