A COM Automation Error Messages

This appendix includes the following:

Oracle COM Automation Feature, PL/SQL Errors

The following is a list of Oracle COM Automation Feature PL/SQL errors and their common causes.

COM-0001: Not a Boolean type
Cause: The property type, or return value type, is not a boolean, but a Boolean value was requested.
Action: Make sure that the variable is of the appropriate data type.
COM-0002: Invalid Token or no interface for token
Cause: The token that was specified does not reference any COM object created using CreateObject, or the COM object was freed using DestroyObject.
Action: Make sure that the interface exists.
COM-0003: Maximum Objects reached
Cause: Only 1024 COM objects can be active at any time. This includes COM objects created using CreateObject as well as COM objects obtained as property values and return values.
Action: Make sure that objects are destroyed after they are used, by calling DestroyObject.
COM-0004: The registered CLSID for the ProgID is invalid
Cause: The ProgID is located in the registry, but the CLSID associated with the ProgID is not correct.
Action: Check that the COM component of the specified ProgID is registered.
COM-0005: An error occurred writing the CLSID to the registry
Cause: The ProgID is not located in the registry. An attempt was made to create the ProgID and assign a CLSID to it, but the registry could not be modified.
Action: Make sure your registry can be written to and is not corrupted.
COM-0006: A specified class is not registered in the registration database
Cause: A specified class is not registered in the registration database.
Action: Make sure that the class is registered.
COM-0007: Failed to initialize COM Automation object
Cause: There was an error creating the COM object.
Action: Make sure that the object is registered as a COM Automation object.
COM-0008: No interface is supported
Cause: This COM object does not support the IDispatch interface, so it cannot support COM Automation.
Action: Verify that the interface specified is valid.
COM-0014: Failure to invoke
Cause: There was an error invoking the method or property.
Action: Verify that the method name is valid for the object.
COM-0015: Bad parameter count
Cause: The number of parameters given for the method or property is different from the number of parameters expected.
Action: Make sure that the number of parameters for a method is equal to the count.
COM-0017: The application needs to raise an exception. The structure passed in pexcepinfo should be filled in
Cause: The COM object threw an exception.
Action: The exception includes an error source, error description, help file, and the help file context. Call GetLastError to get this additional information
COM-0018: The requested member does not exist, or the call to Invoke tried to set the value of a read-only property
Cause: The requested member does not exist, or the call to Invoke tried to set the value of a read-only property.
Action: Make sure that the property value can be written to or the member exists.
COM-0020: One of the arguments in rgvarg could not be coerced to the specified type
Cause: One of the arguments is not the type expected by the method or property, and the argument cannot be coerced to the expected type.
Action: Make sure that the coerced arguments are of compatible datatypes.
COM-0022: One or more of the arguments could not be coerced
Cause: One of the arguments is not the type expected by the method or property, and the argument cannot be coerced to the expected type.
Action: Make sure that your arguments are compatible.
COM-0025: Not an optional parameter
Cause: A required argument is missing.
Action: Make sure that your argument count is correct for the number of -parameters passed in.
COM-0026: Name exceeded the maximum character allowed
Cause: The property name, method name, server name, or ProgID is too long.
Action: Enter less than 1024 characters for the name.

Microsoft COM Automation Errors

The following is a list of Microsoft COM Automation errors and their common causes. Both the hexadecimal and binary error codes are listed.

(0x800401f3) (-2147221005) Invalid class string
Cause: The specified ProgID or CLSID is not registered as a COM object in the registry of the local computer.
Action: Correctly install the COM component.
(0x8007007e) (-2147024770) The specified module could not be found
Cause: The specified COM object is registered as an in-process COM server (DLL file), but the DLL file could not be found or loaded.
Action: Correctly install the COM component.
(0x80020004) (-2147352572) Parameter not found
Cause: A named parameter was specified before a positional parameter.
Action: Ensure that all named parameters are specified after all positional parameters.
(0x80020005) (-2147352571) Type mismatch
Cause: The data type of a PL/SQL local variable used to store a returned property value or a method return value did not match the Visual Basic data type of the property or method return value, or the return value of a method was requested, but it does not return a value.
Action: Ensure that the local variable is of the appropriate data type and, for methods, make sure the return value is not type void.
(0x80020006) (-2147352570) Unknown name
Cause: The specified property or method name was not found for the specified object.
Action: Verify that the method or property name is valid for the object.
(0x80020008) (-2147352568) Bad variable type
Cause: The datatype of a PL/SQL or Java value passed as a method parameter did not match the COM Automation data type of the method parameter, or a NULL value was passed as a method parameter.
Action: Ensure that any local variables used as method parameters are of the appropriate data type and are set to a value other than NULL.
(0x80080005) (-2146959355) Server execution failed
Cause: The specified COM object is registered as a local COM server (.EXE file), but the .EXE file could not be found or started.
Action: Correctly install the COM component.