Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide


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Overview of Oracle Workflow

Overview of Oracle Workflow for Developers
      Major Features and Definitions
      Workflow Processes

Defining a Workflow Process

Overview of Oracle Workflow Builder
      The Navigator Tree Structure
Viewing the Navigator Tree
Creating Process Definitions in Oracle Workflow Builder
Opening and Saving Item Types
Quick Start Wizard Overview
Using Oracle Workflow Builder with Different Server Versions
Item Type Definition Web Page

Defining Workflow Process Components

Workflow Process Components
Item Types
Defining Item Types and Attributes
Allowing Access to an Object
Lookup Types
Defining Lookup Types
Defining Messages
Defining Activities
Voting Activity
Example Voting Methods
Deleting Objects in Oracle Workflow Builder
Modifying Objects in Oracle Workflow Builder
      Workflow Objects That Support Versioning
      Workflow Objects That Do Not Support Versioning

Defining a Workflow Process Diagram

Process Window
Diagramming a Process
Modifying Fonts in Oracle Workflow Builder
Creating a Shortcut Icon for a Workflow Process
Referencing Roles
Initiating a Process

Predefined Workflow Activities

Standard Activities
      And/Or Activities
      Comparison Activities
      Compare Execution Time Activity
      Wait Activity
      Block Activity
      Defer Thread Activity
      Launch Process Activity
      Noop Activity
      Loop Counter Activity
      Start Activity
      End Activity
      Role Resolution Activity
      Notify Activity
      Vote Yes/No Activity
      Master/Detail Coordination Activities
      Assign Activity
      Get Monitor URL Activity
      Get Event Property Activity
      Set Event Property Activity
      Compare Event Property Activity
      XML Get Tag Value Activity
      XML Compare Tag Value Activities
      XML Transform Activity
Concurrent Manager Standard Activities
      Execute Concurrent Program Activity
      Submit Concurrent Program Activity
      Wait for Concurrent Program Activity

Defining Procedures and Functions for Oracle Workflow

Defining Procedures and Functions for Oracle Workflow
Standard API for PL/SQL Procedures Called by Function Activities
Standard API for Java Procedures Called by Function Activities
Standard API for an Item Type Selector or Callback Function
Standard APIs for "PL/SQL" Documents
      "PL/SQL" Documents
      "PL/SQL CLOB" Documents
      "PL/SQL BLOB" Documents
Standard API for an Event Data Generate Function
      Standard API for a PL/SQL Generate Function
      Standard API for a Java Generate Function
Standard APIs for a Queue Handler
      Standard APIs for a PL/SQL Queue Handler
      Standard APIs for a Java Queue Handler
Standard API for an Event Subscription Rule Function
      Standard API for a PL/SQL Subscription Rule Function
      Standard API for a Java Subscription Rule Function

Testing a Workflow Definition

Testing Workflow Definitions
Testing Workflow Definitions Using the Developer Studio

Managing Business Events

Managing Business Events
Event Manager for Standalone Oracle Workflow
Defining Events
Defining Systems
Defining Agents
Event Subscriptions
Defining Event Subscriptions
Raising Events
Signing Up Systems
Synchronizing Systems
Event Manager for Oracle Applications
Defining Events
Event Subscriptions
Defining Event Subscriptions
Defining Agents
Defining Systems
Workflow Agent Ping/Acknowledge
      The Workflow Agent Ping/Acknowledge Item Type
      Summary of the Master Ping Process
      Master Ping Process Activities
      Summary of the Detail Ping Process
      Detail Ping Process Activities

Predefined Workflow Events

Predefined Workflow Events
      Event Definition Events
      Event Group Definition Events
      System Definition Events
      Agent Definition Events
      Agent Group Definition Events
      Event Subscription Definition Events
      Synchronize Event Systems Event
      Seed Event Group
      Ping Agent Events
      System Signup Event
      Any Event
      Unexpected Event
      User Entry Has Changed Event
      Notification Events
      Notification Mailer Events
      Business Event System Control Events
      Generic Service Component Framework Control Events
      Workflow Engine Events
      Directory Service Events
Workflow Send Protocol
      The Workflow Send Protocol Item Type
      Summary of the Workflow Event Protocol Process
      Workflow Event Protocol Process Activities
      Workflow Send Protocol Events

Demonstration Workflow Processes

Sample Workflow Processes
Displaying the Process Diagram of a Sample Workflow
Requisition Process
      Installing the Requisition Data Model
Initiating the Requisition Workflow
The Requisition Item Type
      Summary of the Requisition Approval Process
      Requisition Process Activities
      Summary of the Notify Approver Subprocess
      Notify Approver Subprocess Activities
      Sample StartProcess Function
      Example Function Activities
      Example: Select Approver
      Example: Verify Authority
      Example Notification Activity
      Example: Notify Requisition Approval Required
Event System Demonstration
      Installing the Event System Demonstration Data Model
Initiating the Event System Demonstration Workflow
The Event System Demonstration Item Type
      Summary of the Buyer: Top Level PO Process
      Buyer: Top Level PO Process Activities
      Summary of the Buyer: Send PO to Supplier Subprocess
      Buyer: Send PO to Supplier Subprocess Activities
      Summary of the Buyer: Receive Supplier PO Acknowledgement Subprocess
      Buyer: Receive Supplier PO Acknowledgement Subprocess Activities
      Summary of the Buyer: Advanced Shipment Notice Subprocess
      Buyer: Advanced Shipment Notice Subprocess Activities
      Summary of the Buyer: Receive Supplier Invoicing Subprocess
      Buyer: Receive Supplier Invoicing Subprocess Activities
      Summary of the Supplier: Top Level Order Process
      Supplier: Top Level Order Process Activities
      Summary of the Supplier: Get Order Details Subprocess
      Supplier: Get Order Details Subprocess Activities
      Summary of the Supplier: Credit Check Subprocess
      Supplier: Credit Check Subprocess Activities
      Summary of the Supplier: Stock Check Subprocess
      Supplier: Stock Check Subprocess Activities
      Summary of the Supplier: Advanced Shipment Notice Subprocess
      Supplier: Advanced Shipment Notice Subprocess Activities
      Summary of the Supplier: Send Supplier Invoice Subprocess
      Supplier: Send Supplier Invoice Subprocess Activities
      B2B Purchase Order Event
      B2B Purchase Order Acknowledgement Event
      B2B Advanced Shipment Notice Event
      B2B Invoice Event

Error Handling

Error Handling
      Error Handling for Workflow Processes
      Error Handling for Event Subscription Processing
      System: Error Item Type and Item Attributes
      Default Error Process
      Retry-only Process
      Default Event Error Process

Oracle Workflow Developer Navigation Paths

Oracle Workflow Developer Navigation Paths

Oracle Workflow Builder Menus and Toolbars

Oracle Workflow Builder Menus
Oracle Workflow Builder Toolbars

Oracle Workflow Implementation in Other Oracle Products

Predefined Workflows Embedded in Oracle E-Business Suite
      Advanced Planning
      Applied Technology
      Business Intelligence
      Contracts and Service
      Financial Applications
      Higher Education
      HRMS Applications
      Maintenance Applications
      Manufacturing Applications
      Order Fulfillment
      Sales, Marketing, and eCommerce
Oracle Workflow Business Event System Implementation in Oracle E-Business Suite
Oracle Workflow Implementation in the Oracle Technology Stack
Oracle Workflow Support Policy
      Customization Guidelines
      Resolving Customization Issues
      What Is NOT Supported
      What Is Supported

