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Oracle® Application Server Release Notes
10g Release 2 (10.1.2) for hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit)
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21 Oracle Enterprise Manager

This chapter describes issues with Oracle Enterprise Manager. It includes the following topics:

21.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and their workarounds for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control. It includes the following topics:

21.1.1 Problems with the Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control After Deinstalling Oracle Application Server 9.0.2 or 9.0.3

In certain situations, deinstallation of Oracle Application Server 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 may, through an automatic procedure run at deinstall time, cause a number of configuration files in the Oracle Application Server 10g directories to be overwritten with incorrect information.

The Enterprise Manager control scripts in Oracle Application Server 10g have been modified to make as-needed backups of these files; as a result, you should be able to recover from this problem by replacing the files from the backup versions.

These files are:


There may be a number of backup files in each of these cases. The backups are named in the form <original-file-name>.n, where n is a number from 1 to 10.

The most recent backup of the file is .1, then next most recent .2, and so on. You should check the timestamps or inspect these files to determine which is the most recent correct version of the data. This is most likely the last backup version before you deinstalled Application Server 9.0.2 or 9.0.3.

To restore these files:

  1. Shut down the Application Server Control using the emctl command on UNIX or the Services control panel on Windows.

  2. Remove, or rename the four listed files.

  3. Copy the version of the backup file which you have determined to be the correct, working version.

  4. Start the Application Server Control.

21.1.2 Setting Globalization Support and Operating System Locale Environment Variables Before Starting Management Processes

If in a non-English environment, you launch a command line tool such as emctl to start a process, make sure the operating system locale and NLS_LANG environment variable settings are configured properly and consistently. This is applicable to the emctl command line utility that is available with Oracle Application Server installations as well as with the emctl utility available with Central Console installations.

If these environment variables are not set prior to Oracle Application Server or Central Console installations, then non-ASCII characters will appear incorrectly in the Application Server Control or Central Console, respectively. To prevent this problem from occurring, set these two environment variables prior to installation. If this is not possible, then to resolve the problem set the two environment variables after installation and restart the Management Agent.

Refer to the following sections for details on how to check and set the values for these variables: Checking the Operating System Locale

Make sure the LC_ALL or LANG environment variables are set with the appropriate value. To check the current setting, issue the following command:

$PROMPT> locale Setting the Operating System Locale

If you are using bash or zsh, to set the operating system locale environment variable, issue the export command. For example:

export LANG=zh_CN

In this example, the variable is being set to Simplified Chinese. For the specific value in each operating system, refer to operating system-specific documentation.

If you are using csh or tcsh, then issue the setenv command:

setenv LANG zh_CN Checking the NLS_LANG Environment Variable

Make sure the NLS_LANG environment variable is set with the appropriate and compatible value with the operating system locale setting (and the Grid Control Management Repository database character set if Grid Control is being used to centrally manage the Oracle Application Server). For the specific value for the language or the character set, refer to the Globalization Support Guide of the Oracle product you are using.

If the platform is a Microsoft Windows-based operating system, the default NLS_LANG setting in the registry should be used as it is. You usually do not have to change the value.

In addition, check to see if the NLS_LANG setting exists in $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml on UNIX or ORACLE_HOME\opmn\conf\opmn.xml on Windows. For example, the following content should appear in the opmn.xml file:

     <variable id="TMP" value="/tmp"/> 
     <variable id="NLS_LANG" value="JAPANESE_JAPAN.JA16SJIS"/> 

If the NLS_LANG setting exists, make sure the NLS_LANG setting in the opmn.xml file is identical to the NLS_LANG environment variable. Setting the NLS_LANG Environment Variable

If you are using bash or zsh, to set the NLS_LANG environment variable, issue the export command. For example:

export NLS_LANG="Simplified Chinese_China.ZHS16GBK"

In this example, the variable is being set to Simplified Chinese. For the specific value in each operating system, refer to operating system-specific documentation.

If you are using csh or tcsh, then issue the setenv command. For example:

setenv NLS_LANG "Simplified Chinese_China.ZHS16GBK" 

21.1.3 Misleading Error Message When Applying Properties to an OC4J Instance within an Oracle Application Server Cluster

Changes applied on the OC4J Server Properties page to an OC4J instance within an Oracle Application Server cluster will always show the message Server properties have been applied across the cluster. In fact, changes to environment variables, ports, islands, and number of island processes will only be applied to the current OC4J instance currently under administration and not to other OC4J instances within the cluster. Other values on this page (for example, Java Options) will be applied across the cluster.

Information concerning which values are applied cluster wide is displayed in a tip at the top of the page; however, the confirmation message may be incorrect.

21.1.4 Errors When Configuring Components or Adding or Removing OC4J Instances

If you install Oracle Management Agent on a computer which has one or more instances of Oracle Application Server 10g (10.1.2), then you may encounter errors in Application Server Control if you later modify your component configuration in the Oracle Application Server installation. For example, you may receive errors if you create or remove an OC4J instance or if you configure an Oracle Application Server component after you have installed the application server.

To workaround this problem, install the Oracle Management Agent or later patchsets.

21.1.5 Problem Viewing Performance Charts and Configuring Identity Management Using a Macintosh Browser

When using the Apple Safari browser on a Macintosh computer, it is not possible to use the Application Server Control Console to configure or change the Identity Management configuration for an Application Server middle-tier installation.

Specifically, the problem occurs when you click Configure in the Identity Management section of the Infrastructure page in the Application Server Control Console. You can enter the host and port for the Identity Management host, but you cannot display the next page in the wizard.

In addition, the performance charts on the Application Server Home page do not display correctly in the Macintosh browser. Instead of a chart, small question marks appear in their place.

To fix this problem, perform the following procedure:

  1. Stop the Application Server Control service for this Oracle home.

  2. Use a text editor to open the following configuration file in the Oracle Home of the application server instance you are attempting to modify:

  3. Locate the following entry in the file:

    <!-- The default web-app for this site, bound to the root -->
      <default-web-app application="em" name="default" />
       <web-app application="em" name="emd" root="/emd" load-on-startup="true" />
  4. Add the following argument to the <web-app> tag:


    For example:

    <!-- The default web-app for this site, bound to the root -->
       <default-web-app application="em" name="default" />
          <web-app application="em" name="emd" root="/emd"  
             load-on-startup="true" shared="true"/>
  5. Save your changes and close the em-web-site.xml file.

  6. Use the Services control panel to start the Application Server Control service for this Oracle home.

21.1.6 Problems with the Progress Page When Using a Macintosh Browser

Often, when you perform an operation with the Application Server Control, such as creating a new OC4J instance, Enterprise Manager displays a progress page, which indicates that the operation is still in progress.

When using the Apple Safari browser on a Macintosh computer, the progress page continues to display even after the operation is complete. As a result, the operation confirmation page does not display as it should.

To solve this problem, set the EM_OC4J_OPTS environment variable to the following value and restart the Application Server Control:


See Also:

Appendix "Managing and Configuring Application Server Control" of the Oracle Application Server 10g Administrator's Guide for more information about using the EM_OC4J_OPTS environment variable

21.1.7 Topology Viewer Applet Fails in OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster Configuration

The Java applet version of the Topology Viewer fails to connect to the Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN) if you access Application Server Control with the virtual hostname in a OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster configuration.

Use one of the following workarounds:

  • Use the HTML Only version of the Topology Viewer.

  • Connect to the Application Server Control with the physical hostname.

21.1.8 Error When Clicking Topology Link from Host Page

In the Host page of Application Server Control, when clicking the Topology link, the following error appears:

Could not determine the oracle home for this component

To workaround this error, navigate to the Farm page, and click the Topology link from that page.

21.1.9 Error When Using the ADF BUSINESS COMPONENT Link on the Host Page

In the Host page of Application Server Control, when clicking the ADF BUSINESS COMPONENTS target in the Targets section, the following error appears:

Error: Failed to connect to OC4J null instance now, please click refresh page to  try again!

To avoid this error, navigate to the OC4J Administration page, and click the ADF Business Components link in the Related Links section.

21.1.10 Farm Locator Link Lost

In some installations, the Farm locator link is lost in Application Server Control once you navigate to the Application Server Home page and click Configure Component just above the System Components table to configure a component. Locator links display at the top of pages in Application Server Control. They specify the location of the current page within Application Server Control. As the user navigates through hierarchical content, or drills down through levels of content and functions, locator links track the location, and allow the user to navigate back to higher levels in the hierarchy.

To get back to the Farm page, navigate to the Application Server Home page, and click the Farm link in the General section.

21.1.11 Incorrect Status Reported for Oracle Application Server Discoverer

When managing OracleAS Discoverer with Central Console release 10.1, the Central Console displays inaccurate status for OracleAS Discoverer. For instance, when the component is actually up, the Central Console displays the status as down. A one-off patch to the Central Console Management Agent release will soon be released to Oracle MetaLink to resolve this specific problem.

This problem does not manifest in the Application Server Control release 10.1.2. The status for OracleAS Discoverer is displayed correctly in the Application Server Control.

21.1.12 Changing From JAZN LDAP User Manager Requires OC4J Restart

If you use the OC4J Application Properties page to change the User Manager for an OC4J application, then note the following: The application will start using the JAZN LDAP User Manager immediately after you select Use JAZN LDAP User Manager and click Apply.

However, if you change from a JAZN LDAP user manager to another User Manager, such as the JAZN XML User Manager, you must restart the OC4J instance before the new User Manager is available to the application.

21.1.13 Posting Data From the Logging Pages

After you configure security for the Application Server Control, you may see intermittent issues with form data updates in the Logging pages. These issues may occur with Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers after you install the 832894 (MS04-004) security update or the 821814 hotfix. Microsoft Internet Explorer has known issues with using a form on a HTTPS Web page. Problem related to these updates have been seen in the Advanced Search feature of the Search Log Repository page.

To workaround this problem, download the Microsoft Q831167.exe package and any other recommended related patch recommend by Microsoft.

21.1.14 Additional Step When Removing an Application Server Target From the Central Console

If an Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) or 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) target is removed from the Central Console, the Infrastructure page in the Application Server Control will still show Central Management as Configured.

To reset the Central Management section of the page, delete the following file from the centralagents.lst in the application server Oracle home:

ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/centralagents.lst (UNIX)

21.1.15 Security Considerations When Changing Schema Passwords with the Application Server Control

You can use the Application Server Control Console to change the password for a component schema in the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

However, when you perform this task in the Application Server Control Console, the new password you enter will be saved in clear text format in the following log file:


In addition, if the Application Server Control has not been secured, the new schema password will be transmitted unencrypted from the client-side browser to the machine where the Console is running.

See Also:

"Configuring Security for the Application Server Control Console" in the chapter " Enabling SSL in the Infrastructure" in the Oracle Application Server 10g Administrator's Guide for more information about the benefits of configuring security for the Application Server Control

To avoid these potential security issues, perform the following procedure before changing a schema password in the Application Server Control Console:

  1. Stop the Application Server Control.

    You can stop the Application Server Control by entering the following command in the Application Server Control Oracle home:

    ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole

    See Also:

    The "Starting and Stopping" chapter of the Oracle Application Server 10g Administrator's Guide

  2. Secure the Application Server Control by entering the following command:

    ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl secure iasconsole
    \bin\emctl secure iasconsole

    See Also:

    "Configuring Security for Enterprise Manager Application Server Control Console" in Appendix A of the Oracle Application Server 10g Administrator's Guide

  3. Use a text editor to open the following configuration file in the application server Oracle home:

  4. Locate the following entry in the emd-web-site.xml file:

    	<!-- Access Log, where requests are logged to -->
    	<access-log path="../../log/em-web-access.log" />
  5. Modify the access-log path entry so it describes the format of each log entry, as follows:

    	<!-- Access Log, where requests are logged to -->
    	<access-log path="../../log/em-web-access.log" 
       format="$ip - [$time] '$path' $status $size"/>
  6. Save and close the emd-web-site.xml file.

  7. Start the Application Server Control.

    You can start the Application Server Control by entering the following command in the Application Server Control Oracle home:

    ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole

    See Also:

    The "Starting and Stopping" chapter of the Oracle Application Server 10g Administrator's Guide

21.1.16 Problems Viewing OracleAS Portal Metrics When OracleAS Portal is Configured for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

When you use Application Server Control to monitor an instance of OracleAS Portal that has been configured to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), some performance metrics for OracleAS Portal may not display.

To correct this problem you must allow the Application Server Control to recognize the Certificate Authority that was used by the Web Site to support HTTPS. You must add the Certificate of that Certificate Authority to the list of Certificate Authorities recognized by the Application Server Control.To configure Application Server Control to recognize the Certificate Authority:

  1. Obtain the Certificate of the Web Site's Certificate Authority, as follows:

    1. In Microsoft Internet Explorer, connect to the HTTPS URL of the application server you are attempting to monitor.

    2. Double-click the lock icon at the bottom of the browser screen, which indicates that you have connected to a secure Web site.

      The browser displays the Certificate dialog box, which describes the Certificate used for this Web site. Other browsers offer a similar mechanism to view the Certificate detail of a Web Site.

    3. Click the Certificate Path tab and select the first entry in the list of certificates.

    4. Click View Certificate to display a second Certificate dialog box.

    5. Click the Details tab on the Certificate window.

    6. Click Copy to File to display the Certificate Manager Export wizard.

    7. In the Certificate Manager Export wizard, select Base64 encoded X.509 (.CER) as the format you want to export and save the certificate to a text file with an easily-identifiable name, such as portal_certificate.cer.

    8. Open the certificate file using your favorite text editor.

      The content of the certificate file will look similar to the content shown in Example 15–1.

  2. Update the list of Certificate Authorities, as follows:

    1. Locate the b64InternetCertificate.txt file in the following directory of the Oracle Application Server Oracle home:


      This file contains a list of Base64 Certificates.

    2. Edit the b64InternetCertificate.txt file and add the contents of the Certificate file you just exported to the end of the file, taking care to include all the Base64 text of the Certificate including the BEGIN and END lines.

  3. Copy the text file that contains the certificate (for example, the file you named portal_certificate.cer earlier in this procedure) to the OracleAS Portal middle tier.

  4. Use the orapki utility to update the monwallet Oracle wallet by using the following command:

    ORACLE_HOME/bin/orapki wallet add 
        -wallet ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/monwallet 
        -cert certificate_location

    When you are prompted for a password, enter the password for the monwallet wallet. The default password is "welcome".

    In the example, replace certificate_location with the full path to the text file that contains the certificate you saved earlier in this procedure and that you copied to the OracleAS Portal middle tier. For example:

  5. Restart the Application Server Control.

    After you restart the Application Server Control, Enterprise Manager detects your addition to the list of Certificate Authorities and you can successfully monitor the OracleAS Portal metrics using the secure Application Server Control Console.

Example 21-1 Example Content of an Exported Certificate

... base64 certificate content ...

21.1.17 Database Management in OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster (Infrastructure) Configurations

In both non-distributed and distributed OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster (Infrastructure) configurations, you can run the Database Console only from the node where you installed the OracleAS Metadata Repository. For example, if your hardware cluster consists of node A and node B, and you performed the installation from node A, then you can only run the Database Console from node A. The reason for this is that the Database Console uses the physical hostname instead of the virtual hostname.

If node A fails, you will not be able to run Database Console from node B. To manage the OracleAS Metadata Repository database from node B, you have to use other tools, such as SQL*Plus.

21.2 Documentation Errata

This section describes documentation errata. It includes the following topic:

21.2.1 Online Help for the Application Server Control All Metrics Page

Most of the component home pages within the Application Server Control include an All Metrics link. When you click this link, Enterprise Manager displays the All Metrics page, which provides a comprehensive list of all the performance metrics you can monitor for the selected component.

In most cases, you can click a metric name on the All Metrics page to display the Metric Details page, and then click Help to get more information about the selected metric.

However, for some metrics, clicking Help will display a Topic not found error. This problem will be addressed in a future version of Oracle Application Server.

In other cases, the online help provided for a particular metric might refer to features available only when you are centrally managing your application server instance with the Central Console. For example, the online help might refer to thresholds, alerts, or the display of historical data about a metric. In those cases, you can access these additional monitoring features by installing and configuring Central Console.

21.2.2 Error in Online Help Topic About Regular Expressions

In the Application Server Control online help topic "About Regular Expressions," the example for the asterisk (*) character shows:


The example should instead show the following:
