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Oracle® Application Server Release Notes
10g Release 2 (10.1.2) for hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit)
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6 Oracle HTTP Server

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle HTTP Server. It includes the following topics:

6.1 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and workarounds. It includes the following topics:

6.1.1 OC4J Plug-in Usage with Standalone and Core Installation

To use the OC4J plug-in with the OC4J standalone product without OPMN, only static routing to specific hosts and ports is allowed within the OC4J plug-in, and OC4J must be configured to use AJP. Using static routing with hosts and ports means that only Oc4jMount directives such as the following are supported:

Oc4JMount /j2ee/* ajp13://localhost:6001,localhost:6002

To enable AJP in the OC4J configuration, a line such as the following must be present in the default-web-site.xml file in the OC4J configuration:

<web-site port="3000" protocol="ajp13" display-name="OracleAS Java Web Site">

where the port value specifies the port that this OC4J process will listen on for incoming AJP requests.

6.1.2 Oracle HTTP Server ( Cannot Be Used with Oracle Application Server 10g Release (10.1.2)

Oracle does not support using Oracle HTTP Server that is supplied with Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( as a front end to OC4J supplied with Oracle Application Server 10gRelease 2 (10.1.2). You must not use mod_proxy to route data between these two components.

Always use mod_oc4j to route data to and from OC4J supplied with Oracle Application Server 10g (10.1.2). Use mod_proxy to route data between Oracle HTTP Server component supplied with Oracle9iAS Release 1 ( and OC4J supplied with Oracle9iAS Release 1 (

6.1.3 Multiple Oracle HTTP Server 2.0 Installations Cause in Port Conflicts

Apache 2.0 based Oracle HTTP Server standalone installation does not correctly detect duplicate ports between multiple Oracle HTTP Server 2.0 on a single computer. This means that the second Oracle HTTP Server 2.0 installation on a computer will fail due to port conflicts with the first. To avoid this problem, you can use staticports.ini to select unique ports for the second installation before starting the install process.

6.2 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

This section describes configuration issues and their workarounds. It includes the following topics:

6.2.1 FastCGI Sockets Path Length Error

On most platforms, the path for sockets used by FastCGI is limited to 108 characters. If an error such as the following is encountered, use the FastCgiIpcDir directive to specify a path name that is significantly shorter than 108 characters, such as /tmp:

Thu Oct 16 12:55:06 2003] [error] [client] [ecid: 82608810576,1]
FastCGI: failed to connect to (dynamic) server
"/opt/oracle/inst/Apache/Apache/fcgi-bin/echo": path
is too long for a Domain socket

6.2.2 Oracle HTTP Server Does Not Start After Enabling Port Tunneling or SSL in mod_oc4j

Oracle HTTP Server might not start if you modify its configuration to enable port tunneling (iASPT), or SSL in mod_oc4j. Following are the possible solutions for this issue:

  • Recommended solution: if mod_perl is not needed, disable it by commenting out the LoadModule perl_module libexec/ line from httpd.conf.

  • If mod_perl is needed, ensure that you are running the latest patch set from Sun, and move the LoadModule line for mod_perl until after the include of mod_oc4j.conf in httpd.conf.

6.2.3 Redirects Break If OracleAS Web Cache is Turned Off or is Disabled

By default, Oracle HTTP Server sends redirects to the OracleAS Web Cache listening port. If OracleAS Web Cache is not running or is disabled, then redirects from Oracle HTTP Server (and any OC4J application behind Oracle HTTP Server) will not work. If you are not planning to run OracleAS Web Cache, then edit httpd.conf and ssl.conf, changing the Port directive so that it matches the Listen directive instead of the OracleAS Web Cache listening port.

6.3 Documentation Errata

This section describes documentation errata. It includes the following topic:

6.3.1 Incorrect CD Name for Installing Standalone Oracle HTTP Server

Chapter 2, Configuring Standalone Oracle HTTP Server with Oracle Application Server of Oracle HTTP Server Standalone Administrator's Guide Based On Apache 1.3 and Oracle HTTP Server Standalone Administrator's Guide Based On Apache 2.0 incorrectly states the CD name in the installation instructions. The current instructions are:

  1. Insert the OracleAS Companion CD, and do the following to launch the Oracle Universal Installer to install standalone Oracle HTTP Server:

    • On UNIX:

      prompt > cd
      prompt > mount_point/10.1.2disk1/runInstaller

The correct CD name is 1012disk1. Accordingly, the instructions should be:

  1. Insert the OracleAS Companion CD, and do the following to launch the Oracle Universal Installer to install standalone Oracle HTTP Server:

    • On UNIX:

      prompt > cd
      prompt > mount_point/1012disk1/runInstaller

6.3.2 Incorrect Perl Version

The Oracle HTTP Server administration guides incorrectly state the version of Perl used by Oracle Application Server. Following is a list of specific guides, with the correct Perl version:

  • Oracle HTTP Server Administrator's Guide: Perl version 5.6.1

  • Oracle HTTP Server Standalone Administrator's Guide Based On Apache 1.3: Perl version 5.6.1

  • Oracle HTTP Server Standalone Administrator's Guide Based On Apache 2.0: Perl version 5.8.3

6.3.3 Incorrect DMS Noun Used in Metric-based Load Balancing Section

The "Configuring Metric-based Load Balancing to Use the DMSMetricCollector" sections of the "Load Balancing using mod_oc4j" chapters of Oracle HTTP Server Administrator's Guide, Oracle HTTP Server Standalone Administrator's Guide Based On Apache 1.3, and Oracle HTTP Server Standalone Administrator's Guide Based On Apache 2.0 use an incorrect DMS noun in the example. The correct DMS noun is "/oc4j/default/WEBS/processRequest.time" and not "/oc4j/default/WEBS/processRequest.completed"

Accordingly, the correct example is as follows:

<metric-collector classname="oracle.oc4j.server.DMSMetricCollector">