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Oracle® Application Server Metadata Repository Creation Assistant User's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2) for UNIX
Part No. B14129-01
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2 Loading the OracleAS Metadata Repository into an Existing Database

This chapter describes how to install, or load, the OracleAS Metadata Repository in an existing database. When you install, you choose whether you want to load the OracleAS Metadata Repository only, or load and register the OracleAS Metadata Repository with Oracle Internet Directory.


2.1 Installing in a Database that Uses the File System

To install the OracleAS Metadata Repository in an existing database that uses the file system for its data files:

  1. Ensure that the database meets the requirements listed in Section 1.5, "Requirements for the Database".

  2. Start up OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant. See Section 1.7, "Starting OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant" for details.

  3. Follow the screens:

    Table 2-1 Installing OracleAS Metadata Repository in a Database that Uses the Regular File System

    Screen Action
    1. Welcome Click Next.
    2. Specify Oracle Home Oracle Home: Enter the full path of the Oracle home directory for the database. Be sure you use the conventions of the computer that is running the database (for example, use the proper slashes).

    Log File Directory: Enter the full path of the directory where you want OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to write its log files. This path is on the computer where you are running OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

    Note that once you click Next to move to the next screen, you cannot change the log file directory. If you click Back to return to this screen, the Log File Directory field becomes read-only. This is to prevent OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant from writing log files in different directories.

    Click Next.

    3. Select Operation Select Load if you want to load the OracleAS Metadata Repository into the database but without registering it with Oracle Internet Directory. Select this option if you do not have an Oracle Internet Directory yet.

    Select Load and Register if you want to load the OracleAS Metadata Repository into the database and register it with Oracle Internet Directory.

    Click Next.

    4. Specify Database Connection Information Enter connect information for the existing database.

    SYS Password: Enter the password for the SYS user.

    Single node instance: Select this option, and complete the fields under it:

    • Hostname: Enter the name of the computer that is running the database. If your middle tier instances are located in a different domain, you need to append the domain name to the hostname.

    • Port: Enter the port number for the database.

    • Service Name: Enter the service name of the database. Note that the service name must include the database domain name.


    Click Next.

    5. Specify Storage Options Select Regular or Cluster File System.
    6. Specify Tablespace Information Specify where OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant should create files for the tablespaces, and the tablespace sizes. The directory you specify must meet the following criteria:
    • The directory already exists on the computer running the database, which is not necessarily the computer where you are running OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

    • The directory is writable.

    • The directory has enough free space.

    • The path to the directory is correct and is consistent with the operating system that is running the database.

    Use Same Directory for All Tablespaces: Select this option if you want to place all the files for all the tablespaces in the same directory. Specify the directory in the field below this option.

    Use Individual Directories for Each Tablespace: Select this option if you want to place the files for the tablespaces in different directories.

    Tablespaces: Expand the tree to view the tablespaces for each component. Select a tablespace to view or edit its associated datafile or size.

    Size: Select the largest size for a tablespace if you have applications that use the component heavily. If not, select the smallest size.

    Filename: Enter the file name for the database file. Example: portal.dbf

    Directory: Enter the directory where you want to put the database file for the tablespace. Ensure that the path to the directory is correct and is consistent with the operating system that is running the database.

    Example (UNIX): /opt/oracle/dbfiles/

    Example (Windows): C:\oracle\dbfiles\

    Click Next.

    7. Warning: Check Disk Space This warning dialog appears if your SYSTEM and UNDO tablespaces are set to autoextend. Check that the file system that contains the SYSTEM and UNDO tablespaces have enough disk space, as specified in the warning dialog.
    8. Specify Oracle Internet Directory Connection This and the next two screens appear only if you selected Load and Register earlier.

    Internet Directory Hostname: Enter the name of the computer that is running Oracle Internet Directory. If your middle tier instances are located in a different domain, you need to append the domain name to the hostname.

    Internet Directory Port: Enter the port number for Oracle Internet Directory.

    Use SSL to Connect to Oracle Internet Directory for Registration Purposes: Select this option if you want OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to connect to Oracle Internet Directory using SSL when performing the registration.

    Click Next.

    9. Specify Login for Oracle Internet Directory Enter the Username and Password to log in to Oracle Internet Directory. The user must belong to the iAS Admins group. You can use the user's simple name (for example, jdoe) or the user's DN (for example, cn=orcladmin).

    If your Oracle Internet Directory contains more than one realm, you need to enter the realm that contains the specified user.

    Note: If you log in as the Oracle Internet Directory superuser (cn=orcladmin), the realm value is not used because the superuser does not belong to any realm. The realm value is used only if you log in using a simple name.

    Click Next.

    10. Specify Oracle Context Specify the location in Oracle Internet Directory where you want to register the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

    Root Oracle Context (cn=OracleContext): Select this option to register OracleAS Metadata Repository in the root Oracle context.

    Custom Oracle Context: Select this option to register OracleAS Metadata Repository in a specific realm in Oracle Internet Directory. Enter the DN of the realm in the provided field.

    Click Next.

    11. Loading Repository OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant creates and populates the tablespaces and schemas.
    12. Success Click OK to exit OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

  4. Perform post-installation steps. See Section 2.7, "Post-Installation Steps".

2.2 Installing in a Database that Uses Raw Devices

This section describes how to install the OracleAS Metadata Repository in a non-Real Application Clusters database that uses raw devices. If you have a Real Application Clusters database that uses raw devices, see Section 2.3, "Installing in a Real Application Clusters Database".

To install the OracleAS Metadata Repository in a non-Real Application Clusters database that uses raw devices:

  1. Ensure that the database meets the requirements listed in Section 1.5, "Requirements for the Database".

  2. Create raw devices for the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

    See Table 1-12 for a list of tablespaces for which you have to create raw devices, and their minimum sizes.

    The command to create raw devices is specific to the volume manager you are using. For example, if you using VERITAS Volume Manager, the command is vxassist.

  3. (optional) Create a file to map the tablespaces to the raw devices, and set the DBCA_RAW_CONFIG environment variable to point to this file.

    OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant reads this file and populates the Specify Tablespace Information screen with the data. You just need to confirm the data on that screen.

    If you do not create this file, you can still run OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to install the OracleAS Metadata Repository in a database that uses raw devices. On the Specify Tablespace Information screen, it leaves the fields blank, and you have to enter the data manually.

    The steps in detail:

    1. Create a file to map the tablespaces to your raw devices.

      Each line in the file has the following format:


      You can use the following sample file, replacing the raw device file paths with your values. Append a "1" to the tablespace names, as shown in the sample file.


      See Section 1.5.14, "Schemas and Tablespaces" for a list of tablespaces and schemas in the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

    2. Set the DBCA_RAW_CONFIG environment variable to the full path of the file.

      For example, if you saved the file as /opt/oracle/repca/tablespace_map.txt, then you would set the environment variable as follows:

      setenv DBCA_RAW_CONFIG /opt/oracle/repca/tablespace_map.txt
  4. Start up OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant. See Section 1.7, "Starting OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant" for details.

  5. Follow the screens:

    Table 2-2 Installing OracleAS Metadata Repository in a Database that Uses Raw Devices

    Screen Action
    1. Welcome Click Next.
    2. Specify Oracle Home Oracle Home: Enter the full path of the Oracle home directory for the database. Be sure you use the conventions of the computer that is running the database (for example, use the proper slashes).

    Log File Directory: Enter the full path of the directory where you want OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to write its log files. This path is on the computer where you are running OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

    Note that once you click Next to move to the next screen, you cannot change the log file directory. If you click Back to return to this screen, the Log File Directory field becomes read-only. This is to prevent OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant from writing log files in different directories.

    Click Next.

    3. Select Operation Select Load if you want to load the OracleAS Metadata Repository into the database but without registering it with Oracle Internet Directory. Select this option if you do not have an Oracle Internet Directory yet.

    Select Load and Register if you want to load the OracleAS Metadata Repository into the database and register it with Oracle Internet Directory.

    Click Next.

    4. Specify Database Connection Information Enter connect information for the existing database.

    SYS Password: Enter the password for the SYS user.

    Single node instance: Select this option, and complete the fields under it:

    • Hostname: Enter the name of the computer that is running the database. If your middle tier instances are located in a different domain, you need to append the domain name to the hostname.

    • Port: Enter the port number for the database.

    • Service Name: Enter the service name of the database. Note that the service name must include the database domain name.


    Click Next.

    5. Specify Storage Options Select Raw Device.
    6. Specify Tablespace Information If you created a mapping file and set the DBCA_RAW_CONFIG environment variable to point to this file, this screen displays the values read from the file. See step 3 for details. Correct the values, if necessary, and click Next.

    If you did not create a mapping file, or if the DBCA_RAW_CONFIG environment variable is unset, you have to enter the information in this screen manually. Click Next.

    7. Warning: Check Disk Space This warning dialog appears if your SYSTEM and UNDO tablespaces are set to autoextend. Check that the file system that contains the SYSTEM and UNDO tablespaces have enough disk space, as specified in the warning dialog.
    8. Specify Oracle Internet Directory Connection This and the next two screens appear only if you selected Load and Register earlier.

    Internet Directory Hostname: Enter the name of the computer that is running Oracle Internet Directory. If your middle tier instances are located in a different domain, you need to append the domain name to the hostname.

    Internet Directory Port: Enter the port number for Oracle Internet Directory.

    Use SSL to Connect to Oracle Internet Directory for Registration Purposes: Select this option if you want OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to connect to Oracle Internet Directory using SSL when performing the registration.

    Click Next.

    9. Specify Login for Oracle Internet Directory Enter the Username and Password to log in to Oracle Internet Directory. The user must belong to the iAS Admins group. You can use the user's simple name (for example, jdoe) or the user's DN (for example, cn=orcladmin).

    If your Oracle Internet Directory contains more than one realm, you need to enter the realm that contains the specified user.

    Note: If you log in as the Oracle Internet Directory superuser (cn=orcladmin), the realm value is not used because the superuser does not belong to any realm. The realm value is used only if you log in using a simple name.

    Click Next.

    10. Specify Oracle Context Specify the location in Oracle Internet Directory where you want to register the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

    Root Oracle Context (cn=OracleContext): Select this option to register OracleAS Metadata Repository in the root Oracle context.

    Custom Oracle Context: Select this option to register OracleAS Metadata Repository in a specific realm in Oracle Internet Directory. Enter the DN of the realm in the provided field.

    Click Next.

    11. Loading Repository OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant creates and populates the tablespaces and schemas.
    12. Success Click OK to exit OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

  6. Perform post-installation steps. See Section 2.7, "Post-Installation Steps".

2.3 Installing in a Real Application Clusters Database

You can use OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to load the OracleAS Metadata Repository into an existing Real Application Clusters database. Figure 2-1 shows how you can use this database with Oracle Application Server. In this environment, you install the OracleAS Metadata Repository and the Identity Management components separately, as described in Table 2-3.

Figure 2-1 OracleAS Infrastructure with the OracleAS Metadata Repository in a Real Application Clusters Database

Description of rac_supported.gif follows
Description of the illustration rac_supported.gif

Table 2-3 OracleAS Infrastructure with Real Application Clusters

Component Where Installed
OracleAS Metadata Repository
Installed in an existing Real Application Clusters database
Identity Management components Installed on non-clustered computers

2.3.1 Installation Overview


You need an existing Real Application Clusters database to create this environment.

You cannot use the installer to create a new Real Application Clusters database containing the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

To create this environment, install Oracle Application Server as follows:

  1. Install OracleAS Metadata Repository in your existing Real Application Clusters database.

    You use OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to do this. The specific steps depend on the storage type used by the Real Application Clusters database:


    Do not register the OracleAS Metadata Repository with Oracle Internet Directory, because you have not installed Oracle Internet Directory yet.

  2. Install the Identity Management components on non-clustered computers.

    You can install all the Identity Management components on a single computer, or you can distribute them over multiple computers. See the Oracle Application Server Installation Guide for details.

    When the installer prompts for the database hostname in the "Specify Metadata Repository Login and Connect Information" screen, enter all the node names in the Real Application Clusters, plus the port numbers for each node. Use the format node:port. Separate the pairs with a comma character.

    For example, if you have three nodes (named node1, node2, and node3) in the cluster, and the listener listens on port 1521 for all nodes, then you would enter:

    node1:1521, node2:1521, node3:1521
  3. Install Oracle Application Server middle tiers.

2.3.2 Installation Steps for Real Application Clusters Databases that Use a Cluster File System or Volume Manager

To install the OracleAS Metadata Repository in an existing Real Application Clusters database that uses a cluster file system (such as Oracle Cluster File System) or volume manager (such as Veritas or EMC), perform these steps:

  1. Ensure that the database meets the requirements listed in Section 1.5, "Requirements for the Database".

  2. Start up OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant. See Section 1.7, "Starting OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant" for details.

  3. Follow the screens:

    Table 2-4 Installing OracleAS Metadata Repository in a Real Application Clusters Database that Uses the Cluster File System

    Screen Action
    1. Welcome Click Next.
    2. Specify Oracle Home Oracle Home: Enter the full path of the Oracle home directory for the database. Be sure you use the conventions of the computer that is running the database (for example, use the proper slashes).

    Log File Directory: Enter the full path of the directory where you want OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to write its log files. This path is on the computer where you are running OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

    Note that once you click Next to move to the next screen, you cannot change the log file directory. If you click Back to return to this screen, the Log File Directory field becomes read-only. This is to prevent OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant from writing log files in different directories.

    Click Next.

    3. Select Operation Oracle Home: Enter the full path of the Oracle home directory for the database.

    Select Load if you want to load the OracleAS Metadata Repository into the database but without registering it with Oracle Internet Directory. Select this option if you do not have an Oracle Internet Directory yet.

    Select Load and Register if you want to load the OracleAS Metadata Repository into the database and register it with Oracle Internet Directory.

    Click Next.

    4. Specify Database Connection Information Enter connect information for the existing database.

    SYS Password: Enter the password for the SYS user.

    Real Application Clusters Database: Select this option, and complete the fields under it:

    • Hostname and Port: Enter the names of all the computers running the Real Application Clusters database and the port numbers used by the listener. Use the format host:port, and separate each host:port with a comma character:

      hostname1:port1, hostname2:port2, hostname3:port3, ...

      If your middle tier instances are located in a different domain, you need to append the domain name to the hostname.

      Example 1 (same domain): myhost:1521, myhost2:1521

      Example 2 (different domain):,

    • Service Name: Enter the service name of the database. The service name must include the database domain name. The service name must be the same for all instances in the cluster.


    Click Next.

    5. Specify Storage Options Select Regular or Cluster File System.
    6. Specify Tablespace Information Use Same Directory for All Tablespaces: Select this option if you want to place all the files for all the tablespaces in the same directory. Specify the directory in the field below this option. Ensure that:
    • the directory already exists and is writable

    • the directory has enough free space

    • the path to the directory is correct and is consistent with the operating system that is running the database.

    Use Individual Directories for Each Tablespace: Select this option if you want to place the files for the tablespaces in different directories.

    Tablespaces: Expand the tree to view the tablespaces for each component. Select a tablespace to view or edit its associated datafile or size.

    Size: Select the largest size for a tablespace if you have applications that use the component heavily. If not, select the smallest size.

    Filename: Enter the file name for the database file. Example: portal.dbf

    Directory: Enter the directory where you want to put the database file for the tablespace. Ensure that the path to the directory is correct and is consistent with the operating system that is running the database.

    Example (UNIX): /opt/oracle/dbfiles/

    Example (Windows): C:\oracle\dbfiles\

    Click Next.

    7. Warning: Check Disk Space This warning dialog appears if your SYSTEM and UNDO tablespaces are set to autoextend. Check that the file system that contains the SYSTEM and UNDO tablespaces have enough disk space, as specified in the warning dialog.
    8. Specify Oracle Internet Directory Connection This and the next two screens appear only if you selected Load and Register earlier.

    Internet Directory Hostname: Enter the name of the computer that is running Oracle Internet Directory. If your middle tier instances are located in a different domain, you need to append the domain name to the hostname.

    Internet Directory Port: Enter the port number for Oracle Internet Directory.

    Use SSL to Connect to Oracle Internet Directory for Registration Purposes: Select this option if you want OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to connect to Oracle Internet Directory using SSL when performing the registration.

    Click Next.

    9. Specify Login for Oracle Internet Directory Enter the Username and Password to log in to Oracle Internet Directory. The user must belong to the iAS Admins group. You can use the user's simple name (for example, jdoe) or the user's DN (for example, cn=orcladmin).

    If your Oracle Internet Directory contains more than one realm, you need to enter the realm that contains the specified user.

    Note: If you log in as the Oracle Internet Directory superuser (cn=orcladmin), the realm value is not used because the superuser does not belong to any realm. The realm value is used only if you log in using a simple name.

    Click Next.

    10. Specify Oracle Context Specify the location in Oracle Internet Directory where you want to register the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

    Root Oracle Context (cn=OracleContext): Select this option to register OracleAS Metadata Repository in the root Oracle context.

    Custom Oracle Context: Select this option to register OracleAS Metadata Repository in a specific realm in Oracle Internet Directory. Enter the DN of the realm in the provided field.

    Click Next.

    11. Loading Repository OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant creates and populates the tablespaces and schemas.
    12. Success Click OK to exit OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

  4. Perform post-installation steps. See Section 2.7, "Post-Installation Steps".

2.3.3 Installation Steps for Real Application Clusters Databases that Use Raw Devices

To install the OracleAS Metadata Repository in a Real Application Clusters database:

  1. Ensure that the database meets the requirements listed in Section 1.5, "Requirements for the Database".

  2. Create raw devices for the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

    See Table 1-12 for a list of tablespaces for which you have to create raw devices, and their minimum sizes.

    The command to create raw devices is specific to the volume manager you are using. For example, if you using VERITAS Volume Manager, the command is vxassist.

  3. (optional) Create a file to map the tablespaces to the raw devices, and set the DBCA_RAW_CONFIG environment variable to point to this file.

    OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant reads this file and populates the Specify Tablespace Information screen with the data. You just need to confirm the data on that screen.

    If you do not create this file, you can still run OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to install the OracleAS Metadata Repository in a Real Application Clusters database that uses raw devices. On the Specify Tablespace Information screen, it leaves the fields blank, and you have to enter the data manually.

    The steps in detail:

    1. Create a file to map the tablespaces to your raw devices.

      Each line in the file has the following format:


      You can use the following sample file, replacing the raw device file paths with your values. Append a "1" to the tablespace names, as shown in the sample file below.


      See Section 1.5.14, "Schemas and Tablespaces" for a list of tablespaces and schemas in the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

    2. Set the DBCA_RAW_CONFIG environment variable to the full path of the file.

      For example, if you saved the file as /opt/oracle/repca/tablespace_map.txt, then you would set the environment variable as follows:

      setenv DBCA_RAW_CONFIG /opt/oracle/repca/tablespace_map.txt
  4. Start up OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant. See Section 1.7, "Starting OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant" for details.

  5. Follow the screens:

    Table 2-5 Installing OracleAS Metadata Repository in a Real Application Clusters Database that Uses Raw Devices

    Screen Action
    1. Welcome Click Next.
    2. Specify Oracle Home Oracle Home: Enter the full path of the Oracle home directory for the database. Be sure you use the conventions of the computer that is running the database (for example, use the proper slashes).

    Log File Directory: Enter the full path of the directory where you want OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to write its log files. This path is on the computer where you are running OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

    Note that once you click Next to move to the next screen, you cannot change the log file directory. If you click Back to return to this screen, the Log File Directory field becomes read-only. This is to prevent OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant from writing log files in different directories.

    Click Next.

    3. Select Operation Select Load if you want to load the OracleAS Metadata Repository into the database but without registering it with Oracle Internet Directory. Select this option if you do not have an Oracle Internet Directory yet.

    Select Load and Register if you want to load the OracleAS Metadata Repository into the database and register it with Oracle Internet Directory.

    Click Next.

    4. Specify Database Connection Information Enter connect information for the existing database.

    SYS Password: Enter the password for the SYS user.

    Real Application Clusters Database: Select this option, and complete the fields under it:

    • Hostname and Port: Enter the names of all the computers running the Real Application Clusters database and the port numbers used by the listener. Use the format host:port, and separate each host:port with a comma character:

      hostname1:port1, hostname2:port2, hostname3:port3, ...

      If your middle tier instances are located in a different domain, you need to append the domain name to the hostname.

      Example 1 (same domain): myhost:1521, myhost2:1521

      Example 2 (different domain):,

    • Service Name: Enter the service name of the database. The service name must include the database domain name. The service name must be the same for all instances in the cluster.


    Click Next.

    5. Specify Storage Options Select Regular or Cluster File System.
    6. Specify Tablespace Information If you created a mapping file and set the DBCA_RAW_CONFIG environment variable to point to this file, this screen displays the values read from the file. See step 3 for details. Correct the values, if necessary, and click Next.

    If you did not create a mapping file, or if the DBCA_RAW_CONFIG environment variable is unset, you have to enter the information in this screen manually. Click Next.

    7. Warning: Check Disk Space This warning dialog appears if your SYSTEM and UNDO tablespaces are set to autoextend. Check that the file system that contains the SYSTEM and UNDO tablespaces have enough disk space, as specified in the warning dialog.
    8. Specify Oracle Internet Directory Connect This and the next two screens appear only if you selected Load and Register earlier.

    Internet Directory Hostname: Enter the name of the computer that is running Oracle Internet Directory. If your middle tier instances are located in a different domain, you need to append the domain name to the hostname.

    Internet Directory Port: Enter the port number for Oracle Internet Directory.

    Use SSL to Connect to Oracle Internet Directory for Registration Purposes: Select this option if you want OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to connect to Oracle Internet Directory using SSL when performing the registration.

    Click Next.

    9. Specify Login for Oracle Internet Directory Enter the Username and Password to log in to Oracle Internet Directory. The user must belong to the iASAdmins group. You can use the user's simple name (for example, jdoe) or the user's DN (for example, cn=orcladmin).

    If your Oracle Internet Directory contains more than one realm, you need to enter the realm that contains the specified user.

    Note: If you log in as the Oracle Internet Directory superuser (cn=orcladmin), the realm value is not used because the superuser does not belong to any realm. The realm value is used only if you log in using a simple name.

    Click Next.

    10. Specify Oracle Context Specify the location in Oracle Internet Directory where you want to register the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

    Root Oracle Context (cn=OracleContext): Select this option to register OracleAS Metadata Repository in the root Oracle context.

    Custom Oracle Context: Select this option to register OracleAS Metadata Repository in a specific realm in Oracle Internet Directory. Enter the DN of the realm in the provided field.

    Click Next.

    11. Loading Repository OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant creates and populates the tablespaces and schemas.
    12. Success Click OK to exit OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

  6. Perform post-installation steps. See Section 2.7, "Post-Installation Steps".

2.4 Installing in a Database that Uses Automatic Storage Management

This section describes how to install the OracleAS Metadata Repository in an existing disk group on a database that uses Automatic Storage Management (ASM).

On an ASM-configured database, you can install the OracleAS Metadata Repository on an existing disk group, or on regular files. If you want to use a disk group, the database must have at least one disk group configured.

2.4.1 Installing on a Disk Group

This section describes how to install the OracleAS Metadata Repository on a disk group in an ASM instance.

If you want to install OracleAS Metadata Repository in an ASM instance but you want to install on regular files instead of on a disk group, see Section 2.4.2, "Installing on Regular Files".

To install the OracleAS Metadata Repository on a disk group in an ASM instance, perform these steps:

  1. Ensure that the database meets the requirements listed in Section 1.5, "Requirements for the Database".

  2. Start up OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant. See Section 1.7, "Starting OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant" for details.

  3. Follow the screens:

    Table 2-6 Installing OracleAS Metadata Repository on a Disk Group in an ASM Instance

    Screen Action
    1. Welcome Click Next.
    2. Specify Oracle Home Oracle Home: Enter the full path of the Oracle home directory for the database. Be sure you use the conventions of the computer that is running the database (for example, use the proper slashes).

    Log File Directory: Enter the full path of the directory where you want OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to write its log files. This path is on the computer where you are running OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

    Note that once you click Next to move to the next screen, you cannot change the log file directory. If you click Back to return to this screen, the Log File Directory field becomes read-only. This is to prevent OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant from writing log files in different directories.

    Click Next.

    3. Select Operation Select Load if you want to load the OracleAS Metadata Repository into the database but without registering it with Oracle Internet Directory. Select this option if you do not have an Oracle Internet Directory yet.

    Select Load and Register if you want to load the OracleAS Metadata Repository into the database and register it with Oracle Internet Directory.

    Click Next.

    4. Specify Database Connection Information Enter connect information for the existing database.

    SYS Password: Enter the password for the SYS user.

    Single node instance: Select this option, and complete the fields under it:

    • Hostname: Enter the name of the computer that is running the database. If your middle tier instances are located in a different domain, you need to append the domain name to the hostname.

    • Port: Enter the port number for the database.

    • Service Name: Enter the service name of the database. Note that the service name must include the database domain name.


    Click Next.

    5. Specify Storage Options Select Automatic Storage Management (ASM).
    6. Select Disk Group Select the disk group in which you want to install the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

    Click Next.

    7. Specify Tablespace Information This screen displays the tablespaces that OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant needs to create.

    In the Size column, select the appropriate size for the tablespaces. Select the largest size for a tablespace if you have applications that use the component heavily. If not, select the smallest size.

    Click Next.

    8. Warning: Check Disk Space This warning dialog appears if your SYSTEM and UNDO tablespaces are set to autoextend. Check that the file system that contains the SYSTEM and UNDO tablespaces have enough disk space, as specified in the warning dialog.
    9. Specify Oracle Internet Directory Connection This and the next two screens appear only if you selected Load and Register earlier.

    Internet Directory Hostname: Enter the name of the computer that is running Oracle Internet Directory. If your middle tier instances are located in a different domain, you need to append the domain name to the hostname.

    Internet Directory Port: Enter the port number for Oracle Internet Directory.

    Use SSL to Connect to Oracle Internet Directory for Registration Purposes: Select this option if you want OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to connect to Oracle Internet Directory using SSL when performing the registration.

    Click Next.

    10. Specify Login for Oracle Internet Directory Enter the Username and Password to log in to Oracle Internet Directory. The user must belong to the iASAdmins group. You can use the user's simple name (for example, jdoe) or the user's DN (for example, cn=orcladmin).

    If your Oracle Internet Directory contains more than one realm, you need to enter the realm that contains the specified user.

    Note: If you log in as the Oracle Internet Directory superuser (cn=orcladmin), the realm value is not used because the superuser does not belong to any realm. The realm value is used only if you log in using a simple name.

    Click Next.

    11. Specify Oracle Context Specify the location in Oracle Internet Directory where you want to register the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

    Root Oracle Context (cn=OracleContext): Select this option to register OracleAS Metadata Repository in the root Oracle context.

    Custom Oracle Context: Select this option to register OracleAS Metadata Repository in a specific realm in Oracle Internet Directory. Enter the DN of the realm in the provided field.

    Click Next.

    12. Loading Repository OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant creates and populates the tablespaces and schemas.
    13. Success Click OK to exit OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

  4. Perform post-installation steps. See Section 2.7, "Post-Installation Steps".

2.4.2 Installing on Regular Files

The procedure for installing the OracleAS Metadata Repository on regular files in an ASM instance is the same as the procedure for installing on regular files on a non-ASM database. See Section 2.1, "Installing in a Database that Uses the File System".

2.5 Installing in a Database that Uses Oracle-Managed Files

To install the OracleAS Metadata Repository in a database that uses Oracle-managed files, perform these steps:

  1. Ensure that the database meets the requirements listed in Section 1.5, "Requirements for the Database".

    In particular, make sure the db_create_file_dest initialization parameter specifies the directory where OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant should create the data files for the OracleAS Metadata Repository. For example:

    prompt> sqlplus "sys/password as sysdba"
    SQL> alter system set db_create_file_dest ='/u03/oradata';

    If this initialization parameter is not set, you will get an error.

  2. Start up OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant. See Section 1.7, "Starting OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant" for details.

  3. Follow the screens:

    Table 2-7 Installing OracleAS Metadata Repository on a Database that Uses Oracle-Managed Files

    Screen Action
    1. Welcome Click Next.
    2. Specify Oracle Home Oracle Home: Enter the full path of the Oracle home directory for the database. Be sure you use the conventions of the computer that is running the database (for example, use the proper slashes).

    Log File Directory: Enter the full path of the directory where you want OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to write its log files. This path is on the computer where you are running OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

    Note that once you click Next to move to the next screen, you cannot change the log file directory. If you click Back to return to this screen, the Log File Directory field becomes read-only. This is to prevent OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant from writing log files in different directories.

    Click Next.

    3. Select Operation Select Load if you want to load the OracleAS Metadata Repository into the database but without registering it with Oracle Internet Directory. Select this option if you do not have an Oracle Internet Directory yet.

    Select Load and Register if you want to load the OracleAS Metadata Repository into the database and register it with Oracle Internet Directory.

    Click Next.

    4. Specify Database Connection Information Enter connect information for the existing database.

    SYS Password: Enter the password for the SYS user.

    Single node instance: Select this option, and complete the fields under it:

    • Hostname: Enter the name of the computer that is running the database. If your middle tier instances are located in a different domain, you need to append the domain name to the hostname.

    • Port: Enter the port number for the database.

    • Service Name: Enter the service name of the database. Note that the service name must include the database domain name.


    Click Next.

    5. Specify Storage Options Select Oracle-Managed Files.
    6. Directory for Oracle-Managed Files This screen shows the directory where OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant will create the data files for OracleAS Metadata Repository. This value is read from the db_create_file_dest initialization parameter.

    If this parameter is not set, you will get an error message.

    If you want OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to create the data files in a different directory, edit the db_create_file_dest initialization parameter to specify the desired directory (using SQL*Plus or other database administration tool), go back one screen, and click Next to move forward until you return to this screen. You should see the new value of the parameter.

    Click Next.

    7. Specify Tablespace Information This screen displays the tablespaces that OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant needs to create.

    In the Size column, select the appropriate size for the tablespaces. Select the largest size for a tablespace if you have applications that use the component heavily. If not, select the smallest size.

    Click Next.

    8. Warning: Check Disk Space This warning dialog appears if your SYSTEM and UNDO tablespaces are set to autoextend. Check that the file system that contains the SYSTEM and UNDO tablespaces have enough disk space, as specified in the warning dialog.
    9. Specify Oracle Internet Directory Connect This and the next two screens appear only if you selected Load and Register earlier.

    Internet Directory Hostname: Enter the name of the computer that is running Oracle Internet Directory. If your middle tier instances are located in a different domain, you need to append the domain name to the hostname.

    Internet Directory Port: Enter the port number for Oracle Internet Directory.

    Use SSL to Connect to Oracle Internet Directory for Registration Purposes: Select this option if you want OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant to connect to Oracle Internet Directory using SSL when performing the registration.

    Click Next.

    10. Specify Login for Oracle Internet Directory Enter the Username and Password to log in to Oracle Internet Directory. The user must belong to the iASAdmins group. You can use the user's simple name (for example, jdoe) or the user's DN (for example, cn=orcladmin).

    If your Oracle Internet Directory contains more than one realm, you need to enter the realm that contains the specified user.

    Note: If you log in as the Oracle Internet Directory superuser (cn=orcladmin), the realm value is not used because the superuser does not belong to any realm. The realm value is used only if you log in using a simple name.

    Click Next.

    11. Specify Oracle Context Specify the location in Oracle Internet Directory where you want to register the OracleAS Metadata Repository.

    Root Oracle Context (cn=OracleContext): Select this option to register OracleAS Metadata Repository in the root Oracle context.

    Custom Oracle Context: Select this option to register OracleAS Metadata Repository in a specific realm in Oracle Internet Directory. Enter the DN of the realm in the provided field.

    Click Next.

    12. Loading Repository OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant creates and populates the tablespaces and schemas.
    13. Success Click OK to exit OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

  4. Perform post-installation steps. See Section 2.7, "Post-Installation Steps".

2.6 Harmless Errors in the Log File

The following errors in the log file are harmless. You may ignore them.

2.6.1 SP2-0332 Errors

If the log file shows an SP2-0332 error in the following context, you may ignore it:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OID_METRIC_TYPE does not exist
Type created.
Type created.
Package created.
Package body created.
SP2-0332: Cannot create spool file.
Procedure created.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

2.6.2 SP2-0606 Errors

If the log file shows an SP2-0606 error in the following context, you may ignore it:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OID_METRIC_TYPE does not exist
Type created.
Type created.
Package created.
Package body created.
SP2-0606: Cannot create SPOOL file "LOGS/oidimeta.log"
Procedure created.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

2.7 Post-Installation Steps

After installing the OracleAS Metadata Repository in your database, you need to perform these steps:

2.7.1 Update sqlnet.ora File

Configure SQL*Net settings so that the ORASSO_PS schema in the OracleAS Metadata Repository can be contacted. To do this, update the ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora file (ORACLE_HOME specifies the database home where you installed the OracleAS Metadata Repository) by adding LDAP to the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH entry as follows:


If you do not perform this configuration, errors are displayed in OracleAS Portal when using the OracleAS Single Sign-On administration portlet. The error is caused by the DB link used by OracleAS Portal to connect to the ORASSO_PS schema for external application functionality. The DB link is resolved using the SQL*Net settings configured in the database home where the OracleAS Metadata Repository resides.

2.7.2 Copy ldap.ora File to the Database Oracle Home

This procedure is applicable only if you loaded and registered the OracleAS Metadata Repository with Oracle Internet Directory. If you only loaded the OracleAS Metadata Repository without registering it with Oracle Internet Directory, then you can skip this step.

  • If your database is version (or higher in the 9.2.x series), copy the file Repository_Creation_Assistant_OH/network/admin/ldap.ora to Database_OH/network/admin/ldap.ora.

    Repository_Creation_Assistant_OH is the Oracle home for the OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

    Database_OH is the Oracle home for your database.

  • If your database is version (or higher in the 10.1.x series), copy the file Repository_Creation_Assistant_OH/network/admin/ldap.ora to Database_OH/ldap/admin/ldap.ora.

    Repository_Creation_Assistant_OH is the Oracle home for the OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

    Database_OH is the Oracle home for your database.

2.7.3 Unlock the DCM Schema and Set Its Password

Unlock the dcm schema and set its password. This step is required only if (1) you want to use the metadata repository only for database clustering of "J2EE and Web Cache" middle tier instances and (2) you did not register the metadata repository with Oracle Internet Directory.

  1. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to point to the full path of the directory where the database is installed.

  2. Set the ORACLE_SID environment variable to the database's SID.

  3. Unlock the dcm schema and set its password using SQL*Plus.

    The following alter user command sets the password to "welcome1", but you can set it to any value.

    prompt> $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus "sys/password as sysdba"
    SQL> alter user dcm identified by welcome1 account unlock;

2.7.4 Create Instance for Oracle Ultra Search

Oracle Application Server uses the Oracle Ultra Search that comes with the database. If you loaded the OracleAS Metadata Repository in a database, the Oracle Ultra Search that comes with this version of the database does not include a default instance. This means that you will have to create an Oracle Ultra Search instance. For details on how to create an instance, see the section "Creating an Instance" in the chapter "Understanding the Oracle Ultra Search Administration Tool" in the Oracle Ultra Search Administrator's Guide.

If you do not create an Oracle Ultra Search instance, you will get an error when you try the following:

  1. Log in to OracleAS Portal.

  2. Navigate to the Oracle Ultra Search Administration page. You will get the following error:

    "Error: No Ultra Search instances have been assigned to user "ORCLADMIN" for administration. Contact the Ultra Search administrator for your organization."

2.8 If Loading Failed

If loading failed, you have to remove the OracleAS Metadata Repository objects that were loaded before the failure occurred. To remove the objects:

  1. Run OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant, and select the remove option. You can remove the objects using the wizard or the script. See Section 4, "Deregistering and Removing OracleAS Metadata Repository" for details.

  2. Perform this step only if your database did not contain Oracle Internet Directory schemas before you loaded the OracleAS Metadata Repository. In other words, the Oracle Internet Directory schemas in your database were loaded by OracleAS Metadata Repository. If your database already contained Oracle Internet Directory schemas when you ran OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant, then you can skip this step.

    In this step, you delete the Oracle Internet Directory objects from your database. You have to do this as a separate step because the remove operation in OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant does not remove the Oracle Internet Directory objects from your database. See Section 4.1, "Oracle Internet Directory Objects Not Removed".

    To delete the Oracle Internet Directory objects, see Section 4.8, "Removing Oracle Internet Directory Objects".

2.9 If Registration Failed

If OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant failed to register the OracleAS Metadata Repository with Oracle Internet Directory, follow the deregistration procedure to clean up the entries in Oracle Internet Directory. You have to clean up the entries in Oracle Internet Directory before trying to register the OracleAS Metadata Repository again.

See Section 4.4, "Deregistering and Removing OracleAS Metadata Repository Using the Wizard" for instructions on how to deregister the OracleAS Metadata Repository from Oracle Internet Directory.

2.10 Re-Installing the OracleAS Metadata Repository in the Same Database

This section is applicable only for databases. It does not apply for 10g databases.

If you want to remove and re-install OracleAS Metadata Repository in your database, follow these steps:

  1. Remove OracleAS Metadata Repository from your database using OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

  2. Perform this step only if your database did not contain Oracle Internet Directory schemas before you loaded the OracleAS Metadata Repository. In other words, the Oracle Internet Directory schemas in your database were loaded by OracleAS Metadata Repository. If your database already contained Oracle Internet Directory schemas when you ran OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant, then you can skip this step.

    In this step, you delete the Oracle Internet Directory objects from your database. You have to do this as a separate step because the remove operation in OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant does not remove the Oracle Internet Directory objects from your database. See Section 4.1, "Oracle Internet Directory Objects Not Removed".

    To delete the Oracle Internet Directory objects, see Section 4.8, "Removing Oracle Internet Directory Objects".

  3. Re-install OracleAS Metadata Repository in your database.

Using a Re-Installed OracleAS Metadata Repository

Note the following points before using the re-installed OracleAS Metadata Repository: