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Oracle® Application Server Upgrade and Compatibility Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2) for UNIX
Part No. B14090-02
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C Upgrade and Compatibility Error Messages

This appendix provides information about the error messages you may encounter when upgrading your Oracle Application Server installations or when running multiple versions Oracle Application Server.

The following sections provide information about error messages that may appear in the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant, Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant, or Oracle Universal Installer log files when you are upgrading your Oracle Application Server instances to 10g (10.1.2):

C.1 Error Messages Common to All Components

This section contains upgrade error messages that are common to all Oracle Application Server components.

Unable to upgrade file filename
Cause: The file was not found in the source Oracle home, or you do not have sufficient permissions to copy the file.
Action: Determine the permissions for the file in the source Oracle home and the destination Oracle home, and adjust them as necessary.

C.2 Error Messages When Upgrading Instance Configuration Components

This section contains error messages that are specific to the upgrade of your Oracle Application Server instance configuration.

Cause: The iasschema.xml file is corrupted.
Action: Provide an uncorrupted version of the file.
Cause: The iasschema.xml file could not be accessed in the source or destination Oracle home.
Action: Ensure that the file is accessible in both locations.

C.3 Error Messages When Upgrading Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE

This section contains error messages that are specific to Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J).

J2EEDeployment Exception
Cause: An application EAR file is not 100% J2EE compliant.
Action: Use the validateEarFile utility to identify the noncompliant characteristics, and correct them. Instructions for using the utility are provided in Section, "Validating EAR Files for J2EE Compliance".

C.4 Error Messages When Upgrading Oracle HTTP Server

This section contains error messages that are specific to Oracle HTTP Server.
Cause: This error indicates that a particular file that is required for the Oracle HTTP Server upgrade is not available in the expected location. For example, additional information provided with the error will usually indicate which files are missing.
Action: You can fix this problem by manually copying the file from the source Oracle home (or from some other known location) to the destination Oracle home.

C.5 Error Messages When Upgrading Oracle Application Server Web Services UDDI Registry

This followins sections contains error messages that are specific to the Oracle Application Server UDDI Registry:

C.5.1 UDDI Registry Middle Tier Upgrade Error Messages

UDDI plug-in does not support upgrade from version {0}. No upgrade will be done.
Cause: The version of the application server in the source mid-tier cannot be upgraded directly to 10g (10.1.2).
Action: Check the version of your source AS mid-tier.
UDDI plug-in does not support upgrade to version {0}. No upgrade will be done.
Cause: The version of the application server in the destination Oracle home is not supported for this upgrade.
Action: Make sure you are starting the Upgrade Assistant from the correct destination Oracle home.
Source configuration file not found at {0}. No upgrade will be done for version 9.0.2.
Cause: In Release 2 (9.0.2), there was no configuration file for UDDI registry. Therefore upgrade is not applicable.
Action: No action required.
Destination configuration file not found at {0}. Looking for backup at {1}.
Cause: The UDDI registry configuration file is not found in the destination application server middle tier Oracle home.
Action: No action required. A backup configuration file will be used instead.
Destination configuration file not found at {0}, and its backup not found at {1}. Upgrade cannot proceed.
Cause: Neither the UDDI registry configuration file nor its backup can be found in the destination middle tier Oracle home.
Action: Check the installation log file for the destination middle tier.
ErrorMsg: Destination configuration file restored from its backup at {0}.
Cause: The UDDI registry configuration file is not found in the destination Oracle home. However the configuration file was restored from a backup.
Action: No action required.
ErrorMsg: Backup of destination configuration file is made at {0}.
Cause: A backup copy was made of the original UDDI registry configuration file in the destination Oracle home.
Action: Action: No action required.
ErrorMsg: UDDI plug-in did not expect item {0}.
Cause: The item to be upgraded is a directory.
Action: Check the source Oracle home. For UDDI middle-tier upgrades, this item should represent a configuration file.
ErrorMsg: Unknown URL prefix for UDDI: {0}.
Cause: The JDBC URL prefix is incorrect.
Action: The UDDI plug-in will use a JDBC thin driver prefix as a defensive measure. However, you need to double check the setting in the source configuration file.
ErrorMsg: Missing URL prefix definition for UDDI.
Cause: The JDBC URL prefix is absent from the UDDI registry configuration file.
Action: Check the source Oracle home or configuration file.
ErrorMsg: Unknown property for UDDI: {0}.
Cause: Unknown property exists in the UDDI registry configuration file.
Action: Check each item in the UDDI registry configuration file.

C.5.2 UDDI Registry OracleAS Metadata Repository Upgrade Error Messages

Error: Current UDDI Component has wrong version {0}.
Cause: UDDI database schema version is incorrect.
Action: Manually inspect the VERSION table in UDDISYS schema. You may need help from a system administrator or a database administrator.
Error: UDDI Upgrade is having problem with DB.
Cause: Some generic database exceptions have been thrown and caught.
Action: Contact the system administrator, the database administrator, or contact Oracle Support Services with the full error message.
Error: UDDI Upgrade is having problem closing DB Connection.
Cause: Exception generated while closing a database connection.
Action: Contact the system administrator, the database administrator, or contact Oracle Support Services with the full error message.
Error: UDDI Upgrade sql script execution failed.
Cause: Exception during UDDI upgrade-related SQL execution.
Action: Contact the system administrator, the database administrator, or contact Oracle Support Services with the full error message.
Error: UDDI Upgrade sqlldr execution failed.
Cause: Exception during Oracle SQL*Loader excecution.
Action: Contact the system administrator, the database administrator, or contact Oracle Support Services with the full error message.

C.6 Error Messages When Upgrading mod_plsql

This section describes the error messages, their causes, and suggested actions that are specific to the mod_plsql upgrade in the 10.1.2 Middle-tier upgrade.

Exception in the mod_plsql plug-in.
Cause: An error occurred while upgrading mod_plsql during the middle-tier upgrade.
Action: Try to fix the error based on the additional details in this message and restart the upgrade.
Exception while backing up: <file>
Cause: An error occurred while backing up the file <file> during the middle-tier upgrade.
Action: Verify that <file> exists in the source Oracle home, that the disk is not full, and that you have write permission in the directory where <file> is to be backed up.

C.7 Error Messages When Upgrading Oracle Application Server Portal

This section describes the error and warning messages, their causes, and suggested actions that you may encounter when upgrading OracleAS Portal. The messages have been listed in numeric or alphabetical order in each subsection for easy location. For more information, refer to the Upgrade documentation, available on OracleAS Portal Center at This section contains the following subsections:

C.7.1 Middle-tier Upgrade Error Messages for OracleAS Portal

The following public error messages are specific to the OracleAS Portal upgrade in the 10.1.2 Middle-tier upgrade.

A failure occurred during the portal target upgrade process.
Cause: Failed to migrate portal target entries from the source to the destination.
Action: Try to fix the error based on the additional details in this message and restart the upgrade.
Cannot determine which Oracle home is running the 9.0.2 Oracle Enterprise Manager Website.
Cause: The upgrade process could not determine which Oracle home is running the active Oracle Enterprise Manager process. This information is retrieved from the emtab file on Solaris and Linux platforms, or from the registry on Windows platforms.
Action: Depending on your platform, verify that a valid entry for the Oracle Enterprise Manager home exists:
  • For Solaris, /var/opt/oracle/emtab file.

  • For Linux, /etc/emtab file.

  • For Windows, check the em_loc subkey under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE key in the registry.

Cannot re-deploy application <app_name>.
Cause: Failed to migrate user application <app_name> to the destination OC4J_Portal instance.
Action: Try to fix the error based on the additional details in this message and re-deploy the user application manually to the destination OC4J_Portal instance after fixing the problem.
Cannot retrieve portal targets from the Oracle Enterprise Manager home.
Cause: Target entries for one or more portals were missing or invalid in the source targets.xml file.
Action: Verify that targets.xml exists in the Oracle home running the Oracle Enterprise Manager Services. In release 9.0.4, the Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle home will be the same as the source Oracle home. In release 9.0.2, the active Oracle Enterprise Manager home location is specified in the emtab file on UNIX and in the em_loc subkey in the registry on Windows under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE key.
Cannot retrieve the emtab file used to determine which Oracle home running the Oracle Enterprise Manager 9.0.2 Website.
Cause: This error is specific to 9.0.2 to 10.1.2 upgrades on the UNIX platform. It occurs when the emtab file, which is used to determine which Oracle home is running the Oracle Enterprise Manager services, is not found.
Action: Verify that this file exists in the correct location (/var/opt/oracle on Solaris and /etc on Linux) and that the "DEFAULT" property refers to the correct Oracle home.
Cannot retrieve the registry key value for the Oracle home running the Oracle Enterprise Manager 9.0.2 Website.
Cause: An error occurred when the upgrade process tried to retrieve Oracle Enterprise Manager location from the registry during a 9.0.2 to 10.1.2 upgrade on the Windows platform.
Action: Verify that the value of the em_loc subkey exists under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE key in the registry.
Exception in the OracleAS Portal plug-in
Cause: An error occurred while upgrading OracleAS Portal during the middle-tier upgrade.
Action: Try to fix the error based on the additional details in this message and restart the upgrade.
OmniPortlet: Unable to migrate customizations.
Cause: Could not access the source or target OmniPortlet customization directories.
Action: You can manually copy all subdirectories under the following directory from the source installation to the target installation:

OmniPortlet: Unable to migrate encodeHtmlField Setting.
Cause: Could not access the source or target OmniPortlet configuration file, provider.xml, or the file contained an invalid encodeHtmlField Setting.
Action: You can manually copy the <encodeHtmlField> tag in the following configuration file from the source installation to the target installation:

OmniPortlet: Unable to migrate exportConnectionInfo Setting.
Cause: Could not access the source or target OmniPortlet configuration file, provider.xml, or the file contained an invalid exportConnectionInfo Setting.
Action: You can manually copy the <exportConnectionInfo> tag in following configuration file from the source installation to the target installation:

OmniPortlet: Unable to migrate Locale Personalization Level.
Cause: Could not access the source or target OmniPortlet configuration file, provider.xml, or the file contained an invalid Local Personalization Level.
Action: You can manually copy the <localePersonalizationLevel> tag in the following configuration file from the source installation to the target installation:

OmniPortlet: Unable to migrate Preference Store Settings.
Cause: Could not access the source or target OmniPortlet configuration file, provider.xml, or the file contained invalid Preference Store Settings.
Action: You can manually copy the <preferenceStore> tag in the following configuration file from the source installation to the target installation:

OmniPortlet: Unable to migrate Proxy Settings.
Cause: Could not access the source or target OmniPortlet configuration file, provider.xml, or the file contained invalid Proxy Settings.
Action: You can manually copy the <proxyInfo> tag in following source file from the source installation to the target installation:

OmniPortlet: Unable to migrate Security Repository Settings.
Cause: Could not access the source or target OmniPortlet configuration file, provider.xml, or the file contained invalid Security Repository Settings.
Action: You can manually copy the <vaultId> tag in following configuration file from the source installation to the target installation:

OmniPortlet: Unable to migrate Trusted Certificate Location Setting.
Cause: Could not access the source or target OmniPortlet configuration file, provider.xml, or the file contained an invalid Trusted Certificate Location.
Action: You can manually copy the <trustedCertificateLocation> tag in the following configuration file from the source installation to the target installation:

There are incomplete target entries in the destination targets.xml.
Cause: Target entries were missing or incomplete in the destination targets.xml file.
Action: Verify that target entries for OracleAS (target type oracle_ias) and Oracle HTTP server (target type oracle_apache) exist in the following configuration file, and verify that valid entries exist for the various properties of these targets:

There are incomplete target entries in the source targets.xml file.
Cause: Target entries were missing or incomplete in the source targets.xml file.
Action: Verify that target entries for OracleAS (target type oracle_ias) and Oracle HTTP server (target type oracle_apache) exist in the following configuration file, and verify that valid entries exist for the various properties of these targets:

Unable to copy file: <file name>
Cause: An error occurred while copying the file, from the source to the destination middle tier during jpdk upgrade.
Action: Verify that the file exists in the source Oracle home, that the disk is not full, and that you have write permission in the directory. After fixing the problem, manually copy the file from the source to the destination middle tier.
Unable to create the directory: <directory name>
Cause: An error occurred while creating the directory during jpdk upgrade.
Action: Verify that the directory exists in the source Oracle home, that the disk is not full, and that you have write permission. After fixing the problem, copy the directory manually from the source to the destination middle tier.

For example, if the source directory is:


Then the corresponding target directory is:



Special care should be taken if the directory to be copied contains the file provider.xml. The source file can contain multiple <preferenceStore> entries. If this is the case, perform one of the following two steps, depending on whether a <prefStoreName> tag is defined in the source provider.xml file:
  • If it is defined, select, the tag whose name attribute value matches the <prefStoreName> tag out of all the <preferenceStore> tags in that file and migrate that <preferenceStore> tag to the destination provider.xml file. If it is not defined, copy the first <preferenceStore> tag of all the <preferenceStore> tags from the source provider.xml file, to the destination provider.xml file.

If there is only one occurrence of the <preferenceStore> tag in the source provider.xml file, copy this tag to the destination provider.xml file.

Unable to migrate JNDI entries from source to destination orion-web.xml file: <file name>
Cause: During jpdk upgrade, an error occurred while copying the <env-entry-mapping> tags from the orion-web.xml file in the source Oracle home to the orion-web.xml file in the destination Oracle home.

The orion-web.xml file is located in the following directory of the source Oracle home and the destination Oracle home:

  • SOURCE_ORACLE_HOME\j2ee\OC4J_Portal\application-deployments\jpdk\source\orion-web.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME\j2ee\OC4J_Portal\application-deployments\jpdk\source\orion-web.xml file

Action: Manually copy the <env-entry-mapping> tags from the source to the destination orion-web.xml file.
Unable to migrate Provider Group changes from source to destination iasProviders.xml file: <file name>
Cause: Migration of the <providerGroup> tags to the target iasProviders.xml file failed during jpdk upgrade.
Action: Copy the <providerGroup> tags under the <providerGroups> tag from the source iasProviders.xml file to the destination. Copy only the <providerGroup> tag if it does not start with 'oracle', Paste it under the root <providerGroups> tag. The source and the target file will be at the following locations:
  • SOURCE_ORACLE_HOME/portal/pdkjava/providerGroups/iasProviders.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/portal/pdkjava/providerGroups/iasProviders.xml

Unable to migrate the <preferenceStrore> tag from the providers.xml file: <file name>
Cause: An error occurred while migrating the <preferenceStore> tag from the source to the destination provider.xml file during jpdk upgrade. The exact location of the provider.xml file is provided in the error message.
Action: The source file can contain multiple <preferenceStore> entries. If this is the case, perform one of the following two steps, depending on whether a <prefStoreName> tag is defined in the source provider.xml file:
  • If it is defined, select, the tag whose name attribute value matches the <prefStoreName> tag out of all the <preferenceStore> tags in that file and migrate that <preferenceStore> tag to the destination provider.xml file.

  • If it is not defined, copy the first <preferenceStore> tag of all the <preferenceStore> tags from the source provider.xml file, to the destination provider.xml file.

If there is only one occurrence of the <preferenceStore> tag in the source provider.xml file, copy this tag to the destination provider.xml file.

Unable to migrate the Provider UI Security Settings Registry file: <file name>
Cause: Failed to migrate the <providerGroup> tag from the source to the destination <provider_registry> file during jpdk upgrade. The <provider_registry> file could be progrp.xml or provideruiacls.xml.
Action: The propgrp.xmlfile can be located in the following places:
  • SOURCE_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/jpdk/jpdk/WEB-INF/deployment_providerui/progrp.xml.

  • SOURCE_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/portalTools/providerBuilder/WEB-INF/deployment_providerui/progrp.xml.

The provideruiacls.xml file can be located in one of the following places:

  • SOURCE_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/jpdk/jpdk/WEB-INF/deployment_providerui/provideruiacls.xml or

  • SOURCE_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/portalTools/providerBuilder/WEB-INF/deployment_providerui/provideruiacls.xml.

Manually copy the <providerGroup> tag, located under the <providerGroups> tag to the destination propgrp.xml file.


If you are upgrading from version 9.0.2, you will see that all the <providerGroups> tags are located under the <webNode> tag, instead of under the <providerGroups> tags (version 9.0.4 and up) In this case, select all the <providerGroup> tags located under the <webNode> tag from the source and migrate them to the <providerGroups> node tag in the destination propgrp.xml file.

For provideruiacls.xml file, manually copy the file from the source to the destination location and add the following entry to the corresponding target file:

<user name="portal" privilege="500"/>

under the <object name="ANY_PROVIDER" owner="providerui"> tag, if this tag is present.

and under the <object name="ANY_PORTLET" owner="providerui"> tag, if this tag is present.

Web Clipping: Unable to migrate Proxy Settings.
Cause: Could not access the source or target Web Clipping configuration file, provider.xml, or the file contained invalid Proxy Settings.
Action: You can manually copy the <proxyInfo> tag in the following configuration file from the source installation to the target installation:

Web Clipping: Unable to migrate Security Repository Settings.
Cause: Could not access the source or target Web Clipping configuration file, provider.xml, or the file contained invalid Security Repository Settings.
Action: You can manually copy the <repositoryInfo> tag in the following configuration file from the source installation to the target installation:

Web Clipping: Unable to migrate Trusted Certificate Location Setting.
Cause: Could not access the source or target Web Clipping configuration file, provider.xml, or the file contained an invalid Trusted Certificate Location Setting.
Action: You can manually copy the <trustedCertificateLocation> tag in the following configuration file from the source installation to the target installation.

Web Clipping: Unable to update Repository Schema.
Cause: A database access failure occurred while upgrading the Web Clipping Repository Schema from to latest version.
Action: You can manually invoke the Schema Upgrade Script from the Web Clipping Welcome page. The database connection you provide has to have the privileges to create/modify tables.

C.7.2 Portal Repository Upgrade Messages

This section contains error messages that are specific to the OracleAS Portal Repository upgrade. Error messages that are generated after the upgrade has progressed past the precheck stage indicate that the OracleAS Portal schema has had modifications. If you receive any error messages after the precheck step, you must fix the problem, restore your database from its backup, and then run the upgrade again. This section contains the following subsections:

C.7.2.1 Numbered Error Messages (WWU-00001 to WWU-24999)

WWU-00001: An unexpected exception was raised during the upgrade prechecks:
Cause: An unexpected error caused the upgrade to abort.
Action: Based on the details in the message, correct the problem and run the upgrade again.
WWU-00002: The value of the shared_pool_size database parameter was not high enough for the upgrade.
Cause: The value of the shared_pool_size database parameter is too low.
Action: Increase the value of the shared_pool_size database parameter to 20 MB or greater. Run the upgrade again.
WWU-00003: The value of the java_pool_size database parameter was not high enough for the upgrade.
Cause: The value of the java_pool_size database parameter is too low.
Action: Increase the value of the java_pool_size database parameter to 20 MB or greater. Run the upgrade again.
WWU-00004: The optimizer_mode database parameter was incorrectly set to RULE.
Cause: The optimizer_mode database parameter is incorrectly set to RULE.
Action: Change the optimizer_mode database parameter to CHOOSE. Run the upgrade again.
WWU-00005: There was insufficient free space in the default tablespace.
Cause: There is less than 20 MB of free default tablespace.
Action: Create at least 20 MB of free default tablespace. Run the upgrade again.
WWU-00006: There was insufficient free space in the temporary tablespace.
Cause: There is less than 10 MB of free temporary tablespace.
Action: Create at least 10 MB of free temporary tablespace. Run the upgrade again.
WWU-00007: The _system_trig_enabled database parameter was incorrectly set to FALSE.
Cause: The _system_trig_enabled database parameter is incorrectly set to FALSE.
Action: Set the value for the _system_trig_enabled database parameter to TRUE, or do not set it. Run the upgrade again.
WWU-00008: There were jobs running in the DBMS jobs queue during the upgrade.
Cause: The upgrade cannot progress because there are DBMS jobs running.
Action: Either kill the DBMS jobs, or wait for them to finish before restarting the upgrade. Check the "Analyze Product Schema" step in the upgrade log for more information on the running jobs.
WWU-00009: The DBMS job queue was disabled. There were jobs that would have run immediately if it were enabled.
Cause: Jobs submitted for the current repository may not run properly under the upgraded version.
Action: You have two options: 1. Remove the jobs from the queue. 2. Re-enable the job queue by raising the job_queue_processes database parameter to a value greater than 0, and allow the jobs to complete. For a list of all jobs, look under the "Analyze Product Schema" step in the upgrade log.
WWU-00010: Some jobs in the DBMS job queue were incorrectly configured.
Cause: There are OracleAS Portal jobs in the DBMS job queue that were either incorrectly submitted as another user, or submitted as the OracleAS Portal user with another default schema or default privilege.
Action: Remove these jobs from the job queue. The upgrade correctly resubmits any jobs that are missing. For a list of all jobs, look under the "Analyze Product Schema" step in the upgrade log.
WWU-00011: Concurrent sessions were running for the schema you are upgrading.
Cause: Other sessions are running on the OracleAS Portal schema.
Action: Make sure the OracleAS 10g middle-tier is shut down and there are no other connections to the schema being upgraded. Look under "Open Sessions" in the upgrade log for a list of open sessions for the schema.
WWU-00012: Not all components of the JVM installation were present in the database or valid.
Cause: SYS Java objects are not present in the database or are invalid.
Action: Recompile the invalid Java objects in SYS. If this fails, reinstall the JVM in the database following the instructions found in the Oracle database documentation.
WWU-00013: Tables with UPG_ prefix were found in the OracleAS Portal schema.
Cause: The upgrade is aborted when UPG_ prefix tables are present in the OracleAS Portal schema.
Action: Back up all tables with the UPG_prefix, then delete them from the OracleAS Portal schema.
WWU-00014: Obtaining Oracle Text information failed.
Cause: An error occurred during the attempt to retrieve information about the Oracle Text installation.
Action: Ensure that the Oracle Text component is correctly installed. If necessary, reinstall the Oracle Text component. For installation instructions, refer to the Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide.
WWU-00015: Oracle Text schema (CTXSYS) does not exist.
Cause: The database does not contain the CTXSYS schema. This indicates that Oracle Text is not installed.
Action: Install the Oracle Text component in the database. For installation instructions, refer to the Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide.
WWU-00016: Oracle Text indextype is invalid or does not exist.
Cause: The Oracle Text context indextype is not valid or does not exist. This may indicate a problem with the Oracle Text installation.
Action: Ensure the Oracle Text context indextype is present and valid. If necessary, reinstall the Oracle Text component. For installation instructions, refer to the Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide.
WWU-00017: Some Oracle Text packages are invalid.
Cause: Packages in the Oracle Text schema (CTXSYS) that begin with DRI or CTX_ are invalid.
Action: Revalidate the Oracle Text invalid packages. If necessary, reinstall the Oracle Text component. For installation instructions, refer to the Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide.
WWU-00018: Oracle Text version does not match the database version.
Cause: The version of the database is more recent than the Oracle Text component. This may indicate that the Oracle Text component upgrade was not successful. Oracle Text manual upgrade steps may have failed or been omitted. On some platforms, this may also indicate that patch 2658339 was not applied.
Action: Depending on the situation, either rerun the Oracle Text upgrade or download and apply the patch.
WWU-00019: Could not find the schema(s) on which Portlet Builder (Web View) applications are based.
Cause: The schema on which the Portlet Builder application is based is missing.
Action: There are two ways to fix this issue: 1. Drop the applications that are using the schema. 2. Recreate the missing schema and all objects in it.
WWU-00020: One or more one-off patches with schema changes have been applied.
Cause: One or more one-off patches that include schema changes have been applied to the OracleAS Portal schema. The upgrade cannot proceed because these changes have not been tested with this release of the upgrade scripts.
Action: See if a version of the upgrade based on the next patchset has been released on Metalink. If so, download and run the new version. If not, wait until it is released.
WWU-00021: The following mandatory object(s) are missing or invalid:
Cause: Mandatory objects that OracleAS Portal relies on are invalid or are not present in the database. If they are missing due to a faulty upgrade of the database, this could also cause failures in the OracleAS Portal upgrade.
Action: Review the database installation and upgrade procedures. If the object is present but invalid, run the rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql script under the database Oracle home to recompile all invalid objects.
WWU-00022: Version %0 of Oracle Portal/WebDB is not supported for upgrade.
Cause: The OracleAS Portal version being upgraded is not supported by this upgrade installation.
Action: If your OracleAS Portal instance is version 9.0.2,, or, be sure you have followed the instructions for applying Patch 2778342 mentioned in the Oracle Application Server 10g Upgrading to 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) upgrade guide. If you are starting with version 3.0.9, follow the instructions on to upgrade to version 9.0.4. If you are running a different version, it is not supported by this upgrade installation. Contact Oracle support.
WWU-00023: Version %0 of Oracle Database is not supported for upgrade.
Cause: The version of the database against which the upgrade was run is not supported for this upgrade.
Action: Upgrade to the minimum database version of Oracle9i Database Enterprise or Standard edition.
WWU-00024: The compatible database parameter is less that 9.0.0.
Cause: The compatible database parameter is set to less than 9.0.0.
Action: Set the value of the compatible database parameter to at least 9.0.0.
WWU-00025: VPD was not installed properly.
Cause: One of the VPD checks has failed.
Action: This error is followed by a detailed message. Resolve the issue by examining the information provided in the message.
WWU-00026: VPD context value is not set.
Cause: The OracleAS Portal login trigger that sets the VPD context is disabled or is not installed.
Action: Verify that the OracleAS Portal login trigger was installed and enabled on the database. If you must install the trigger, run the wwhost/logintrg.sql script from SQL*Plus while logged in as SYS user. You'll find this script under the upgrade directory.
WWU-00027: VPD context value is incorrect.
Cause: The login trigger(s) is not setting the correct context.
Action: Verify that the login trigger is correctly installed. To install the trigger, run the wwhost/logintrg.sql script from SQL*Plus while logged in as SYS user. You'll find this script under the upgrade directory.
WWU-00028: Portal schema user is not set up to use VPD.
Cause: The OracleAS Portal schema user has the EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY system privilege.
Action: Revoke the EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY privilege from the OracleAS Portal schema user by running the following SQL command in SQL*Plus: 'REVOKE EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY FROM PORTAL_SCHEMA_NAME;'. In this command, replace PORTAL_SCHEMA_NAME with the actual OracleAS Portal schema name. Also verify that the OracleAS Portal schema user does not inherit the EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY privilege from any of its assigned roles.
WWU-00029: VPD is not being enforced in the database.
Cause: A problem occurred in the database that caused the VPD check to fail.
Action: Consult the database documentation to find possible actions.
WWU-00031: %0 Unable to bind as the application.
Cause: An error was encountered while connecting to the Oracle Internet Directory server.
Action: The error message above may provide more information about the cause. Make sure that the Oracle Internet Directory server is up and running on host %1 and port %2 and OracleAS Portal has been wired correctly against it.
WWU-01000: Back up the database before running the upgrade.
Cause: You have answered n (no) when asked if the schema has been backed up.
Action: Back up the database, and restart the upgrade.
WWU-01001: Connection to the Portal repository failed.
Cause: Incorrect OracleAS Portal schema, password, or connect string.
Action: Supply the correct OracleAS Portal schema, password, and connect string.
WWU-01002: Connection as SYS to the Portal repository failed.
Cause: An invalid SYS password was supplied, or the orapw file is missing.
Action: Supply the correct SYS password. If the password is correct, verify that you can connect remotely to SYS as SYSDBA using an orapwSID file. Refer to the Oracle database documentation for instructions on creating an orapw file.
WWU-01003: An unexpected exception was raised:
Cause: An unexpected error caused the upgrade to abort.
Action: Based on the details in the message, correct the problem, restore the database from backup, and run the upgrade again.
WWU-01004: Missing strings reported in %0 file:
Cause: The sqlldr utility encountered issues when trying to load message translation data.
Action: Look for specific issues in the .bad file and the corresponding .log file in the upgrade tmp directory. Give these to Oracle Customer Support along with the upgrade logs.
WWU-01005: Version not updated, fatal errors found in upgrade log.
Cause: This message indicates that the earlier version of OracleAS Portal will not be updated to the new version. Errors have occurred in the upgrade that will prevent OracleAS Portal from functioning properly. A summary of the errors is listed at the end of the upgrade log.
Action: Search through the errors in the log and apply any fixes mentioned. Then restore the database from backup and run another upgrade. If this fails, or if unexpected errors are encountered, contact Oracle Customer Support.
WWU-01007: Unable to create directory %0.
Cause: You do not have the required permissions to create the directory.
Action: Change the permissions on the parent directory.
WWU-01008: Write permission not available for directory %0.
Cause: You do not have the required permissions to write to the directory.
Action: Change the permissions on the directory, or specify a different temporary directory, then rerun the upgrade.
WWU-01009: Unable to create %0. Check permissions on the directory.
Cause: The permissions on the temporary directory do not allow the creation of a login.sql script for the user profile.
Action: Change the permissions on the temporary directory, and run the upgrade again.
WWU-01010: SQL*Plus version %0 not supported for upgrade.
Cause: The version of SQL*Plus you are trying to execute is not supported for this upgrade.
Action: Verify that the version of bin/sqlplus under the Oracle Home is at least 9.0.1.
WWU-01011: Restart the upgrade.
Cause: You have answered n (no) when asked if input details are correct.
Action: Correct the input details, and restart the upgrade.

C.7.2.2 Numbered Warning Messages (WWU-25000 to WWU-49999)

WWU-25000: Removed session cleanup job: %0 from the SYS schema.
Cause: The session cleanup job usually exists in the OracleAS Portal schema. However, an earlier operation, such as the database upgrade, has resulted in removing this job as a part of the upgrade.
Action: If the database instance where the upgrade is being performed does not contain any other OracleAS Portal schema, then no action is required. This is because the session clean-up job gets created in the OracleAS Portal schema during upgrade. However, if there are other OracleAS Portal schemas in the database instance, then verify that they all have their respective session clean-up jobs. Run the script wwc/ctxjget.sql under the upgrade directory from SQL*Plus in an OracleAS Portal schema to check whether the session clean-up job exists. If this job is missing in any OracleAS Portal schema, then you can create it by running the script wwc/ctxjsub.sql in that schema from SQL*Plus.
WWU-25001: VPD check found some issues.
Cause: One of the VPD checks has failed.
Action: This warning is followed by a detailed message. Resolve the issue by examining the information provided in the message.
WWU-25003: Portlet Builder (WebView) components have unknown issues.
Cause: The Portlet Builder components (packages) are invalid.
Action: Try resolving the cause of the errors when compiling the packages that are listed in the log. For example, a report may be based on a table that has been dropped. In this case, the report is no longer valid, so you can drop the report.
WWU-25004: Only %0% of the components in the wwv_modules$ table are production components.
Cause: This informational message indicates that there is a relatively large number of archive versions of Portlet Builder components (formerly WebView). This may be because in Oracle9iAS Portal 3.0.9, a new version of a component was created each time the component was edited and saved.
Action: Delete as many of the archive versions of components as possible. This reduces the size of the tables where attributes for all the archive versions are stored.
WWU-25005: Table without VPD policy: %0
Cause: The VPD policy on the table indicated in the message was not installed properly in the OracleAS Portal schema.
Action: If the table indicated in the message is not part of the OracleAS Portal product, it is safe to ignore the warning.
WWU-26000: Component %0 has errors. Check that all the objects it is based on are present.
Cause: The component is based on one or more missing objects. For example, a Query By Example report was based on table MY_TABLE. Then MY_TABLE is dropped.
Action: Supply the missing object. If the component is no longer being used, delete it using the OracleAS Portal Navigator.
WWU-26001: Non-Portal objects have errors. See %0 for details.
Cause: Non-OracleAS Portal objects in the OracleAS Portal schema cannot be compiled and have errors.
Action: Find out what is causing the object not to compile, and rectify it.

C.7.2.3 Unnumbered Error Messages

An unexpected exception was raised: <exception and where it occurred>
Cause: An unexpected error caused the script to abort.
Action: Based on the details in the message, correct the problem, restore your database from its backup and run the upgrade script again.
An unexpected exception was raised during the upgrade prechecks: <exception where it occurred>
Cause: An unexpected error caused the script to abort.
Action: Based on the details in the message, correct the problem and run the upgrade script again. For example:

If the following lines are found in the log, then the error may be because Oracle Text is not installed correctly.

### PHASE I STEP 8: Perform pre upgrade checks 
Upgrade step started at Fri Apr 4 02:28:18 2003
Running upg/common/utlchvpd.sql
Calling DoPreChecks()
Starting precheck at Fri Apr 4 02:28:21 2003
Calling upg/common/sysuppre.sql 

ERROR: An unexpected exception was raised during the upgrade prechecks:

ORA-00942: table or view does not exist  ----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----  object handle line number object name  80bc68c4 76 anonymous block  80bc68c4 380 anonymous block 

Verify if the Oracle Text component is installed and reinstall it if it does not exist. Refer to the Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide.

Back up your database before running the upgrade.
Cause: You have answered n (no) when asked if the schema has been backed up.
Action: Back up the database and restart the script.
Connection as SYS to the Portal repository failed.
Cause: An invalid SYS password was supplied or the orapw file is missing.
Action: Supply the correct SYS password.If the password is correct, make sure you can connect to SYS as sysdba by creating a orapw<SID> file in the database Oracle Home's dbs directory by running orapwd with the same password used by the SYS database account.
Connection to the Portal repository failed.
Cause: Incorrect Oracle9iAS Portal schema, password or connect string.
Action: Supply the correct Oracle9iAS Portal schema, password or connect string.
Dropping Oracle Text Indexes has failed, upgrade cannot continue.
Cause: Dropping the Oracle Text indexes, or removing the synchronization or optimization jobs has failed. Find the output of the uptxtdrp script in the upgrade log to see what should be done. The entire uptxtdrp.log is appended to the error message output in the upgrade log.
Action: If the error was encountered while dropping the Oracle Text indexes, make sure that all the Oracle Text indexes are dropped before restarting the upgrade. For information about dropping Oracle Text indexes, refer to the Index Maintenance chapter of the Oracle Text Application Developer's Guide.

If the error was encountered while removing the synchronization or optimization jobs, make sure that these jobs are removed from the job queue before restarting the upgrade. For information about breaking or removing jobs, refer to the Managing Job Queues chapter of the Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide.

After upgrading, manually recreate the Oracle Text indexes and the synchronization and optimization jobs if you wish to use Oracle Text searching in your OracleAS Portal. Refer to the Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide for complete instructions.

Environment variable ORACLE_HOME is not set.
Cause: The ORACLE HOME environment variable is not set.
Action: Review your environment and set the Oracle Home environment variable.
Error: Could not determine the version of OracleAS Portal
Cause: An error occurred while determining the version of OracleAS Portal.
Action: This message is followed by the actual exception, which occurred. Resolve the error by examining the information provided and run MRUA again.
Error: OracleAS Portal version {0} is not supported for upgrade on Oracle Database 10g
Cause: The OracleAS Portal version must be at least
Action: Download the Oracle9iAS patchset from Metalink and apply it on your application server infrastructure and middle-tier. Then run the upgrade again.
Failed to rename <file/directory>
Cause: You do not have the required permissions on the parent directory.
Action: Change the permissions on the parent directory.
Getting password of <schema-name> schema
Cause: Failed to retrieve the password of the schema <schema-name>.
Action: The error is followed by the actual exception which occurred. Try to fix the error and restart the upgrade.
granting execute on <schema>.<procedure> to <application_schema> as <schema>--ORA-01001:invalid cursor
Cause: The schema or procedure is missing. For example:
ERROR: granting execute on SCHEMA1.CHECK_SAL to SCHEMA1B as SCHEMA1--ORA-01001:invalid cursor

In this case, there is a form in a database provider based on SCHEMA1B, on the procedure SCHEMA1.CHECK_SAL and either the procedure CHECK_SAL is missing or one of the schemas SCHEMA1 or SCHEMA1B is missing. Therefore, the form will not run. However, it would not have run before the upgrade either.

Action: Determine if the form or database provider is obsolete. If it is obsolete, delete it. If not, supply the missing schema or procedure.
GUID and/or DN are not available for %string% subscriber.
Cause: Could not get the globally unique identifier and/or the distinguished name for the named identity management realm from the Portal repository.
Action: Make sure that the identity management realm has been configured properly.
Invalid profile status value: %string%
Cause: The value specified for profile status is invalid.
Action: Please use only ENABLED or DISABLED for the profile status.
Missing strings reported in <filename> file: <strings>
Cause: SQLLDR encountered issues when trying to load the languages.
Action: Look at the corresponding log and the .log and .bad files from <upgrade_tmp_dir> for specific issues. Give these to Oracle Support along with the upgrade logs.
Obtaining Oracle Text information failed. Please check Oracle Text has been correctly installed. Reinstall Oracle Text schema (CTXSYS) if necessary.
Cause: An error has occurred whilst attempting to retrieve information about the Oracle Text installation.
Action: Ensure the Oracle Text component is correctly installed. If necessary, reinstall the Oracle Text component. Refer to the Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide for complete instructions.
ORA-04031: unable to allocate <n> bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","unknown object","session heap","frame segment") (WWC-44847)
Cause: The shared pool size database parameter is too small.
Action: The value for this parameter depends on the size of your Oracle9iAS Portal. It may need to be several hundred megabytes for large Oracle9iAS Portals to avoid encountering this problem. Increase the shared pool size in your database and restart your upgrades after restoring from a backup.
ORA-1031: insufficient privileges
Cause: The sysdba connection to the database has failed due to insufficient privileges.
Action: To connect to SYS as sysdba, create the orapw<SID> file in the database Oracle Home's dbs directory by running orapwd with the same password used by the SYS database account.
ORA-29521: referenced name javax/ejb/<class> could not be found
Cause: The instructions contained in Metalink Note 222437 to facilitate Oracle9iAS Portal working on an Oracle 9.2 database have not yet been applied. Here is an example of the error:
Loading Java Classes - soap.jar
errors : class oracle/soap/providers/ejbprov/<class>
ORA-29521: referenced name javax/ejb/<name> could not be found
The following operations failed
class oracle/soap/providers/ejbprov/<provider>: resolution
exiting : Failures occurred during processing 

Action: Restore your repository back to its Oracle9iAS Portal 9.0.2 state and follow the instructions contained in the Metalink Note 222437.1 available from the Oracle Metalink Web site at Run the upgrade again after the steps have been completed.
Oracle Text indextype is invalid or does not exist. Revalidate the invalid indextype. If necessary, reinstall the Oracle Text schema (CTXSYS).
Cause: The Oracle Text context indextype is not valid or does not exist. This may indicate a problem with the Oracle Text installation.
Action: Ensure the Oracle Text context indextype is present and valid. If necessary, reinstall the Oracle Text component. Refer to the Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide.
Oracle Text schema (CTXSYS) does not exist, please install it.
Cause: The database does not contain the CTXSYS schema. This indicates that Oracle Text is not installed.
Action: Install the Oracle Text component in the database. Refer to the Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide.
Oracle Text version does not match the database version. Check that Oracle Text has been correctly upgraded. Reinstall the Oracle Text schema (CTXSYS) if necessary.
Cause: The database version is more recent that the Oracle Text component. This may indicate that the Oracle Text component was not upgraded correctly. The Oracle Text manual upgrade steps may have been omitted or failed. However, on certain platforms, this may also indicate that patch 2658339 has not been applied.
Action: Run the Oracle Text upgrade again or download and apply the patch depending on your situation.
OracleAS Portal 9.0.2 -> 9.0.4 upgrade failed. See <upgrade-log-file> for details.
Cause: Errors were encountered in the 9.0.2 to 9.0.4 portion of the upgrade.
Action: Search through the errors in the log file and make a note of any fixes mentioned. Then restore the database from backup, apply the fixes, and run the upgrade again.
OracleAS Portal 9.0.2 -> 9.0.4 upgrade precheck failed. See <precheck-log-file> for details.
Cause: Errors were encountered during the precheck run of the 9.0.2 to 9.0.4 portion of the upgrade.
Action: Search through the errors in the log file and apply any fixes mentioned. Then run the upgrade again.
OracleAS Portal 9.0.4 -> 10.1.2 upgrade completed with errors. See <upgrade-log-file> for details.
Cause: Errors were encountered in the 9.0.4 to 10.1.2 portion of the upgrade.
Action: Search through the errors in the log file and make a note of any fixes mentioned. Then restore the database from backup, apply the fixes, and run the upgrade again.
OracleAS Portal 9.0.4 -> 10.1.2 upgrade precheck failed. See <precheck-log-file> for details.
Cause: Errors were encountered during the precheck run of the 9.0.4 to 10.1.2 portion of the upgrade.
Action: Search through the errors in the log file and apply any fixes mentioned. Then run the upgrade again.
Patch Failed with status code: <status>
Cause: A patch installation has failed.
Action: Look at the upgrade log file for details.
Please delete all tables with UPG_ prefix from the Portal schema.
Cause: UPG_ prefix tables exist in the Oracle9iAS Portal schema. The upgrade is aborted.
Action: Delete all tables with the UPG_ prefix from the Oracle9iAS Portal schema. Backup the tables before removing them.
Portal schema user is not set up to use VPD.
Cause: The Oracle9iAS Portal schema user has the EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY system privilege.
Action: Revoke the EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY privilege from the Oracle9iAS Portal schema user by running the following SQL command in SQL*Plus:
revoke exempt access policy from <portal_schema_user>;

Also verify the Oracle9iAS Portal schema user does not inherit the EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY privilege from any of its assigned roles.

Portal version not supported by VPD check utility.
Cause: The VPD check does not support your current version of Oracle9iAS Portal.
Action: Verify your Oracle9iAS Portal version is supported by this upgrade.
Post-Upgrade tasks not done, fatal errors found in upgrade log.
Cause: This message indicates that the post upgrade scripts have not been executed. These tasks require a completed upgrade and your upgrade has errors. A summary of the errors are listed at the end of the upgrade log.
Action: Attempt to fix any errors listed. Search through this chapter and apply any fixes mentioned. Then restore from your backup and run another upgrade. If this fails, contact Oracle Support.

An example of a post-upgrade task is checking whether VPD is enabled correctly. Another example of a post-upgrade task is verifying if the SSO Partner Configuration has been run.

Problem running sqlplus.
Cause: The upgrade script was unable to execute the SQL*Plus command.
Action: Make sure that bin/sqlplus exists under your Oracle Home, and that you have permissions to execute it.
Restart the upgrade script.
Cause: You have answered n (no) when asked if input details are correct.
Action: Correct the perceived problem and restart the upgrade script.
Simultaneous upgrades cannot be run from the same location.
Cause: You are trying to run multiple simultaneous upgrades from the same location.
Action: Wait until the upgrade you started earlier finishes before starting another one. If a previous upgrade (run using upgrade.csh) terminated abnormally (for example, with Ctrl+C), the lock file created during upgrade (upgcsh.lok) is not deleted. Therefore, if you attempt to start another upgrade, you will see this message. In this case you will need to manually delete the lock file. You should delete this lock file only when an upgrade has abnormally terminated, not if an upgrade is actually running. You can find the lock file in the location from where you ran the upgrade script.
Some Oracle Text packages are invalid. Revalidate the invalid packages. If necessary, reinstall the Oracle Text schema (CTXSYS).
Cause: Packages in the Oracle Text schema (CTXSYS) beginning with DRI or CTX_ are invalid.
Action: Revalidate the Oracle Text invalid packages. If necessary, reinstall the Oracle Text component. Refer to the Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide.
SQL Error: %string% LDAP Error: %string%. Unexpected Error occured while connecting to the Oracle Internet Directory as Application entry.
Cause: An attempt was made to connect to the Oracle Internet Directory using the application credentials stored in the OracleAS Portal repository. However, this attempt failed. Some possible reasons for this failure are given below:
  • OracleAS Portal has not been configured correctly for the Oracle Internet Directory.

  • Oracle Internet Directory server is not running.

  • An unexpected error was encountered.

Action: Make sure that the Oracle Internet Directory is up and running. Reconfigure OracleAS Portal for the Oracle Internet Directory. Also review the message logged before this error message and take appropriate action.
SQL*Plus version <version> not supported for upgrade.
Cause: The version of SQL*Plus you are trying to execute is not current enough.
Action: Verify that the version of bin/sqlplus under your Oracle Home is at least 9.0.1.
System triggers are disabled in the database.
Cause: System triggers are disabled in your database configuration file.
Action: Verify that the _system_trig_enabled parameter is set to TRUE in your database's init.ora file. If it is not, set it to TRUE and restart your database.
The allocated java_pool_size parameter for the database is not sufficient for the Installation/Upgrade. Increase the java_pool_size and run the upgrade again.
Cause: The java pool size parameter is too small.
Action: Increase the java pool size parameter to 20 MB or greater. Refer to the documentation, if necessary, then run the upgrade again.
The allocated shared_pool_size parameter for the database is not sufficient for the Installation/Upgrade. Increase the shared_pool_size and run the upgrade again.
Cause: The shared pool size parameter is too small.
Action: Increase the shared pool size to 20 MB or greater. Refer to the documentation, if necessary, then run the upgrade again.
The compatibility level of the database is not supported for upgrade.
Cause: If the compatible init parameter is not set to at least 9.0.0, then the upgrade aborts.
Action: Set the compatible init parameter to at least 9.0.0 in your init.ora file.
The database blocksize is less than the recommended value.
Cause: The database blocksize is less than 8K.
Action: Create a new Oracle9i database with a minimum blocksize of 8K. Use the database import/export utilities to move your Oracle9iAS Portal from your prior database to the new one.
The DBMS job queue is disabled, and there are jobs which would run immediately if it were enabled. Please re-enable the job queue and wait for these jobs to complete, or remove them, before restarting the upgrade.
Cause: Jobs submitted under a previous version of Oracle9iAS Portal may not run properly under OracleAS Portal 9.0.4 and higher.
Action: Re-enable the job queue and allow the jobs to complete, or remove them.
The following invalid Portal objects exist in the Portal schema:
Cause: There are invalid Oracle9iAS Portal objects in the Portal schema.
Action: Investigate the invalid Oracle9iAS Portal objects in the Oracle9iAS Portal schema and fix the source of the problem. Run the upgrade again.
The following mandatory object(s) are missing or invalid: <[obj_type]owner.obj_name>
Cause: Mandatory objects which Oracle9iAS Portal relies on are not present in the database or are invalid. If they are missing due to a faulty upgrade of the database, it could cause failures in the Oracle9iAS Portal upgrade as well.
Action: Review your database installation and upgrade procedures. If the object is present but invalid, run the utlrp.sql script located in rdbms/admin of your database Oracle Home in an installation to recompile all invalid objects in the database.
The Java Option is not enabled in the chosen database. This product installation requires the Java option of the database to be enabled. Enable the Java Option and run the upgrade again.
Cause: Java is not installed in the database or there was a problem during the Java portion of the database upgrade.
Action: Enable the Java Option and run the upgrade again.
The JVM installation is not proper. Please check if you have the JVM installed or if there are invalid java objects in SYS
Cause: SYS java objects are not present in the database or are invalid.
Action: Recompile the invalid java objects in SYS. If this fails, reinstall the JVM in the database.
The LDAP parameters stored in the preference store are either incorrect or missing.
Cause: The OracleAS Portal repository has not been configured correctly for the Oracle Internet Directory.
Action: Please reconfigure OracleAS Portal repository for the Oracle Internet Directory.
The Optimizer Mode should not be set to RULE.
Cause: The optimizer mode is incorrectly set as RULE.
Action: Change the optimizer mode to CHOOSE and run the upgrade again.
The system triggers are not enabled. Set the _system_trig_enabled flag in the Oracle parameters file to TRUE and run the upgrade again.
Cause: The system triggers are not enabled.
Action: Set the system triggers enabled flag in the Oracle parameters file to TRUE and run the upgrade again.
There are concurrent sessions running for the schema you are upgrading.Verify that there are no other sessions running during the upgrade.
Cause: There are other sessions running on the Oracle9iAS Portal schema.
Action: Make sure your OracleAS Middle Tier 10g (10.1.2) is shut down and no other connections are made to the schema being upgraded. Check the Analyze Product Schema step in the upgrade log for more information on the concurrent sessions.
There are currently jobs running in the DBMS jobs queue. Either kill them or wait for them to finish before restarting the upgrade.
Cause: There are DBMS jobs running.
Action: Either kill the DBMS jobs or wait for them to finish before restarting the upgrade. Check the Analyze Product Schema step in the upgrade log for more information on the running jobs.
There are currently jobs in the DBMS job queue which are incorrectly configured. Please remove these jobs before restarting the upgrade.
Cause: There are Oracle9iAS Portal jobs in the DBMS job queue which were either incorrectly submitted as another user, or submitted as the Oracle9iAS Portal user with another default schema or default privilege user.
Action: Remove these jobs from the job queue. The upgrade correctly resubmits any jobs that are missing.
There is not sufficient free space in the default tablespace.
Cause: There is less than 20MB of free default tablespace.
Action: Create at least 20MB of free default tablespace. Run the upgrade again.
There is not sufficient free space in the temporary tablespace.
Cause: There is less than 10M of free temporary tablespace.
Action: Create at least 10M of free temporary tablespace. Run the upgrade again.
Unable to bind as the application. LDAP Error: %string%
Cause: An error was encountered while connecting to the Oracle Internet Directory Server.
Action: The line following the error may provide more information about the cause. Make sure that the Oracle Internet Directory Server is up and running and the Portal has been wired correctly against it.
Unable to create directory <upgrade_tmp_dir>
Cause: You do not have permissions to create the temporary directory.
Action: Change your permissions on the parent directory.
Unable to create <log_file_name>. Check permissions on the directory.
Cause: The upgrade log file could not be created.
Action: Change your permissions on the directory where the upgrade log is written or specify a different log file location and run the upgrade again.
Unable to create <user_profile>. Check permissions on the directory.
Cause: The permissions on the temporary directory do not allow the creation of a login.sql script for the user profile.
Action: Change your permissions on the temporary directory and run the upgrade again.
Unable to get the application GUID. LDAP Error: %string%
Cause: Could not get the globally unique identifier for the application entry stored in the Oracle Internet Directory.
Action: The line following the error may provide more information about the cause. Make sure that the Oracle Internet Directory Server is up and running and the Portal has been wired correctly against it.
Unable to unbind. LDAP Error: %string%
Cause: An error was encountered while closing the connection with the Oracle Internet Directory.
Action: The line following the error may provide more information about the cause. Take corrective action as appropriate.
Updating External Application IDs: <string>
Cause: This is an internal error that may occur when converting the external application identifiers.
Action: Report this error to Oracle Support and provide them the output files for upgrade.
Updating provisioning profile: %string%
Cause: An error was encountered while updating the provisioning profile.
Action: The string may provide more information about the cause of error. Take appropriate action to resolve the error.
Unknown error happened in VPD check utility: <check_step>
Cause: An unexpected error happened during the specified step. A subsequent message following this one will contain details about the error.
Action: If the situation described in the details can be corrected, do so.
Version not updated, fatal errors found in upgrade log.
Cause: This message indicates that the version of Oracle9iAS Portal will not be updated to the new version. Errors have occurred in the upgrade which will prevent Oracle9iAS Portal from functioning properly. A summary of the errors is listed at the end of the upgrade log.
Action: Attempt to fix any errors listed. Search through this chapter and apply any fixes mentioned. Then restore from your backup and run another upgrade. If this fails, contact Oracle Support.


Only certain fatal errors are detected in this check. It is possible for the version to be updated even if other fatal errors are encountered.

Version <version> not supported for upgrades in this release.
Cause: Unsupported Oracle9iAS Portal version.
Action: Make sure you are running the upgrade on a supported Oracle9iAS Portal version (,,, or
Version <version> of Oracle Database is not supported for upgrade.
Cause: Incorrect RDBMS version.
Action: Upgrade to the minimum database version of Oracle9i Database Enterprise or Standard editions.
Version <version> of Oracle Portal/WebDB is not supported for upgrade.
Cause: Incorrect Oracle9iAS Portal version.
Action: Make sure you are running on a supported Oracle9iAS Portal version (,,, or
VPD has not been installed properly.
Cause: One of the VPD checks has failed.
Action: This error is followed by a detailed message. Resolve the issue by examining the information provided in the message.
VPD is not being enforced in database.
Cause: A problem occurred in the database that caused the VPD check to fail.
Action: Consult your database documentation to find possible actions.
Write permission not available for directory <upgrade_tmp_dir>.
Cause: You do not have permissions to write to the temporary directory.
Action: Change your permissions on the temporary directory or specify a different temporary directory location and run the upgrade again.

C.7.2.4 Unnumbered Warning Messages

<n> session cleanup job(s) detected in the SYS schema.
Cause: The session cleanup job is a job that usually exists in the Oracle9iAS Portal schema. However, an earlier operation such as the database upgrade resulted in creating this job in the SYS schema. For example:
WARNING: 1 session cleanup job(s) detected in the SYS schema.

Action: This message is informational only. No action is required.
Component <APPLICATION_SCHEMA>.<COMPONENT_NAME> has errors. Please check that all the objects it is based on are present.
Cause: The component is based on one or more missing objects. For example, a QBE is created based on table MY_TABLE. Then MY_TABLE is dropped. For example:
WARNING: Component SCOTT.MY_QBE has errors. Please check that all the objects it is based on are present. 

Action: Supply the missing object. If the component is no longer being used, delete it using the OracleAS Portal Navigator.
Could not parse <select_statement> as <schema_name>
Cause: An object on which a Portlet Builder calendar is based is missing. This happens when:
  • The table on which the calendar is based is missing.

  • The schema on which the database provider containing the calendar is based on is missing.


WARNING: Could not Parse select a1.HIREDATE the_date, a1.ENAME the_name, null the_name_link, null the_date_link, null the_target from test_1.EMP_1 a1 order by a1.HIREDATE as TEST_1. 

WARNING: Could not Parse select b2.HIREDATE the_date, b2.ENAME the_name, null the_name_link, null the_date_link, null the_target from test_2.EMP_2 b2 order by b2.HIREDATE as TEST_2. 

This warning usually occurs while upgrading a Oracle9iAS Portal which was created using Oracle export/import. Not all of the schemas on which the Portlet Builder components are based were imported. Calendars which show this warning cannot be used unless the missing objects are supplied, and the calendar component is regenerated.

Action: Supply the missing objects and regenerate the component.
Could not refresh OMNIPORTLET provider.
Cause: The refresh of the OminPortlet provider failed because the provider is not accessible.
Action: Verify that the OmniPortlet Web provider is accessible on the portal's middle-tier. After verification, refresh this provider from the Portlet Repository.
Default JPDK instance URL is not present. So, provider is registered using url http://host:port/.
Cause: At the time of upgrade, when the seeded OmniPortlet, Web Clipping, and OracleAS Portal Building Tools providers are registered, it is assumed that these providers are deployed on the same middle-tier as identified in the Default JPDK Instance URL. You can view this value by completing the following steps:
  1. Log on to your OracleAS Portal.

  2. Click the Administer tab.

  3. In the Services portlet, click the Global Settings link.

  4. Click the Configuration tab.

  5. Locate the Default JPDK Instance URL field. Usually this value is <portal_middle_tier_protocol>://<portal_middle_tier_host>:<portal_middle_tier_port>/jpdk/servlet/soaprouter/. If there is no value in this field, you will receive the warning mentioned above in your upgrade log.

Action: Run the following script to update the URLs for these providers:

The script updates the middle-tier URL for the PORTLETBLDGTOOLS, OMNIPORTLET, and WEBCLIPPING providers in the providers table. This script is not run from the upgrade script. Run it in standalone mode to update the URLs. For example:

@updmturl.sql http 80


  • http is the middle-tier's protocol

  • is the middle-tier's host

  • 80 is the middle-tier's port

Document size for file <file_path> is null
Cause: The upgrade found an item on a page which appears to have a document attached but this document does not actually exist. This indicates a data inconsistency in the data for the item. The item will be upgraded but its document will not be accessible. It is unlikely that the document was accessible in Oracle9iAS Portal 9.0.2 either.
Action: Delete the item and recreate it.
External Application IDs have been updated. However, some customizations have been lost because of the large number of applications. Please reduce the number of external applications and ask the users to customize again.
Cause: You have a very large number of external applications. The customizations for these applications have exceeded the maximum physical limit for their storage. As a result, some customizations may have been lost.
Action: Reduce the number of external applications on the SSO server. Edit the defaults for the external applications portlet and advise the users to check their customizations.
Non Portal Objects have errors. See <upgrade_tmp_dir>/nonportal.log for details.
Cause: Non-Oracle9iASPortal objects in the Oracle9iAS Portal schema cannot be compiled and have errors.
Action: Find out what is causing the object not to compile and rectify it. One reason these errors could occur is because deprecated or changed Oracle9iAS Portal APIs are being referenced and these APIs do not work in the latest release. Refer to the PDK information on
Only <n> % of components in wwv_modules$ table are production components.
Cause: This informational message indicates there are too many archive versions of Portlet Builder (formerly WebView) components. This may be because in Oracle9iAS Portal 3.0.9 a new version of a component was created each time the component was edited and saved. For example:
WARNING: Only 38 % of components in wwv_modules$ table are production components. 

Action: Delete as many of the archive versions of components as possible. This reduces the size of the tables where attributes for all the archive versions are stored.
Portlet Builder (WebView) components have unknown issues.
Cause: The Portlet Builder components (packages) are invalid.
Action: Try resolving the cause of the errors when compiling the packages listed in the log. For example, a report may be based on a table and the table has been dropped. In this case, the report is no longer valid, so you can drop the report.
Region ID = <region ID> on page ID = <page ID> and site ID = <site ID> was not converted to a sub-page links region
Cause: The region on the page was not successfully converted to a sub-page links region during the upgrade, since it contained items other than just the sub-page display items.
Action: The user must first move all the existing items in the region to a different region on the page. After making this change, the user can edit the region properties to convert it to a sub-page links region. Alternatively, a sub-page links region can also be created on the page.
Region ID = <region ID> on template ID = <template ID> and site ID = <site ID> was not converted to a sub-page links region
Cause: The region on the template was not successfully converted to a sub-page links region during the upgrade, either because there were items other than just the sub-page display items on the template itself, or on the pages based on the template. In this case, there were far too many items found in the region, so individual warnings for all pages based on the template could not be reported.
Action: The user must first move all the existing items in the region to a different region on the template/page. After making this change, the user can edit the region properties to convert it to a sub-page links region. Alternatively, a sub-page links region can also be created on the template.
Removed session cleanup job: <job_id> from the SYS schema.
Cause: The session cleanup job is a job that usually exists in the Oracle9iAS Portal schema. However, an earlier operation such as the database upgrade has resulted in removing this job as a part of the upgrade. For example:
WARNING: Removed session cleanup job: 63 from the SYS schema.

Action: If the database instance where the upgrade is being performed does not contain any other Oracle9iAS Portal schema, then no action is required. This is because the session cleanup job gets created in the Oracle9iAS Portal schema during upgrade. However, if there are other Oracle9iAS Portal schemas in the database instance, then it must be verified that they all have their respective session cleanup jobs. Run the following script from sqlplus in a Oracle9iAS Portal schema to check whether the session cleanup job exists:

If this job is missing in any Oracle9iAS Portal schema then you can create it by running the script ctxjsub.sql from sqlplus in that schema, located in the same directory.

Subpage item (title: <item title>) on site id <site_id> and page <page_name> was not upgraded because other items exist in the same region.
Cause: The subpage item was obsoleted but could not be replaced by a subpage region type because there were other items in the same region.
Action: Create a new subpage type region on the page where the warning message appears.
Table without VPD policy: <table_name>
Cause: The VPD policy on the table indicated in the message was not installed properly in your Oracle9iAS Portal schema.
Action: If the table indicated in the message is not part of the Oracle9iAS Portal product, it is safe to ignore the warning. If the table is one of the following, it is also safe to ignore this warning:



In all other cases, there may have been a problem with a previous installation or upgrade procedure. Contact Oracle Support for more information.

Template region ID = <region ID> on page ID = <page ID> and site ID = <site ID> was not converted to a Sub-Page Links region
Cause: The region on the template was not successfully converted to a sub-page links region during the upgrade, either because there were items other than just the sub-page display items on the template itself, or on the pages based on the template.
Action: The user must first move out all the existing items in the region to a different region on the template/page. After making this change, the user can edit the region properties to convert it to a sub-page links region. Alternatively, a sub-page links region can also be created on the template.
The DBMS job queue is currently disabled. It must be re-enabled for proper Portal operation.
Cause: The DBMS job queue must be enabled for proper operation. It may have been disabled by setting the system parameter job_queue_processes to 0, or by restricting logins.
Action: Make sure job_queue_processes is set to one or greater, and that logins are not restricted by changing the system disable restricted session.
The following invalid non-Portal objects exist in the Portal Schema
Cause: Oracle9iAS Portal and non-Oracle9iAS Portal objects are compiled separately. For Oracle9iAS Portal objects, compilation problems are reported as errors. However, for non-Oracle9iAS Portal objects, compilation problems are reported as warnings, since they should not cause the upgrade to be considered a failure.
Action: Examine the generated file <upgrade_tmp_dir>/nonportal.log and fix the compilation problems associated with your objects. Compilation errors in your packages may cause your portlets to render incorrectly.
User/Role <schema> does not exist. Applications based on <schema> will have errors.
Cause: A database provider (formerly called application) schema is missing. For example:
WARNING User/Role SCOTTB does not exist. Application based on SCOTTB will have errors. 

In this case, the database provider would not have been accessible before the upgrade either.

Action: Determine if the database provider is obsolete. If it is, delete it. If not, supply the missing schema.
VPD precheck found some issues.
Cause: One of the VPD checks has failed.
Action: This warning is followed by a detailed message. Resolve the issue by examining the information provided in the message.

C.8 Error Messages When Upgrading OracleAS Wireless

This section contains error messages that are specific to the Oracle Application Server Wireless.

Could Not Copy File or Create Directory
Cause: This error indicatest that the disk is full, or you do not have sufficient permissions to copy the file.
Action: Determine the available disk space and permissions for the following directory and adjust as necessary:

Failed to send LocalCfgChangeEvnet due to the following DB Access Error
Cause: Whenever there is configuration data change, OracleAS Wireless tries to broadcast a configuration data change event to all the working Wireless Processes. During the middle-tier upgrade, the middle tier is down. As a result, OracleAS Wireless generates the following error:
[TIMESTAMP] NOTIFICATION:1 Wireless: LocalCfgSession: Failed to send LocalCfgChangeEvnet due to the following DB Access Error:
[TIMESTAMP] NOTIFICATION:1 Wireless: LocalCfgSession: SQLCODE is -20001

Action: None. This is an expected warning message and no action is required.
ERROR: Provisioning Profile Already Exists.The Provisioning Profile for the Application could not be created.
Cause: Oracle Internet Directory is not responding or there is a problem with a process created or maintained by Oracle Internet Directory.
Action: Restart the processes in the OracleAS Infrastructure Oracle home.

C.9 Error Messages When Upgrading Oracle Ultra Search

This section contains error messages that are specific to the Oracle Ultra Search.

WKG-100 Error: Current Ultra Search Component has wrong version {0}
Cause: The version of Ultra Search is incorrect for upgrade
Action: Make sure the Ultra Search version satisfies upgrade requirement
WKG-101 Error: Ultra Search Upgrade is having problem with database: {0}
Cause: An Oracle exception has been raised while performing the upgrade
Action: Check the specific Oracle exception for the nature of the problem
WKG-102 Error: Ultra Search Upgrade is having problem closing DB Connection
Cause: An Oracle exception has been raised while disconnecting from the database
Action: Check the specific Oracle exception for the nature of the problem
WKG-103 Error: Unable to connect to database as {0}: {1}
Cause: Ultra Search MRUA plugin is unable to connect to the MR database
Action: Check the specific Oracle exception for the nature of the problem
WKG-104 Error: upgrade not performed due to previous error"
Cause: An earlier error has been encountered
Action: Check and resolve the error that comes before this message
WKG-105 Error: Unknown upgrade scenario, DB version = {0}, Ultra Search version = {1}
Cause: Ultra Search plugin does not know to upgrade this Ultra Search configuration
Action: Make sure the database version and Ultra Search version satisfies upgrade requirement
WKG-106 Error: Upgrade error: {0}
Cause: An Ultra Search upgrade specific error has been encountered during upgrade
Action: Check the specific error message for more information
WKG-199 Error: Unexpected internal error: {0}
Cause: An unexpected upgrade error has been encountered
Action: Check the specific error message for more information.

C.10 Error Messages Generated By the Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant

This section describes the error messages generated by the Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant.

Error: MRUA was unable to connect to SSL port of OID
Cause: When MRUA prompted you for the password for the Oracle Internet Directory superuser (cn=orcladmin) account, you entered an incorrect password.
Action: Check to be sure that you entered the password correctly. Run MRUA again and enter the correct the value when prompted for the cn=orcladmin password.
Cause: The Oracle Internet Directory instance is down or not available, or you entered the wrong Oracle Internet Directory host name or secure port on the MRUA command line.
Action: Check to be sure that the host name and SSL port you identified for the Oracle Internet Directory represent a valid Oracle Internet Directory instance that is up and running.

The value of the -oid_host argument and -oid_ssl_port arguments must match the value of the corresponding properties defined in following configuration file in the Identity Management Oracle home:


For example:

Error: MRUA was unable to open XML file: xml_file_name
Cause: The Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant was unable to open a required XML file specific for one of the Oracle Application Server components. As a result, the schema for that component cannot be upgraded in the OracleAS Metadata Repository.
Action: Note the name of the file and make sure that you are running MRUA from an account with access rights to the file referenced in the error message.

Specifically, be sure you are logged in to the computer where the OracleAS Metadata Repository is running as the same user who installed the Release 2 (9.0.2) or 10g (9.0.4) OracleAS Metadata Repository.

If you are logged in as the appropriate user, note the name of the problem file and contact Oracle support.

Error: MRUA was unable to dynamically load plugins
Cause: The Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant was unable to load a required plugin, which is part of the MRUA software designed upgrade a specific component schema.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Error initializing plug-in
Cause: The Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant was unable to initialize a required plugin, which is part of the MRUA software designed upgrade a specific component schema.
Action: Contact Oracle Support.
Error: Component upgrade failed
Cause: The Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant was unable to upgrade one of the Oracle Application Server components.
Action: Review the MRUA log files to determine which component upgrade failed and then contact Oracle Support.

For more information, see Section 6.4.6, "Reviewing the MRUA Log Files".

Error: Component upgrade returned improper status
Cause: The Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant was unable to determine whether or not one of the Oracle Application Server components was upgraded successfully.
Action: Review the MRUA log files to determine which component generated the improper status and then contact Oracle Support.
SQL script script_name does not exist!
Cause: A required file is missing or cannot be read by the Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant.
Action: Be sure you are logged in to the computer as the same user who installed the Release 2 (9.0.2) or 10g (9.0.4) OracleAS Metadata Repository. The account you are using to run MRUA must have access rights to all the upgrade files.

If you are running from the OracleAS Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant and Utilities CD–ROM, be sure the CD is mounted properly.

Contact Oracle Support.

Error: Database version must be minimum_9i_database_version or minimum_10g_database_version
Cause: You are attempting to run the Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant against a database that does not meet the minimum version requirements.
Action: Review Section 6.1, "Upgrading the Database That Hosts the OracleAS Metadata Repository" for detailed information about the database version requirements.
Unable to load PL/SQL package DBMS_IAS_UPGRADE
Cause: The Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant was unable to load a required PL/SQL package.
Action: Be sure you are logged in to the computer as the same user who installed the Release 2 (9.0.2) or 10g (9.0.4) OracleAS Metadata Repository. The account you are using to run MRUA must have access rights to all the upgrade files.

If you are running from the OracleAS Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant and Utilities CD–ROM, be sure the CD is mounted properly.

Contact Oracle Support.

Unable to load PL/SQL package DBMS_IAS_VERSION
Cause: The Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant was unable to load a required PL/SQL package.
Action: Be sure you are logged in to the computer as the same user who installed the Release 2 (9.0.2) or 10g (9.0.4) OracleAS Metadata Repository. The account you are using to run MRUA must have access rights to all the upgrade files.

If you are running from the OracleAS Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant and Utilities CD–ROM, be sure the CD is mounted properly.

Contact Oracle Support.

MRC.PL encountered an error
Cause: A key component of the Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant has encountered an error and the upgrade was not successful.
Action: Review the MRUA log files for any additional information; then, contact Oracle Support.

For more information, see Section 6.4.6, "Reviewing the MRUA Log Files".

Protocol error: Plug-in raised an exception:
Cause: A software error has occurred while upgrading one of the Oracle Application Server component schemas.
Action: Review the MRUA log files to determine which component failed, and then contact Oracle Support.

For more information, see Section 6.4.6, "Reviewing the MRUA Log Files".

FAILURE: Some OracleAS plug-ins report failure during upgrade.
Cause: One or more Oracle Application Server component upgrades have failed.
Action: Review the MRUA log files to determine which components failed. For more information, see Section, "Guidelines for Using the MRUA Log Files".
Error: Upgrade from OracleAS release release_number is not allowed
Cause: You attempted to upgrade from a release that is not supported for this upgrade operation.
Action: Review Chapter 1, "Things You Should Know Before Upgrading" for information about the supported upgrade paths.
Error: Some OracleAS components not set to VALID status in app_registry. Check mrua.log file
Cause: One or more of the Oracle Application Server components returned a status that is not valid.
Action: Review the MRUA log files to determine which component failed; then, contact Oracle Support.

For more information, see Section 6.4.6, "Reviewing the MRUA Log Files".

Error: component_name component version is: release_version
Cause: The Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant cannot upgrade the schema for the Oracle Application Server component referenced in the error message because the the version number for the component is invalid.
Action: Review the MRUA log files for any additional information; then, contact Oracle Support.

For more information, see Section 6.4.6, "Reviewing the MRUA Log Files".

Error: SQL version and status query failed for component component_name
Cause: The Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant encountered an error when it attempted to verify the version number of the schema for the referenced component.
Action: Review the MRUA log files for any additional information; then, contact Oracle Support.

For more information, see Section 6.4.6, "Reviewing the MRUA Log Files".