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Oracle® Security Developer Tools Reference
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)
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10 Oracle Web Services Security

Oracle Web Services Security provides a framework of authorization and authentication for interacting with a web service using XML-based messages. This chapter provides information about key features and benefits of Oracle Web Services Security, and describes how to install and use the SDK.

This chapter contains these topics:

10.1 Oracle Web Services Security Features and Benefits

Oracle Web Services Security is a pure Java solution which provides the following features:

10.1.1 Oracle Web Services Security Packages

The Oracle Web Services Security library contains the following packages:

Table 10-1 Packages in the Oracle Web Services Security Library

Package Description

Contains general-purpose Oracle Web Services Security classes, including interfaces for token and reference creation and validation

Contains classes for encoding and decoding algorithms required to support Web Services processing

Contains core classes supporting SAML assertion tokens

Contains core classes supporting the creation and parsing of SOAP messages with WSS security headers

Contains classes implementing the transformation algorithms defined in Oracle Web Services Security

Contains classes supporting the creation and parsing of username tokens

Contains SOAP utility classes

Contains core classes supporting X.509 certificate tokens

Contains Oracle Web Services Security utility classes

10.1.2 Related Documentation

The following resources provide more information about Web Services Security:

  • OASIS WSS SOAP Message Security Specification

  • OASIS WSS Username Token Profile Specification

  • OASIS WSS X.509 Certificate Token Profile Specification

  • OASIS WSS SAML Assertion Token Profile Specification

See Also:

Links to these documents are available in Appendix A, "References".

10.2 Setting Up Your Oracle Web Services Security Environment

This section explains how to set up your environment for Oracle Web Services Security. It contains these topics:

10.2.1 System Requirements for Oracle Web Services Security

In order to use Oracle Web Services Security, you must have the following components:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.2.2 or higher

  • A JAXP-compatible XML parser and XSLT processor.

Oracle Web Services Security has been tested with the following implementations:

  • Apache Xalan-Java (with Xerces-J)

  • Oracle XDK for Java

For questions regarding compatibility with other parsers, visit

10.2.2 Setting the CLASSPATH Environment Variable

Your CLASSPATH environment variable must contain the full path and file names to all of the required jar and class files. Make sure the following items are included in your CLASSPATH:

  • osdt_core.jar

  • osdt_cert.jar

  • osdt_xmlsec.jar

  • osdt_saml.jar

  • The jaxen.jar file (Jaxen XPath engine, included with your Oracle XML Security distribution)


    Oracle XML Security relies on the Jaxen XPath engine for XPath processing. Note that the Jaxen library included in this distribution is a modified version of the Jaxen 1.0 FCS release. If your CLASSPATH also includes an earlier Jaxen release, you must ensure that the Oracle XML Security version appears first.

  • osdt_wss.jar

  • The appropriate XML parser and XSLT processor implementations, unless you have installed them in your JRE's /lib/ext or /lib/endorsed directory Setting the CLASSPATH on Windows

To set the CLASSPATH on Windows:

  1. In your Windows Control Panel, select System.

  2. In the System Properties dialog, select the Advanced tab.

  3. Click Environment Variables.

  4. In the User Variables section, click New to add a CLASSPATH environment variable for your user profile. If a CLASSPATH environment variable already exists, select it and click Edit.

  5. Add the full path and file names for all of the required jar files to the CLASSPATH.

    For example, your CLASSPATH might look like this:

  6. Click OK. Setting the CLASSPATH on UNIX

On UNIX, set your CLASSPATH environment variable to include the full path and file name of all of the required jar and class files. For example:

setenv CLASSPATH $CLASSPATH:$ORACLE_HOME/jlib/osdt_core.jar:\

10.3 Classes and Interfaces

This section describes classes and interfaces in the Oracle Web Services Security API. It contains these topics:

10.3.1 Core Classes and Interfaces

This section describes the core classes in the Oracle Web Services Security API and provides examples of their use. The Class

The class represents the top-level security element of the WSS SOAP Message Security schema. Creating an instance of this class is the first step in creating a new security header or in validating an existing security header.

To create a new security header, you create a new instance of the WSSecurity class by calling the static newInstance() method:

WSSecuritysig = WSSecurity.newInstance("MySecurityHeaderID");

Example 10-1 shows how to obtain security elements from an XML document in order to perform security processing:

  1. Obtain an org.w3c.dom.NodeList object that contains all the security elements as instances of org.w3c.dom.Node.

  2. Iterate through the NodeList and convert each node to an instance of WSSecurity.

Example 10-1 Obtaining Security Elements from an XML Document

Document doc = Instance of org.w3c.dom.Document;

// Get list of all WSS Security elements in the document.
NodeList secList = 
    doc.getElementsByTagNameNS(WSSURI.ns_wsse, "Security");
if (secList.getLength() == 0)
    System.err.println("No wsse:Security elements found.");

// Convert each org.w3c.dom.Node object to an 
// object and perform verification
for (int s = 0, n = secList.getLength(); s < n; ++s)
    WSSecurity sec = new WSSecurity((Element)sigList.item(s));

    //Process the wsse:Security header
} The Class

The class represents the SOAP message. As with WSSecurity, you must use this class to create SOAP messages as well as for parsing and validation.

To create a SOAP message, you can create an instance of this class with the code shown in Example 10-2:

Example 10-2 Creating a SOAP Envelope

WSSOAPEnvelope env = 
    new WSSOAPEnvelope.newInstance(XMLUtils.createDocBuilder());
WSSecurity mySecHdr ......

When processing the message, you can obtain the Security element from the top-level SOAP message with the code shown in Example 10-3:

Example 10-3 Obtaining the Security Element for a SOAP Message

WSSOAPEnvelope env;

//Get List of Security headers
ArrayList l = (ArrayList)senv.getSecurity(null, false);
WSSecurity sec = (WSSecurity)l.get(0);
//Get List of Encrypted Keys
ArrayList r = (ArrayList) sec.getEncryptedKeys();
XEEncryptedKey xk = (XEEncryptedKey) r.get(0);
//Decrypt and Replace message contents
PrivateKey pk .... // Decryption Key
sec.decrypt (xk, pk); The Class is the base class for WSS Security elements. It supports reference elements with local Id and wsu:Id attributes for referencing them. All WSS schema elements, including tokens, extend this element.

10.3.2 Supporting Classes and Interfaces

This section describes supporting classes and interfaces in the Oracle Web Services Security API. The Interface

The interface defines URI string constants for algorithms, namespaces, and objects. The Class

The class contains static utility methods for WSS security token. Some of the methods that may be frequently used in an application include:

  • createSecurityToken()

  • createSecurityTokenReference()

  • createUsernameToken()

  • createBinarySecurityToken()

  • createBinarySecurityEncoder()

  • createTimestamp() The Class

The class contains static utility methods for WSS. Some methods that may be frequently used in applications include:

  • addWsuIdToElement()

  • createTextFromChild()

  • insertChildElementWithText()

  • prependChild()

  • encodeBinary()

  • decodeBinary()

10.4 The Oracle Web Services Security API Reference

The Oracle Web Services Security API Reference (Javadoc) is available at:

Oracle Security Developer Tools Web Services Security Java API Reference