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Oracle® Application Server Installation Guide
10g Release 3 (10.1.3) for Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-bit)
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6 Installing in High Availability Environments

This chapter provides an overview of the high availability configurations supported by Oracle Application Server and instructions for installation.

Contents of this chapter:

6.1 Overview of High Availability Configurations

This chapter provides only a brief overview of the high availability configurations in Oracle Application Server. For a complete description of the configurations, see the Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide.

Oracle Application Server supports the following types of high availability configurations at installation time. Note that there are multiple variants of each type.

For a quick summary of the high availability configurations, see Section 6.1.4, "Summary of Differences".

6.1.1 Active-Active Topologies: OracleAS Clusters

Oracle Application Server provides an active-active redundant model for all its components with OracleAS Clusters. In an OracleAS Clusters configuration, two or more Oracle Application Server instances are configured to serve the same workload. These instances can run on the same machine or on different machines.The instances are front-ended by an external load balancer, which directs requests to any of the active instances. Instead of an external load balancer, you can also run a software load balancer to distribute the requests. In production environment, however, a hardware load balancer is recommended.

Common properties of an OracleAS Clusters configuration include:

  • Similar instance configuration

    The instances need to serve the same workload or applications. Some configuration properties should have similar values across instances so that the instances can deliver the same reply to the same request. Other configuration properties may be instance-specific, such as local host name information.

    If you make a configuration change to one instance, you should also make the same change to the other instances in the active-active topology. The "Configuring and Managing Clusters" chapter in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide lists the files that contain properties that should be replicated.

  • Independent operation

    If one Oracle Application Server instance in an active-active topology fails, the other instances in the cluster continue to serve requests. The load balancer directs requests only to instances that are alive.

Advantages of an OracleAS Clusters configuration include:

  • Increased availability

    An active-active topology is a redundant configuration. Loss of one instance can be tolerated because other instances can continue to serve the same requests.

  • Increased scalability and performance

    Multiple identically-configured instances provide the capability to share a workload among different machines and processes. You can scale the topology by adding new instances as the number of requests increase.

For instructions on creating the OracleAS Clusters configuration, see Section 6.3, "Creating the Active-Active Topology".

6.1.2 Active-Passive Topologies: OracleAS Cold Failover Clusters

Oracle Application Server provides an active-passive model for all its components in OracleAS Cold Failover Clusters. In an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster topology, two Oracle Application Server instances are configured to serve the same application workload but only one is active at any particular time. The passive instance runs (that is, becomes active) only when the active instance fails. These instances run on nodes that are in a hardware cluster.

Common properties of an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster topology include:

  • Hardware cluster

    In an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster topology, you run Oracle Application Server on machines that are in a hardware cluster, with vendor clusterware running on the machines.

  • Shared storage

    You install the Oracle home for the Oracle Application Server instance on storage shared by the machines in the hardware cluster.

    The active node in the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster topology mounts the shared storage so that it has access to the Oracle home. If it fails, the passive instance mounts the shared storage and accesses the same Oracle home.

  • Virtual hostname

    The virtual hostname gives clients a single system view of the Oracle Application Server middle tier. Clients use the virtual hostname to access the Oracle Application Server middle tier.

    The virtual hostname is associated with a virtual IP. This name-IP entry must be added to the DNS that the site uses. For example, if the two physical hostnames of the hardware cluster are and, the single view of this cluster can be provided by the virtual hostname In the DNS, apps maps to a virtual IP address that floats between node1 and node2 via a hardware cluster. Clients access Oracle Application Server using; they do not know which physical node is active and actually servicing a particular request.

    You can specify the virtual hostname during installation. See Section 6.4, "Creating the Active-Passive Topology".

  • Failover procedure

    An active-passive configuration also includes a set of scripts and procedures to detect failure of the active instance and fail over to the passive instance while minimizing downtime.

Advantages of an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster topology include:

  • Increased availability

    If the active instance fails for any reason or must be taken offline, an identically configured passive instance is prepared to take over at any time.

  • Reduced operating costs

    In an active-passive topology only one set of processes is up and serving requests. Managing the active instance is generally easier than managing an array of active instances.

  • Application independence

    Some applications may not be suited to an active-active topology. This may include applications that rely heavily on application state or on information stored locally. An active-passive topology has only one instance serving requests at any particular time.

For instructions on creating the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster configuration, see Section 6.4, "Creating the Active-Passive Topology".

6.1.3 OracleAS Disaster Recovery

OracleAS Disaster Recovery configurations have the following characteristics:

  • A production site and a standby site that mirrors the production site. Typically, these sites are located some distance from each other to guard against site failures such as floods, fires, or earthquakes. During normal operation, the production site handles all the requests. If the production site goes down, the standby site takes over and handles all the requests.

  • Each site has all the hardware and software to run. It contains nodes for running Oracle Application Server instances, load balancers, and DNS servers.

For installation details, see Section 6.5, "Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration".

6.1.4 Summary of Differences

Table 6-1 summarizes the differences among the high availability configurations.

Table 6-1 Differences Among the High Availability Configurations

OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster
OracleAS Clusters
OracleAS Disaster Recovery

Node configuration




Hardware cluster



Optional (hardware cluster required only if you installed the OracleAS Infrastructure in an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster configuration)

Virtual hostname




Load balancer




Shared storage




6.2 Requirements for High Availability Configurations

This section describes the requirements common to all high availability configurations. In addition to these common requirements, each configuration has its own specific requirements. See the individual chapters for details.


You still need to meet the requirements listed in Chapter 2, "Requirements", plus requirements specific to the high availability configuration that you plan to use.

The common requirements are:

6.2.1 Check Minimum Number of Nodes

You need at least two nodes in a high availability configuration. If a node fails for any reason, the second node takes over.

6.2.2 Check That Groups Are Defined Identically on All Nodes

Check that the /etc/group file on all nodes in the cluster contains the operating system groups that you plan to use. You should have one group for the oraInventory directory, and one or two groups for database administration. The group names and the group IDs must be the same for all nodes.

6.2.3 Check the Properties of the oracle User

Check that the oracle operating system user, which you log in as to install Oracle Application Server, has the following properties:

  • Has write privileges on remote directories.

6.3 Creating the Active-Active Topology

This section describes how to install Oracle Application Server in an active-active topology with OracleAS Clusters. OracleAS Clusters is one of the high availability environments supported by Oracle Application Server.

Contents of this section:

6.3.1 Active-Active Topologies: Introduction

An active-active topology consists of redundant middle-tier instances that deliver greater scalability and availability than a single instance. Active-active topologies remove the single point of failure that a single instance poses. While a single Oracle Application Server instance leverages the resources of a single host, a cluster of middle-tier instances spans multiple hosts, distributing application execution over a greater number of CPUs. A single Oracle Application Server instance is vulnerable to the failure of its host and operating system, but an active-active topology continues to function despite the loss of an operating system or a host, hiding any such failure from clients.

In active-active topologies, all the instances are active at the same time. This is different from active-passive topologies, where only one instance is active at any time.

The nodes in the active-active topologies are not in a hardware cluster.

Load Balancer Requirements

Active-active topologies use a load balancer to direct requests to one of the Oracle Application Server instances in the topology. In other words, the Oracle Application Server instances are fronted by the load balancer.

You configure the load balancer with virtual server names for HTTP and HTTPS traffic. Clients use the virtual server names in their requests. The load balancer directs requests to an available Oracle Application Server instance.

See the Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide for a list of features that your load balancer should have.

Figures of Active-Active Topologies

The following figures show two active-active topologies. The difference in the topologies is whether you install Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the same Oracle home or in separate Oracle homes.

Figure 6-1 shows an active-active topology with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the same Oracle home. Figure 6-2 shows an active-active topology with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in separate Oracle homes.

Figure 6-1 Active-Active Topology with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the Same Oracle Home

Description of Figure 6-1 follows
Description of "Figure 6-1 Active-Active Topology with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the Same Oracle Home"

Figure 6-2 Active-Active Topology with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in Separate Oracle Homes

Description of Figure 6-2 follows
Description of "Figure 6-2 Active-Active Topology with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in Separate Oracle Homes"

6.3.2 OracleAS Clusters in Active-Active Topologies

All the Oracle Application Server instances in an active-active topology belong to the same cluster. Oracle HTTP Server forwards application requests only to OC4J instances that belong to the same cluster.

You can cluster instances with OPMN using one of the following ways:

  • All the instances use the same multicast IP address and port.

  • All the instances are chained to the same discovery server.

  • Each instance specifies all other instances in the opmn.xml configuration file.

  • If the instances run on nodes that are on different subnets, you have to designate a node to be the gateway server, which bridges the instances on the different subnets.

Clustering with OPMN also enables you to use the @cluster parameter in some opmnctl commands. Commands that use the @cluster parameter apply to all instances in the cluster. For example, you can use the @cluster parameter to start all components in all instances in the cluster.

OC4J instances in a cluster have the following features:

  • OC4J instances have cluster-wide properties as well as instance-specific properties. Cluster-wide properties are properties whose values are identical for all OC4J instances in the cluster. Instance-specific properties are properties that have different values for each OC4J instance. For a list of cluster-wide properties, see the "Configuring and Managing Clusters" chapter in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide.

  • If you modify a cluster-wide property in one OC4J instance, make sure that you propagate the change to all other OC4J instances in the cluster.

  • When you deploy an application to an OC4J instance, you also need to deploy it on all other OC4J instances in the cluster.

  • The number of OC4J processes is an instance-specific property: it can be different for each OC4J instance. This must be configured for each Oracle Application Server instance in the cluster. The OC4J process configuration provides flexibility to tune according to the specific hardware capabilities of the host. By default, each OC4J instance is instantiated with a single OC4J process.

For details, see the "Configuring and Managing Clusters" chapter in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide.

6.3.3 Properties of Oracle Application Server Instances in Active-Active Topologies

Because the load balancer can send a request to any Oracle Application Server instance in the topology, you need to ensure that the instances are configured in the same manner so that clients get the same response regardless of which instance handles the request. This includes the following:

  • Deploy the same applications on each OC4J instance in the topology.

  • Ensure that you replicate state and stateful session bean information across OC4J instances so that in the event that an OC4J instance fails, another OC4J instance contains the state information and can continue the session.

  • Ensure that configuration properties for all the OC4J instances in the topology are identical. These configuration properties are listed in chapter 8, "Configuring and Managing Clusters", in section "Replicating Changes Across a Cluster", in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide.

6.3.4 Installation Steps for Active-Active Topologies

To create the topology shown in Figure 6-1 or Figure 6-2, you perform the following steps:

Step 1: Configure the Load Balancer with Virtual Server Names

Step 2: Install Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J and Cluster the Instances using OPMN

Step 3: Cluster the OC4J Components to Create an Application Cluster

The following sections describe the steps in detail.

Step 1   Configure the Load Balancer with Virtual Server Names

Refer to your load balancer documentation for configuration steps. On your load balancer, you need to configure a virtual server name and port for HTTP traffic, and another virtual server name and port for HTTPS traffic. The port numbers for the virtual server names should match the port numbers at which Oracle HTTP Server is listening. Clients will use the virtual server names and ports to access Oracle Application Server instances.

Step 2   Install Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J and Cluster the Instances using OPMN

You can install Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the same Oracle home (see Figure 6-1), or in different Oracle homes (see Figure 6-2).

For Oracle Application Server instances that you want to group in the same active-active topology, you need to place them in the same cluster. This enables communication between the Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J instances, and simplifies the management of Oracle Application Server instances. OracleAS Clusters enable you to use the @cluster parameter for the opmnctl command to manage all the instances in the cluster.

You can create clusters using one of the following methods:

  • Dynamic Discovery Method

    In this method, each ONS node within the same subnet announces its presence with a multicast message. The cluster topology map for each node is automatically updated as nodes are added or removed, enabling the cluster to be self-managing.

    If you use this method, you should specify the multicast address and port on the Cluster Topology Configuration screen in the installer.

  • Discovery Server Method

    In this method, specific nodes within a cluster are configured to serve as "discovery servers", which maintain the topology map for the cluster; the remaining nodes then connect with one another via this server.

    If you use this method, you can define a cluster for OPMN by specifying the names of the Oracle Application Server instances explicitly in the opmn.xml file of each instance by following the steps in Section, "Setting up Clusters with the Discovery Server Method" after installation.

  • Gateway Method

    This configuration is used to connect topologies separated by firewalls or on different subnets using specified "gateway" nodes.

    If you use this method, see the section "Configuring Cross-Topology Gateways" in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide for configuration details.

You can perform either an integrated installation or a distributed installation.

  • For Integrated Installations (Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the Same Oracle Home)

    You install Oracle Application Server on the local storage of each node in the active-active topology.

    Perform an advanced installation by following the steps in Section 5.2.4, "Installing Integrated Web Server, J2EE Server and Process Management" so that both Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J will run from the same Oracle home.

    During the installation procedure, follow the prompts, ensuring you perform the following:

    • On the Administration Instance Settings screen:

      • If you want this node to administer the cluster using Application Server Control, select Configure this as an Administration OC4J instance. In a cluster topology, only one instance should be configured as an Administration OC4J instance. Note that the Administration OC4J instance for the cluster does not have to be the first installed node.

      • If you do not want this node to administer the cluster, deselect Configure this as an Administration OC4J instance.

    • If you are using the dynamic discovery method to cluster the Oracle Application Server instances for OPMN, perform the following:

      On the Cluster Topology Configuration screen, select Configure this instance to be part of an Oracle Application Server cluster topology. Specify the IP Address and Port for the multicast address shared by all the nodes in the cluster.

      Note that the multicast address must be between and If you are installing on the first node in the cluster, you may choose any IP address and port, as long as it falls in the multicast address range.

    Note the following:

    • Set the Oracle home to be on the local storage of each node.

    • Ensure that the same component uses the same port number in each Oracle Application Server instance in the cluster. For example, ensure that Oracle HTTP Server is listening at the same port number for all instances in the cluster.

    • To simplify administering the instances, use the same Oracle home path and the same instance name for each node.

    • If you are using the discovery server method to cluster the Oracle Application Server instances for OPMN, be sure to perform the steps in Section, "Setting up Clusters with the Discovery Server Method" after installation.

    • If you are using the gateway method to cluster the Oracle Application Server instances for OPMN, see the section "Configuring Cross-Topology Gateways" in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide for configuration details.

  • For Distributed Installations (Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in Different Oracle Homes)

    You install Oracle Application Server on the local storage of each node in the active-active topology.

    For the nodes where you want to run Oracle HTTP Server, follow the steps in Section 5.2.3, "Installing Web Server and Process Management". For the nodes where you want to run OC4J, follow the steps in Section 5.2.2, "Installing J2EE Server and Process Management".

    During installation, select the following options:

    • On the Administration Instance Settings screen:

      • If you want this node to administer the cluster using Application Server Control, select Configure this as an Administration OC4J instance. In a cluster topology, only one instance should be configured as an Administration OC4J instance. Note that the Administration OC4J instance for the cluster does not have to be the first installed node.

      • If you do not want this node to administer the cluster, deselect Configure this as an Administration OC4J instance.

    • If you are using the dynamic discovery method to cluster the Oracle Application Server instances for OPMN, perform the following:

      • If you are installing Oracle HTTP Server, select Configure this HTTP Server instance to be part of an Oracle Application Server cluster on the "Cluster Topology Configuration" screen. Specify the IP Address and Port for the multicast address shared by all the nodes in the cluster.

      • If you are installing OC4J, select Configure this OC4J instance to be part of an Oracle Application Server cluster topology on the "Cluster Topology Configuration" screen. Specify the IP Address and Port for the multicast address shared by all the nodes in the cluster and select Access this OC4J Instance from a separate Oracle HTTP Server.

      Note that the multicast address must be between and If you are installing on the first node in the cluster, you may choose any IP address and port, as long as it falls in the multicast address range.

    Note the following:

    • Set the Oracle home to be on the local storage of each node.

    • Ensure that the same component uses the same port number in each Oracle Application Server instance in the cluster. For example, ensure that Oracle HTTP Server is listening at the same port number for all instances in the cluster.

    • To simplify administering the instances, use the same Oracle home path and the same instance name for each node.

    • If you are using the discovery server method to cluster the Oracle Application Server instances for OPMN, be sure to perform the steps in Section, "Setting up Clusters with the Discovery Server Method" after installation.

    • If you are using the gateway method to cluster the Oracle Application Server instances for OPMN, see the section "Configuring Cross-Topology Gateways" in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide for configuration details.

Step 3   Cluster the OC4J Components to Create an Application Cluster

You can also cluster the OC4J components within the Oracle Application Server instances. This type of cluster is called Application Cluster.

Application Clusters provides the following features:

  • Replication of objects and data contained in an HTTP session or a stateful session Enterprise JavaBean

  • In-memory replication using multicast or peer-to-peer communication, or persistence of state to a database

  • Load-balancing of incoming requests across OC4J instances

  • Transparent failover across applications within the cluster

Application Clusters Defined at the Global Level or Application Level

You can define properties of an application cluster at the global level or at the application level. Properties defined at the global level apply to all applications, but you can override specific properties by defining them at the application level.

To define properties at the global level, you define them in the ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/application.xml file, which is the configuration file for the global default application.

To define properties at the application level, you define them in the application's orion-application.xml file. When you deploy the application, the file is located in the ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/application-deployments/<app-name>/ directory.


To create an application cluster at either the global or application level, you perform these steps:

  1. Add an empty <distributable/> tag to the web.xml file for all Web modules that are part of an application configured for clustering.

  2. Specify the mechanism for replicating state and session information between Oracle Application Server instances. You choose one of the following replication mechanisms:

    Table 6-2 Application Cluster Replication Mechanisms

    Replication Mechanism Description


    OC4J instances use a multicast address and port to replicate information between themselves.

    See Section, "Setting up Multicast Replication" for details.


    Oracle Application Server supports two types of peer-to-peer replication: dynamic and static.

    • In dynamic peer-to-peer replication, OC4J discovers other OC4J instances through OPMN. You do not have to list the names of the instances in a configuration file.

    • In static peer-to-peer replication, you list the names of the instances that you want to be involved in the replication.

    See Section, "Setting up Peer-to-Peer Replication" for details.

    Replication to database

    State and session information are saved to the database that you specify. The database must be defined in the data-sources.xml file.

    See Section, "Setting up Replication to a Database" for details.

  3. Specify how often and which data are replicated. See Section, "Setting the Replication Policy" for details.

  4. Specify the number of nodes to replicate the data to. See Section, "Specifying the Number of Nodes to Replicate To" for details.

For details, see the "Application Clustering in OC4J" chapter in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide.

6.3.5 Supporting Procedures for Creating the Active-Active Topology

This section describes some common procedures that you may need to perform to maintain the active-active topology: Setting up Clusters with the Discovery Server Method

If you do not want to use the multicast method, you can define a cluster by specifying the names of the nodes running the Oracle Application Server instances in the opmn.xml file of each instance.

Example: if you want to cluster four instances (,,,, you would perform these steps:

  1. Designate at least one of the instances to serve as the "discovery server". The discovery server maintains the topology for the cluster.

    This example assumes that and will be the discovery servers for the cluster.

    In distributed installations (Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J on different Oracle homes), any instance, whether running Oracle HTTP Server or OC4J, can serve as the discovery server.

  2. In the opmn.xml file for all instances in the cluster, specify the nodes that are running the discovery servers ( and in the example).

    In the example, the opmn.xml file is changed to include the following lines:


    The 6201 specifies the port number at which the notification server is listening. You can find this value in the opmn.xml file of that instance.

    If you have more than one discovery server, you separate them with the comma character.

  3. On all the instances, run "opmnctl reload" to force OPMN to read the updated opmn.xml file.

    > ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl reload
  Setting up Multicast Replication

Multicast replication is the default replication type. To set up an application to use multicast replication, you can just add the empty <cluster/> tag to the application's orion-application.xml file or to the global ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/application.xml file. For example:

<orion-application ... >

You need to add the <cluster/> tag on all nodes where the application is deployed.

By default, multicast replication uses multicast address and port 45566. If you want to change these values, you specify the desired values in the ip and port attributes of the multicast element. For example, the following snippet shows the ip and port attributes set to customized values:

<orion-application ... >
   <cluster allow-colocation="false">
      <replication-policy trigger="onShutdown" scope="allAttributes"/>
         <multicast ip="" port="45577" bind-addr=""/>

The multicast address must be between and

Description of other tags and attributes used in the snippet above:

  • allow-colocation: specifies whether or not application state is replicated to other Oracle Application Server instances running on the same host. The default is true.

  • trigger and scope: see Section, "Setting the Replication Policy".

  • bind-addr: specifies the IP of the network interface card (NIC) to bind to. This is useful if the host machine has multiple NICs, each with its own IP address. Setting up Peer-to-Peer Replication

Oracle Application Server supports two types of peer-to-peer replication: dynamic and static.

  • In dynamic peer-to-peer replication, OC4J discovers other OC4J instances through OPMN. You do not have to list the names of the instances in a configuration file.

  • In static peer-to-peer replication, you list the names of the instances that you want to be involved in the replication.

Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Replication

To specify dynamic peer-to-peer replication, you include an empty <opmn-discovery/> tag in the application's orion-application.xml file or in the global ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/application.xml file

<orion-application ... >
   <cluster allow-colocation="false">
      <replication-policy trigger="onShutdown" scope="allAttributes"/>

You defined how OPMN discovers instances in a cluster in step 2, "Install Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J and Cluster the Instances using OPMN".

Static Peer-to-Peer Replication

To specify static peer-to-peer replication, you list the names of the hosts in the <node> element in the application's orion-application.xml file or in the global ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/application.xml file. For each node, you specify another node in the active-active topology such that all the nodes in the topology are connected in the chain. For example, if you have three Oracle Application Server instances in your topology, node 1 can specify node 2, node 2 can specify node 3, and node 3 can specify node 1.


On node 1, the <node> tag specifies node 2:

<orion-application ... >
   <cluster allow-colocation="false">
      <replication-policy trigger="onShutdown" scope="allAttributes"/>
         <peer start-port="7900" range="10" timeout="6000">
            <node host="" port="7900"/>

On node 2, the <node> tag specifies node 3:

<orion-application ... >
   <cluster allow-colocation="false">
      <replication-policy trigger="onShutdown" scope="allAttributes"/>
         <peer start-port="7900" range="10" timeout="6000">
            <node host="" port="7900"/>

On node 3, the <node> tag specifies node 1:

<orion-application ... >
   <cluster allow-colocation="false">
      <replication-policy trigger="onShutdown" scope="allAttributes"/>
         <peer start-port="7900" range="10" timeout="6000">
            <node host="" port="7900"/>

Another way of doing this is to have all the nodes specify the same node. In a three-node example, you could also have nodes 1 and 2 specify node 3, and node 3 can specify either node 1 or node 2.

Description of the tags and attributes used in the example above:

  • start-port: specifies the first port on the local node that Oracle Application Server tries to bind to for peer communication. If this port is already in use, Oracle Application Server increments the port number until it finds an available port. The default is 7800.

  • timeout: specifies the length of time in milliseconds to wait for a response from the specified peer node. The default is 3000 milliseconds.

  • host: specifies the name of the peer node.

  • port: specifies the port to use on the specified host (in the host attribute) for peer communication. The default is 7800.

  • range: specifies the number of times to increment the port specified on the port (not start-port) attribute. The default is 5.

Note the following:

  • In static peer-to-peer replication, the application's orion-application.xml file is different for each instance. When you deploy your application, you have to make sure that you update the orion-application.xml accordingly. Setting up Replication to a Database

In this replication mechanism, the replicated data is saved to a database. You specify the database in the <database> tag in the application's orion-application.xml file or in the global ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/application.xml file. For example:

<orion-application ... >
   <cluster allow-colocation="false">
      <replication-policy trigger="onShutdown" scope="allAttributes"/>
         <database data-source="jdbc/MyOracleDS"/>

The value for the data-source attribute must match the data source's jndi-name as specified in the data-sources.xml file. See the Oracle Containers for J2EE Services Guide for details on creating and using data sources. Setting the Replication Policy

Attributes in the <replication-policy> tag enable you to specify which data is to be replicated and how frequently the data is replicated.

The trigger attribute

The trigger attribute specifies when replication occurs. Table 6-3 describes supported values for this attribute:

Table 6-3 Values for the trigger Attribute

Value HttpSession Stateful Session Bean


Replicate each change made to an HTTP session attribute at the time the value is modified. From a programmatic standpoint, replication occurs each time setAttribute() is called on the HttpSession object.

This option can be resource intensive in cases where the session is being extensively modified.

Not applicable.

onRequestEnd (default)

Queue all changes made to HTTP session attributes, then replicate all changes just before the HTTP response is sent.

Replicate the current state of the bean after each EJB method call. The state is replicated frequently, but offers higher reliance.


Replicate the current state of the HTTP session whenever the JVM is terminated gracefully, such as with Control-C. State is not replicated if the host is terminated unexpectedly, as in the case of a system crash.

Because session state was not previously replicated, all session data is sent across the network at once upon JVM termination, which can impact network performance. This option can also significantly increase the amount of time needed for the JVM to shut down.

Replicate the current state of the bean whenever the JVM is terminated gracefully. State is not replicated if the host is terminated unexpectedly, as in case of a system crash.

Because bean state was not previously replicated, all state data is sent across the network at once upon JVM termination, which can impact network performance. This option may also significantly increase the amount of time needed for the JVM to shut down.

The scope attribute

The scope attribute specifies which data is replicated. Table 6-4 describes supported values for the attribute:

Table 6-4 Values for the scope Attribute

Value HttpSession Stateful Session Bean


Replicate only the modified HTTP session attributes.

This is the default replication setting for HttpSession.

Not applicable.


Replicate all attribute values set on the HTTP session.

Replicate all member variable values set on the stateful session bean.

This is the default replication setting for stateful session beans. Specifying the Number of Nodes to Replicate To

To specify the number of nodes to replicate to, use the write-quota attribute of the <cluster> tag. For example, the following snippet specifies that the replicated data is replicated to two other nodes.

<orion-application ... >
   <cluster allow-colocation="false" write-quota="2">
      <replication-policy trigger="onShutdown" scope="allAttributes"/>

The default is 1.

Recommendations: For a two-node active-active topology, set write-quota to 1, so that the data is replicated to the other node.

For topologies with three or more nodes, set write-quota to at least 2 to ensure that the data is replicated to at least two other nodes.

To replicate data to all nodes in the topology, set write-quota to the total number of nodes in the topology. It is possible to write back to the same node if there is another instance running on that node.

The write-quota attribute is not used if you are replicating to database.

6.4 Creating the Active-Passive Topology

This section describes how to install Oracle Application Server in an active-passive topology with OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster. OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster is one of the high availability environments supported by Oracle Application Server.

Contents of this section:

6.4.1 Active-Passive Topologies: Introduction

An active-passive topology consists of the following:

  • Two nodes in a hardware cluster

  • A virtual hostname and IP address

  • A shared storage, to be shared between the two nodes

You install the Oracle home on the shared storage. During runtime in an active-passive topology, only one node is active. The other node is passive. The active node mounts the shared storage so that it can access the files and runs all the processes and handles all the requests. Clients access the active node through the virtual hostname. Clients do not need to know the physical hostnames of the nodes in the topology.

If the active node fails for any reason, a failover event occurs and the passive node takes over and becomes the active node. It mounts the shared storage and runs all the processes and handles all the requests. The virtual hostname and IP now point to the passive node. Clients, because they access the nodes using the virtual hostname, do not know that it is the passive node that is servicing their requests.

The nodes need to be in hardware cluster to enable failover.


Installing the Oracle home on the local storage of each node in the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster topology is not supported. You have to install it on the shared storage.

Vendor Clusterware

The two nodes in an active-passive topology are in a hardware cluster, which typically includes some vendor clusterware. For a list of certified clusterware, visit the Oracle Technology Network website (

These products must be installed on both nodes (active and passive) in the topology.

Figures of Active-Passive Topologies

Figure 6-3 shows a diagram of an active-passive topology with the Oracle Application Server Oracle home installed on the shared storage. The Oracle home contains both Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J. Figure 6-4 shows a distributed active-passive topology, where Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J are installed on different Oracle home.

Figure 6-3 Active-Passive Topology with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the Same Oracle Home

Description of Figure 6-3 follows
Description of "Figure 6-3 Active-Passive Topology with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the Same Oracle Home"

Figure 6-4 Active-Passive Topology with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in Separate Oracle Homes

Description of Figure 6-4 follows
Description of "Figure 6-4 Active-Passive Topology with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in Separate Oracle Homes"

6.4.2 Overview of Installation Steps for OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster

Follow the steps in Table 6-5 to create the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster configuration. If you are installing Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the same Oracle Home (Figure 6-3), perform the steps on the hardware cluster. If you are installing Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in separate Oracle Homes (Figure 6-4), perform each step on both hardware clusters.

Table 6-5 Overview of Installation Steps for OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster

Step Description


Perform Preinstallation Steps

Preinstallation tasks, described in Section 6.4.3 include:


Set VIRTUAL_HOST_NAME Environment Variable

Set the VIRTUAL_HOST_NAME variable to the virtual hostname.


Install Oracle Application Server on the Shared Disk

In this step, you run the installer from either node of the hardware cluster to install Oracle HTTP Server and OPMN on the shared disk.


(optional) Configure the Oracle Application Server Instance for SSL

If you want the Oracle Application Server instance to use SSL, enable SSL in the Oracle Application Server installation.


(optional) Create a File System on the Shared Disk for OracleAS JMS File-Based Persistence

If you are using OracleAS JMS, create a file system on the shared disk.

6.4.3 Preinstallation Steps for OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster

Before installing Oracle Application Server in an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster, perform these procedures:


In addition to the requirements listed in this chapter, ensure that you meet the requirements described in Section 6.2, "Requirements for High Availability Configurations". Map the Virtual Hostname and Virtual IP Address

Each node in an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster configuration is associated with its own physical IP address. In addition, the active node in the cluster is associated with a virtual hostname and virtual IP address. This allows clients to access the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster using the virtual hostname.

Virtual hostnames and virtual IP addresses are any valid hostname and IP address in the context of the subnet containing the hardware cluster.


  • Map the virtual hostname and virtual IP address only to the active node. Do not map the virtual hostname and IP address to both active and passive nodes at the same time. When you failover, only then map the virtual hostname and IP address to the passive node, which is now the active node.

  • Before attempting to complete this procedure, ask the system or network administrator to review all the steps required. The procedure will reconfigure the network settings on the cluster nodes and may vary with differing network implementations.

The following example configures a virtual hostname called, with a virtual IP of

  1. Register the virtual hostname and IP address with DNS for the network.

    For example, register the pair with DNS.

  2. Determine the primary public network interface.

    # ifconfig -a
    lo0: flags=1000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 8232 index 1
         inet netmask ff000000
    lo0:1: flags=1008849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,PRIVATE,IPv4> mtu 8232 index 1
           inet netmask ffffffff
    ge0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
         inet netmask fffffc00 broadcast
         ether 8:0:20:fd:1:23
    hme0:flags=1008843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,PRIVATE,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
            inet netmask ffffff80 broadcast
           ether 8:0:20:fd:1:23
    hme0:2: flags=1008843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,PRIVATE,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
           inet netmask fffffffc broadcast
    ge1: flags=1008843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,PRIVATE,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 4
           inet netmask ffffff80 broadcast
           ether 8:0:20:fd:1:23

    From the output, |ge0| is the public network interface. It is not a loopback interface and not a private interface.

  3. Add the virtual IP to the |ge0| network interface.

    # ifconfig ge0 addif up

    ge0 and the IP address are values specific to this example. Replace them with values appropriate for your cluster.

  4. Check that new interface was added:

    # ifconfig -a
    lo0: flags=1000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 8232 index 1
           inet netmask ff000000
    lo0:1: flags=1008849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,PRIVATE,IPv4> mtu 8232 index 1
           inet netmask ffffffff
    ge0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
           inet netmask fffffc00 broadcast
           ether 8:0:20:fd:1:23
    hme0: flags=1008843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,PRIVATE,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
           inet netmask ffffff80 broadcast
           ether 8:0:20:fd:1:23
    hme0:2: flags=1008843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,PRIVATE,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
           inet netmask fffffffc broadcast
    ge1: flags=1008843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,PRIVATE,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 4
           inet netmask ffffff80 broadcast
           ether 8:0:20:fd:1:23

    The virtual IP appears in the |ge0:1| entry. During installation, when you enter "" as the virtual hostname in the Specify Virtual Hostname screen, the installer checks that "" is a valid interface.

  5. Check that the virtual IP address is configured correctly:

    Try to connect to the node using the virtual hostname and virtual IP address from another node. For example, entering both of the following commands from a different node should provide a login to the node you configured in this procedure:

    telnet hostname.domain
    telnet ip_address

    For example, enter:


On Failover

If the active node fails, then the secondary node takes over. If you do not have a clusterware agent to map the virtual IP from the failed node to the secondary node, then you have to do it manually. You have to remove the virtual IP mapping from the failed node, and map it to the secondary node.

  1. On the failed node, remove the virtual IP address by running the following command as the root user or superuser:

    If the failed node fails completely (that is, it does not start), you can skip this step and go to step 2

    If the node fails partially (for example, disk or memory problems), and the node is still ping-able, you have to perform this step.

    prompt> su
    Password: root_password
    # ifconfig ge0 removeif

    "ge0" and the IP address are values specific to this example. Replace them with values appropriate for your cluster.


    Use the commands in step 3 of the previous procedure to confirm that the virtual IP address has been removed.

  2. On the secondary node, add the virtual IP address to the |ge0| network.

    # ifconfig ge0 addif up

    "ge0"" and the IP address are values specific to this example. Replace them with values appropriate for your cluster.

  3. On the secondary node, check that the new interface was added:

    # ifconfig -a
    ge0:1: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
           inet netmask ffff0000 broadcast
    ... Set Up a File System That Can Be Mounted from Both Nodes

Although the hardware cluster has shared storage, you need to create a file system on this shared storage such that both nodes of the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster can mount this file system. You will use this file system for the following directories:

  • Oracle home directory for the Oracle Application Server instance

  • The oraInventory directory

For disk space requirements, see Section 2.2, "System Requirements".

If you are running a volume manager on the cluster to manage the shared storage, refer to the volume manager documentation for steps to create a volume. Once a volume is created, you can create the file system on that volume.

If you do not have a volume manager, you can create a file system on the shared disk directly. Ensure that the hardware vendor supports this, that the file system can be mounted from either node of the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster, and that the file system is repairable from either node if a node fails.

To check that the file system can be mounted from either node, do the following steps:

  1. Set up and mount the file system from node 1.

  2. Unmount the file system from node 1.

  3. Mount the file system from node 2 using the same mount point that you used in step 1.

  4. Unmount it from node 2, and mount it on node 1, because you will be running the installer from node 1.


Only one node of the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster should mount the file system at any given time. File system configuration files on all nodes of the cluster should not include an entry for the automatic mount of the file system upon a node restart or execution of a global mount command. For example, on UNIX platforms, do not include an entry for this file system in /etc/vfstab file.

6.4.4 OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster: Details of Installation Steps

This section lists the steps for installing OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster.

If you are installing Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in separate Oracle Homes, you need to perform each of these steps on both clusters.

Step 1   Perform Preinstallation Steps

Perform the preinstallation steps listed in Section 6.4.3, "Preinstallation Steps for OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster".

Step 2   Set VIRTUAL_HOST_NAME Environment Variable

Set the VIRTUAL_HOST_NAME environment variable to the virtual hostname on either node of the hardware cluster. You will perform the install from this node onto the shared disk in the next step. To find out more about how to set environment variables, see Section 2.8, "Environment Variables".

Step 3   Install Oracle Application Server on the Shared Disk

To install Oracle Application Server on the shared disk of the hardware cluster from the node where you set the VIRTUAL_HOST_NAME environment variable:

  • For OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in the Same Oracle Home

    Follow the steps in Section 5.2.4, "Installing Integrated Web Server, J2EE Server and Process Management". During installation, perform the following actions:

    • On the "Administration Instance Settings" screen, select Configure this as an Administration OC4J instance if you want to configure Application Server Control for administering the OC4J instance. Otherwise, deselect this option.

  • For OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster with Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J in Separate Oracle Homes

    If you are installing on the hardware cluster where you want to run Oracle HTTP Server, follow the steps in Section 5.2.3, "Installing Web Server and Process Management". During installation, perform the following actions:

    • If you want to route all requests to OC4J through the Oracle HTTP Server, select Configure this HTTP Server instance to be part of an Oracle Application Server cluster on the "Cluster Topology Configuration" screen. Specify the IP Address and Port for the multicast address shared by all the nodes in the cluster.

    • If you do not want to route all requests to OC4J through the Oracle HTTP Server, deselect Configure this HTTP Server instance to be part of an Oracle Application Server cluster on the "Cluster Topology Configuration" screen.

    If you are installing on the hardware cluster where you want to run OC4J, follow the steps in Section 5.2.2, "Installing J2EE Server and Process Management". During installation, perform the following actions:

    • On the "Administration Instance Settings" screen, select Configure this as an Administration OC4J instance if you want to configure Application Server Control for administering the OC4J instance. Otherwise, deselect this option.

    • If you want to route all requests to OC4J through the Oracle HTTP Server, select Configure this OC4J instance to be part of an Oracle Application Server cluster topology on the "Cluster Topology Configuration" screen. Specify the IP Address and Port for the multicast address shared by all the nodes in the cluster. Select Access this OC4J Instance from a separate Oracle HTTP Server.

    • If you do not want to route all requests to OC4J through the Oracle HTTP Server, deselect Configure this OC4J instance to be part of an Oracle Application Server cluster topology on the "Cluster Topology Configuration" screen.

Step 4   (optional) Configure the Oracle Application Server Instance for SSL

If you want the Oracle Application Server instance to use SSL, follow the steps in the Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide.

Step 5   (optional) Create a File System on the Shared Disk for OracleAS JMS File-Based Persistence

If you are using OracleAS JMS with file-based persistence, create a file system on the shared disk for the OracleAS JMS queues, and mount this file system from node 1.

6.5 Creating an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configuration

This section describes how to install Oracle Application Server in OracleAS Disaster Recovery configurations. OracleAS Disaster Recovery is one of the high availability environments supported by Oracle Application Server.

Contents of this section:

6.5.1 OracleAS Disaster Recovery: Introduction

Use the OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment when you want to have two physically separate sites in your environment. One site is the production site, and the other site is the standby site. The production site is active, while the standby site is passive; the standby site becomes active when the production site goes down.

OracleAS Disaster Recovery supports a number of basic topologies for the configuration of the Infrastructure and middle tier on production and standby sites. OracleAS Disaster Recovery supports these basic topologies:

  • Symmetrical topologies -- strict mirror of the production site with collocated Oracle Identity Management and OracleAS Metadata Repository Infrastructure

  • Asymmetrical topologies -- simple asymmetric standby topology with collocated Oracle Identity Management and OracleAS Metadata Repository Infrastructure

  • Separate OracleAS Metadata Repository for OracleAS Portal with collocated Oracle Identity Management and OracleAS Metadata Repository Infrastructure (the Departmental Topology)

  • Distributed Application OracleAS metadata Repositories with Non collocated Oracle Identity Management and OracleAS Metadata Repository Infrastructure

  • Redundant Multiple OracleAS 10.1.3 Home J2EE Topology

  • Redundant Single OracleAS 10.1.3 Home J2EE Topology Integrated with an Existing Oracle Identity Management Topology

In a symmetric topology, each node in the standby site corresponds to a node in the production site. This includes the nodes running both OracleAS Infrastructure and middle tiers. In an asymmetric topology, the number of instances required on the standby site are fewer than the number on the production site and the number of instances required on the standby site must be the minimum set of instances required to run your site in the event of a switchover or failover operation. The last two supported topologies are particularly important in OracleAS Release See the Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide for a detailed description of these topologies.

As a small variation to this environment, you can set up the OracleAS Infrastructure on the production site in an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster environment. See Section, "If You Want to Use OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster on the Production Site (OracleAS 10.1.2.n.n only)" for details.

For these supported topologies, OracleAS Guard will be installed in every Oracle home on every system that is part of your production and standby topology configured for the OracleAS Disaster Recovery solution.

OracleAS Guard can be installed as a standalone install kit located on OracleAS Companion CD #2. See Section 6.5.4, "Installing the OracleAS 10g (10.1.3) Standalone Install of OracleAS Guard into Oracle Homes" for more information about when this standalone kit should be installed.

Figure 6-5 shows an example symmetric OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment. Each site has two nodes running middle tiers and a node running OracleAS Infrastructure.

Data Synchronization

For OracleAS Disaster Recovery to work, data between the production and standby sites must be synchronized so that failover can happen very quickly. Configuration changes done at the production site must be synchronized with the standby site.

You need to synchronize two types of data. The synchronization method depends on the type of data:

  • Use Oracle Data Guard to synchronize data in the OracleAS Metadata Repository databases on the production and standby sites. You can configure Oracle Data Guard to perform the synchronization.

  • Use the backup and recovery scripts to synchronize data outside of the database (such as data stored in configuration files).

See the Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide for details on how to use Oracle Data Guard and the backup and recovery scripts.

Figure 6-5 OracleAS Disaster Recovery Environment

Description of Figure 6-5 follows
Description of "Figure 6-5 OracleAS Disaster Recovery Environment"

6.5.2 Setting up the OracleAS Disaster Recovery Environment

Before you can install Oracle Application Server in an OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment, you have to perform these steps: Ensure Nodes Are Identical at the Operating System Level

Ensure that the nodes are identical with respect to the following items:

  • The nodes are running the same version of the operating system.

  • The nodes have the same operating system patches and packages.

  • You can install Oracle Application Server in the same directory path on all nodes. Set Up staticports.ini File

The same component must use the same port number on the production and standby sites. For example, if Oracle HTTP Server is using port 80 on the production site, it must also use port 80 on the standby site. To ensure this is the case, create a staticports.ini file for use during installation. This file enables you to specify port numbers for each component. See Section 2.5.3, "Using Custom Port Numbers (the "Static Ports" Feature)" for details. Set Up Identical Hostnames on Both Production and Standby Sites

The names of the corresponding nodes on the production and standby sites must be identical, so that when you synchronize data between the sites, you do not have to edit the data to fix the hostnames.

For the Infrastructure Nodes

For the node running the infrastructure, set up a virtual name. To do this, specify an alias for the node in the /etc/hosts file.

For example, on the infrastructure node on the production site, the following line in the hosts file sets the alias to asinfra:   prodinfra   asinfra

On the standby site, the following line sets the node's alias to asinfra.   standbyinfra   asinfra

When you install OracleAS Infrastructure on the production and standby sites, you specify this alias (asinfra) in the Specify Virtual Hostname screen. The configuration data will then contain this alias for the infrastructure nodes.

For the Middle-Tier Nodes

For the nodes running the middle tiers, you cannot set up aliases like you did for the infrastructure nodes because the installer does not display the Specify Virtual Hostname screen for middle-tier installations. When installing middle tiers, the installer determines the hostname automatically by calling the gethostname() function. You want to be sure that for each middle-tier node on the production site, the corresponding node on the standby site returns the same hostname.

To do this, set up a local, or internal, hostname, which could be different from the public, or external, hostname. You can change the names of the nodes on the standby site to match the names of the corresponding nodes on the production site, or you can change the names of the nodes on both production and standby sites to be the same. This depends on other applications that you might be running on the nodes, and whether changing the node name will affect those applications.

  1. On the nodes whose local names you want to change, reconfigure the node so that the hostname command returns the new local hostname.


    The procedure to change the hostname of a system differs between different operating systems. Contact the system administrator of your system to perform this step. Note also that changing the hostname of a system will affect installed software that has a dependency on the previous hostname. Consider the impact of this before changing the hostname.

  2. Enable the other nodes in the OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment to be able to resolve the node using the new local hostname. You can do this in one of two ways:

    Method 1: Set up separate internal DNS servers for the production and standby sites. This configuration allows nodes on each site (production or standby) to resolve hostnames within the site. Above the internal DNS servers are the corporate, or external, DNS servers. The internal DNS servers forward non-authoritative requests to the external DNS servers. The external DNS servers do not know about the existence of the internal DNS servers. See Figure 6-6.

    Figure 6-6 Method 1: Using DNS Servers

    Description of Figure 6-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 6-6 Method 1: Using DNS Servers"

    Method 1 Details

    1. Make sure the external DNS names are defined in the external DNS zone. Example:     IN  A     IN  A      IN  A  IN  A  IN  A   IN  A
    2. At the production site, create a new zone at the production site using a domain name different from your external domain name. To do this, populate the zone data files with entries for each node in the OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment.

      For the infrastructure node, use the virtual name or alias.

      For the middle-tier nodes, use the node name (the value in /etc/nodename).

      The following example uses "asha" as the domain name for the new zone.

      asmid1.asha    IN  A
      asmid2.asha    IN  A
      asinfra.asha   IN  A

      Do the same for the standby site. Use the same domain name that you used for the production site.

      asmid1.asha    IN  A
      asmid1.asha    IN  A
      asinfra.asha   IN  A
    3. Configure the DNS resolver to point to the internal DNS servers instead of the external DNS server.

      In the /etc/resolv.conf file for each node on the production site, replace the existing name server IP address with the IP address of the internal DNS server for the production site.

      Do the same for the nodes on the standby site, but use the IP address of the internal DNS server for the standby site.

    4. Create a separate entry for Oracle Data Guard in the internal DNS servers. This entry is used by Oracle Data Guard to ship redo data to the database on the standby site.

      In the next example, the "remote_infra" entry points to the infrastructure node on the standby site. This name is used by the TNS entries on both the production and standby sites so that if a switchover occurs, the entry does not have to be changed.

      Figure 6-7 Entry for Oracle Data Guard in the Internal DNS Servers

      Description of Figure 6-7 follows
      Description of "Figure 6-7 Entry for Oracle Data Guard in the Internal DNS Servers"

      On the production site, the DNS entries look like this:

      asmid1.asha        IN  A
      asmid2.asha        IN  A
      asinfra.asha       IN  A
      remote_infra.asha  IN  A

      On the standby site, the DNS entries look like this:

      asmid1.asha        IN  A
      asmid2.asha        IN  A
      asinfra.asha       IN  A
      remote_infra.asha  IN  A

    Method 2: Edit the /etc/hosts file on each node on both sites. This method does not involve configuring DNS servers, but you have to maintain the hosts file on each node in the OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment. For example, if an IP address changes, you have to update the files on all the nodes, and restart the nodes.

    Method 2 Details

    1. On each node on the production site, include these lines in the /etc/hosts file. The IP addresses resolve to nodes on the production site.


      In the hosts file, be sure that the line that identifies the current node comes immediately after the localhost definition (the line with the address).    localhost   asmid1   asmid2  asinfra
    2. On each node on the standby site, include these lines in the hosts file. The IP addresses resolve to nodes on the standby site.


      In the hosts file, be sure that the line that identifies the current node comes immediately after the localhost definition (the line with the address).    localhost   asmid1   asmid2  asinfra
    3. Ensure that the "hosts:" line in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file has "files" as the first item:

      hosts:   files nis dns

      The entry specifies the ordering of the name resolution. If another method is listed first, then the node will use the other method to resolve the hostname.


      Restart the nodes after editing these files.

Verifying that the Nodes Resolve the Hostnames Correctly

After making the changes and restarting the nodes, check that the nodes resolve the hostnames properly by running the following commands:

  • On the middle-tier nodes on both sites, you must set the internal hostname. For example, for the prodmid1 middle-tier, set the internal hostname as asmid1 as follows:

    > hostname asmid1
  • On the middle-tier nodes on both sites, run the hostname command. This should return the internal hostname. For example, the command should return "asmid1" if you run it on prodmid1 and standbymid1.

    prompt> hostname
  • On each node, ping the other nodes in the environment using the internal hostname as well as the external hostname. The command should be successful. For example, from the first midtier node, prodmid1, run the following commands:

    prompt> ping -s prodinfra /ping the production infrastructure node/
    PING prodinfra: 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms
    prompt> ping -s iasinfra ping the production infrastructure node
    PING iasinfra: 56 data byes
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms
    prompt> ping -s iasmid2 ping the second production midtier node
    PING iasmid2: 56 data byes
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms
    prompt> ping -s prodmid2 ping the second production midtier node
    PING prodmid2: 56 data byes
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms
    prompt> ping -s standbymid1 ping the first standby midtier node
    PING standbymid1: 56 data byes
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms
  If You Want to Use OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster on the Production Site (OracleAS 10.1.2.n.n only)


You must perform this installation in an OracleAS Release 10.1.2.n.n environment, where n.n represents 0.0 or higher. This information is presented here for informative purposes only.

On the production site of a OracleAS Disaster Recovery system, you can set up the OracleAS Infrastructure to run in a OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster configuration. In this case, you have two nodes in a hardware cluster, and you install the OracleAS Infrastructure on a shared disk. See Chapter 11, "Installing in High Availability Environments: OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster" in the Oracle Application Server Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) Documentation set for details.

Figure 6-8 Infrastructure in an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster Configuration

Description of Figure 6-8 follows
Description of "Figure 6-8 Infrastructure in an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster Configuration"

To set up OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster in this environment, use the virtual IP address (instead of the physical IP address) for asinfra.asha on the production site. The following example assumes is the virtual IP address.

asmid1.asha          IN  A
asmid2.asha          IN  A
asinfra.asha         IN  A         this is a virtual IP address
remote_infra.asha    IN  A

On the standby site, you still use the physical IP address for asinfra.asha, but the remote_infra.asha uses the virtual IP address.

asmid1.asha          IN  A
asmid2.asha          IN  A
asinfra.asha         IN  A         physical IP address
remote_infra.asha    IN  A         virtual IP address

6.5.3 Installing Oracle Application Server in an OracleAS Disaster Recovery Environment

For OracleAS Release, you can only install middle tiers on the production and standby sites.

Install Oracle Application Server as follows:


For all of the installations, be sure to use staticports.ini to specify port numbers for the components. See Section, "Set Up staticports.ini File".

Install Middle Tiers (OracleAS Release 10.1.3 only)

  1. Install middle tiers on the production site.

  2. Install middle tiers on the standby site.

Install OracleAS Infrastructure and Middle Tiers (Release 10.1.2.n.n only)


You must perform this installation in an OracleAS Release 10.1.2.n.n environment, where n.n represents 0.0 or higher. This information is presented here for informative purposes only.

  1. Install OracleAS Infrastructure on the production site.

  2. Install OracleAS Infrastructure on the standby site.

  3. Start the OracleAS Infrastructure in each site before installing the middle tiers for that site.

  4. Install middle tiers on the production site.

  5. Install middle tiers on the standby site. Installing the OracleAS Infrastructure (OracleAS Release 10.1.2.n.n Only)


You must perform this installation in an OracleAS Release 10.1.2.n.n environment, where n.n represents 0.0 or higher. This information is presented here for informative purposes only.

In an OracleAS Release environment, you must install the Oracle Identity Management and the OracleAS Metadata Repository components of OracleAS Infrastructure on the same node. You cannot distribute the components over multiple nodes. In an OracleAS Release environment, you can distribute the components over multiple nodes.

The installation steps are similar to that for OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster. See Section 11.3, "Installing an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster (Infrastructure) Configuration" in the Oracle Application Server Installation Guide 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) Documentation set for the screen sequence.

Note the following points:

  • Select Configuration Options screen: be sure you select High Availability and Replication. See Table 11–5, step 2.

  • Specify Virtual Hostname screen: enter an alias as the virtual address (for example, See Table 11–5, step 6. Installing Middle Tiers (OracleAS Release 10.1.3 and 10.1.2.n.n)

Depending on your configuration, you can install OracleAS 10.1.3 middle tiers or OracleAS 10.1.2.n.n middle tiers, where n.n represents 0.0 or higher.

OracleAS Release 10.1.3

On OracleAS release 10.1.3, you can install any type of middle tier that you like:

For installing J2EE Server and Process Management, see Section 5.2.2, "Installing J2EE Server and Process Management".

For installing Web Server and Process Management, see Section 5.2.3, "Installing Web Server and Process Management".

For installing Integrated Web Server, J2EE Server, and Process Management, see Section 5.2.4, "Installing Integrated Web Server, J2EE Server and Process Management".

OracleAS Release 10.1.2.n.n


You must perform this installation in an OracleAS Release 10.1.2.n.n environment, where n.n represents 0.0 or higher. This information is presented here for informative purposes only.

On OracleAS Release 10.1.2.n.n, you can install any type of middle tier that you like:

For installing J2EE and Web Cache, see Section 7.9 "Installing J2EE and Web Cache in a Database-Based Farm Repository and with Oracle Identity Management Access" in the Oracle Application Server Installation Guide for 10g Release 2 (10.1.2).

For installing Portal and Wireless or Business Intelligence and Forms, see Section 7.13, "Installing Portal and Wireless or Business Intelligence and Forms".

Note the following points on OracleAS 10.1.2.n.n:

  • When the installer prompts you to register with Oracle Internet Directory, and asks you for the Oracle Internet Directory hostname, enter the alias of the node running OracleAS Infrastructure (for example,

6.5.4 Installing the OracleAS 10g (10.1.3) Standalone Install of OracleAS Guard into Oracle Homes

OracleAS 10g (10.1.3) standalone install of OracleAS Guard is located on Companion CD Disk 2. This standalone install of OracleAS Guard can be installed in the following environments:

  • In its own home in the case when you are cloning an instance or topology to a new standby system (see the section on standby site cloning in Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide for more information).

  • Oracle database server home for an OracleAS Metadata Repository configuration created using OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.

  • OracleAS Disaster Recovery full site upgrade from OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) to OracleAS 10g (10.1.3) (see the chapter on OracleAS Disaster Recovery site upgrade procedure in Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide for more information).

  • OracleAS Guard patch upgrade from OracleAS 10g ( to OracleAS 10g ( (see Section 6.5.5, "Patching OracleAS Guard Release 10.1.2.n.n with Release" for more information).

If this is an upgrade installation of OracleAS Guard, make a copy of your dsa.conf configuration file to save your current settings for your OracleAS Guard environment. After running the OracleAS 10g (10.1.3) standalone install kit of OracleAS Guard, you can restore your saved dsa.conf configuration file with your settings to continue using the same settings for the upgraded OracleAS Guard environment.

To run the OracleAS 10g (10.1.3) standalone install kit of OracleAS Guard, run the kit in the following directory path:

On UNIX systems:


Choose the type of install that you want. Choose Typical for most installations. Choose Custom or Reinstall for upgrading from an older release of OracleAS Guard to the current release.

Enter the oc4jadmin account password to continue the installation.

6.5.5 Patching OracleAS Guard Release 10.1.2.n.n with Release

If you already have an OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment set up using OracleAS Guard Release 10.1.2.n.n (where n.n represents 0.0 or higher, you can patch OracleAS Guard in your environment to take advantage of new features and support for the topologies described in Section 6.5.1, "OracleAS Disaster Recovery: Introduction". To patch your OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment, follow these basic steps:

  1. Stop the OracleAS Guard server in all OracleAS 10.1.2.n.n Oracle homes on both production and standby sites using the following opmnctl command:

    On UNIX systems:

    <ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
  2. Install the OracleAS 10g ( standalone install of OracleAS Guard into each Oracle home on the production and standby sites.

    If multiple Oracle homes exist on the same system, ensure that different ports are configured for each of the OracleAS Guard servers in this configuration file.

    Because this is an upgrade installation of OracleAS Guard, make a copy of your dsa.conf configuration file to save your current settings for your OracleAS Guard environment. After running the OracleAS 10g ( standalone install kit of OracleAS Guard, you can restore your saved dsa.conf configuration file with your settings to continue using the same settings for the upgraded OracleAS Guard environment.

    On UNIX systems:

  3. Start the OracleAS Guard server in all OracleAS Oracle homes on both production and standby sites using the following opmnctl command:

    On UNIX systems:

    <ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
    <ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc ias-component=ASG

6.5.6 What to Read Next

For information on how to manage your OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment, such as setting up Oracle Data Guard and configuring the OracleAS Metadata Repository database, see the Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide.