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Oracle TopLink Developer's Guide
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)
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Miscellaneous Errors (1 – 89)

This section lists TopLink Workbench error codes, information about the likely Cause of the problem, and a possible corrective Action.

13: No class indicator field should be defined for the abstract class [class].
Cause: Abstract classes should not be included or contain an Indicator Value on a descriptor's Inheritance tab.
Action: You must either remove the Include option for the class on the Inheritance tab, or remove the abstract modifier option on the descriptor's Class Info – Class tab.
16: The accessors for an instance variable must have return type and parameters in agreement with that instance variable's type.
Cause: Either the get method for an instance variable does not return the correct type of instance variable, or the set method does not have a single argument that is the correct type of instance variable.
Action: Ensure that the get method returns the same type as its associated instance variable, and the set method takes a single argument that is the same type as the associated instance variable.
29: The database type for the mapping does not match the database type of the database field.
Cause: You selected a Database Type for an Object Type mapping that differs from the type in the database.
Action: Select the Database Type on the mapping's General tab that matches the actual type in the database.
34: One or more field types have not been specified.
Cause: You created a field with a missing or invalid Type.
Action: You must specify the Type for each database field on the Field tab.
38: EJB Class information is not compatible with project persistence type.
Cause: You entered incorrect EJB information.
Action: Ensure that the information you entered on the EJB descriptor's EJB Info tab is correct, based on the project's persistence type (as specified on the project's General Properties tab).
53: No class in inheritance tree is marked as root.
Cause: The inheritance hierarchy must contain one root descriptor.
Action: Select the Is Root Descriptor option on the Inheritance tab of one descriptor in the inheritance. See "Descriptors and Inheritance".
54: No class indicator field is selected for this root class.
Cause: You selected the Use Class Indicator Dictionary option for the root descriptor in the inheritance hierarchy, but did not specify an indicator value for the root and its children.
Action: Use the Indicator Type list on the Inheritance tab for the root class. See "Descriptors and Inheritance".
89: The root class does not include an indicator mapping for this descriptor.
Cause: The root class in the inheritance hierarchy is set to the use class indicator dictionary option. The dictionary does not contain an indicator value for this child class.
Action: Select an Indicator Type on the Inheritance tab of the root class that includes the child types. See "Descriptors and Inheritance".